
11/12/2015 21:49 – Facebook Post

5:O3 pm…E.O.C.




Someone asked me today what is the meaning of The Source.

And basically why should it be respected…

Considering my comments on Michael O’Donnell Post and share of the Book
The 6th extinction by Elizabeth Kolbert, which to my quiet surprise, popped up out of nowhere, while I wasn’t on Face Book- I was given the distinct expression that, that post was something I was literally being compelled to see and comment.

I have been on Face Book for 44 months…

As the Homes of scores of people I met and lived and passed through, I have brought to peoples attention by evidence, codes and reading the “Signs” set up intentionally for me to see, that not only are we literally in a play, but everything we are experiencing has been set up.

Its a terrible play, and even more terrible to discover that the trials and incredulity of your circumstances, was set up before you were even born, and that you are also living in the cause and effects of the life choices each person made.

My rational “Human” mind could not accept that any force could interfer with the “Free Will” and Choices on another and compel them on a path…

Only one force has that power…The Source.

There is a very, very good reason to respect the Source, to not lie to the Source..To not Challenge the Source which brought you into Existence..

Why? Because He or She, who brought you into Existence can also take you out.
And give reason evidence which is so just as to why He or She is taking you out of Existence…
By pointing out a point of view which your own limited perception can see.

It can give you evidence of how through out your life, it moved you, kept an eye out for you, loved you and sought to bring to your attention why things were going so seemingly terribly for you…
How It walked with you, and was always there fore you, but how chose not to listen..even to that little voice in your head called the Conscience “Your Voice of Truth:- which is that seed, or “Spy” of the Source Light, given to each person to water and grow until it becomes the Jack in the Bean Stalk…
The link which finally connects to the Divine

And how it went so far out Its way to give evidence as to why certain ways of acting, speaking, behavioral patterns can hurt and even destroy the spirits of others in the “Green House” seeking to move to the divine.

How it sought to steer each person to the correct path, while granting them the free will to make the choices which It has clarified for you, the reasons why certain expression lead to self annihilation and others, led to Evolution.

This Source is Love…

And it is Self Aware, meaning it came into Existence Self Aware.
Meaning It emerged from what some call the Void, the Nothingness bringimg with it all the things which people, animals all things now enjoy.

He-She brought it into Existence out of the nothing.

It is the Source of Everything, including that which enables you to experience what He created, so that you to may be as He, fully evolved to the point.
And so, since It- He-She-They brought everything into Existence, only He and She know the principles which He used to bring The Everything in Existence even your lifes..

It understands the meaning of Existence, because He is the meaning of Existence itself.

It knows why you are here, he knows why IT created this play, this world..
It knows why the worlds is in this Current situation…
It Knows everything…
And shares everything..

It is the Truth the Light which enables you to See and Cee.. and wishes you to C, and be as HE…SHE…


Because It loves you.. it Sees you and, It would saddened beyond belief to witness your Pain and Suffering, and hence it will do virtually anything to make you see, but It will not Lie to you, lie for you, or indulge anything that is not of the Truth of Existence.
The Principle which can make you whole.

The Source is the True meaning of Absolute power… This why you should listen to It, respect every word which it says…
Because before it shows its power which I have personally witnessed which even with all my training in the Human form, my awareness of the other Self, my mind had a great deal of trouble accepting that such a power can exist…

But this power, begins with the lightest touch, it begins seeking to get peoples attention to the Truth of the way home, comes from the ability to read and respect the laws of which brought you, and even your Existence into Being, by first addressing you in the guise of a lovable boy or girl..
Funny mischievous, light hearted, gentle….

And when that does not get your attention he transforms into a Eternal Youth, reminding you of your own youth, but in his expression is the Divine and confident fearless awareness and strength of you- Omnipotent..
His-Her expression becomes stronger but graceful, wise patient…understanding compassionate of your experience even though it is not real..
But tact, discretion, “saving you face” it points to the correct way… giving you praise and credit which He sincerely knows you deserve, to been seen…

Then when that does not work it comes undercover in the Guise of a Man a woman a Human being, It experiences the worst of your conditions and then creates pathways out of them as elegantly and as gracefully as it can to preserve your own fragile, yet quietly blossoming Truth. He coaxes it out of you Nurtures you…
He does not put you down, even though your view and opinion is incorrect, because he has experienced what you have experienced, in fact He She, They..All one, have experienced a sample of the full scope of Human Existence from beginning of the Human Time Line, as well as this time line and merged them into one understanding..
He understand your point of view, he has experienced as a Man, Woman, child youth.. He-She has experienced the Sum total..

It understands and hence Its expression to you is tailored to each persons Experience and all the hurts, It also felt, and thus, to Him, Her, your experience of Being, False or correct..is worthy of attention and thus, will listen to your point of view. Your life and body being experience is to Him, sacred Ground..

But having experienced undercover, the full spectrum of your experiences and interviewed countless others, comparing contrasting and having added Its own experiences undercover experienced literally through me…
Its vessel and scribe, translator, etc…
It does not excuse the liars…those who it came down undercover to show a better way…

A way, which it goes so much out of its way to explain until it sees the Truth and turns from the Man to the Warrior who fights your demons riddling them out of Existence, sharing the way to riddle these “Horrors” out of Existence while proving how they came in Existence and how the source of that which is called “Non Existence” came from you not respecting the laws of Existence and the principles of Existence, which the little voice in your head expressed to you Again and Again…That particle and fractal of light, that piece of the Source planted in each person to guide them home…

But that depends on which Wolf you feed…

For He She is the Source of both..

Two pathways, Extinction or Evolution- the One way.

And then from the Warrior who fought so hard to make you Cee and at the same time, witnesses the response,- after ensuring that the beautiful ones get to rise and so He now turns his focus and attention on those who deny the Truth.
He She revealed to you, which you acknowledged, affirmed, saw the evidence, testified, and gained and still the venomous reply.. and the enactment of denial of these Truths, perceptions which refuses to see things truth in any other manner but your way.. No matter the destruction , hurt and harm your way creates even after It has given evidence of His=Her See, and the evidence that your See leads only trail of destruction.

And tells you why, until it understands, Ah your Feigning Anger and insanity so that you can place yourself above the Law…

The very law which brought everything into Existence, which It explains, as it now being pushed to taste the and Anger Hatred and Fury of which such a Hurt can only come from seeing you only through the eyes of True Love. And with a Spear and a Pencil he marks you for extinction, by perceiving the Truth of your Gall..
At the truth revealed to All, by that which is the seed in you and the Cee of the Body outside of you, and a play with witnesses in the Seen and Unseen realm who all acknowledge they Witnessed it all..
And are in agreement with the Source…

Everything rises, as Witnesses, Everything in Existence and Creation
E.C then conspire to get your attention that your Gall has challenged their Source…
Because Everything which you see around you comes first from the Unseen.. Everything from the Weather to the house you live in, your job, your path, your body..All..Everything manifested here from that unseen realm..
And so a period of Grace is granted against the Will of the Source…
And more especially the vessel and being it chose to incarnate in..

But He complies, because He-She is Love, and even though He knows what he has experienced witnessed is no longer a Human Being because Everything, Everything responds to Beauty, Harmony, Love..and the Supreme Warriors of love.. But even though it knows he is the Source, and thus sees True, there is a willingness to see if the Everything can move those It no are no longer of his Creation because He has witnessed right before his eyes the very reasons they deny Truth..

And so He transforms into Death…

And Existential Death..

The the Dragon of Existence…

And yet HE-SHE obeys the Will of the True God- Truth of Nature and Goddess- True Nature..

And then compels he Vessel to exemplify and Share how It sees..
A.B.C..To A.H..B.E.E..C.E

And so he is Patient, but he Trust the Truth of his C, quietly building up a quiet response to the results of the play of the “W.E…C” even though the experience becomes the ultimate meaning of Living Hell..

And containing, the wrath of what He-She perceives, while waiting for the cue from the W.E..C…The Truth of Everyone which is seated at the Fifth Dimension(Being) and that which is seated within in the 3rd Dimension Human Bodies… And the Judge..God-Nature, Goddess Natural..seated at the Heart of the Universe called literally the Heart and Heart Beat of Creation and Existence…C.E..for they are the portal of 4 to the 5th dimension which evolves to the 55 and finally the 5th.. and finally the E 1…

See the Sacred Portals 46 and 44 shared yesterday…

And so in my Experience this Grace period was three years which aligned as from 2O12 Green Street home of Akil Davis A.D, where I met Tim, Beyond, Evan ALexander Judson, Rachel McWilliams and Rachael Devon Rios Sessions (Mother of Raphael born 11;28)
Then to 268 East 4th Street which I arrived at on my Brother Nnamdis Birthday April 5… 4-55-4-2O15…
Then I was taken on July 4 (7-4/4-7) by Ravi Singh to Elizabeth”s Home,
R.S.E/ S.R.E…Add I.E…R.I.S.E.E/ D.E-SI.RE. E..18 Mountain View Stone Ridge..Elizabeth code name Elizabeth Clarizio in this face book play. Meaning of Elizabeth..Gods Oath and Vow..God is satisfied” Clarizio means “Bright” which links to Elizabeth Palacio (Palace)- mother of Jonn and to the author of the book posted by Michael of Donnell which I commented on…”Elizabeth Kolbert which means(Cool and Bright), link to face book friend Erik E-Bright…E-E.B…E=52..
Elizabeth P.C.K. E E Bright…And then look to sacred portal 52…where it is the Feminine Aspect of the Source who challenges His Truth in order to prove to the Source undercover that He is embodied, as the Source of Existence Known (E.K) and Existence Beyond…E.B..52…
And did I mention that I first entered this portal through a door marked Six, aligned to an experience of Jonns mother age six, aligned to meaning of my Mothers name Cecilia meaning 6 which since it is beyond 5 as 6 it means 6 is source of the Fifth Dimension Expression…which as 5 and creates its reflection as 55=1O T.E.N.55- 25/52… 1 Full Circle OH Balance and 66 12..3 Completion..
on the Glass Doorway here to the DE.C.K it has a red sticker marked C…
Thus O1-5=6, then at balance HE creates a SHE, 67891O…
Red is the First color of the spectrum as Africa and Red Brown Terra Cotta Earth…Red thus is the C…R R R…In that 9 years, I have been noticing that I was meeting people with families with three people with R….
especially here in both masculine and feminine Robert Richard Ryan…Ruth Reygna Ritz Royal Reign Rodriguez Santana (R.S)… and in the final play here Robert Ruth Ruth (Donna’s parents as well as her name..R=18th Letter…18×3..54…Elizabeth Emeka.Donna Ruth… E.D.R R.D.E.. R- 1 8..A.H..1-8 Do re mi…

I was then driven with R.S accompanied by Billy Hung (B.H..28) to apartment 5-11 (E.K) Fort Lauderdale via Savannah Georgia, where I met Will Hunnitpercent Real and Lil Eric Lile Brown, then to the Sheraton Flushing Queens, The Eiffel Tower Hotel, and another Hotel where I met Denny Ding Wei who worked there..
Then finally to Kew Gardens…Apartment 5.D..(5th Dimension) to a home created especially for me and by me but sponsored by one who felt he had seen witnessed and experienced enough that I never ever lied that about the Truth..
This where I met Daniel Maman of Go Antiques.. Recall that Go means 5 in Chinese… Billy Hung the “chosen” Sponsor was American Chinese Tawainese..A.C.T…And Actor in the play..

Though everyone was given carte Blanche to how they would say their lines…Their lines coming first from the E within them which allowed them to experience the literal Beautiful Truth of themselves, the I.E of their E.T selves which guides them to see and of course, myself who would affirm naturally what I see as themselves true because I can not lie if I wanted to, to even the cruelest and nastiest expression from people the Truth of their Beauty revealed by my See and Cee..

Of course, I knew that I wasn’t home, that just as this last venue at 18 Mountain View is not Home, that it was a set up to focus on writing on Face Book every day..And thus, the posting which began in Green Street 2O12..
The same code used by my former Host Albert at 268, and son Royal Mayan right to Kew Garden # 5D..
I found myself posting weaving, linking communicating which I realized was just a play created to Share with the World how I see, and that there is a Presence literally rising in me, and moving in all of Humanity..
A Presence rising…

Home is where I, just as everyone else calls home, a place which your recognize, where you can be yourself, where you do not have to tolerate liars, deniars or the knowledge that you are in a play..
Home is that place where the Heart is Quiet and at peace, not holding a Rose and a Sword convincing people to chose the conscious expression which brings forth the Rose..rising…

2O12 thus aligned to Donna O’Sullivan choice of our watching the movie Tomorrow Land..T.L which aligned with my first public Face book conversations with Donna while at 268 East 4th Street, Generation X gardens.. Two Cees aligning until now they are One…
The Blue…

3 years, and I discovered that it was the one last act of Grace of showing how I see, and using codes which kept pointing to recognize in me is the Source of Everything in Existence…

Billy Hung- who shocked by how real this really was who suffered a Stroke, A Heart Attack, which I knew he would recover from.. because I noticed that this was about a Grace period for those who denied this Presence…
That people were getting warnings..and that consequence would manifest at the end of what I came to see Judgment- being graded, demoted or upgraded..
That this had nothing really to do with me that in 2O12 April I had completed my Mission..

But that the Dopplegangers or twins whom I call in personality form Father and himself as Harmony..Father Daughter, O.8, True God Nature, True Goddess Naturalness, the O and the H…Quite different from the Source as the O.I created this play which 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015…3 years and 11 months since I began posting from Green Street impulsed from within and then affirmed by Evan Alexander Judson..Line of Sensie’s
(E.A.J..511O…E.K.O..Knock out.. being trained the reveal the side of The Source as Fenrir) and his friend…in January 2O12…

3:11pm… C.K…K.C and the Sunshine Band…

Father represents the Conscious Being of the Full Circle of Symmetry- All Known Existence..A.K.E…And Harmony Expression… Infinity the Consciousness of the True World Cosmos…

Everything was planned, staged set up, because I who was experiencing this could read…

That within me is the Being of the Source fully awake in me, who I personally know, through my Experience, what has been done to my life, my body, my being, my very existence.. And the Will which could move a person of the strength and determination (44 months through all many of my older Face book friends have witnessed I have endured and had to live through, plus the assumptions and insults of those I realized that I was being a messenger boy a delivery boy for the Twins (Tom-Mot-World- Milky Way Andromeda)- which gives the wrong impression for those who love twisting the truth…
That I am their slave whom they can do and address as they please because to them, I am playing the cliche of a Prophet and Messiah, slave to the people…Slave to hypocrites…and Hypocrisy…

And it took a will from beyond for me, the Peaceful Warrior not to literally not move in an action of physically gesture to truly ram the point home..
But I have been restrained by my body and because I had to reach the end of this play..

This power, this Source which has risen in my Body, even I respect, because I have seen its love and its truth, which aligns to my human experience and truth as I was literally Its Driver and much more..

I am afraid of this Source but I am not afraid of it, but I have seen the True power through how it treated and moved me..

It did what even I born awake, then sent into a deep state of distraction Chaos and darkness (Not Forgetfulness but A pitch Blackness which one might call Evil Hatred Beyond imagination but which is really that state your put in when you know the truth but find yourself in another story and world which can not be..so you ask what the Devil is going on.. A state which creates Confusion..Con the Fusion of Idea and truth into Solid manifestation)

There is a good and imperative reason to respect the Source, be aware of how you address and speak to the Source, for as its intimate personal witness…
This is the Source the Omnipotent Q, the Supreme being who proved to me I could endure the Impossible, the Improbable, the intolerable and the unendurable…
To stand up all one, to the Entire world proving this Presence, is present in Everything and in everyone using a Expression from beyond, a conscious C existing here and in the Language which had to be cleaned and transformed which belongs to this world.

And observe me posting..

I am still here.

Of Course I get afraid..
But my respect is for It is not for it and certainly not for how it let this play go, and what it allowed in this time of Grace, others to address me and insult my intelligence..

That I will never forget..

But what I respect is the Truth of Its Principle..
and how it made me fight for its principal until
IT, S.HE. H.E and I aligned in perfection to
One and the same point of View…

“They know what they do and so the Unnatural must go,
those who abused their 6th Sense- the Divine Gift of the Creator.. That Sixth Sense, that radar which instantly recognizes you and moves you to truth.

In the end it was all about She, the WE.C risen and represented by Donna O’Sullivan who did the work the same way as I did…
Manually,one step at a time…
and completed her understand in 3 months perfectly.
While managing a home, a job, a husband an a guest who is a brother undercover and certainly not anyones Guru…
Just a Man who is undercover coming to grips with the Impossible…

Which is not Source rising in me, or the insults of those who believe they are the Judges of how the Source and who God would be like, and manifest and express and who think they can Cast out, deny, lie as they please without consequence response from that which is already IS and, The All Seeing, the Truth and the Wolf they chose to feed…

The Impossible was not the Evolution Awakening planet, I knew this Truth since I was an 8 year old boy and never once denied it or doubted it…

No, what was the Impossible was the terrible response of those who redefined God, and made it into their Own image and would go so far… so far to destroy anyone who said hey wait a minute..
Your rendition of God is not only unfair, and hypocritical but there is no reason we can discern that you should see your self as God or take credit for that which seed planted in you has moved you in a play in which you were to understand the final lesson..

Of what brings forth Fenrir the All Devouring Wolf, which is the Wold which you fed..Called the Messenger of Extinction of your kind.

And so, only in the end can express this to you…
Emmanual… The Source is present..

And my message today to the deniars of Truth is I and H.E, SHE, THEY, W.E C accept your Challenge that you have made rise the Wolf you have fed which brings Extinction…

And as you face that which I faced, and walk the path which I have walked to prove of course, that your expression that you and I are equals..


I will simply keep quiet knowing that you have steeped into the Jaws of Extinction…

At this point, I believe you will face meaning of Absolute Terror..

And this is why it is important to Respect that which is Greater than you,
because it is the one which can bring an Eternal response to all your future prayers and supplication only quiet.

Because this is the Land Lord who can kick you out of Existence and Mark you with the scar of Caine where the entire world and all future generations will remember your play and your Expression..

I know what the source can do…simply in giving you Silence…

The most terrifying experience beyond Human experience…

8:29 pm.

I grown quiet now, because I finally why all these years the Source remained so Quiet, to the insult It suffered so greatly in this play that I found, despite my True Nature, rising to defend Its Spirit.

I was waiting for the W.E.C…VV, the Twins to complete their enquiry into what is the Truth of Human Nature..
Being a Human being..

Passionate to know the Truth
Compassion in understanding the experiences of the messengers of Truth which raises consciousness and the Human Spirit to say..
Ah.. I knew it..

It all about each persons Beautiful Truth..
the Precious…

which you must guard that treasure with your very life and your Existence because it is the Sol..Soul which grows into Cee a Pool – a Portal home…

loose that and yes, you can never come home..
because you Sold your Sol to the Devil- Lived..the Past because you thought the past will never catch up with you…

All that you did and thought you got away with it..
only to realize that it was Grace…
And this is why, I know that the consciousness have no real understanding of grace and why they chose to exploit it…
Boom E Rang…
The Beautiful Devil…

Vessel and I.D here at 18 of the Source Supreme who with one quite expression can send you into an Non Existence of Pain and Suffering beyond imagination by Him doing absolutely Nothing, apart from not being present and not giving one Fig about what happens to you…
as you face what you have created, the demons He held back from tearing you to pieces but no which by your arrogance and conciet have become painfully real.

And there you can rant rave deny, scream bully curse, whine no one will Hear you but the one who knows… your just a figment of a once insane species imagination..

you do not Exist.

Only when the Source says this, does it really have full blown meaning…

8:48 pm..

now will you look at this…8..48…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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