
11/14/2015 5:00 – Facebook Post

11/14/2015 5:00 – Facebook Post
11/14/2015 5:00 – Facebook Post

12:16 pm..


11-13-8…1 13 8…A.M.H-Harmony…1-4-8…A.D.H..
after Death Harmony..represented by the code Mary Magdalena MM..
13 13,,26..8..Z,H… Zeina Hannah…Beauty and Grace…
54…Sacred portal 54…
I Live..I Live..

“I am the 13 “Disciple-Discipline” of the 12 in one…my twin is Yeshua…13 13.26 8, .14 14. 28..(8;28 Date of Birth Donna O’Sullivan).and our father is the 15-6..The Living portal of completion…15=O, 6…Source of Six Sense and O.F.E..Source of the E,,E.T..E.C.T..HUE Manity…
C.H.I…Nneke C.H.I. Nneka…
The E-Spirit of Mother Supreme..
Nnemerika..A.m Erica…
Chi Nna-Ka..
“Empty Hand” E,H…
Karate Kid.: From S,H.E .Who must be obeyed.. for your own Good…

Whew…:) Hello..

I have a new Facebook friend…. 425 facebook friend Code..D.B..E…42=E.. Hitch hikers guide to the Galaxy…4 B.E…

Welcome Amit Dhawan…

I do not know if you have been following my posts before deciding to become my latest Face Book friend, but I am demonstrating irregardless of peoples assumptions and disbelief, how human expression which ha reached the consciousness of the 5th Dimension and the True Origins of Man, and awareness of the 4th Dimension source of the Body of man called Time and Space, really Grace and Ti.V..Which in Heaven its sum total creates the Body of the Feminine and Below Earth, Created the Body of the masculine…
In a 3D Realm of three Parallel universe play on an 2D Holo Deck, on the P.C of the one Universal space we All Share called Air Space Breath.. a.k.a Environment Atmosphere (Ah-Toms-Sphere) Ozone-Hades-Hel=ga (the Sun with the Earths Core and Outside of it- which was transformed by in human children into a tactic to use to exert control, then Dominance, Fear and now addicted to holding onto that illusion of Control to induce fear to get what they want and make the Human Children so Shocked by the brutality and how far they are willing to go, that it paralyzed shocked and numbed majority of humanity at Doe a Dear, the first note of entering this world age 1-6, to never Do and become because they became as Deers in the Headlights just waiting to be cut down and harvested and then transformed into angry demonic beings bereft of their Humanity, And worst still, is their completely forgetting what they were when they were children before the fall…
Fearless Conscious and fully aware..

And so Paralysis, Shock therapy, (Seen and Unseen) began to create a realm of Zombies and living dead..
And as Zombies, it creates Mindless, Evil,Hatred Anger Terror….inspired by that which is controlling them by Fear…And the rage in the Species gone quietly insane..
Unable to read focus or even simply recognize Truth and Loves Vibration..
“Common Sense” Explained as Perfect Symmetry of Expression creates Harmony..O.H…Oh I get the point…through the Story of what you are conveying, demonstrating, and experiencing witnessing that this is the Literal play of First Contact in which we are being asked through paying attention to the link between the Seen and the Unseen Universe, that which is real and that which is false.

Because we as a Species have finally reached through our Time-line on Earth, right up to 2O12.. the knowledge expressed and now made accessible of the Sum total of knowledge of Spectrum Rainbow..

*I just had a private conversation via text with Amit Dhawan…
In which he wished to know what is going on and then proceeded to ask me some questions…
I did not answer his question about the planets and other things because I have already answered them, as most of you are aware and I am really not here to be tested by anyone..

I am publicly solving a riddle which I would have preferred to do in private and in quiet, away from the often rude and hypocritical nature of demanding Humans, who have not created anything or brought forth thier own Homework- which was the responsibility of each human being..

To create their own individual thesis of their conclusion of the Meaning of Existence…
Most because they were not paying attention to the meaning of their lifes or reading the Signs and Sine of the Times…
To find myself explaining the way I see and how I see while weaving and solving equations where my life is constantly given the illusion of being threatened with torture and torments which wrack my body, but despite 12 years is bearable some how…

It is not important if people get it, it is more important that I solve the equations so you can see it..

Most have witnessed that I have asked people to go back and read my back post.. it is basic common sense, instead of rushing to challenge and demand…
I really have zero tolerance for such bad behavior especially after 44 months..

Each person is representing a reflection of a code, which forms a picture.. it is a weave…A Story, I am used to be so amazed by people barging in and demand I stop everything to explain then if I do not they lash out or threaten to block and un friend me..!
Chuckle… The importance of each person, even their Existence and lifes are determined by this Consciousness beyond, not by people ig-no-rant about what is going on.
Of course, this is unusual and often difficult for people to grasp, especially those Truth Seekers, who have forgotten that by being of true nature and beautiful expression seated in the seat of their hearts.. Grace comes, showing civility, good breeding well mannered, curiosity investigation not desperate demands and threats because they are so used to disappointment seeking the truth outside of themselves..
When basic physics teaches us that we Vibrate and are being whose bodies recognize truth…

When a person is moved to be my face book friend they are part of a play reflecting the unraveling carpet of the E line conscious making itself self evident in all of you…
Those who do not recognize the language and expression I am using are those who are just being moved to respond by the E so I can link the equation meaning and response…of their name meaning, their perfect timing etc… But what causes the person with that nae meaning to incarnate is of course, that they are able to recognize from their own life’s not only the codes and logic and stories which include all your stories but the consciousness they had as a child…
These people rise, the others Fade away after delivering their message…

No one in this Play of the Higher Beings landing in the human bodies and vessels are concerned with what Humans think, except those who are already aligned and Clean (And well mannered),

Anyway our last text ended at 1.O8 pm New York time..

Now, lets see the meaning of the name Amit did not realize that there are 424 people already my face book friends who came before him…

I always find that extraordinary, that there are people who have been witnessing this play for over 3 years… And someone comes along and just ignores everyone here, those attentive and seeing for themselves what I discovered and seeing for themselves applying the codes for themselves..

Even now, I am a kinda ‘Sucker” because instead of weaving the completion of the days equation and riddles given for all of us to solve, but which has literally left for me alone to solve…I am still expanding and clarifying expression to people who are not aware…Which is not an insult to them because Awareness comes when you pay attention or when you fix your attention on something..
Most come texting me, at first with challenge and a subconscious desire to be seen by provoking me or challenging me..
What is there to challenge… I am living my Truth which turns out to be our collective Truth, and I am being forced to do it, undercover when I am fully aware of my I.D..

This play has nothing to do with me, nor this Sharing, nor do I require proof of the Evolution and Awakening..

This play was obviously designed by your Higher Selves whose Symbol or Chosen representative is Father and Harmony..O.H…
who moved Amit, and everyone else, including me (the worst) as a pawn in which to deliver a message to me, playing his Scribe who has been trying to walk away from the Sickening perception of humanity as the ultimate Hypocrites..
How can one be a truth seeker who demands and is rude…
How can you be a Truth seeker seeking a Treasure which exists within you, which makes you equal to Everything in Existence, but you take the ‘Easy” way out by going to a Shopping mall. Yeshua Christ with the Thieves and money lenders i the temple..
You seek a truth inside of you, and when someone shares theres, for free and against his or her will because they Know what earns respect in this realm of Humanity Earth Children gone insane is power money miracles
Show man ship…

Well, I am glad to disappoint you because there is no one who has the right to determine how Truth unfolds or is revealed especially by the ones offering truth which has been checked and checked and cleaned and refined, in respect to Humanity who have so blindly let themselves be decieved..

Nope, I am true to my Nature and my personality, my Humanity, my divinity, my personality and God head…I am true to myself and this is how the Source Chose to incarnate and address humanity, through my personality and entirety of my being and even to my elongating body…

This is not my way, of course, who wishes to endure insult after to insult with gritted teeth and smiling teeth while doing an act of amazing grace for the world…

I am not of the house of Abnegation in the Movie Divergent – Insurgent…

I am all others especially Amitie… Friend Ship with God the Devine self , the seed in Humanity, the Child in Humanity, (Namaste) the, Purity of the Fearless youth in you, graceful and supple, and the Truth in you.. All told the Beautiful you..

You do not determine how the Evolution manifests, nor the Awakening, especially if you are Children living in the nightmare you have created as the You…Turned by your own illusion and False Ego and projections into a pod of distrust mistrust because you no longer trust yourself to recognize truth because you are out there saying you are looking for truth but you are really looking for affirmation that you are Loved and Ceen…
Wishing for another to do it for you…
And if they are foolish enough to do so… :Betrayal…

Yehudah was dark skinned He came with Myrrh…Love…

Oh yes… please link the last post before Amit was “moved’ to become my Face Book friend, because His Espirit is aware that he is Seeking the Truth and moved him here…

Yes..sigh.. I am a little “vexed” angered by the text but never the mind…

I uploaded the sacred portal 3 2 1A and 4 5 6…in response to the code formed by 123 321..which created Perfect Symmetry of Six Sense..O.6..

I did not upload 7 because it shows where A Sword is drawn preventing a Woman of Pride and Hurt from passing…

the posts where uploaded once again to show the alignment of sacred portals drawn in 201O-2O11, all drawn without intention, but in a frenzy just like these posts which just pour out of me, with so much will power and flow that I have to often literally physically use force to stop…

All of you have observed this (And my protest and my former cry for Help..its is too much..no response)

The images are portal literally and here is why. see sacred portal 3-2, The Source is addressing the Human Spirits of the Children who accused Him her of creating a realm of Pain and Suffering and what She He is bleeding from is the awful way these Spirits set a terrible path to bring Her-him for judgment- Not realizing He She had allowed it to gauge just how far rhey would go in thier disrespect (some not all) and because that is the A Venue She- He had already created to address the Human Spirit as to Why.. Y..

And he She is giving the response to the A lien Council of Children, Humanity who experienced “Lifes” play…
These 3D beings in Lifes Play are 4D Beings of Time Space who sought to put om Trial Divine Grace…
But of course, instead S/HE took the Stage for an entirely different reason, to reveal that which most did not see because when they were in “Life ” they did not pay attention in the Class Room, and most spent their time, going about their own way..and play…

She-HE reveals the Truth of the Meaning of Life is Harmony and Evolution and that this is what begins to clarify their anger and hurt and rage and sense of being betrayed when they agreed to be born..Now becomes light as they have left their bodies and finally begin to lighten up as they begin to understand that which thier focus madethem seem blind when they were in bodies and even when they ;left thier bodies..
Yes After Death there is a Court beyond the Light.. not of judgement bit of Summation…Assesment.. Which SHE HE literally sent her own Son and Source to Play out in the World to exemplify her meaning in the Movie called Life…

Notice the Greek Goddess at here Ear Athena Afrodite…and the one bloodied man above and below…
Notice the surrounding being in Dark light turning to Light…

Notice what I find myself doing on Face Book…
Notice my comment on Amits film Scene- where I am aligning that image to this equation.. Recall Amit had not become my face Book friend yet..

Observe Harmony in sacred portal 2..represented by Donna O’Sullivan who is enacting out that exact play of Harmony watching me address the Individual Human Spirit and its Collective U.F.O Will and Desire..
And her observation of why the blood and the suffering imposed by the VChildren in illusion turned into angry demonic creatures in this play (Not all than God),
Torturing tormenting..
Donna has witnessed it all in the last three months as I addressed the World of Nature from her and her husband, Jonns deck, to Nature and to the World on Face Book…
My doing the Will of Mothers and Father as FMMF…

See the Sacred Portal 1A,, same portal address as my former Host Albert S
at 26-8…
Then link my posting here since 2012 the Evidence through a publicly witnessed road of such cruelty imposed on me by this will of the people so enraged with Life (Not getting what they want when they want it and if it does not make sense to them- meaning get what they want when they want it even if they had not earned it.. then life meant Shit)..

Link the consciousness I represent solving the equation of the EG.G..

Link 14.7 years in New York…

Then link the sacred portal of 4, the 4th Dimension…
Cloud 9..4+5…Brings Rain..

Link 5 ADonna-I.. AD O NNA I..
Nadee Nakandala liked the post I shared of father with Donna,,,

Nadee a facebook friend since Early 2o13..
recognized immediately after 3 days what I was doing on Face book..
“He is authoring Harmony”
She called it named it 3 times.. She was the first… and I was so stunned that no one had recognized what I was so obviously doing, She came as a breath of Fresh Air…

So I understood people could easily recognize what I was doing but had all these mental and emotional blocks and prejudices..

Please, all this is all recorded forever on Face Book…

Now we have D.O NN..A ( Dina Singh..-Albert Anna).. See how the names form an equation… Donna O S…

It took Her less than three months to fully embody and Cee in her own right the everything I have said, experienced by her own self as Truth…
Through her own intelligence ..3 months..
3 is on the Glass Door the letter C in red..
“Parting the Red Sea” the First Color R- V ” R.I.V.E…aH
Rios.. Rio de Janero Amazon.. a River runs through us a Rainbow Spectrum…

Adonnai..Adonis…See sacred portal 5..

Adonai Adonis means Lord…Adonnai Lords..
Anemone flower sprouted from His Blood and the tears of Aphrodite.. blood and water… It means Wind Flower… Breeze of Love..
Narcissus Flower “From the word Narc…Nacotic, Numbness Stupour Sleep- Death- Forgetting or simply the Body versus Anemone- wind Flower Breath of Love…Body and Spirit…

A Do NN (N+N= 14+14…28 Nadee Nakandala born 5-28.. Donna O’Sullivan 8:28… 5-8..28…E.H..B.H…5+8= 13…4…2+8=1O…1=A

ADONNA-I Is the correct Spelling…

Ahu Yagtu who played The Brown black haired Fairy Queen in my production Story of Colors…AH-U…Y-AG 1-7 TU..YOU..

Sacred Portal 6… and 87…Fairy Queen…Also played out the and witnessed on Face Book, by Donna

Amit A,M..IT…means Endless, Boundless, immeasurable, Infinite..
Word Stem of Amitabha Buddha..A.B..12 ABBA…
Shri Ganesha 108 Names of the Hindu God..
1;O8 pm once I saw my text to Amit was completed at 1O8 PM I knew I had retrieved the reflected true meaning of the name right back to its true source and the originator… I did not have to continue discussing with him until.. he decided that he would block me as I sought foolishly to explain as briefly as I could after alerting him the moment he texted me that I was writing a intro for him which might explain my sharing.. Though it is he who who asked to be my friend and texted me demanding to prove I was not a fraud…

When will I learn…

Amit means, Eternal Friend to All… E,F…T.A..

It means Collegue and Friend..

Highly praise Worthy, Beloved, Cherished, praised..


Aryana Luna Leone represents the All…
as does Sakib All Hasan….both well mannered…

The name AMIT belongs to Rashi- Mesh ARIES…. See Donna and I were correct…

Nazmur Rashid Noor….See Page V for Vendetta remember remember the 5 of November 5-11..E.K…

DH.. 48.. (Me 48-84..) .AW ..1 23. (A.W.E) ..A.N…1 14…(ANNA)

Meaning is “Messenger”

Break Down of the name DHAWAN…
Name of Vishnu, interjection through pity, Shiva, water, meditation… that which is not…
,Sky Heavens Paradise the Moon
to shine bright
sound Dwarf, Oath affirmation expression of an ordeal
absolute Necessity,
to live breah respire… Ah..
to Roam and walk and explore…The Elegant Nomad…1999…

The Evil aspect of it is Demon ao Nagan aga demon…
to be violent oppresive, stubborn violent to dominate and oppress to treat others injustly…

I have just been in a play of texts, I am not of that nature…

What is in a Name… Meaning and Exemplification..
That is the Truth of NOM.. name of God and Idenity..I.D
being the truth and meaning of your name in Harmony or else it moves you to being just and empty shell with a label…

Emeka means PRAISE Worthy…
all really E…and Y…

Answers… respond to the ill begotten..

To give them a chance – grace.. to see their Truth while a whole world and unseen realm are watching..
sacred portal 2 3.. 23..W

3 59 am..


4:00 PM…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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