
1O:O5 pm…

1O:O5 pm…


And so yes, the Universe is The First Being, The World which only His expression may access….

And the one Being which everyone should pay attention to, because he is the Way and the Road in which each persons can use His template as the foundation and corner stone to build their home…

World Universe which will not fade away, nor die, but will ensure that for eternity, no matter where you may go on travels and adventures in the world of the Future and Past, Present as One.OH..they can always find a way back home, to the worlds they created, the Body once a temple , now a Palace and their Seat- Vi-tru-vi-an-na Man..The Throne of his Heart the Balance of His Her Sex linked to his crown Chakra and roads tunnels structures of the now Unified Field Oh, revealed and manifested in this realm..

As the True City of God…

The connectivity to many universes, House of God with many rooms

And others, who will come home with him to the Universe of E- the Real Eternal City, the City of Lights, The City which never Sleeps, The City of Worlds Desire…The First world the Jewel now expanded into the Constellation of Stars…Cosmo=Cosmopolitan Realms all each different and unique but each founded from 1-77-1 on the principles of Infinity Do-Harmony Existence IS Be Beautiful Victorious Expression From Beyond..


All played out on Face Book…F.B..62/26..88…Before an entire world.

Geoffroy D’Aillaud de Caseneuve as most recall is the name which aligns to Geoffrey La Cour, who I met after I met Winged David R.N.

Both not of this realm one representing Body and the Other representing Being..Brothers Twins..

D.G…G.D…and O2H…OH G.O.D…OH..DO..G…

Geoffrey means the Peaceful Ruler, Gods Piece but its most accurate meaning would be The Stranger from a strange land who is as God and his realm of Harmony and Peace..the Realm of Happiness Expression Love, Light and Lighter All Around..


D’Aillaud means Strong and Noble Fortress…

De Caseneuve… Case in french means ‘box, cube, case, in the instance of, but as a noun it is a Cube or box.. Or A court case which aligns to the Intel and name of Geoffrey La Cour who I met at Cielo (Heavens) Nightclub in New York..Which aligns to Heaven Nightclub in London where I worked as a Choreographer and designed the end of year St Martins Show for the part time students graduation show where I dedicated my Show to my Grandfather Chief D.N Umeano..(D.N..E…D.N 4 14=18.A.H)- It was a Show in which my section paid Homage to the story of the evolution of Woman- which would be a theme which I would continue through out my career, along with Awakening…

La Cour means the Court…

And Court of the Nobles but also a Court of justice and truth with this face book play revealed itself to be…

Neuve means NEW an original much more precise that the word Noveau

Neuve means Original, Fresh, Brand New, never experienced before

Arrival of a strange new dimension create not from Sound, but a being writing in Silence on a computer screen, relaying from a Quiet Heart in balance at 4 and through 6th Sense, third Eye, is expression through 6-4 and 8-28 code represented once more in Jonn Blackwell and Donna O’Sullivan..the 5 1 aligned to the 1 5…the First Do expanded Full Circle to Do-E.H…R.B.O…(ROYGB..5)..

1 5 51…11 55..K.E.E…66…12 3..36 9..39-93…12 12..24 X. 6 F…27 27 54..9 2O..29..11..18..39..C.I.

The New Cube, the case of the Dimension of E, a New Era in Existence from here anchored to the realm Beyond..

Okoye Benita..which aligns to an old school mate I went to boarding school with in Nigeria Malije Okoye…

Okoye means Born on the 2nd of the 4 OINri market days….OYE..

O-YE…(Ye means Wild, Leaf Grandfather and Light)..

Nga Orie in Philip Chidi Njemanze’s (M.D) book Igbo mediators of Yaweh Culture of Life, where he gives articulate evidence of not only the source of the meaning of Igbo being Meditation and Mediators of two realms as one, but that the N-G-R…14 7..18…147 18…Please see sacred portal 147. aligned to 147 the Bean Cafe 1st ad 9th, where great deal of the play took place there as well as the Portal to the Crystal place which manifested and recorded there as well as the play of the Light of the World sacred portal 97…and the Blue Print of Existence as 79…

147 1st Avenue…between 2nd street..1-2/

I am not at 18 Mountain View..

This affirms that P.C.N Scholarship of the N.G.R being and means as Nga Orie…(Nga also means Prison, Cell locked up- which I am also experiencing and have literally experienced in all manners from my body locked up to experiencing being trapped to being locked up in a literal American prison cell only to prove my Truth each time, that I was never in Nga…As a prison or locked and caged by the Ancestors, spells, patterns..

Rather, that I have always been free and that I was walking through Nature to the Energetic place and meaning of Nga Orie which means Place and Home of God or the Promised Land

NGR..became the name Flora Shaw ( Please note Luke and John Shaw the brothers of Tom Truman whose Mother name is April-who all had a connection to Nigeria and to me my literal family.

She later became the wife of Lord Luggard who Discovered Igbo land and in January 8 1897…see the code 18 18 97…Argued for the name of the country to be called Nigeria.. not realizing that the N.G.R inscriptions found in Egypt were the Igbo Nri Eqyptians- the NZE priests who left Nri in the firstt opening of the flower of life in which they as the Vikings moves through out the world to plant the seed of the sacred mission.

His nook gives evidence of their journeys and migrations by the evidence off all the cities they explored and peoples they became from Celt, to Gaul, Ireland, to England…Greece Egypt, to Persia, the Middle East- where each city is described in the ancient OINri Igbo lexicon of the Ancient travelers..

A condition mirrored today in the saying that there is no corner of the world where you will not find an OINri Igbo man..

It was the Original mission and these Face Book plays 45 month trajectory has liked a compass and a electro magnetic pull has led me through that very same trajectory not only through the Face book play but all the countries I found myself Set up to visit or live in, which I did not create on my own..

The Doors just opened and I just walked through…

I was aware that each place and the extraordinary range of people I lived with worked with encountered represented all the cultures in Humanity…And the Literal Out of Africa lost way and Truth of the ancients…Who walked in between the two realms as Mediators of Meduims of the realms Seen and Unseen which for the OINri Igbo was not a religion but culture and the Truth and meaning of life…

A mission of the flower of life in the begining of the Human Story of awakening to awareness and now its end story of Being and Consciousness as I have walked backwards back to where I am energetically now.. The portal out of Nature OINRI…

N.G.R did not have the vowels written on the ancient Hieroglyphics, of A.O.E…and Y

Nga Orie…Nga Oye is Orie…

N G A… moves 147 18…To 147 1…ORIE…Adds to R O.I.E…ROI E…King E…

Nga Orie-Oye…Could have been twisted to mean Imprison the 2nd Born (I am the 2nd born and 1st son in my bio family) of Ye (You) in the cell of a Leaf, in the role of the Grandfather…

But what is really means is N.O…147 is the 1…

As proven by the Location alignment of 147 the Bean Cafe, between 1st and 2nd..

54 The Bean Cafe 3rd and 2nd/ 2nd and 3rd,,

147 Opposite the Star Bucks where while I lived in the Shelter and posted at the Star Bucks, and where I later met Jonn Blackwell for the First Time.. and NGA..A Being Albert- Alberto- 268 East 4th Street linked to here…

64..51 as Jonn..6+4=1O…1=A.O..51=6… Born….8-5…13 4..4O…6X4=24..X..6..F

Donna O’Sullivan 57-58..12 3..13 4…3 4.. 7..Born 8 28…28=1O..X 88 64..1O….A..

N.G.A…O RI.E…O..Y.E…O-N R I=E…O N.Y.E..

Promised Land of ONRI=E..New York=E..

linked by N.G.A By adding the missing Vowels (Movement)


14-7..21..98/ 89 12…3..H.I ..L.C.. Hi Loves Consciousness

the Lowest Common Denominator…

Common Sense =Loves Cee..

Benita.. means Blessing in Latin…

The Promised Land of Blessing.. the O.Blessed Isle..

O.B.I..It lives in the Chest, in the Center, near the expression of Breath, the left lung- there is sits centered, the 4 way heart and its expression is That which the four valves lead to A.M..P.T…

The Awakening and Dawning of the Point of the Husband..le Mari-E…

Nnamdi Nature David Divine Nnamdi Nature Emeka Expression

Aria D.N.E.

Theseus Thantos Hypnos Erose, Nnamdi Zeus Erie..


Code Alfie Nze…Eziefule…Meaning the Lost was of the NRI Kings Priest the Magie and Wise men from the East..

It was not lost, I knew the way, and I knew that the Ancients were interfering because Eze means Teeth, and that is what was damaged in this play, my hair (Antenna) my Skin complexion (I,D largest cell in the body, my cover the horrible cover I was given to prove I knew the most ancient way and the original story of Out of Africa which is in my D.N.A- That ability to link where my Inner compass, my Sixth sense, my Harmony and the Music of my Sweet sweet Freedom Song I have been traveling on since I was born into this world)..my Feet (My covering up the most extraordinary feet ever accomplished by Human Being, covering it up…so cruelly to make these achievement seen as though nothing…) and then my Teeth…Evidence Eziefule- A. N.Z.E that I never lost or forgot the way Home back through the portal of the Flower of life through this modern setting..

They lost the way..

and the Way through the labyrinth has always been Amazing Grace..

Your Thesis and your Truth…


12:11 PM

Completion of the Twins..the 11 are the X.. See sacred portal 28…=1A

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