
11/28/2015 23:26 – Facebook Post

Thank you all for the Birthday wishes…

I really do know that I too have a Gift for all of you too…

When it arrives… believe me you will know….

Donna O’Sullivan just told me that she had a “Vision”
this morning, of myself in a beautiful blue shirt, with a beaming smile on my Face looking down…

Recall that her middle name is Ruth,as well as Patricia Diana…

That her Mothers name is Ruth, and she was hosted by a beautiful girl named Ruth-
Ruth means “Companion Friend- A Vision of Great Beauty”
C.F…Circle Filled…With a Vision of Great Beauty…

Which lends credence to Michelle Lobsinger, who also wrote me saying she saw the awakening…
Michelle was the young lady whom overcame a great handicap of overcoming obstacles being 8O% deaf,
And it was in her home on 33rd Street where I wrote the Creation Story..
But the expression she reported was of having seen my tears and great rage and hurt despite the joyous awakening..

In Donna, the Vision was of my looking down and beaming, joyously..

..At the sea of faces..

Jonn Blackwell commented that it I was beaming because the task was done at which Donna exclaimed “Thats it- that was the source of the expression..

I instantly knew they were correct, that I was beaming because it was done,
but the Done- means that Victorious in that All could see the Beautiful Truth and experience it yourselves..

That is the Gift I promised through 45 months of posting…

My promise, that the Truth and Vision, were one and the same thing, despite the extraordinary Darkness Blackest before the Dawn.

Again Thank you…

And left the Truth so fought for by the Beauty Existing deep within you all, reveal the Truth to all of you…

After All, the Truth speaks for itself…

I suppose, my role was to simply getting you prepared to entertain that possibility, not even believe it, but to simply entertain that possibility, by my creating a picture of how such a possibility could be True.

1O:26 p.m

Emeka Kolo

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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