
12/23/2015 18:12 – Facebook Post

From Michael O’Donnell

I noticed that this was shared at 11:11..
which of course linked me to Kim Kamphane
Code Kyle Maclauchlan… K.M……
Paul Atreides
Movie Dune..4-U.N.E
Michael O’Donnell
M.I.K.E- David…
M.U..A.D..D.I PP.I..D.D.A..U.M…

Lady Jessica
Mother of Paul Atreides…

Jesika K-androck. my 453 face book friend…
K=11..Kolo meaning Round..
L-12 ..3 C…
Jessica Land Rock…

Early on I was literally moved to go outside,
There was a presence in my body which after 14 years of this,
I was not surprised,
it began to move me, often painfully, (not always easy to move me when I do not wish, I can fight the waves…)
And I was directed to a corner of grass just beyond the Deck, after being moved to Bow and pat the Head of a Stone Turtle..
Which reminded me of Kristine Baluba, who no longer goes by the name Grandmother Turtle..G.T…2O-7…27…Years away…

when I picked it up, the presence went into Elation of victory,
I sought to control my body to see what its excitement was all about..
I had found a yellow gold label…Folded and glued to together to give it two faces..But before I could complete reading, I found myself moving in a gestural dance, where my feet kept patting the ground..
“Anna” I said aloud, indicating to the presence that I understood..

Then I felt myself moving from the Deck Stage, and to the highest point of the Ridge of the land behind..
There was a Rock and I found myself sitting there,
linking in my third eye, all the anchors in the play which would correlate to why I was being moved by the presence to sit on the rock with my fist pounding the Air in what was of course, the symbol of victory…

Until I read the Label…
it Show the word CLE…
and the number 13 87…See Sacred portal 13 M..at 87…
below it the word ” W.A.S” 36 98… C.F..I.H….And the number 111..X3 1
See Sacred portal 111 “Victorious Home Coming” Expanded X, by 3 in 1

Three E..EEE In one..E…
item 19791..1-979-1..Sacred portal 1A =Joy..
Sacred Portal 97 Light of the World- 79 Blue Print of Existence”
9-Two men and 9 Elemental Goddess’s and their One…
7-The Guardia of the Gate from Plane 7 to 8..Seven to Eight…S.T.E..

This all took place a couple of hours ago, when my bodies discomfort made me go outside where it then let loose and set me upon a rock…

Exactly as this American Indian (A.I..”Anya-Wu, Ifunanya”)
The La Kot-A.h Seer…L.S./ S.L…S.O.L..Sol!

Jessica means “Fore sight” a Seer…
Paul Atreides could see Fore Sight Hindsight..
See where His Mother and No Woman dare look.
in the Space of Wuman, where no man had survived…
Transmuting The Deadly Poisonous Spice Water, into the water of Life…

Look at this photo shared by Michael….

There is an Indian on a Rock..on Land..
A Seer But Fore Sight, but look at the Birds. pure white Birds below where he is seated coming from him, it appears..
The BA.. Hindsight…One looking and moving backwards..
While seeing with Fore Sight..
Centered on a Rock (Grace) Land (Anna) Truth…
My Rock…
La n D.R-O-C.K

This Hindsight and Foresight H.F..86…/68…
Creates a Cross of the Two Lines which looks like an X but really is 4 9O degree Angles…
Seeing Full Circle…
With Six sense in Harmony on in One with the 5 Senses (Sensie’s)

4:51 pm…
*Note the Harmony of my Cee…of Perfect Timing..P.T.

On the Other side of the yellow label is the Letter W (23rd) and the number 49..
and the word RAN.C.E…

I Ran ..C.E.

Iran is of course Ancient Persia….Proto Indo European…P.I.E.
7 Wonders of the World…

Of course, immediately I wrote the code time 4:51 p.m..
Represented by Jonn Blackwell.
Jonn walks up and speaks to hands me this Strange Violet plate….
I thought it was signed with J.B…But on closer inspection, it saw it had the word P.I.E…!

He told me that this strange sheet of some sort of Aluminum is used to Clear the air.. Clearance he said…
I looked at the code of the Yellow tag I was physically moved to find…
Cle Rance..Clearance…
Was I surprised..?
but it never ceases to fill me with Wonder and Awe…

Just like this mirror Image and the way, I am prompted to serve codes..
And communicate Intel to me….Intelligence soooo Intelligent…
The Birds the Ba..the Ka…
Moving from the Body and Full Circle Returning as the Cee See

Fore Sight. Hindsight…
Above Below..A.B…

And Centered in the Present..

5:11 p.m.


5:12 p.m


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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