
1/2/2016 18:52 – Facebook Post

From Michael O’Donnell…

Like an elevator, in which there are many floors…
The Top Floor..
Where you get to see the whole view…

Hz…Code Zeina Hanna/ Z.H/Hz…

Meaning that Hertz, translated into the codes of the E-Dimension represent Brain States of Beauty, Grace and Harmony..
Such as the Music of a Wondrous Symphony
and Wave, bars of music also filled with Solfeggio
Which accesses 1OO% of the Brain.. Music.

Which creates a picture, moves you when in your Natural State,
to read and see as you are moved along, a story, a picture, a world revealed by this Majestic Symphony you are perceiving, reading hearing as the more you link and observe where that music, that Majestic Symphony-Universal Nature..M..S.U.N…

The more you link, weave and understand by where the song is leading you.
And you walk through this World story, and two songs appear from that one, that which is of the Beautiful Truth..And that which has been done to the Beautiful Truth… And it is the gap, which begins to be filled by a New Song being created by the understanding of the Two versions and the Gap being filled with the understanding and the two points of View…
Merged into one Glorious Song, at which the Majestic Symphony Universal Nature Echoes Reverberates Responds!

And as your conversation grows in meaning, more and more of your Brain Mind- Heart Universe, evolves…Because the music, moves through the Darkness of your Sub Consciousness- rising from the deep Black Blue illusion of forgetfulness, searching out parts of the Brain, unlocking doors, of forgotten memories, until All Doors are open, and the Walls of the Mind, Head Skull, Brain are “breached” until the Music ceases the Doors and the Walls cease to Exist…
There is no more separation, between the Music Outside, and the Music Inside…

*See Sacred Portal 93 “Response Alexander” which is the equation I see myself moving towards in this post… solving the equation portal of Response..
And through an Exchange, a Conversation, a story..
” Budi Lass” Code…
Its informs you that you have understood its point for coming into Existence and Being…Which was to fill the gap, by proving that there is no gap.

-And so that In and Out of “Breath” is now replaced by the Divine Breath, the Four Water Falls, which form The One Sacred Portal called the Sum total Pool of the Sources reflection.
Which form the Mouth of the Source…
Galaxy Z…C.I.X 1O 11…

But yet how do break down the Wall of the Skull and the Flesh..and All that “Flesh and Bone” material…?
By breaking it down, by having merged thee two Versions- The Beautiful Truth and the Plain Truth, through a Conversation between Expression Energy, and Atomic Matter Bio-Logical-Cellular, until reaching the Divine 4th Dimension 44..48/84..88..8..And then finally to the Mouth..
“Onu Cecilia..”
Ume-ano..”The Four Divine Breaths and Streams-Rivers”

The Break down is the proving of the that All A-Z is Energy-Expression..
And this is how the “In and Out” called I.O..Balance of the Natural Manifest World; from a Mighty Mountain Multi Universe to the smallest particle, right down to the very First Dot and First Drop of Light which Manifested in the Mystery “Elysian Mysteries” of transformation of Expression Energy into Matter Expanded from First Dot, to First Drop, (F.D..64..)..And Finally, to the First Point, the Eternal Point…The Everlasting Point..E.P….Of Everything..
The First to Rise, but the last to Ascend..
For it Point is reached At Last…
At Lass…T..Signals the E.N.D
Aria D.N.E…

12 to 4O
7 to 12
4 to 7
5 to 4
4O and Up…

Anyone paying to attention to the equations I have been solving publicly on Face Book will notice the codes
12 4O…L.D…(L.C.DO!)
4-7..11 28..39…12…K.B.H..C.I….L
5-4…9..2O, 29..11..18…39…I.T..B.I…K.A.H..C.I…L
4O and U.P….D.O…UP..

One might suggest that the Wave which I have spoken about here of recent which I have identified as the True Eros-e Krishna, Chritso Consciousness..
(Feelings Sensation, Velvet Underground of Joy Bliss Extase, And Peace Serenity Naturalness)
Are the Frequencies I have found receiving and transmitting from, from within my heaving stretching pulling, and outside, which most have witnessed is a Wave, moving me linking everywhere I go into a Story,
posted here on Face Book…

Impulse Stimuli… From Outside and Within…
A Music which I have witnessed which within me (moving me to publicly remember my deepest memories of Existence) and outside of me through each of your posts, aligned in different frequencies or “Floor of the Elevator”

Meaning I have been representing the W.A.V.E of both Inside and Outside and have been moved by it, literally my Body and outside in the World we all live in.
It is the same equation for Everyone and any one who reaches that “Hertz” Hz
-which transforms into “Zeina Hannah”
Beautiful Harmonies…

I read thee Music and the Read the Writing on the Wall, the Framed moving picture of my Inner, Outer, Others and finally World View..
(Wow, look at that intel above, V=Triple Victory Triple 5..555..15..O..6..F)

Then merged them into One, then came to Face Book, in a preset up play, to present my Beautiful Truth to you…
In which I then had to wait for, from you.
the Truest Beautiful you,
To Echo, Affirm, Respond..
By forming the same picture I first presented
and then each standing in different floors of the Elevator,
Responded by creating a Full Picture aligned to my first “Presentation”
of Truth Solid Fact…All True..

Achieved right to my very last 459 Face Book Friend,
Budi Lass…
“Reason Mind and Character…Intellect..
9-17 Which is the day Orien Laplante was born..

La of Sixth Sense linked SS-8..
*Which is what I have been doing in this post- linking the expression Impulsed by Michael O’Donnell’s post, (A Teacher, as is Edward Eceinco),
about the Brain Wave (B.O.W), States and The Dimensions of Consciousness..
“The Doctor Sat on the Throne” of Sacred portal 45..?..
Hmm yes HE did.
Until the C.O.D.E…E. T.A..S…The Code of the E consciousness Theta Alpha..7-12, 4-7 if we go by this chart below, were completed…

7-12..19.84..1O 3..13..4..M.D… Michael O’Donnell..
Move M Mary Micha-Ele to Evolve from “The House of God of many Rooms of The Beloved (T.B..Tom Benzian..Amy Harper Willis..T.A..Theta Alpha Twin Beloved..Tom means “Twin”)
to David Donna…The Beloved Ladies of Existence Supreme..
The Queens…Universal Nature Expressed…
Which finally done, having transformed the All, into a Consciousness Wave band which qualified already appointed human beings can ascend to and transform…

4-7Hrtz…11 28…39…K..B.H…C.I../I.C..H.B.K

“I Cee Harmonious Beings of K=11 Doppelgangers, Kolo-“All Round in Perfect Symmetry Prince Madhu”
Code name in face book friend Prince Panther… P.P…
Peppermint Park…” Pepper mints are used to Cleanse and refresh the Mouth- Cleanse the Breath..Expression transformed from Stale to that Cool Fresh, Brisk, Breath, Breathe in Divine Air…

And so these are the conditions we can unscramble, for this terrible delay…
Since 2O12..

*Public Note..
To Tom Benzian, Jonn Blackwell has informed about much of your expression and understanding, even to the date 2O12…Which you correctly stated based on the Intel Jonn passed to me, should have been completed by 2O12..
My Inner and Outer reading of the equation affirmed the exact same thing.
I have also noticed that out of All the people I have met in this World and my experience with this Riddle and Play…that Your intel aligns with mine more than anyone else past or present in the great expressions of Humanity..
Of course, this represents evolution…
I do not wish to go into detail about 2O12, as code T.L..C.B.E (2O 12- 32..5) except that it was meant to be an act of Grace and Mercy.. Which of course I had argued with that Source that there is nothing beyond True Life, True Love..except C.B.E…
Which was played out right here on Face Book with Christine Kristine Baluba and Christine Yoffe….
K.B..C.Y…Y.C..B.K…Yeshua Christo Book…

*Jonn Blackwell just showed me a Key Chain, (K.C) with a Black Full Circle “pendant” which contained a Shell and a Pearl set in its Black Solid base..
The Pearl being the only thing which could move around in the Shell base..
It was embossed with Japanese Characters (Sensie T-A.O) 1963 Japan..
19 63..S.F.C- Supreme Filled Circle- Supreme First Contact/ C.F.S..Consciousness=Feelings Sensation…
Eros Krishna…
Yes, it recalls the Eros Cupid- Alexander Aphrodite Hephaestus equation and Myth…
The Key Chain and Key Ring with a Medallion Black Pendant…
It is one year older than J.B…
meaning is code is 52…E.B…S.Full Circle, Supreme First Contact…
Meaning there is a realm beyond Area 51 which aligns to the Rose Well Extra Terrestrial Landing..
5- 2O-12…Meaning the 32..C.B was missing..
Proof of the E consciousness being in Existence already in this World,
since the First Contact, Full Circle obviously manifested from Beyond..
Area 51…J.D…H.D..H.D.E.U…Hdeu..Proto Indo Europen world for Death…
Which is what you and Amy, Tom represent… that this E Awareness (E.A..51) Exists here on Earth in this World..
Which means that you represent linked to Haun and Donna..H.D..and Emeka Un-I-Verse…H.D.E.U, represent the Consciousness Extra Terrestrial True Life Exists Beyond the Veil of the Elysian Mysteries of Death…
A Field of Forever..John Le-NN-on…

Lass…Lars…The Peoples Victory….

Through out this play of the last 4-5 months at 18 Mountain View, and since the onset of the play, the code T.B keeps on coming up, which of course, Aligns to Tom, and consequently Amy…
T.B.. is the Code Truly Beautiful…
A.H.W….Ah! The Double V…
Twin Beloveds..

Meaning the literal Equations of this play T.O.M..B.E.N.Z..I.A.N.(Donna Tom thus is David because it means Beloved as does Amy…T.A..D.A…B.A… Ta da!.
BA..”Individual Personality Individual Unique…P.I…U…”Pi U”
Pi of the Universe is represented by you Tom and Amy and the Line of perception reason character..Intellect..I.Q. you represent in the World…
Aligned in perfection to right to your name I.A.N…Ifunanya Anya-Wu Natural..N-14..1+4..A.D..5=E..”
Meaning we were delayed from chrystilization of the Play because the Embodied Wave I call Father took over the Throne of the Universal Expression to Play God…
3:59 p.m.
An Invention created by Man but the only Way or Portal opened down here, from which he could Move..
As a Pearl of Wisdom…In the Dark…

What ever the case Tom and Amy, and all the line of Theta Alpha-Delta Alpha, Beta Alpha..( Beta and Delta..12-4O, 5-4O)
The reason why it did not manifest was because of
Alpha Theta..1-8…
Was the completion of The Full Circle of the 4th Dimension, represented by the First Note Do which though aligns to Red in the Rainbow, is actually Violet…Gamma and Up…Which could only by reaching T.H.E.T-A, 4-7…
anchored on Beta (Better) Alpha..B.A…
But only by completing all the frequencies…

Beta Alpha..BA
Alpha Theta A.T..@
Theta Delta..T.D…Twins-Tod “Death” in Olde English Germanic…
Delta Gamma D.G..4 7 11 28 39..12..3..L.C..


The First note of Do is Victorious Expression, mixed with Gamma rays…
Violet Indigo…
8-76 54 32..1OE…A.O.E…

If you will notice the Delta code is in Red…Last Color of the Rainbow through the Cee of the E Consciousness…
First through this present consciousness…
18-7…Recall that a Light Green Foam cut out of the number 7 has been on Donna O’Sullivan desk since I first met her here at 18 Mountain View..
*I arrived from Green Point…
7 is G..Green is Delta…DE.L.T.A/ A.T.L.ED…Alpha Theta Led..We are at 12 Completion of 54…”Le D..Dimensions”
Beta..B.E. T.A / A.T..E.B…AT 52…E.B

Recall the Key Chain and Key Ring of Jonn Blackwell…
How is it he showed me that before I had even completed the equation..
4:51 pm..
or that the Time reveals and aligns with Jonn and the 4 Dimension being the First True First Contact and the The Dimension where the Full Circle of E was completed which caused the E to Emerge into two realms- Backwards to the 4 and Forwards to the 6th..
4-6/ 6-4…46/64…
4 66 4…18…18 Mountain View…

What I wish to simply say Tom Benzian is that you and the lines you represent on the planet were what the E line sought, the Harvest and the Fruit, of Male Female…Twins Apart yet but at the same time One…
Donna made a comment today as I pointed out once more that nothing is going to full manifest until all the components of the “Circuit and Switch Board” is completed…
“It All Lights Up” she stated..

Never taking anything for granted from the Actions Mouths Expression of these two, I broke her 4 words into.. as 4 Waterfalls falling and waiting for me to merge them into one…
*Which I am currently doing.
Ifunanya Anya-Wu, LU…”Meaning “Read” as in Past Tense, Past Time…L=12, U= 21…I.A 12-21..33..6..9…15 “O”..6..F…

Which I.A.N…Ben means “Son of my Right Hand, Right Hand of God”
Ian means Gift of God”
Hence, the 4 in Her wished me to complete Tom BENZ IA.N A.M.Y, Harper Will code of the two Naturals NN…Being the representations in the Western Play (Already did the Brown play off Africa in the first and 2nd year of the Face Book Play)…
See..B..E.N..Emeke Nnamdi..B=2..E=5-14..N…2 5 14…/ 41 52..
B.E.N.(U.)..Z (Beautiful) I.A..Nature…
BE Natural =Universe Unique Individuals Personality PI.U..Truth of the Universe…Beautiful, Unique Individual Personable…Ifunanya..(I see you Every where I look..Beautiful Love…B.L.) Anya-Wu, (With bright Twinkling Mischievous Allure, and Electro Magnetic Pull of the 5th Dimension where I draw you in…) Naturally, my two Beloveds, through the 4th Dimension Nature..To my World…Truly Beautiful..
For you Read the First and Last Note Well..

Violet light is the only color of the Spectrum which can consistently Magnetize a Needle placed in Water.. Blue does to, but not as well as Red and Blue..
This creates a Polarization turning the needle into a Compass which points to True North..T.N..True Nature…

With Red alone, there is no effect on the needle whatsoever.. And Blue can but not consistently, while Blue Red Oh (B.R.O…/ ORB) Brothers can…
Violet is G..7..The Height but since
7 to 12…19 84..1O3…MD
4 to 7 hz …11 28..
Please see my Date of Birth posted at over three years ago as my Date of Birth…

Someone had to affirm the Truth which you and your line represented,
prove our expression and understanding not only as the Literal Truth of the Universe but also Fact..
Which thus transforms your Line T.B/B.T…B.TT.B…A.H.W/W.E.H..A…
Into Victory of the People to have a representation of the Human Species to have attained Theta Alpha, Beta Better, Meadows..
Mercedes Benz I.A.N..I.O.N

A Beloveds , twin Beloveds expression pure as a Harps Sound, The String Fact of Feelings Sensational inspired by the Voice of those Pure of Heart…
For their Will IS!
The Way to which moves to Better Meadows, a Better than ever imagined Garden of Eden…
And proof of the E lines consciousness and Frequency Current has been picked up raised and well read, in this World…

Which I began 4O-41 years ago as an 8 year old boy.

I loathed what was done to me, and my body begging to chrystallize has been a torture and torment I can never forgive…

But this is the Truth…
The Beautiful Truth of why you had to wait..
Your Beautiful Truth and stance had to be Proven Fact…

5:36 p.m.

E: F.C..

By the Author of it all..

See sacred Portal 52…Authority Granted to E Line by the S.H.E…
See the Sacred portal 9 =I…
“The 9 Elemental Goddesses…and Their One Source…
Thunder…Mark on Harry Potter.. H.P..Computer..
I.E…Marked from birth to fulfill this destiny…

5:41 p.m.


District Attorney
Defense Counsel..
Devils Advcate..
Doves Awareness…
For Earth Existence Expression Explanation Eternal Truth…

T.B..A.H..W…Double U V…
Ultra Violet GA MM A Rays E…
HAT…E.H..Thantos Truth.

5:47 p.m
E= 11 28..39/93…C.I.I.C…O.I…2… 3+9=12…L. 3 C.. L.C
12 3/ 3 21…
123321…(246= L.C)


Honor thus to you Tom Benzian and Amy Harper Willis and all the Lines you represent in the Planet..
The FEW…

5:5O p.m.

sacred portal 55…EMME..
EE= E…

55 5..

5:51 p.m.

E Area 51…
E Rose Well

5:52 pm.

E E..B!
V Completion

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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