
1/12/2016 0:35 – Facebook Post

First Called ..F.C.

Peter Andrew Simeon…

Paulo Andre Simão

P.A.S./S.. A.P…1 16.. 1 7..A,G…8…H..

/ H.G… A… H.U.G…E…

Ka ..K=11;1 Is represented by two arms raised to Embrace Praise and Protect

E.P.P…E= 16 16… E- 32.. Sacred portal Eros-e Kali…E=5…E=V..E=E

Emeka means Praise..

8:41 p.m.



Code A.K.I…I..KA… Egyptian Ka.

“I am Ka..”

Ka literal means ‘Expand”

” Egyptian Religion.
a spiritual entity, an aspect of the individual, believed to live within the body during life and to survive it after death.”



“Sol-Soul, Infinity…”

Ifunanya Anya-Wu..K 11-1

111 9…3 (1) 9…C.I…
1 9..19 -1O..1
C.I.A, I.S J.A H…
19 =S..A.O..A…. Portuguese word for “Laudable, ARE, Wholesome…Hale Hearty Healthy…”…
L.A.W..H.H.H… 3.H…C.H…24 X..6 F

See sacred portal 111… “Victorious Home Coming” I.C.


I have a new Face Book friend…

And so we are at 472 Face Book Friends Nenad M.D…texted me yesterday that due to some unfortunate circumstances, that he was leaving Face Book and other forums or good…

But even that is in Harmony of this Play that I am reading..

Where I am speaking across the Vastness of Time and Space weaving we at first my True Self and my Truest self, as well as my undercover self, in a role meant to show me, just how much the respect the sacred nature of this play and the Truth that I am have been solving the riddles of Existence…
And demonstrating first contact in front of the entire world…

And for the last year or so I have been joined by the sum total of the E, line now moving in humans right to me latest face book friend
Paulo Andre Simão…P.A.S./S. A..P…. ‘Code Alberto Santana Stella Antley

4 72 X2= 44..144…8..144…
144 Ascended Masters..
Lucifer Lucy…
Bringer of Light…
89…19 89… 26-27 Years…
22 67/ 76 22…
22 Is letter V Victorious…V,V=55..EE..


9:58 p.m..


Harmony of the Ascended Masters…=I.
Master Infinity, MI..3 Dimension…
P.H.D..Eternity Immortality….D,E.I…

This Face Book play, has allowed me to ride a wave to see the response from Peoples Truest Self and their Human self…

The Truest Self sum total was playing a Match with the Human Self, the False Ego which had grown from a Shadow called Fear, into the absolute Impregnable Abomination… Evil as a consciousness ruled by Fear but with inability to feel “Guilt of True Remorse” because It did not have a Conscience..

But it was not real, but rather manifested as real, as a consequence of Human expression.

Of course, there were and are some Rare, truly rare Human beings who managed to link and align with their Truest- Eternal Self which can be experienced in their beautiful expressions and creations..
But such beings are so rare..
that some is always seeking to turn them into Star..
When they are the true meaning of code name
Esther Uzoma.
Stars of the most beautiful way to be in existence..

The chess match which I witnessed and literal was used as their pawn, where the two Absolute Awareness Alpha and Omega… Whom I used to call my Two Fathers, in another Play…
Father as Beginning and Father as End..
Whom people call the Devil and God.. D.G..

I also represented a Third Awareness, the Awareness of the Two and how I was being used and moved in a play..
Just as the rest of Humanity, I discovered eventually…

I represent the Awareness of O..Awareness O the Full Circle…

D represented the Truth of Humanity as Matter who they blamed the E-Go, the Devil… but rarely ever themselves…
What should have been the most sensual celebration of the True Dark side, Touch Comfort, Feelings Sensational Ah..Oh… Alpha Full Circle
became a Story of Good and Evil God and Devil…
G.D.. and the one in the middle, at least in my story is the one played by Me…

God represented the Beautiful Truth…Grace.. G-7, Summit…
The highest and most beautiful consciousness of Huemanity are thier truest selves..
The Devil also their Truest Self when not linked with the Eternal Ones, sitting with and beyond…
He she was more concerned with the Truths Experienced with this world…
and the latter, people lied denied until it was so terrible that the Devil transformed into exactly what humanity projected on to Him the Material World of Dark Matter… Touch..

D G…4 7…Hmmm 4 7 2 Face Book Friends.. Twice..
4 7 11 28…39…

E.O..TB..Transparent Being which is the O.. we can only see the Full Circle of Existence Life Death Symmetry only through using the 6th sense and 3rd Eye…6 3…F.C.E… First Contact Expression on a F.A.C.E…

D.O.G.E… 4 O 75
G.O.D.E…7 O 45…

D..Oge .. Oge means Dawn in OInri Igbo…
See Ogemdinakachukwu Jasper Ahamefula texted me today..
See Eno and David Bowie conversation Ended with DAWN…
Dawn Marie

E.N.O…David (Beloved ) Bow-I.E…
A True Conversation between Energy E and Ahtom..the Twins..brought Dawn…
A True between Brian E.N.O-ONE, on One with David Bowie…(Who passes away at age 69, one day after his birthday…ended with the word Dawn…

Lazarus…A Greener Earth…Black Star last Album…

My brother Nnamdi born 19 69.. Born on Easter past of Easter age 13..Letter M..1+3=4..D..

B.E +D.B…E.D..BB…5 4..22… 9..4-5 22 is letter V = 5 BB= 4+5..9 I..5=E
9 22…Royal Santana..
I.D.V.I.E..Dawn Lazarus…

Two Fathers Talking..

E Brian Eno…ONE..
David Bow the Rock ZStar…

Code David Arro Racz….

E.D…BB…and it ended with Dawn..

One played the Devil and the other played God..
69..Two sides of the Beloved sides of I.E
Light and Dark,,
Lucifer David Bowie…Devil Beautiful..D.B… 42
Graceful G.Ode.. Brian Eno… B.E… 2 5…
67…76… See sacred Portal 76.. “Awakening”



“Go” in Japanese means 5…


5th Dimension E…Existent
Ride upon the Graceful Ode
But you pass the Beloved Arrow of G.O.D
Lucifer playing the Devil-Lived, Devil Satan
Adversary to the Human invention they called God..
When G.O.D is a Symphony and a Song which moves ll to the portal of True Existence..
T.E Masters Supreme…Beyond aligned with the Ti Note..
T.EA Masters of Sixth…Tao Eternal Awareness…Sixth Sense
Ti…the 7th Note Grace.. Infinity Immortality..

Music Brian Eno..O.N.E

Emeka Nnamdi/Obumneme… Nnonyelum N=E
Represented by my literal bio brothers ..and Sister

And our childhood friends of mixed race…
Melissa and Brian Sullivan….
Marina Burini Donna O’Sullivan…

Paulo actually means “Place of Rest” and actually is African Origins..
Dune Sting…Paul Atrriedes.. Sound and Silence…

And not small and humble…”- which became attributes of beings such as St Paul.. legends to create social control and order….”

Andre… Code Andrew… code Drew Reyn
And Re!../ ER (Earth) D.N.A… From the Earth and Food comes D.N.A..
But from beyond comes the Transformation to D.N.E….
Through that something in the Air..Song…A,S.S.A…
Code Alberto Santana…Royal Santana R.S…
Stella Antley…Esther Uzoma…..

“Andrew is the anglicized (English) form of the Greek name “Andreas” meaning “manly, brave”, stemming from the ancient Greek ???? (aner), genitive of “anthr?pos” (man). As a masculine given name, Andrew’s long endurance is owed to a 1st century Disciple of Christ, St. Andrew. In fact, along with his brother Simon Peter, Andrew was one of the first disciples called by Jesus in the New Testament. Andrew was an early-adopter of Christ’s message and is often referred to as “First Called”. As a Galilean fisherman by trade, St. Andrew was initially a disciple of John the Baptist and one of the first to recognize Jesus as the Messiah. After the Resurrection, St. Andrew went on to preach in Asia Minor and Greece. He became one of the most popular saints in the Middle Ages and was chosen to be the patron saint of Russia, Greece and Scotland. The saint’s Feast Day is November 30 (for more information on St. Andrew, see historical references below)”

November 3O… 11 3O… K.C.O../ O..C.K…

Manly Noble Brave…

Simao… Means “The One who listens, who Harkens to…”

D and G…
The Play of 69= 15= Letter O…
E.O…A.O…E.A..O.FF… C…54..9..I…54 2O..T…29..B.I…11..18..K.A.H.I..1+9=A.O..
Soa A…
7 O…4…28….
47 2… D.G..B.O.VV I.E

Summation, The resting place for the Divine Grace, the ones who C.I…
Exist…A Noble Manly Brave Warrior of the First Called, the First Born, the Fisher Kings of men the Do Rey..Of Mi Ti…M.T…
K.C and the Sunshine Band Darkness to Evanescent Light love and Laughter and a Healthy Dose of Mischief… Sensual Sexual undercurrents and undertones of awakened and eternal fire.. Whose thirst can only sated by the Air and breath of the Emerald Isle…
The Elysian Fields of Forever…
A Darker Green.
A Richer Version of Earth
Where the immortal Stars are..
Stars of the Creamy Smooth Milky Way…
Cool Cats and Loyal Dogs of War who do not compete not need your attention..

Because they are the I.E..
Beautiful Beyond Belief..
because they already know and have always known..
even in the wretched World state…
The Eternal Truth of Who they are..
And acted it out no matter the place

Because they are precisely who they truly are
Eternal Heroes of the Golden Dawn..
The E. Line O…
Existence Full Circle..
9 55 9…

11:33… 13 13 MM..Zoro Zein ZZZZZ

4 David Bowie…the O.N.E.

I Mann…


I Mann-

11:34-5 p.m.



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