
1/12/2016 16:39 – Facebook Post

From Conscious O’best


The meaning of the color Black…


Jonn Blackwell…. Who has been speaking today on a Super natural manner…


La! C.K.

Goncalves António Lack…


Donna O’Sullivan

B-La C.K

In this end play, I the brown skinned man, am at the Dimension called Black…The Black Well… Not pit, but a Well, which contains water. B-Eau Ti Full..
Which moves the body, is 92%, in the Blood..
Which is the river which flows through us…

All played out here as the last portal, where I have received the most support and aid in finishing this play in 26 years..
Never have I had anyone actively study this play, or been so well roundly educated before I met them, about all the knowledge happening out there…

Or who are so transparent, like water….

Both have Caucasian attributes…But Colors is a consciousness not a pigment…
And just as the word “Moor”- which means Black where an ancient society of people of all complexions..
Meaning that man, the ancient society called the Moors, who exist to this day and who have sovereignity, even here in the United States..saw color and Black as a representation of a Consciousness..

Jonn and Donna, J.D…1O4..See sacred portal 1O4..”Lord Death Electricity”
4th Dimension Mars..”Lazarus Effect” David Bowie’s last Album “Black Star”

-Where the body goes into “convulsion as the Brain finally shuts down after they have already passed, on giving the impression that the person has resurrected, hence the term “Lazarus Effect” L.E..T.H.E…
Thantos Hypnos Erebus in Greek Mythology Death..As Peaceful Sleep…
or with there feminine aspects Violent End…
See Kali the Hindu Goddess of destruction…

See sacred portal 32..(2O12)..Erose and Kali..
Rise or be Destroyed…

Here chez Jonn and Donna…1O4…James Dean… I gave the poster to Jonn…
1O4..Alpha Omega..D… Do (First note Alpha..Awareness =Black…which is where the Being B, of La! C.K of the awakening emerges from..
96% Dark Matter…
69 Age David Bowie passed away leaving his Legacy..

Jay Legacy posts…

69 was the years my brother passed Age 13..Nnamdi…

J.D..1O4= 14..Letter N… Nature..
Death is Nature.. it mystery its behind the scenes, characterized in this realm of imagination as Elves and Fairies, Guardians, Jedi Knights, Proton Electron Neutron..P.E.N…(N.E.P.TUNE…Uranus)

Black is 6th Sense…
Feeling in the Dark..
and from that Darkness of not truly knowing,
to knowing with Certainty Solid Fact
that the Black Pool (Where we lived three of as Children)..
Is simply seeing the Light of Transparent reflection undercover at night..
When we Sleep…

And all becomes clear at Dawn..
When we wake up only to realize
that we were asleep…

3:39 p.m.

C: C.I.


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