
1/14/2016 20:23 – Facebook Post

5:26 p.m.


Date 14-1-9 (2O16..36…9)

N.A.I… Code in Tom Benzian name Twins B, E.N..IAN…”IO.N”

1-14-9…A.N.I…/ IN A…

Code meaning;

Ani means “Beautiful” in Hawaiian…Which is the 5Oth State,
which aligns to sacred Portal 5O

*See my Albums for the sacred portals..

It aligns to E.O…Evolution Complete, Full Circle… 3 +6=9…*Nikolai Tesla.

It aligns to the 5th Note Sol…
The 5th Color…Blue
The 5th Chakra…
The Fifth Dimension,
Expression Divine

5:4O pm

E.D=I..Individuality =Infinity – Immortality…

HAW is the Egyptian expression of Ka..( Soul and Being)- Completion of the Sum total of the Bodily parts…Ha is Singular, Haw is plural so It is not the Completion of the One E, (N.E.O… Code Raillumira Neo-tech SupremeAdept)
but the VVE..The Line of EEEEEE…
Which is what greets me each time I descend to my sleeping quarters arranged for me by the “Play”- and Jonn Blackwell and Donna O’Sullivan at 18 Mountain view…
A Woven Platter of a Circle with the letters EEEEEEEE All around it.

Reminding me, that I was brought to this portal by the Truest Eternal expression of Jonn and Donna…( J.D.OO..NNNN..A) but the very Source and wave which has taken over by literal Being and Body and which for 26 years has been moving me with a power and will, which till this day even with full awareness and memory of the play of another realm before I was born into this world…

Aryana Luna Leone..A.L.L..sent me three voice messages duration 32, 15 and 4 seconds. Which without even at first listening to the message, I had already established that her “Intel” was and is, Harmonious and relevant…
Aryana lives in Hawaii…the 5Oth State…

But representing Universe Supreme Awareness (U.S.A) play and not the United States of America…Which in the E play such a venue does not exist.
Being that the United States US, came into Existence to represent the 5O states of Consciousness which align to One.

Hawaii thus representing the State of consciousness of return to Paradise Eden..Planet EA-Art-H…Harmony…

Haw I..I.A.N…

I began recording in my Journals Talking to the Silence, ( My Captains Log) of deciding to go undercover into the consciousness of Humanity as DHEU..Dying, instead of Evolving Transforming in 1989.
After rushing back to London in 1988…
Jonn shared a river of music, 5 of them which I shared, and demonstrated that his Truest self was moving in Harmony his “Human” self to inform me of some intel…
Which I decoded.. It began with a song by Eddie Grant, “Give me Hope Jo’anna” E.G…
I was at 4-75 Face Book friend..75/57…
A code I solved yesterday, of 5 Continents and 7 Seas…create 12..3 C..Completion of the Earth, aligned to Universe Andromeda Milky Way, and finally to the 26 years in which I voluntarily went down into the Pit of human consciousness, and to prove that in all dimension of perception, of where the light of consciousness awareness is veiled by fear that the people feel as though that they are living in the “Darkest Blackest” Pit ( whose true aspect was played by the line of David Bowie)…

That there is logos in Existence…
I always knew this and was impatient and perhaps impertinent, in my expression of indignation of this ruse…
That this world state was the Truth of Existence..

I had no idea it would take 26-27 years…26 years and 4 months

Looking at the code 1988 posted by Jonn, which would align more to 27-28 years and when I returned to London from Nigeria..

As you can see, I have literally found myself solving an equation….
27 years makes B.G…And alludes in my investigation of this play of the Unseen Realm of the Spirits of Africa (Whom I was aware of) moving me in a play to bring Pangea…A world in one…
Which would mean that Africa had used Supernatural tools to enslave me in their play of Eze Nri…the OINRi Igbo play…

I was aware but it was not they who influenced me or caused this ‘Affliction’ on my body, as I have stated over and over again.
For though this play and face book friends did testify that they saw truly horrendous things being done me in the Spirit world, even to my Uncle informing me of discovering a terribly Voodoo buried to destroy me and rive me insane, or being raped, abused, castrated…in Ancient Egypt and so many most terrible legends belief systems…
And though the illusion was given that these curses all manifested..
I was aware that such did not exist, had no effect on me because I knew that there was no Evil in True Existence..

I had full memory of Existence and how it manifested…

Seeing my new Face Book Friend Zadnondaz Zenex Alorianus…
Z…Which is the 26th letter…1989-9O,
26 years equates to when it I consciously went down into the pit of Human Consciousness, to prove the Logos and Order in all things…
I had realized that most people had become blind and could not see or perceive what was right in front of them…
They could not read…

Thus, I understand in Hindsight that the illusion of the Spirit world as Alpha Africa world were still seeking to prove that it is they who move the Human Race through D.N.A…
When I have proven over and over again that I represent a consciousness beyond the A as Awareness Africa World Energy (A.W.E) But of a consciousness Beyond…
Called the E realm source of the True Alpha…The True line of the Beginning,
the Originals called the E line…
Who came into Being complete and fully evolved..

Which became the challenge of Existence, allowed to play out by my Twin aspect whom I call father Guide really my Brother Son, Sister Daughter…
so that during these Battle of Supremacy of I versus the sum total of their own assertion that they are the Sources of Power of Nature Universe…
Which was their actually representing a non existent expression – the Abyss and the Void.. The Zero…
Which because of their influence on the living and the dead, through culture traditions, indoctrination, mind control, spells, hypnosis and coercion had enslaved a host of people in the pit consciousness…

And the Emission called the Mission of the family of 1O- Really T.E.N was to find a way to communicate with this consciousness, by going undercover to clarify the lies and spells and misconceptions by explaining all belief systems corrupted by power fear and greed, back into clarity through this 45 month Face Book play in which the N line wished me to solve so that N=14th Letter could move to 1+4=5…
The E line.. Which is what this play has been about on Face Book, while in every other venue, the Illusion of the Past and Present where given leeway to throw everything at me…
Being given the power of God of their own makings, and their false stories manifested as true and allowing them to do anything they wished to me..

Just as the Biblical story of JOB, but expand upon it…to the point that for especially the last 26 years…and the almost 15 years in New York…
I have experienced all the kinds of Human suffering cruelty in this world and more especially the suffering Unseen by others..
The ones done when nightmares are allowed to manifest but none can see it but you… or the few, who are too scared to try and help.

I was given these experiences to transform, to prove and riddle them out of Existence as I was being attacked…
To prove, I now realize the truth and Supremacy of the E consciousness which most people had never heard of but which each person recognized.

Despite everything being taken away including I.D, clothing family…income body…
What people saw as my being cursed, by all the things which were happening to me, I could read that I was in a play…
A play which shook me to the core, of cruelty evil which I knew had no right to exist and that my Father Brother, Mother Sister had become Evil unintentionally by not taking my point of view into consideration at what such a play of setting a person up to experience and witness non stop evil being done to him, in order use each experience to educate the Human Babies and children about the Truth of Existence..
And worse still not taking into consideration what Humans in this state of consciousness would do to a person tall and proud of brown complexion who was forced by the play to live in over 5O different homes, and not be allowed to go home until he passed the test off each portal…

And so through the Illusion of my Brother Son, Sister Daughter (B.S..S.D) believing that they could play my Father Mother (F.M Wave Band) that they could make me do that which they felt was the way the play should go…
And it was allowed until I proved the Supremacy of M.F…Masculine Feminine in one 69 69…over the nature of Father Mother as Man and Woman physically represented rather than Energetically embodied in One…

26 years is the correct respond…264…Code 64..51…F.D..”First Drop” and Area 51 E.A..already proves this…Expression manifested Essence Espirit Energy then Ahtom…
See the Code…

5- 555..A
E 15=O=A…
E O.A…

5.O…Alpha Paradise Eden the 5th Dimension the 5 in 1 O the first state of Being “Hawai..

Code Hawa Ali… Ali also means Beautiful…

A-Z… Ziena Zorro, Zeta Zyaire BlooMoon, Zahri Zouhir Klaus Zwangsleitner Zen Zayin, Zadnondaz Zenex Alorianus….

I am sure you see what I mean…

I chose by my own will to enter the Pit, and was in a play of the E line, where Nature interfered with the Play by bringing Evil into the World play and sustaining it by creating this most cruel and evil play..
Of Evolution Nature at all costs when Evolution manifests naturally and that this 45 months and 45 Years of my Existence consecrated to this play, is really in conclusion, was based in their own fear… The physical representation of Physical and Material and gender being more powerful its source- Expression…E

And so, of the 69 69…I cut out the 9 9 who as Man Woman challenged the Expression of One, Existence in which 69=15..O..NE…Fact and Truth
Born First the one who was never Born…
E..HE S.HE came into Existence as One…

Only their aspect of 6 6 Sixth Sense as Inner Compass and 6th sense Fact can come home… And the 9 9 I send out of Existence and in the same manner and challenge given to me…

Notice Jonn Blackwell last music code was Blood Of Eden…B..O.E…

7:11 p.m

G.K…K.G..Keith Grant..?
No Grant Kolo…Kolo means Prince and Full Circle – Many Brave Noble Warrior..
Same meaning of Antonio Gonçalves Joaquim Paulo Andre Simão Drew Reyn Andrese Harris Burton…

AN-Drew Forth….

And so I have no Father Mother line represented in the Human Race or the D,N.A gene pool.
Physical matter is really the E line in disguise and undercover, patiently moving the False Ego matter, to truth and finally transformation to E harmony..
Brother Son, Sister Daughter..

That is the Family of E… Z

See Time…E-Z…Epilson Z-E.N. 5-6… 5-12..3 C.A.B…L.C.
Z as we know means Beautiful…

Hsen Hsen
Hassan Hassan

26 Z 2+6=8..H.H H H..H.O..P.E/ E P.O.H

From 26 H..To E… All links to Beauty and the Beautiful One…
Green Blue..27…28..Blue Harmony…58… 13 MM=Z..H..Same things…
Beautiful Harmony 28…
That is the one True Eternal Constant..

The Beautiful Truth..


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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