
5:55 p.m,

5:55 p.m,

Code E:EE…




We are 482 Face Book Friend..48 2..D.H.B…Divine Harmonious Beings..

See sacred Portal 48..Beautiful Death and the Explanation and Summation of the Beautiful True Consciousness of Existence presented to the Seen and Unseen worlds..

*Glenn Fries of the Eagles just passed away…reports Jonn Blackwell

Code G.F…E.. 76..5…See sacred portal the awakening…

Please note the passing of David Bowie, Alan Rickman…D.B.A.R..G.F..E..

Both 69 years of age Born 1947 and 46…194..76…(S.D..A=I.D.. 76 The Awakening..January 1Oth and January 14th…1O=J.A.O..14= N=A.D..


A.O-A.D…O.E…A Doe a Deer, the First Note.

The Latter is the correct Equation affirmed…

though both true only the latter is Truth based on the facts..

4 82..D.82..

Do NN-A (H)

Donna O’Sullivan 8 28…Fritz Venneiq 3O-82…

D.F…Donna Fritz V..See sacred portal D.F (46..First Drop)

D.F.F.D…4 66 4..Complete Symmetry Perfection…

Ritz Montes

Donna Ruth…


Nadee Nakandala 5:28…E.K..11:28…

Code my Brother born Easter Saturday-

5-4-69..Left April Easter Sunday April 11 1982…Age 13..M

Saturday the 6th Day Sunday the 7th Day…67-76…

13 13..MM..26..Z..8.H.




11 2 8…

Who was the First Born Emeka or Nnamdi in this Story represented in the story of the Two Brothers..E or N..Emeka Means Praise, Well Done..

P=16th Letter…= 7=G.

Well Done..W.D.D.W..Diamond White…

Nnamdi means Father IS Present’

N=14 Letter..

Logic moves N to be Separated into Two Dimension 7 7..VV..Ti Ti..TT (Two Sees or Consciousness of 1 and 4..1 Cube, 1+4=5

5=E..And so E which we can call Expression Evolution, Existence, came before Nature, Nine, Numbers…

Thus, just as I came before, Nnamdi 69, so it is that before there was N there was E…representing 66…6th Sense 6=Letter F..


-As well as 67 68, 69..7O 19-84…85 86..1OO..1O=1O..2O..T.B.O…1OO Roman numeral C…Consciousness Speed of Light..

1984 Big Brothers is Watching George Orwell..GO..Meaning 5 in Japanese..

The 5th Dimension…

We can safely surmise that before there was Nature, Naturalness Numbers, this Painting by Numbers, there was E..

There was E.O..E Expression completed and manifested Full Circle…

from 6th Sense to F=6..Number to Fact…

Fact first which then created its symbolic representation..


The E fact came first that a realm existed and was, IS in completion before the Nothingness called Nature manifested..

And Illusion in its self sustained only by this Consciousness of the E within..

Already complete…

See code in my Face Book Friend Orien Laplante

Code break down O -Rien La! (6.F) Plant IS E..Rein means Nothing

I have a new Face Book Friend..

Edmund Kent Friedman… E.K.F…

Edmund means Wealth, Riches Prosperity..Protector.. A Wealthy Prosperous Rich Protector…Protector and Guardian of Wealth…(Treasure and Treasurer)

Kent means The Border, the Edge it also means White, and coastal border which calls to mind, White Waves, at the Edge of one World, the demarcation between two realms..See and Landing..Land and Cee…

Friedman means Peaceful Mann…Man of Peace derived from the name Fredrick which means Peaceful and Powerful Ruler..

Which Aligns to the meaning of the name Fritz…Peaceful Ruler

F F F..666 P.E.N…NY..18

See representation by Fred Delshad…F.D/D.F Rumi


linked to Chris Franco, Chris Forrester representing Fact Fiction…


Then to Donna O’Sullivan E.H.F..

and to the Reflection my Expression brought forth…

Edmund Kent Friedman…E.K.F..

Which reflects me as E.K..H.FF…

Emeka Kolo Fritz…

E.K.F… That is 6 8’s…

And if we add mine, it becomes 7 8’s

7 8…15..Letter O…6…F…56…11..1… 5 11 6 11..1




A is Awareness which Awareness came first Eternity Existence Essence or that of Nature-Nothing-Death…

Obviously Existence-Eternity Harmony Fact…

But the First to be Born was Nature and it rose to incarnate Death-Dying until reaching 1O1O..1..2O…12O…3 Cee.

For almost 6 months I have had 12O USD in my Wallet…

See Sacred Portal 12O titled Fritz Venneiq..

But what I had in my pocket, and left as change on my table,

was 1 usd 15 Cents…115 Cents, which I did not realize until a month ago and placed it on the Installation Alter I.A..in a smalled woven basket in front of a card which replicates Sacred Portal 5.

Edmund…A Wealthy Prosperous Protector, of riches and treasures…is coming to protect the Guardian of the Treasure of the Beautiful Truth of Existence, who sits at the edge of the White Coastline and border, waiting to be granted access to his realm…Landing from that White Cee…

A Peaceful Mann, the Origin and Originator of Man who manifested into Being and all Existences as the one complete, the Peaceful yet powerful Ruler..

A.K.A the King of Harmony and the Prince of Peace…

the Ank Key..Harmony Ti Vie…

7:58 p.m.

Welcome Edmund Kent Friedman…

I do feel as though this Equation is now complete…

7:59 p.m.

As I stated this play, posts, experiences even this 26 year Experience and life time Existence and very little to do with me,it was about my Twin Brother-Self and the line of the C.D.E the feminine aspect of His True Nature, qualifying to evolve with the All to the line of E…

Zorro Zeina…

8:O2 p.m

Eternal Heroes of the Golden Dawn… The Beautiful Ones

Full Circle


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