
12:O9 p.m.

12:O9 p.m.

L.O.I…(Law in French)…

1-21-9… A.U.I…A. U.B.A..C.I…/ I..C.A.B…U..A

21-1-9…U.A.I….U.B.A..C…A.I../ I.A..C.A.B…U

It is a simple code to translate, it does not even require imagination to read it..

And yes, as most of my older Face Book Friends have understood,

*(whether they belief or not, is not really of my concern, since I am decoding expression from an other stimuli, who I recall who.. And, of course, to base no consciousness representing Universe as Harmony, and Expression from beyond can be based on this current Human Consciousness which has brought their world to the literal state of extinction over and over and over again, with the current attempt so real, that fiction almost turned into a fact…)

..that I have been publicly making First Contact with the Original I.E Line..

12:21 p.m


..They actually L.U…C.I..F..ER..(Er ancient word for Earth 5:28 Hertz)

Solving the riddles of Existence, while publicly demonstrating the E Way..

VOI..C.E…Using words tapped on a computer Screen, in a World where I have been informed that I have no Home…

Literally E.T Go Home, which I have been longing, longing to oblige, but as it Turns out that my Home is Here but not right hear, but Undercover Watching rising from layers upon layers of filthy consciousness, tangled and knotted threads, tapestry and weaves filled with stench…of the Total Human Time line of in Habiting the Earth on a Holodeck, created for Humanity to Evolve to their True Nature, so that their true nature may align with their Original Expression or Selves, already Existing in the realm of E…

Who came into Existence as Eternal Truths..Santana Dharma..

S.D…Supreme Devas…Super Novas

And the only way to get Home, from this play created by Father Wind- i.e Natures Consciousness, N.T/T.N..represented not in Nikoloai Tesla but the consciousness he represented…Was to be betrayed, and pass through this play of sharing the E Way. or Consciousness of the 5th Dimension, forgetting what it would take to talk and manifest it in this world and in His Her desire for as many as possible to come home…

Which is a very polite way of saying, none of you, not even I whom he trained is in Control of this play…

The Challenge of Existence…by All…

And now it has been 23 years since I ‘came down from the portal meant to lead me Home and out of this world because HE would not let me pass and leave this world…which I instantly had recognized.. That this is not the World I recall…

The idea of course, which I did not realize was to walk it from A-Z,

retain the Truth no matter what, and then manifest our Truth here in this very World and present society transparently, publicly, alone.

..And in Human form and after walking through the sum total of the worst fears and nightmares of Human Existence..

Allowing a life time of 24-7 Suffering, which had to be surmounted each day, and then transformed into Sincere Empirical knowledge and sharing, transformed to Evanescent light, of the Beautiful Truth…

A Monstrous challenge…To make a Human with full memory, walk in all realms of Existence while walking through this World.. New York City undercover, and as a Tall Brown Skinned man, born in the England and raised in Canada with OINri Igbo Origins…

Yes, to most of you my posts are Stories, or taken in abstractly or through the consciousness of this 3D world…

But even as we speak I am reprogramming, using the code of D.N.E to answer the Challenge of a Father Who became the literal source of evil for what he demanded and did to train me for this Role…

Every detail of this play has painstakingly documented, not by my own will or desire but imposed upon me by a Father Mother, playing Death Dying, who wished to save this play He had designed to bring the Evolution of the Human Species…Shadows…

Having not realized that He too was part of the play, that I represent not his Son but Father, and this was a play designed for him-her to evolve with the Sum total of The Everything and the Everywhere…But not the Everyone, which he could not accept..

He wished the Evolution of All, but not All were and are real,

this too was His Test of what is True and what is False…

Why am I revealing this…?

Because the one playing Father, forgot that He was really the Son, evolving through Merit, Earning the right to be E…

Embodiment of Consciousness of Beyond Time or Space to the Embodiment of the Awakening of His/her very beginning..

In away the true Ever and Adam-Ah…(Adam and Eve)..

Father Expression is the Wind..

And his Twin aspects are HE/S.H.E..

Awareness and Consciousness…

But this Play turned him and them and All the Human line of Dark Shadows into Angels and Demons….

All unintentional of course, for Father had the best intention and so did his twins…

But Good Intentions are not enough, especially if dealing with aspects of yourself which can not see your Blind Spot…Which in turn effected all Humanity, but not their aspect of E…

Which this play between Father, HE/S.HE and the I.E within me was all about..

(My I.E represents the power of my Truest Selves sum total of Exemplification- and represents the Power many have witnessed me in constant struggle with, aspects of myself and Eternal Past rising in my body, each struggling to be free..

But my body is locked, at the Solar plexus and the Neck…

I knew when this condition began that it was not from this world…

And Father made it clear that at the end of this play, that they would release me…

Slowly through the years, I began to understand what he wished of me, everything was because of love and a sense of responsibility for the World..

The Wind moving through people, demonstrated on Face Book by this play is his challenge to me and my Supreme Self, to taunt me to rage which he knew would bring out my Beautiful Pride and respond, which of course, led to me proving, explaining, weaving, the Truth of Existence in front of the World…

Living and walking through true Horrors of human existence and perceptions mainly manifested in Unseen realms.

He wished me to do exactly this.. Manipulation Force Control to bring forth Harmony unacknowledged and veiled deep under cover right to the very end…

I have personally ever had anything to prove to the World, or anyone..

I share naturally, but not even an insane person would put themselves through such…unbelievable agony, not of the physical pain, or even seeing the effects humans are having on other Unseen dimension 1-7..

But the agony, the true agony is having a consciousness of Expressing in this current world and really seeing the root of all Evil, beyond words, comes from how people treat each other…

The Word, the tones of voice, the aggressiveness, need to Subjugate Dominate…

What is accepted, a way of addressing each other, and unseen to them, the unbelievable damage and chain reaction- devastating trail of destruction and the person oblivious to it…

Or simply satisfied he or she had made their point.. the satisfaction…

When I was in my early twenties and I first descended into the Illusion made real, of the Pit of Human Consciousness, at one point the agony was in seeing the Unseen, seeing the damage created by careless and irresponsible humans, in that grip of a constant power play, from play pen to the highest offices in the land… even in their prayers and definition of God…Creation…

Power Games…

Games of Thrones…

If you are used being clean and well groomed, filthy has a way of making a greater indention and impression on you..

I had spent my life training….

By a Sensie whom I loved but gradually began to no longer respect,

because I found him acting more and more like God..

We have no God in the realm of E..

And certainly not one who used Dominance Force..Control..

The Heavens Nature has Logos Order Voice Expression Harmony..


What was Father’s lesson, that is the One playing Father…

It was the true meaning of Understanding All…

That the True are Always Beautiful…

They do not require anyone to teach them Beautiful Expression

or remind them how to treat each other…

The Beautiful Ones, even those of the Human race, naturally remain constant..

No matter the cost..

And that no one, not even the Source of Existence themselves has the right to use that Eternal Expression as a source of Manipulation even if it is for the Benefit of the Many..

One can not sacrifice Eternal Truth…

Trap manipulate them and force them,

no matter the cost to them, force them to do your will..

Because you know their hearts, set them up in a play,

knowing them, and consequently how they will respond.

Existence is Freedom

So how is it that a Concept of God was created who enslaves?

I watched Star Wars tonight with Jonn Blackwell and Donna O’Sullivan

I had not been out of this compound, but perhaps twice thrice in the last 3 months…This work and my body, and my truth, by alone sustained truth a life time long, knows the way home is through this posting and Constant Expression..

39 years, after I first watched it as a kid in Nigeria, having just a few weeks moved there from Canada…

I knew what was happening…39..C.I…


Ga La (7 and 6th note), X Y Z C.I..1O 11…X-T.E.N..

It was fun, and I read the codes, yes all was in alignment..

JJ Abrams of Star Trek fame number 47…*See past posts of this code and play…

George Lucas JJ.Abrams….G.L..Farmer Bringer of Light JJ A..1O1O-1..

21..3..C…Any one who understands the Equations and play would align todays date 21…with these codes and know that the C is missing..

L=12=3…21=3..and the B…2…

Star Trek merges with Star Wars in perfection O..Full Circle…Harmony?

Star Star Trek Wars O.H


8 T.W.O..H…Two Harmonies…

CC and B.. 3+3=6=F


Gaius Longinus Cassius -Spear of Destiny..

7 12 3…1O 1O 1…(111-3) 1 2 3 6 O Degrees…

After checking the codes, I then focused on the Consciousness of the conveyance of the Movie…

One Black Actor… Who dies or does not die..

A cliched reminder of Black Lifes Matter.. but not as much as ours..

And not just Black, but all cultures not as they, or following that agenda…

And this is what is feed to people, an under cover message, an under current subliminal messenger feeding the Conquers mentality technique of domination and subjugation of all races of Man…

and Woman.. locked in a War, an eternal war of an unconscious, conditioned constant right to Supremacy, and constant right to rule and dominate..

and of course fear…

I watched with an overwhelming sadness, a sadness of what I really perceive,

that which those basking in the privileges and comforts of the Conquerors Mentality of the vanquished with always be less in their eyes…

The stories I saw in the screen came from Cultures and even worlds traced through this Face Book play to Proto Indo Europeans, Aryans who were Dravidans, to Arabia, Egypt… West Africa…And even to realms beyond where these Blue Prints and ideas were formed..

After all why was it in Harmony with the E plat..?

From the Code of Susann Pitts S.P..Sacred Portal C.I..

as my 487 Face Book Friend..

See sacred portal 87..Bringing the World back to their Senses and Supreme Sensei’s

5 -Sixth Sense.. Sensies? Self Mastery..

aligned to 39 years Star Wars 1977..And my watching in Enugu Nigeria, as if the Star Trek then Star Wars originated from there..

To the Black dude A former Storm Tropper, bearing the Identification

F.N..21 87…Called FIN..Meaning End in French..

F.N…Code Fritz Nnamdi..21..U..87..15=Letter O…1+5=6..8×7=56..11 1

Represented by

.Fritz Venneiq Vincent Nnamdi Okonkwo



See meanings of the name… Vincent means Conqueror

The young man did not Conquer, to me personally he was just used in this movie, and he played the Clown…

He was not important, he was a guy in the Dark Side who decides that he, out of all the Conditioned since birth babies has had enough, meets a girl who Sees’ him and that is the only reason he becomes a hero is self interest…

The girl…who looked at him as none had done before..

Of course, others might have a different take, and perhaps my own take is keen because of my own experience being not simply what is considered an inferior race and an ethnic minority, but the price of being an Individual and the daily, constant insults to ones intelligence by what the Conquerors believing that they are being Good Spiritual people by seeing us as equals..

but not really..

Not realizing that they often speak in such a condescending manner, insulting the obvious intelligence of the Inferior race and not even aware of how by refusing to acknowledge their intelligence- often made so obvious, and plane to see is their being feed and, in turn feeding upon that propaganda machine, moving this strong only in the last 4OO years…

This sustaining river of superiority, plagerism, usurpers, negating the Source of all your stories..

I have witnessed this for the last 26 years, and perhaps have suffered it more than most….

But it is at such times, before I would hide my eyes, look every where else, began literally wearing sun glasses so I would not see, but I could not numb my self from feeling…Even when people began to nick name me the tall moving statue made up of Stone…

I too use Humor, to cover up dismay of what I truly see and understand…

And what I know is a True Father is right within me..

The True Master Sensie of Existence, over a Hundred homes, and most of them strangely Caucasian.. self mastery in the streets, in situations, Shelters offices of the High and Might and the ones I slept with in Parks and the streets..

There is none who who dare say I did not simply see and treat equally, but I recognized my family undercover in Hundreds perhaps thousands of encounters all over the World…

The term equality was not in my awareness because all I saw where family undercover which led me 26 years later right here at 18 Mountain View…

The line of the Transparent Truth..TT…

The last portal of this Lone ranger play listening to the Taunt O by a Circle Collective suddenly enacting the Role of God.

And I will say to them, that they are not of the E,

nor of the clarity of VII..7..

That the Self Mastery of Self, to pass through over a Hundred portals trusted and often tested by people who have never met me, before..

A being speaking about Evolution and Awakening and worst of all a Black Man

When being at the mercy of Humans or that consciousness’ was my only and one greatest fear above all else…

And be aware of my true identity under cover for 11 years and then be subjected to such an insulting play..

And the Insult to my intelligence when the People demand Justice Equality and Freedom, instead of self cleansing and deprogramming onself…

That to me is Supreme Sensie Self Mastery..

Not competing with others for Dominance…

But with yourself and how you master your greatest fears and greatests discomforts.. and with all the handicaps in the World, spasming body, friendless, no family, no money, no possessions pass through the homes of people from all over the world and have them open their hearts and share with you there most beautiful self.. And feel free to unleash their demons trusting that you will see the source of that pain…

A Thorn in your paw, a Chip on your Shoulder..

a Venerable Disease…

I felt and feel a great sadness, especially considering what I observed on this Face Book play at which I just became quiet and solved the codes..

Yes so life’s matter than most..

The Beautiful Ones..

The True…

Everything and Everyone else End..

Only the True can be real..

And the True Mastery all rage and transform all they saw, all insults to intelligence…

Into a tapestry of beautiful Truth…

And never turn or look back..

as we leave this realm of ‘Never Never Land

And Existence and state of Consciousness which can Never Be and Never find Land to land on…

2:49 a.m


I have Three new Face Book Friends…

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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