
1/22/2016 19:48 – Facebook Post

From Michael Lrb

I read Michaels commentary..


Now match all those numbers and interface them with all the current codes of my equation which one can see repeat over and over again…

I will not go into much detail, because I have overstated the “Obvious”

But for the literal linking of this to awareness and for the Records I will weave it through a simple code already played out as myself and the World and all Humanity- in Energy form unseen by the naked eye linning up to pass through a Sacred Portal which I have linked directly to an area of which for 9 years, I lived on and of, 268 East Forth street to 18 Mountain View for the last 6 months, as my aligning the coordinates to the Portal of my Home dimension which I began consciously walking on 27-26 years ago, when I left University to begin this Star Trek to my Home…

This links to the Equation Galaxy I.C 1101.X.Called by the E line, Ga La! X Y ZZ C.I..1O 11..X..
The largest Galaxy…

I am 11;28 Sagittarius

Linked to the Galactic Center…

Code Susann Pitts…Pitts means a Hollow..
S.P..Sacred Portal…
Became my face book friend at 486 (D.H.F Divinity Harmony Sixth Sense E.S.P)
The day I went to watch Star Trek Stars Wars…39 years after I watched it as a kid after moving from England, to Canada, and then Nigeria…
39 is C.I
look to the weeks before where the equation was leading us.
or my programing, translating and receiving coordinates,
Navi-gational Supreme Portal Guide-(Del-guid-c.e) Guy-Dance-Guy Pierce-Guy Momentum Meme.NTO…

C.I are my full name initials..

A Captain landing a Mother Ship
from His Being and Mind Focus all aligned in One..

With one objective..
Not detracted in 26 years from the focus..
Home. Homme Wu-Man..

There is a movie which seeks to capture this concept it was near but very far….

K-pax… Kevin Spacee

E.K. P.A.C.T

and the
Galactic Center..

S. A.T.

Now we know who tried to upsurp the Seat
Boom Boom…!
I be E.T.

6:48 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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