
1/26/2016 1:17 – Facebook Post

Leaving the Hall of Mirrors and Reflections..

Enter the Dragon…Jon Jason Bruce Lee…J.J.B.L..

7:18-9 p.m.

G; R.S….Grace …R.S…
G; A.H.I…



Code A.Y.I…./I.Y.A….A.B.E.I… A G E.I

Aiy-anna “Eternal Flower Eternal Blossom”

AGE is I…The Eternal Flower…E.F..5 6…E.B..25..Y..G..

The Eternal Flower…

E Rose.. E Red Rose…

Eros E Red

E Read & Rose…in that one Beginning..

E R.R…E 36..E.C.F…I…

From Swide site..

Red Rose…”From Death, To Life, To Love”.. RR..F.D..T.L..T.L…

The Rose, unlike any other Flower..

Morphologically linked to the circle, since ancient times it has been linked to themes of birth and rebirth, and the speed of its withering has made it a symbol of death and the fragility of existence. In many cultures it is also a typical symbol of spring, the season that represents eternity in miniature, with the renewal of life blooming after the cold of winter

The link with the flower remained for a long time: in past centuries, during Pentecost it was customary have rose petals rain down upon the faithful with wads of hay lit to commemorate the descent of the Holy Spirit, which came about through flames resembling rose petals. Pentecost is in fact called “Easter of Roses.”

Adonis and Aphrodite

While in the Egyptian world roses were the sacred flowers of Isis (they represented pure love freed from its carnal aspect), it was only in the Greco-Roman world that the rose began to show its symbolic and evocative potential. It appears in the myth of Adonis and Aphrodite as a symbol of love that conquers death. The myth says that Aphrodite was in love with Adonis, but the young man was fatally wounded by an attack by a wild boar. As she ran to aid him, Aphrodite was pricked by thorns and her blood caused beautiful red roses to blossom. Zeus was moved by the scene and allowed Adonis to spend a few months a year in the world of the living. Because of this, the rose was cultivated in funerary gardens and was often used as decoration for graves (to ensure the deceased immortality). Moreover, Greeks also associated it with the cult of Dionysus, as it was said that would prevent drunk people from revealing their secrets and help ward off the unpleasant effects of intoxication. As such, wreaths of roses adorned statues of Dionysus and were also worn around the necks of his followers, the wanton Bacchae. The famous poet Sappho also particularly loved this flower, and she used to associate it with the beauty of girls in her poems.”

Red Rose the Flower of Eternity…?

E Read and Rose…. RR= 18 18= 36..36O-39O…(69)..Circle Filled 3+6=9..
Nikolai Tesla-David Bowie…

Yes this equation is obviously moving us to the link the play of Yesterday and the Rose..
On my screen saver, the Rose on the sacred portal 88 which can be viewed on my Face Book Page..

Which obviously moves us to the first Eros Dionisio, Christ Bucchus/Buddha Adem, Adonis Existence E-rose

And yes, I am obviously, being affirmed that E-Rose…
That they Eternal Flower, Blossom of Eternity Immortality is the Rose.

This was my assertion I have maintained, through out this play in which everything I knew, recalled to be the Truth was challenged here publicly before the Entire world, in a play set up by Nature undercover as the Consciousness of E..

Code name Orien Laplante…
O Rein, la! Plant E….
O Nothingess the E planted Sixth sense in the Nothingness proving that Nothingess “Zen” is Something after all..

I have been on Face Book, and in this “Play Script” for the last 3 years and 9 months ( 3 9..C.I) going to 3 years and 10 days in exactly tomorrow or so…

That is a long time to be Challenged and to hold up a consistency of the Truth before an entire world, where people who have known me since I was a child are able to witness, judge, condemn…or listen as I found myself defending a Truth and recollections, I personally saw no reason why I must defend, and being compelled to make my life time discoveries available to all for free..

Knowledge considered of such immense value, and so priceless that the Intelligence behind this play, some call God, Awareness, Being, Consciousness, the God Particle, Reason, Logos, Nature, the Full Circle, Infinity Harmony, Existence, Energy Expression…
Whatever you wish to call it… my point is that it is Aware and Intelligent..
Which I have been pointing out non stop, and the most suitably accurate name I would call It, without it being loaded with meaning is Expression…

And since all Nature is Beautiful and Harmonious I call it Anya-Wu, Ifunanya, Beautiful Harmonious Existence-Expression…From the V- 5 th Dimension…
Real of the 4 Directions and Elements all in one 1 1..5 5…
Which created the Future Present the realm Evolved Species of E.S.P
Extraordinary Sensory Perception…Beyond even the ‘Gods” and Titans (Ethereal Elementals)….
The Three Principles of 3 Planes of Conscious Existence in one..
E.S.P…Energetic Spacial Physical

E Sacred Portal…

Code Name Eunice Susann Pitts..


…And it would seem after 39 C.I months literally a Star Trek through the Milky Way MW78/87 to prove that my..OUR- Home world does Exist,
even the E Rose, is being affirmed from outside of me as the Truth and Fact…
from the plays of True Life…2O12…T.L..32..B.C..5..E..
and True Nature 2O 14..34…7…G.
E.G…57…12…L..3..C….35…C.E..8=H… 3+8=11..K..11=1…A…

E.G..A…./A.G.E…I…E Rose as the Immortal Eternal One..

That Full Circle my Equations are being affirmed through my Space Craft Console…
My Face Book Page..


8:26 p.m.

I have two new Face book friends…
Welcome Fernando Nando.. F.N…

Code Star Wars 2O16… FIN…F.N. 21 87…Star Trooper

*John Boyega….
Pls note the code; John..BOY…E.G.A…
please see the post today of Ega…/A.G.E…A.G.E..I.
Chico Loco
Budi Lass

* Reference to my playing the Boy…
See sacred Portal 21 (BA!).
87 “Returning the World it Its Senses and Sensie’s”

I am staying with the Last line of the N To E line with
Jonn Blackwell and Donna O’Sullivan..J.D..1O4..14..1+4=5…E

Fernando is the name of one of the closest friends of my former Host Albert S at 268 East 4th Street, Together they built the Generation X garden, transforming it from a Crack Den to the beautiful elegant garden it is today…

F.N is my 49O Face Book Friend…
D.I.O….Which means “God the Source” Di.O Means “Is the Husband of Perfection”

/I.D..O….Identity the O…Source of the First Full Circle of Expression -Perfection. Perfect Symmetry…

Fernando means “Bold and Brave Adventurer…A Planned Journey…
Nando means Peace through Bravery, Bold protector Bold Journey”

Now, for most of you who are not aware of what is really going on here on my Face Book page, I have been using Expression to Walk through a literal Hall of Mirrors, in which I am using Equations and expression- at first with only people, I was led to or who were led to me to connect, sometimes for a brief moment, other times living with them, in their worlds, each representing a reflection of my lifes expression which I began observe that I was walking through my life’s expression of my Truth.

And which culminated in my being led to face book.
Being led as in literal being as if in a literal maze, where you have only certain options..very limited options which you can easily read where an ‘Invisible’ crossing Guard wishes you to go…
I have tried to escape this play for most of the time I have been in it, which began the very moment I landed in New York almost 15 years ago, but since I consciously went down into the “Underworld” the Pit of Human consciousness, which since each new Face Book friend who choses to befriend me (Meaning I can not send out Face Book request unless indicated by the play to do so), reflects in the name meaning which I have formed and which creates a mirror- a Talking Mira, of all my Truths versus my Expression which were distorted and which I must realign…
Before I came to Face Book I conversed lived and solved my equations by reading the map I had created using codes to understand where I really was and what was happening tome.

This enabled me to read and even identify people before I met them, because I could read the Matrix, read the codes people wearing different clothes and color combinations meant, I could sit on a park bench and read as the cars speed past, their colors their license plates…
I was perfectly aware that not only were in a literal Matrix, but a Holographic world, a projection as in projectionist- movie- green screen, play, video game, School- Academy, Hi-story lesson, Time Machine…
But most of all it was a Riddle (Tom Riddle..Harry Potter..H.P. Stream p.c)
and Equation…inside a Book called The World O…R.O…no R.OY.G.B.I.V…These were the lessons, the tools but we are in a A-B two dimension universe understanding, learning how to understand and align to a 3 Dimensional Universe by understanding Height Depth Expanse…H.D.E…
(D.H.E.U..Is the ancient origin for the word Death)..
And thus evolve from Characters in a Booked, moved by the Narrator, The Story Teller and the Page Turner.. to Being of A.B.C…Consciousness, which then creates the Understanding of Two Cee’s which had to align to create the 3rd Dimension Consciousness, now personified by understand the Energetic Principle of Expanse Height Depth…E.H.D…Through a Physical education of it manifested outside…in Creation.

Thus R=18..R is Red first Color and First Note Do! A Deer…
RR=18 18..36 O…9=I..I.C..I.O…Only the Individual can experience the Full Circle, while the Public can only see repetition..A to B and back again.

Hence RR creates R,R.O.O…Y= Golden Green Blue…but that is Day time colors, the Son as Orange, transforming to Golden Dawn…
Zoro!.. See the meaning of the name Zorro’ Eternal Heroes of the Golden Dawn”..
And the Green grass trees, then the blue skies…Yes, you are asleep, and day comes when you awaken….

Consequently, I have sought to explain the rules of the play of aligning all to one, by those who perception and potential could see that we are in a play
where each face book friends represents a response from the Magic Mirror called the World Air Space which links us, Air Breath…C..Consciousness to the Divine.. Which is that which is in me expressing outwards and then moving back through Echo response Space distance in itself being an illusion by the almost instantaneous response to each post since Raillumira Neo-tech SupremeAdept indicated through his page Z Quickening…
brought an quickening of the response meaning that if Space is say Galaxy I.C 1101 the largest Galaxy ever discovered is so many light years away,and if it is a figurative, symbolic representation of my-Our home portal out of the Physical realm of Universe- really a giant bubble of the Sources Reflections he sought to explore in Hindsights…Memory…
Then has is it possible that on a 209;00 U.S,D computer, linked to Space by Satellite’s that I am able to elicit a response often now even before I complete the posts, whose meaning and timing and everything aligns to draw one to the conclusion that it is an obvious response to my posts..

How could my expression travel through All Space and then return as an echo response of an expression just posted but an echo which responds with intelligence and wit that, each time I decode using any tool of y codes in perfect symmetry there is meaning aligning and a perfect fit to the tapestry and context of this 46 months story…

On the streets I passed through Bodies..
On Face Book I am passing through Beings,
491 right now…

Hence the introductions…
Acknowledgement that I know who you each are undercover and who sent you..

For example,

The meaning of the name Fernando Nando linked to F.N..in Stars Wars John Boyega..J.B..
Code Julian Brown…Would represent not only Dio “God, Dionisio, Zeus”
But also the Identity of the Source..the O..ne…Perfection…and his line or family..
It links to my former Host best Friend, who is Dominican Frenando dark skinned the other Albert who is pale and looks Italian..
The links go on..

But what the meaning of the name
Brave Bold Adventurer, a Planned Journey, a Peace through Bravery Bold Protector Bold Journey, is alluding to my 26 Journey being a conscious decision on my part when I began writing in my ‘Log Book Journal, Talking to the Silence what I literally intended to do. Which was on the first entry into the Journals written in 1989…
Which was my going under cover into the pit of human consciousness to prove that I was fully aware that there was no need for this state of fear and confusion of the World, because it was created with Expression Harmony, Logos, Order, Voi-ce, Explanation..L.O.V.E…This is what I consciously went down to prove..
And as if (Literally it is) The Silence I was literally expressing to- (Whom I call Beautiful Sadness and Father Joy), had decided to respond and speak up affirming all that no one else knew or believed was true..
My Creation speaking back to me affirming through Fernando’s code name initials.. code FIN..END in French,, /D.N.E,…Aria-D.N.E publicly defending my truth by affirming that my current I chose to go down, and that I was not a victim of Fate, nor did I discover the codes, or the Logos or Harmony through Suffering and seeking to figure out why my life went inane..

I was fully aware…
It was a planned Trip..
I knew even as a 7-8 year old kid when I wrote the book.
I knew in Nigeria by how the people strange magical people turned up in my life, singled me out spoke of another realm and a mission and who trained me..
I was full aware that my whole tough, tough hard early life was a training for a mission.. I spent my entire life fighting- from the womb to quote my Mother but it was all a training for a mission to go down the Black Hole…

I wrote the whole story down in a Creation Story written in 2OO4,
I was called Spirit E the Blue youth, whom Nikoma Rios again and again identified…publicly which brought David Philip Gil to investigate…

I rose at age 25-26 in Paris and was then asked to come back down…
I have never lived here, nor had a life here, I was always aware that I was undercover..
I had no idea that it would take me 22-23 more years to make it back to that light portal I witnessed at 25-26, which I instantly recalled was the portal back to the world I never forgot was is Home of Homme Femme…H.F..86

What stunned me was what had been done to the Way of E… What I saw and experienced undercover, the insistence of my coming to New York.. And the revelation that the ones I called Father Mother (Son Daughter) had meddled with the Original Blue Print of Existence and created a plan of I and a group of Humans undercover to Bring the world Back to their Senses and their Sensei’s…The Senses are the Feminine aspects Mother As “Persephone’ Hades Persephone HP…Same thing

We are now at 491 Face book friends…

D,I.A.. ‘Dia as a Word means “Passing Through.. just passing through..
going apart as in separating, to ‘Demagnetize..

*As I stated I am just passing through


Ozonnamalu Godwin Nkemakonam


F.I.N..O. G N..(G N is 14 7..See sacred portal 147)

Ozo means Smell” Expand..

“-A combining form meaning “smell,” used in the formation of compound words: ozocerite; ozostomia. Origin of ozo- Expand. Greek.pha Intelligence Divine”

“Smell (Perfume) Expansion…Intelligence Divine..I.D”

It also means in O.INri Igbo, “Sir” or “Lord” Aristocrats- Priests of integrity and character…Knights akin but greater in meaning to the Knights Templar…”

“Nna’m” Means ‘Father”

“Malu” means “To Know”

“Alu” means ‘Evil and Abomination”

“Smell which Expands (S.E..Spirit E) to Intelligence Divine and the I.D..Identity of the Species…”

“My Lord and Father Knows, what Evil and Abomination is…He experienced it”.

Godwin..Means “Gods Friend” Godwine…God Wine..

Nkemakonam “That which is Dear to me should never be scarce’
-That which is dear to me is my wealth and should never be scarce..
In a sense it means that Ones own Existence, Comfort should not be forgotten, it reminder to Self and to others that the Individuals existence, their comforts lifes all which should sustain them should not be scarce..
‘I am important to .. for I have requirements to….don’t forget”

Ozonnamalu Godwin Nkemakonam

Any one reading these posts will know through the anchors that this force is addressing me… but at the same time talking to all of you..

I do not believe at this point it is necessary I continue translate

12:17 a.m


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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