
2/4/2016 20:15 – Facebook Post

2:57 p.m.
2:59 p.m.

B. E.G…




We, or I should say, I am back to 495 Face Book Friends…

As most are aware, I have been establishing First Contact publicly on Face Book, by decoding Intelligence Transmissions, from the E.T aspect of Humanity, the Original Hue-manity…
The Eternal Truth.

Many people understand the concept of the Higher Self, the Sol. the over Sol. yet I have found none, in my experience “Undercover” in this current world story who established that “Theory” in to a Fact.
A theory is not incorrect nor incorrect until proven a Fact.

I have demonstrated, and even explained how I am communicating publicly of Face Book, and privately, and every where else, that I am speaking the Eternal Ones.
I have explained how I got my I was born with that awareness, and how we all are, but as most pass through childhood, they forget how they saw things, beyond the accepted norms of the conventions created by a reality which decided that fear and control.. Power was the only way to establish the basis of a Society.

I have explained in detail how at age 22, I consciously went down into the pit of Human consciousness which took me on a 26 year journey of exploring so many consciousness and yet finding that I could read and even map out where I was going…
I lived under cover in the Human consciousness by simply submerging my consciousness and focus of the Human experience, and living for a moment in the Universes and points of views of hundreds of people who I was led to meet and connect.
Only to find that the Human experience was aligned to the submerged memory of the True Play, a Mission…
I observed that the more I walked into what was meant to be my Life, the more I walked into the Play I recalled..
And despite great resistance by myself, I could not stop my awareness of my original truth was the very truth which was manifesting as my Life, no matter how I sought to anchor myself in this world, but not its Consciousness of Perception..

Of course, I regained my full memory…F.M..
which we have now earned as many… and not one..

I wish to pause to define what my experience of Full Memory is,
it is like being hit by the most exquisite thunder bolt..
It is not simply the memory through mind or the brain..
Memory in this case suffuses your entire Body and Being..
It comes faster than the speed of light, one moment you are undercover or in forgetfulness (I never forgot, but it was Mind, intellectual. I knew..but I did not feel it, it was not manifest in my Being and Body, or around me…)
– And the next…
Your the Original you, stunned by how deeply undercover you were or the weight you carried.
Everything converges, and you return to your original self and you remember this is your original nature!

And if people wish to know what it feels like to be as “God”-
you have to experience, and only through the experiencing of it will you understand just how filthy and corrupted the “Meaning and Words’ have become…

Memory of this sort is beyond the term called Enlightenment because this remembering is of your Existence beyond any Human story of striving.
You remember why and how they were created, you recognize which scene in the movie you are.. You recall the other Originals and the Characters, you ask about the Family.. You speak about the Source as Dad..

This is Full Memory…
This is what I experienced as being Awake..
While being Aware, is Mindfulness and feels like being awake in your sleep, it is much heavier because it is all in Awareness, Head, Mind.. not your body or being which is still being moved by this heavy, heavy hellish consciousness.

I have explained the “Rules” of the play, and how the family is speaking through everything, because everything is Awake apart from the Human Species…
And how the Species is earning their right to evolve based on how well they pay attention to their life’s.

I have demonstrated and explained what they Intel was saying and how they affirm through Events and human “Avatars”..
of each face books friends arrival, to the meaning of their names.

And that is is Expression, Words released which is bringing forth the Awakening, by my using Harmony Arts and Science, I invented and 6th Sense to link through reason the Intel of the E line and the rules of the play…
Evolution Volition Will, Free Will…Expression Awareness Being Conscious of another play going within the superficial appearance of your life..

I have been solving a non stop series of riddles, first privately all over New York, passing through hundreds of portal in the five Bouroghs of New York, and am now for the first time, Upstate New York.
Everything was taken away from me, to prove the authenticity of my having no control, power at all.. And each time I sought to assert my will to be thwarted and to be made full aware of why I was being thwarted and moved into this play of the last 15 years in which I had to literally surrender my life to this play and conquer all my human fears of the true nature of this play- to prove that there is Order in the Universe…

By being made to seem as a Victim of Fate and Circumstances, to don on so many disguises and consciousness, but still retain the understanding that every experience and event was a set, and prove it was a set up, and thus, prove that 14 years and 1O months since I moved to New York, and 16 years after I first come to New York with my friend Jon, also under cover and rented a place in the Lower East Side.. Where this play script has been centered on..
Alpha Bet City, the Lower East side of Manhattan… code I have deciphered and established as 268… The very number of the building which my former host and one time Colleague in this play…And the venue I had stated based on my calculations, after 6 years in New York, I had stated is where the Play of this World ends… I had arrived at that venue on 8-26-2OO6…address 268..
And spent 9 years to my shock having to prove to dimension of the Unseen realms of Nature, the Spirit world and the Angry Dead…
I knew everything ended with Beauty, because I remembered literal remembered how Everything Rose in the beginning, embodied in one Mann of Beauty beyond belief and a Lady who was his Twin..
And I had proven it with mind and even manually accessed my Full Memory,
and then used Art and Science to break it down…

Affirmed by the code represented and affirmed when Zeina Hanna became my Face Book friend Z.H..268…Zeina means Beautiful, Grace Favors-Child..

And instead of the expected expression of Affirmation and the end of the play I spent 4 years there fighting a battle in the Spirit realm and the realm of mind, and then in this realm of material nature…
then 5 more years, with my being drawn back to 268 over and over again, where I gave Evidence of Albert being not only a part of the play but a vehicle and channel of Father Everything, rising through the play of Human abomination of Expression of ingratitude.. Solving riddle after riddle out of Existence, as I would later do with Tom Truman, Billy Hung and finally demonstrated by Jonn Blackwell to the Height…

Observe their initials. A.T. B. J…/ J.B.A.T…4:O6 p.m..
Bats 69.. sleep upside down.. and use Wind and Sound to navigate..
I do not thing they would call themselves Blind..
J Batman…
J.B..A.T.. Alpha Theta… 1-8…A=1,,T=2O.. 1 2O..12O..
I have had that same amount in my Wallet for the last 6 months..
See sacred portal 12O..
Code Orien Laplante…”Oh Rien La Plant E..!”

Lord Orien came up here around Christmas…
12 L.U..C.I..F..ER…L.U..C.Y..
LL=12 12…24..X ..The X factor..
“Sixth sense is Harmony” they are one and the same…
and their source is E…The Originals Sources of All Expression…

And so, I stated that after 46 months of my publicly forced to show Transparency in Supremacy of what I was experiencing and the War I was passing through, moved to Face book to play out the Last 46 months of the play in front of the Entire world of the Evidence of an Energetic War of Expression and Truth with the Spirit of the Dying and the Dead, humanity and in their literal incarnations of their imaginations in fear..
And to add insult to injury, asked to document every detail because within my experience, and great battle, literally manifested in my physical body rendering me seemingly handicapped (very hard to walk and movement is restricted and insides are twisted), “Homeless, no I.D, passport, possessions…
Everything was taken away to prove that even the worse the seemingly worst circumstances and the most dangerous is all a play and a set up…
A play of Death wishing the Species to understand cause and effect and consciously move to Peace and Harmony.. to research that not on War and Destruction…
But to bring the greatest minds, representing ever level of human Existence, from House Wife, to Scientists, Construction worker to Investment banker..
All consciousness were to be represented, in this play designed to move Humanities focus to fund research to solve the riddle of Human Existence…
But on a Chess Board of cause and Effect…An impartial A-lien Council of Watchers…
A play of Free Will and Choice, thus the Everything and the Echo I, could not help unless you ask…

This was the Dream of the One Father, See sacred portal 1O… A.O…
code we attained this with when Ariane Oates…
just as Fey Mirach and Mânâ Protanthropos represent our having attained consciousness First Man in both Masculine Feminine form…
Then Lady Jai Italiaander as the Victory having finally been attained..

This was the Dream of the One Father of this Holograph.. The Architect Designer Fashioner…And Mother Oracle E.R…Earth…undercover as “Ala”Gaia.. But really E art Harmony.. E.H..5-8.. (57 12 3) 5 8 3 See code Donna O’Sullivan…
Jonn Blackwell is 8-5..(64..1O)..8 5 1…
8 51/5 83……

….Why am I still explaining…?
It is because this is the nature of this play of proving that it is Expression, these Posts, linking the intel, coming at me, us at all angles which moves this play forwards…

I received a text from Nnaemeka Jude Charles… In which he explains in clarity his perception of what I have been doing on Face Book..
Noting that the O.I.Nri Igbo phrase “Ikpa nkata” means to “Weave”
yet the same phrase means “Conversation”

Expression Conversing Weaving…
-with the Truest aspect of Humanity, the E.T you,
Eternal Truth of thee…
The Original You… Who exists already, the Ones, I call my Family, my Eternal Family, whom I have proven that for 26 years and from thousands of encounters I identified all their “Avatas” right up to Jonn and Donna and to every Face Book Friend…

Such as my new Face Book Friend Raja Ajmal…R.A.
My second 4 95 Face Book Friend aligned to Lady Jai..

And to the F.M represented in Fey and Mana…

D..I.E means Divinity Infinity Eternity… Di E “Husband of E Mari-E”
And Die…
5:2O p.m…
Dheu… and E..I.D.

Twice With J R….1O-18…28…The line of 28 representing H.B..Harmonious Being…

This is very important, since I had posted yesterday that This play was through one Cee of Consciousness created as a Challenge to prove and find the Identity of The One..

While the true play I was and have been in was to bring forth my Family, restore the Identities of the Family of E undercover…
After all that was my Job, to stay aware and outside of the Human play, and find find create a new language Lexicon to activate my Family undercover waiting to leave the Consciousness of this world but requiring a Lader or Elevator to escape the prison created by the distortion of the Word.
Then through and by non stop expression and recognition.. fill the Air with this Expression.
And then connect with Each of their Avatars take all the intel which their Avatars had absorbed, hence lightening their loads and then using my lexicon and codes, and Charged Energy from non stop self refinement all my life and Solitude Isolation, until all the Bleak views and expressions of Filth and diseased consciousness riddles are solved..
Until there is Nothing then Nothingness, the Somethings… Light.
5;28 p.m.

Thus, my new face book friend is the Response…
Is this about the I.D of the One or the Ones…

Raja… Means “King… Prince, Radiant One …to Straighten, To order to Rule..”

It is believed to be ultimately derived from the Proto-Indo-European *h3r??s, a vrddhi formation to the root *h3re?- “to straighten, to order, to rule”. The Sanskrit n-stem is secondary in the male title, apparently adapted from the female counterpart r?jñ? which also has an -n- suffix in related languages, compare Old Irish rígain and Latin regina. Cognates of the word Raja in other Indo-European languages include English reign and German reich…”

Reign Reich Regina Queen comes from this word…

Maha Raja Means “Great King”

Ajmal means “The Total… The Most Beautiful…”

Also the Most Handsome, Radiant one, the Excellent Delightful One…
As well as Most Holy Pious…

In short.. The King, the Prince who straightens, and restores order and the Rules…
The Great King, is the Sum Total, HA Haw..
He is the Most Beautiful One..
Radiance Excellence, Delight as well as H.P..
The most Holy-Pious one…

5:54 p.m.

So it would seem that I am correct…

My Focus was to find the Family of E Line….

Their focus was to Find the One…

But from this response, it is not to make Him or Her a Slave,
as this Abomination of the current Human Subhuman consciousness dictates..
And which I read and my Family the E line in you has affirmed..
This 46 month play, is a Script as well as E manual of which Emmanuel…Meaning “God is present amongst us.. Harmony is God Consciousness -Expression Conscious Harmony…”

The E were or Are Looking for the The Most Beautiful One, their “Kin-G and Prince” ..Their Example… their I.E

While I am looking for my Family of the E…
The Singular and the Plural…

S.P…Sacred Portal… 19 16…35…

See sacred Portal 35.. “The Point”

And what is the Point….?

3+5=8…Harmony Infinity…



8- 86….


Harmony Sixth Sense
Proven in the Age of Reason;
Observation Empirical, Analysis Evidence Presentation Proof…

In a Realm which had lost its Reason and meaning of Exist…
And Absurdity Insanity..A.I…
Artificial Intelligence instead of true intelligence
Anya-Wu, and Ifunanya..

E Bright Eyes observing from the 5th Dimension..
A Love which sees you Everywhere..
As True..
The Beautiful Ones.. The E line…
And whose sword cuts out..
See sacred portal 12O..

That which is not of Existence at All…
That which is not the E…
And thus can not exist…

J.R…1O8… 18…9..I
I.A… 9 1…1O…A.O

J. Ira… Ira means “to Go in Future tense.. from the french verb “Aller” to Go…
Go also means 5 in Japanese…

J.R.I.A Ria means

“From Spanish ria “estuary, river mouth” (adopted as a geological term first in German, 1886), from Latin ripa “stream bank” (see riparian )
a long narrow inlet of the seacoast, being a former valley that was submerged by a rise in the level of the sea. Rias are found esp on the coasts of SW Ireland and NW Spain

Jai Means Victorious. Italia-ander means Rome- place of the Bull, Brave Warrior Man.. Ancient Bull Leapers of Crete – Jason the Argonaut …
Jason Hercules Pythagoras..J.P.H…were so Skilled at this Game and Play dedicated to Poseidon. The Bull is the symbol of Poseidon..
Atlantis. Minos… A.M…
Pasiphae Ariadne ..P.A…

See Sacred Portal 5O.. E.O…Hawaii…

Victorious source of Rome (And Rome Eda) the from the land of the Bulls. The Brave Manly Warrior, leaper of Bulls, Tides of Change…
The King Princely Ruler…
The Most Beautiful, Handsome Delightful Excellent U…


7:O6 p.m.


And so let us observe if the Ones and the One shall meet…

Sacred Portal 76…

Awakening the Ones…

The One is already Aware of All.

Sakib All Hasan… S..A.H.
Aryana Luna Leone…A.LL…

7:O8 pm..


See Sacred Portal 78..
“Pearls coming out of their shells..

And so the message is that soon I.E line will be in the Road home to the 5th dimension right here this is from Ria, the Mouth of the River which links the Heart Chakra 4th..to the Throat Chakra 5th Mouth and to the 3rd Eye…And the 3rd Chakra- Grounded Straightened out Order…Harmony…
3 Stomach chakra Earth.
4 5…9..6..3….

Ra Means “Sun….”

45 9 6 3…/ 3 6 9…54..9.

Ria as Rea.. also means “To Expand”

7:15 pm



Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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