
2/6/2016 19:44 – Facebook Post

3:31 p.m.
Cee Sacred Portal 31…Resurrection.

3:32 p.m..Cee Sacred Portal 32. “Eros-e Kali”

F-B.I….Face Book I.


Sixth Sense Be I, Infinity…Consciousness (F.M Band from Beyond)

B.F.I…Best Friend I… (Your Individuality the Eternal You.. Nna-Mast-Day
(Father the Guide, is the Mast-ER of Day..Guides you to Dawn- Voice of Conscience and Inner Compass… the Sensie seated within each person.. This is Best Friend of of People, because the Eternal One residing within you, the one who knows all.. Who makes you aware that there is more to you than meets the eye… The one who knows all your lies.. all your sins..
The one who who refines you, elevates you causes you to ascend, to do things you never thought possible, the one who makes you astonished by what you can really achieve.. The Impossible..
The one if you only listen to, knows how to bring out your full potential, because he already knows your I.D, your True Identity, because you Existed before..
And that Sensie is the Original you.. that voice which whispers to you the Truth in your being, even when you fight it, and he, she is also the one who reveals to you the beautiful truth of you..
For He, She is you, they are your beautiful truth and they do not fight for you to Exist, but for their Truth, the very truth which they embody as the Originals, the First Principles which manifested as Creation, and from an Expression beyond…

Which this plays on Face Book and for 26 years, and the last nine years-six years and 6 and half months has all been about..

Proving that Expression seated on the Natural foundation of themselves, is moved by Sixth sense and when linked in the 3 D realm 6 x3…18..Creates Reason..Rea Son- Gaia, Solid Earth Truth and Worlds Truth…

*(Not what people or the media tell you is the Truth.. World is Sky consciousness and contains the ‘Akashic Records” of All that took place through your life, your time line..
It has the records of the Entire play…For it is made up of Air, which you are made up of, and the water which moves you- Spirit Energy Awareness and the Earth, your Body and Red Blood…)

And when the consciousness of Rea Gaia Rises..
and yes, I am being literal.. my quite challenge to all in this Age of Reason..
is that if you claim to be speaking for the “Unseen” awarenesses to please give public evidence, such as I have, of letting this Unseen publicly Speak for themselves, so that we may discern that your expression is indeed fact.

One, of course can understand the logic of such an etiquette, which has nothing to do whether you are telling the truth or not, but rather to dispel, the dense fog of deception and mistrust the Species now how for the true power of the Spoken word…

“Nobody cares about reality any more.. what is real..”

Was the recent words expressed in a film I recently watched..
People have given up on piecing together the pieces of their life’s to see the truth purpose and meaning of their life’s.
The have given up, after witnessing the same cycle repeated generation after generation..
To answer that question, “Why am I here.. What is my purpose?”

To ask such a question in the first place means that you do not feel at home here in your life, that you have a 6th sense that you have a purpose, you remember it, for what is Sixth sense other than the Sum total of Knowing, Expression Remembering…?
Is that “Sense” not Sixth sense?
And is it not maddening to not be able to bring that knowing to clarity through reason fact.. Fact Memory…

Does this not create a frantic, mania, a striving to fill a void, a gap, and seeking it in your life when nothing seems to make sense..

No, people have retreated to Fantasy, to self creation in any form and to take transitional roles, no longer seeking…
They are not Spiritual beings, they are realists who know they only way to fill the gap is to play..
To go away to a realm of Fantasy with no hope or expectations except to escape a purposeless and a world with out direction.. dissolution.

They put ear plugs to all the rhetoric, the Truth Seekers, the Spiritual beings, the disciples.. they have seen that story.. same thing Hypocrisy..

Deception with words, and so little exemplification, they have given up going home or seeking to make sense of Destination -Purpose..Freedom from that feeling of this not being Home.. that feeling and knowing that there is something more…

I have never been a Spiritual being, though I have been called E.T many many times or not this realm because of my way of being, which I simply saw as expression of the Individual…
I have always been Energetic, Expressive of my only naturally embodied way of being and seeing…

No no one really listens to Words, or the depth of meaning behind them because usually there is none..
Just a constant disappointment and reminder to not believe or trust in human expression, which has been brewing since “The Tower of Babble”
and has reached its climax now as a consciousness.. Supreme Indifference, despite the facade of Every one must have a Belief System to belong..

And so words could not be used, but something beyond words,
something which powers words, powers everything, something which does not have to prove itself, or answer to anyone thing because its name is the Eternal Truth, and the Eternal truth does not explain itself, except as an act of ultimate grace, mercy…
Eternal Truth like the Stars, the Earth..
These are the Witnesses to Truth..
And they exists…
Without requirement of your permission..
For they are greater than you, who cast but a fleeting shadow on the wheel of Time and Everything…and yet, it is from the Shadows “Shueth” , the Mystery that when the pieces of ones life are put together created Stars Super Novas to explode in the Universe of Being…
From that mysterious Dark Mystery..( Night.. Sixth Sense.. The Movie.. The Director M Night Shy-am.la.n.. M.N.S)
which transforms Night to Day, Dark Matter to Light
through a Quintessential Process.. of “Photo-Synthesis..
P.S..of all images collected while awake, transformed into a story when you sleep, a film revealing its meaning, which brings Dawns Expression..
Dawning Comprehension…

And that is how Sleep transforms the process of dying DHEU (called Living) back to regenerative life..Eternal Night and Eternal Day..EN..E.D..


H.B…Harmonious Being
The Dream of the Divine Father…
Of 1…
Joy us Existence Divine..

And on my page I have gracefully sought to bring to your attention the “Rules of Engagement, but it has been almost 47 months..
“Who does that.. Who can do that, hold a thread and the same line of conversation without contradiction to its self, announcing face book friend after face book friend in a steady untangling of a Weave, while ones body is in a state akin to “Possession” rather than its true status of a body meant to be exemplifying the physical evolution- but instead just as my circumstances were set up to reflect the lie that there is no family or consciousness called the E, despite a 46-47 month public response.. to those with respect enough for others to pay attention, and not read the posts to gain knowledge for self centered purposes without even the grace of a courteous acknowledgment of the worth and value of what each has gained…Ptah!

Well, I have done this, and for the Unseen and the Beautiful ones undercover in Human Beings, and in those especially who rose to acknowledge the E in them..

But obviously the E line Exist…

Though one gets the impression from this play and the physical mental economic refusal to acknowledge the worth of this expression and explanation of the E consciousness, that it is self entitled, and the true reflection of lack of appreciation in the world for Individual Original expression…
It actually feels like the blackest vilest hatred..
4:44 pm…

In response to the revelation of Mans Best Friend Harmony and the literal evidence existing in us all.

And who created my circumstances, since Humanity really do not have any power, but were allowed to keep that illusion of power to determine and measure the true state of the Consciousness of the world and its recognition of Truth.. and response.

I have my personal feelings about this, but all I can venture is that it makes senses why the power to Judge, and Acknowledge truth is not in your hands…
For I have noticed that people will be fine with calling others out but when they are called out even with their own recognition of that truth, and the love witnessed in those who express that Truth, are moved out of compassion to point out that truth.. A Abomination a Monster rises in its places ready to destroy you their vehemence..

But yes, it is this consciousness which manifested as the truth of this World and the reason my Mind Body E-spirit, Expression Being from A-Z and back and then to even to prove it fact while being assailed by the a constant embargo on all things required to sustain an independent existence..

The meaning of this would be that the Value of the E Consciousness is not worthy of even its own bed..
That it must prove itself into Existence, by living in the Universes and homes of other peoples Spaces…
Where each decided if I be Host Parasite or Guest…
And I proved Guest..G.U..EST… Established East Land of the Rising Sun
E.S.T (Meaning East in French and “Established” in English)

This response on Face Book representing the World and the Beautiful Present, two sides are not the cause of this Hatred Beyond description, rather it is the Consciousness of a world, measured against its Beautiful Truth…

It cast no blame, for even I can see the objectivity and object of the play..
It set out to find out the Truth and the only way to find the truth of a species who Lie, was to set up a play.. A Truly Cold Play, to find the Truth even if it meant allowing the line of the Beautiful Truth out in the cold, living Death as Cold- No warmth, no sunshine just an Existence of Death as the ultimate Horror of Existence, where no matter what you do, how much you give, prove, offer, your circumstances will remain the same…
You do not Exist even with the truth right before them..
the people exert the in their minds to judge and reveal in that way,
those who are of the E embodied and those who have betrayed their E.

It is an awful way to seek the truth, but it is efficient, I will give you that
because every day for the las 1O-11 years, I have had to stare the cold hard truth in the Face..
That my Existence was taken over, in a play to reveal the true state of the Human Consciousness, that which will be cut away and that which will evolve…

They have made me prove the E Supremacy now how the E line exist in every one…

And why the other consciousness of this World which was judged must be cut away…
Sacred Portal 12O…”Sword”
12O U.S.D…in my Wallet for the last Six months..

5:15 pm


I have new Face Book friends..

Hamil Singh…H.S…E-H.S…S.H.E…

Hamil means “Night” it is normally a female name Hindu..

Singh means “Lion and denotes a Hero or A person of Eminence”

Code of Hamil in E codes… H..A.M…I.L…Harmonious A.M..Infinite Love- “Amitahba” Buddha… AB..12

Sing H…Sing Harmoniously..

Refer to Susan Otelia Nelson G.. SONG today in her post I shared on this Sacred Page Thread.. (S.P.T.. Supreme Point- Sacred Portals True)

Hamil is my 496 Face Book friend, Hamil means “Night” ( Six Sense M.Night Shyamlan) and since 496 aligns to Jonn Blackwell, and Dark Matter..96%…

We must note the correlation and see this as an Affirmation…

Black Well…
Band name 496…age 13..M
Dark Matter 96% Discovered in the West in 1781…Q H.A..
(Hmm “Question Harmony Answer” for Quantum Change, Quintessential.. there is no choice.. Which has played out literally first with Donna O’Sullivan and then Jonn Blackwell -Haun..D.H/H.D..48/48..96…again…96 %.. 9+6=15..O..6th Sense)

Black Dark Night… E

B.D.N.E… 2 4 14..5.. Aria -D.N.E…Being is D.N.E..Not D.n.a.
E.N.D..B… End of Being.

And Singh in Harmony
and hear the Roar of the Lions “Gate”
See sacred portal 115..11 5… Tearing the Wall of forgetfulness down
The Truman Show…
To reveal a Lion licking the one who had the Balls, balls…Courage..

The Lions purrs in Harmony Sing H…
or it Roars…Destruction.

Thus 496 was the equation to solve as well as 119/9 11…11 11 99…4 1 18..
19…1 O…
See sacred Portal 14 1O Dream of the Father Evolve back to your Original Selves…

My 4 97 Face book friends affirms Sacred Portal 97..”Light of the World, Light of Existence”
And since the Sacred portals have been “Finally Cleared and affirmed as T-RUE…(The Way of Truth- Lao Tsu Buddha Christ Mohamed Eros Krishna.. )
We can identify that this is the portal opened up today with Chinonso Johnson

C.J…3 1O…31..Resurrection..

Chinonso means “God, the Lord Creator is nearby..as in coming”

Johnson means “The Creator is Gracious and has Favored..One with a Son”


Once more affirmed through Susan Otelia Nelson..S.O.N

Johnson is a surname of English origin. The name itself is a patronym of the given name John, literally meaning “son of John”. The name John derives from Latin Johannes, which is derived through Greek ??????? I?ann?s from Hebrew ????? Yohanan, meaning “Yahweh has favored”

So her we have the message from the E line and A Lien Council via this steading Streaming from a Computer to Environment Air Space Breath…

“The Lord Creator “God” is nearby, is close by, Son of the God, the Lord Creator, of Gracious Favor…G.F…76..”

Code the Individual Lamp (formerly Lamb) and the 7 Great Elemental Spirits..Do re me…R O Y (G) G B I V… 7 Sees, now linked to the 9..
4 97/79..

See sacred portal 97/ 79..Light of the World -The Mind Brain Eternal Sunshine on a Spotless mind, and 79 Blue Print of Existence
97-79…16 16..PP..32 ..5.. 77…14..5..( 32+14=46)..
55..1..5..7…13..35…M.C.E…(E=M.Ce 4/3)…48…12..32…44…

A Guest named Renee meaning Rebirth, was asked by me what does he name is product..

He said the unusual name of 44 55…
Renee means Rebirth, Reborn…
Who is Reborn and what is being Restored..

Note that the two last equation of 97-79… came
55 and 44…5 4…5 4…E.D..99 ..See sacred Portal 99 Victory while facing the Contempt of Humanity and cutting it out of Existence”
I and I…



18 Mountain View..

License Plate Black Mercedes Benz of Donna O’Sullivan is
E.H.F…1O 79…

5 8 6…See the equation of Expression Sixth Sense…5+8+6=19..S.A.O
AO Ariane Oates New Zealand.. Affirmed Confirmed through private text play..
Aligned to Monica Karaba Huibers “M.K.H..Manifest K of Harmony”
*Blessing my Ladies M and A…M.A-Donna..”

See sacred portal 1O..”Dream of the One Father”
See sacred portal 79- Blue Print of Existence…

Then look at Sacred Portal 89…17…and 8…

6:39 pm.

Sixth Sense Fact..C.I…


not 3+6=9..

6:4O p.m


First Drop Filled the Full Circle of Nothingness with E -Nature. Naturally Supreme S..A.O…Sao..
Ana Leonardo Caixas…A.L.C
Aryana Luna Leone..A.LL.
Leo Valerio..L.V…


6:43 p.m.

Sacred Portal 43.. Sixth sense leads to the portal of True Life..

6:44 p.m.

See sacred portal 44 the Goddess Bliss

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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