
2/9/2016 17:56 – Facebook Post

Was just reflecting upon you Michael O’Donnell

And here you are, as usual in perfect harmony with the E line play Naturally and unconsciously, mirroring its perfection through All Languages of Expressions…

And yes I agree Unbeing Dead is not being alive, it is simply
reaching the state of Nothing…
the very term Being Alive ..BA!…21..
Requires Action Movement..
Awakening to through Awareness Memory..
A.M to the Point of why you are Here…
And completing that purpose…
B.A….Being Alive .. BA Individual Unique Personality…I..U.P!
2 1- 3 C.EE
Who can Cee Light..C.L…3 21…
Yourself Clearly.. Y.C

Yeshua Christo..

Yes Hues Ah… Conscious “Words Anointed Voice (Voi-“Way” C.E) Explained) C.Double V..
Of the W.A.V.E, and Words (WW 23 23 46…Sacred Portal 46.. First Drop of the Pool of the Sum Total of the Sources reflection completed Full Circle..

WW..VV VV…V= 5..E…

46…(22X4) 88…5

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