
2/9/2016 20:00 – Facebook Post

From Michael O’Donnell

Which is the greatest Tragedy to the for Humanity and was the main reason they as a species had to evolve or become extinct..

Hello Silence my Old Friend…

It snowed last night,
and today revealed the most splendid marriage between Winter and Spring..
That I spent time in a space of Quiet which I have not been able to get to because of the work of mind and being of this constant posting and play of Cee and Awareness… Awareness Consciousness..

But the beauty of today and the fullness of my awareness that at any moment my Lifes Expression and work will manifest…

I went into the Silence, and I became aware of the Quiet, the Quiet Heart of the Beauty all about me, Snow- Symbol of Individual Consciousness Collected..I.C.C!…
I.O. C.H..Harmony..
And I realized that this is where I had always lived when in transition… Where I would pause between Time and Space and the Realm of my Home consciousness the E..

And I recalled and savored that which I had so missed.. The Quiet…
And within the Quiet as the snow drifted from the trees, creating a veil, of sweeping glittering snow like fair dust…
I went into the Quiet and that is where I remembered where I.E had first discovered Sound… it was in the Silence of every moment, every tree, the sky, the sky, the snow, the temperature the moment created a picture..
Seemingly two dimensional, 2 by 2 a frame, a portal which deepened and expanded until I was deep deep in the realm of the Q.H,
Quiet Heart, my Head Quarters from which I used to come to every morning before going into the Library and play of Awareness Memory..
-Waking up from the Nights journey into the
Rest In Peace” R.I.P..The Dead.. the Stillness..

And I recalled how from this silence, Stillness and Movement played out with Nature and Balance, which create pines to shake, A Raven or Crow to circle above, everywhere. each pieces came together to to create a Quiet Symphony which I could hear…
And I recalled that this was the realm of 6th Sense, where I was absorbing everything, but with no thought or reason, I was drinking in the Day and I was sipping it, as one sips the most Exquisite of Wines, A “Java” coffee of the greatest aroma..
And I remembered this is where and how the knowing of Everything came out naturally by this unconscious but oh so consciousness drinking in savoring the Exquisite Harmony- Exquisitely Beautiful…

And this Expression Harmony is what had brought forth the First Expression of Harmony first into Music…Then finally into Words…
And I saw the way home today, standing on that deck with my Quiet Heart..
Drinking feeding on the Expression Harmonies Manifested as what every culture and language has a name for.. Beauty…

Expression which I recalled and recollected simply by going deep deep with as I did gazing at a picturesque day, which my entering within became a journey which took but a moment, to journey beyond time and space to that realm which I call Manifestation the last state before I reach Eternity..M.E…

5:43 p.m

How can one not love the Silence…
For within it, is the Everything, the Everyone
and the portal home..
This is what I mean when for the last 47 months,
i have kept reading the codes created and materialized in this Word and 3D realm, of my reflections which came from deep with and then recognized outside..
And for 26-27 years have put the pieces of them back together, and the last translating my consciousness into a language of this…current consciousness..

Yes, like catching the Echoes of all your Thoughts reflections and point of view ten conclusions about the Truth of the World through your perceptions at 8 -1O… and then you forget them and then find in your life, patterns, and events, people reflecting those very Expressions!
And then you find that most of those original Expressions have been translated incorrectly, by others because of the Filthy Sewer consciousness moving unseen through the Air..

And to clean them up, your expression, your meaning which as you move through your life, taking from that weave you have made by assembling all the patterns, to Weave into an Amazing Picture (2 D..2×2..2O2 Donna O’Sullivan intel :)…) And a Story Book. A Roman, Manuscript Film
. Cutting Editing- Fashioning, a Garment….

Hence the ultimate struggle in bringing your Expression, itself a miracle at first seeming beyond Belief, always just beyond your reach but it being not a illusion, Mirage Vision but invited you to clarify that expression and make it real… Fact..
And the price for making it manifest to walk through Hell beyond even your wildest manifestation – made more suprising how it manifest completely differently from how you expected such realms to manifet- yet it making such common sense that even there you recognize a Beauty so Exquisite which has Harmony… Love all the attributes but none of to you..
As if your very Truth rises up to challenge you, by acting like the Adversary..
To destroy you by throwing at your efforts to manifest, complete the Vision…
In which you have really nothing to really personally to gain except have your Expression Clarified to its true Meaning Intention, crystal clear- which consequently morphs into that original summation as a 8 year old 10 year old boy and 4O years later.. find yourself having gone much much further than you ever intended to go to simply celebrate the Truth of the Universe..How it works, and acts like a net, a Goal Post..

Every time you reach a Universal Truth. it rebounds on the Universal Grid, Weave, Toile, built by the Great Spider, – She herself a character in a move in a Universal Holographs energetic transformation of that function…

And when you score again, there is a roar of approval of the Unseen the A-Lien council of Potential Victor of the play already manifested, cheering you on which creates and echo response in this World play translated as Life here on Earth…

Echo response Affirmed Confirmation of your Expression is True..

But you are alone, and facing down a entire World and Time-Line, the really tough tough crowd to sell the truth of the Universe as Exquisite Harmony- given their Collective experience in the World Time line, while the A lien Council representing those Individuals who “Got it” understood the play of life…And the pissed off line creating a wall of Death in which you can not pass through because.. They are means pissed off angry people who the experience of living had been transformed into the Ultimate disappointment.. Hurt Anger Rage..
-As I said, a real, real, tough mean crowd… Hard to sell such an idea when all they wished is for you to suffer as they had suffered…
Then there are the Individuals- they ones who got it…

The ones who see what you are really doing and creating who are the Echo Affirmation..
Individuals versus the Masses…
And the Great Wall, the Great Mountain they formed, a Wave of Destruction they have Willed into Existence, which is the reason for their hate.. And one by one solve each riddle, urged on by the Echo affirmation of that first conclusion of the World age 7-8-10..is actual… Seven Eight Nine Ten..S.E.N.T…Is actually the Truth.

Sacred Portal 67 “How far will you go for the Truth of Love?”
/Sacred Portal 76″Which is the Evolution Awakening back to the Original U.. The E…

6:36 p,m.
F C F…
9= I.

I did not know know, and the battle in me to walk away from the disgust and contempt of a play designed to thwart that which is the Beautiful Truth, to advocate a continual lie of Existence accepted as a never ending story of pain and sorrow, Disappointment…
And the Beautiful Truth.. which once manifests ends all pain and suffering by proving how it does this, step by step while being made invisible than Death itself…
Living in the Quiet Heart dimension transformed into Emptiness. the pit of the Consciousness of Quiet Despair and their Challenge “Transform This!

“But that which you asking me does not even Exist it is not real!”

And their reply..”We know, we do not care, we are blind Rage…”

And I replied, over and over again, by my still being here, 47 months later body and being bruised beyond human comprehension but still held together by the E line in me..
My expression…
Expression Truthful…
Expression Fact..

And so I had no idea I would go this far…
For the Truth…
Was not about me, for I have never been in doubt about leaving through physical death- for Death is my brother…
Ad the Wall is Lie..
The Wall, the true Wall manifested for that which is not True or of E Truth..
I can not pass through.. the “Nothings Matter”
or the Quiet Heart….Q.H..To reach the Head Quarters E.H..T..T.H.E..
E Harmony Transformation…

I guess, I went this far because I could see It every where and the benefits are beyond human imagination…
Was it worth it?
No, I would have personally destroyed the Play rather than compel anyone to experience this meaning of existence created by Confused children in Fear and Chaos….

Nothing was worth this, not even this Exquisite Manifestation which truly I do not believe anyone on this planet truly truly grasps…

But I find myself going this far to End this horrible distortion of the Truth so Beautiful, beautiful because it is a expression E H which includes the All…
Everyone Everything… And brings a J.o.y and transformation for all..

Except one who finally gets to rest and go home to Himself, his True Original Self…

People who kept their “Vows and Covenants’ they made with their ‘Truth-Higher Existence” THE..Beginning…
Deserve to see the Truth…

And so I am here…
Still in the Cosmic Struggle
Expand Contract…
Indifferent to the Outcome..
But no able be Indifferent to the Beautiful Truth

6:59 p.m


ee comming…

co mm zh…i ng…

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