
2/14/2016 20:33 – Facebook Post

3:42 p.m.

3:43 pm
C; Sacred Portal 43 “True Life”- Aligned to Cold Plays- True Love..
Aligned to T.L..2O12…Code 32..Eros Conscious Being-Cee Beauty-
5..5th Dimension..E-Rose.


Code Eternal Love..E.L means “Light” -Linked to Face Book friend, Lord YI-Ye.. Which means “Joy Harmonious Light” -Who just turned 51- Aligned to Jonn Blackwell 51- and Area 51,,,E.A..True Conversation between Energy E and Ahtom the Twins.. And to Lord Orien Laplante,..O Nothingness La! 6th Sense..The Plant is E…
Which then links to Ariane Oates post at 4;22..D.V/V.D..”Eternal Love” E.L
-meaning “Light-God” on Valentines Day..
To Monica Karaba Huibers.. Monica mean “The One.. The One Alone- Karaba means “Black” as well Vehicle-Car Boat”- to bind and fasten tightly, to its purpose..Huibers- “Bright Heart”Hug-Heart Mind..Bright Famous Heart..’Sacre Couer”..and of course Noahs Ark builder John Huibers…
And the intel Donna O’Sullivan produced for me, from some covering from some product with the codes 8..58…With a big Heart aligned to an experience related of a vision of the awakening by Milly Gallick, which Donna related and then signed with a Heart, linked to a vision the same day, where Ana Leonardo Caixas reported a very similar vision, then Fey Mirach sending me a private text of affirming the same vision and reality for years and stating it is happening now after all that time-and the way is through Happiness..
She revealed her three names F.J.A…and what happened at age 29..
Note F.J.A- 6.1O 1…6 1O1..6 11..6.1..Sixth sense in One…
and this year aligning to a leap year day.. Feb with 29 days, which links the once in 4 years, (268 East 4th Street, the 4th Dimension, Green color note of Fa…) to D.o…First Note and 4th in one,,
And 366 3 66 Days in a Year…See sacred portal 3- 66..

She spoke about how she had a problem with sound..
Please not the condition which at age 25-26 was so intense that I slipped into a Coma (Answered a Summons) and saw the Evanescent Light…
And How she could really really listen through the Heart..

I spoke a spoke then solved the equation of sound, and it being able to effect physical matter..
Her last names have were “Born” and Day”..and her current last name means He came from a place of Daring, as well as Fisher Man of Cod..Cod..e..

Time now 4:22 p.m..
D.V..Ariane Oates on V.Day..

Now is that not interesting how, I am in Harmony with Expression (From Beyond) and Time in the 3rd Dimension..
E.T..M.I (Expression Time Mi third note of Sound..E.T.M.I..-
Expression Time is Mi! 3 note in the 3rd Dimension…Cee Consciousness.. Meaning Expression Consciousness Harmony O- E.C.H.O..is the meaning and source time.. Convergence which brings forth meaning…
Expression Harmonious equals Time..
Harmony Is Time…E

Which then links us to Fisher Man.. “Petcher”
and Nicholas Petcher..N.P…14 16…5 7..12 3..(14+16=3O..CO)..3 6 9 12…C.F.I.L..Circle Filled Infinite Light..
Which is the meaning of Amitahba and Santana..Dharma..Lotus Santana..
And to the code of New York Paris..
Nature Planet..

And to his sending me a private text today, with the video “No Pasaran”
Spanish.. Voices of revolution, Freedom Song.. F.S..Feeling Sensational- S.F.. Stephen Filgueira “Crowned Victorious for carrying the thread through War..”
Which links to my last face Book friends name meaning Mambi Maqueta Lack Gonçalves…And the story of my University thesis, and my suspecting that I had been consecrated to a secret mission my by Grandfather and the Eze Nri. as well as my mother…Of being an intermidiary between two world- with myself caught in the middle.

*I have written in detail about all this, as it was manifesting in actuality..
infact all my posts and links were sequences, equations which I was explaining while solving and unravelling.. Everything I post is Actual.. All happening simultaneously, while I link and converge all the facts and intel and experiences, memories, recollections, evidence to one meaning which manifests like a Super Nova.. the meaning…

Say for example the time now is 5:1O p.m..51.. Area 51 of the E Kind…
And Nicholas Petcher just texted me a link to Subcomandant Insugent Marcos..
(Code name in this play linked to Marcos Quintero)
While I was doing the code of T.I.M E..E-M.I..T…
Subcommandant Insugent Marcos…
S.I.M…Sim Card Paris I..New York… P.I.N..Number to a Sim Phone..
“Used to spy, track harrass using sub sonic sound..

M.I..S..3rd Dimension Supreme.. Window from the deck of 18 Mountain View has the Code letter C on it… Chocolate.. my complexion, as well as the expression of “All Sweet” All Light..
code Pamela Stefaniotis…P.S..END S.P.
S is the letter code all over the ceiling in the basement where I sleep..

Nicholas means “Victory of the People”…Petcher means Fisher man of Cod.. Code… C.O.DE../ EDO-C..e

“Subcomandante Marcos or Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos, was the nom de guerre used by the main ideologist and spokesman of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN), a Mexican rebel movement fighting for the rights of the indigenous peoples of Mexico. Subcomandante Marcos, the character, the constructed persona, the hologram, the “colorful ruse,” was created by the Clandestine Revolutionary Indigenous Committee of the Zapatistas, because “[the outsiders] can only see those who are as small as they are. Let’s make someone as small as they are, so that they can see him and through him, they can see us…”

Linking to the meaning of Mambi Mambi- and to the Cuban Uprising..

To Subcomandante Marcos’s Identity[edit]

‘Subcomandante Marcos (center, wearing brown cap) in Chiapas
The Mexican government alleges Marcos to be ‘Rafael Sebastián Guillén Vicente’, born June 19, 1957 in Tampico, Tamaulipas to Spanish immigrants’

S -M..
2 5OO Face Book Friends..
Susanta Nayak +Mambi Maqueta Lack Gonçalves
*Real name of the one undercover, “The Character, the constructed persona, the hologram. the colorful ruse, created by the C.R.I.C..Z…Add code E.L.. (Light) of Harmony… Z C.I.R.C.L.E… H-C.I.R.C.L.E…)

*Jonn Blackwell just asked put on some music and asked me if I ever heard of Mathew Sweet.. !
M.S..S.M/M.S…. MM 8..26 8…Z.H.. Zeina Hanna Zorro Henri
All Sweet.. All light…Pamela Stefaniotis..”All Honey.. Sweet All crowned with Laurels of Victory..

Z Circle H Harmonious Circle…

Again See Ariane Oates Monica Karaba Huibers Donna O’Sullivan Susan Otelia Nelson…Esther Uzoma.. Erik Ebright…A.M. D…S..E…E…

Which leads us to Two Face Book friend he suggested..

Maria Luna and Liz Stokes…M.L.L.S…(LL=12 12 =24..24 Hrs, O X Fact-ore)

Meaning Beloved Cherished Luna Moon Z Circle, H Circle of Expression Luminous E.L..Light of Y+I, the C +1…=D…Y+I.D..-E..I..5 9…14 45..N..D.E
E.L I.D..I.N..D.E…

Liz means “The Oath Vow of God, the Creator.. God is satisfied… Stokes means “Place’ a location…

The Creator is satisfied with the Place and the location…

Of what?…
Code Elizabeth Palacio…E.P.
Elizabeth Clarizio…E.C…
Elizabeth Stokes…E.S..P.I. R.I.T…Z..H..
code Ritz Montes..R.M…Room

E. S.P…C ……H.I..

MS-X-SM…M 6 M…M.F.M…
Code Michael Frazer Fritz Venneiq Fey Mirach
S.M.M.S…S Z S…S.H S…8 H (Linked SS=8)

The message an intel is in the Meaning of both the last names…
Three E as the First names and then the last names in the the order moving backwards…from the Source…

The message Extraordinary Sensory Perception C..Consciousness… CHI..Energy.. C Hi.. Welcome of Harmony and Infinity the twins Little Brother the Boy (Child) Code Budi Lass…Chico Loco…
And the Big Brother (1984..George Orwell G.O..5th Japanese..JA PAN..
And The Beautiful Man.. B,M..B.M.VV.. ( 1O 3- 1O-4.. J.C..J.D..Joseph C. James Dean… JJ CD same thing… 1O 1O.. 1OO..3 4 ..7 12 19 84.. 1O3.. 13.. M..4..D.. M.D.. Michael O’Donnell code…Q.Quan…H=8…H.E.N.R.I)…

The 123-4 all in One, are saying Hi and that the Place, the Clarity, the Palace is satisfactory…That I.E (Me) Kept my Oath and Vow to continue respecting him.. the three one Y+I.D..For.. ‘A For”
See Nri Igbo Market Days. Queens of Harmony-Communication…Cee and Seers…King Fisher Men/Wu-men.. Wu means 5 in Chinese Mandarin
Chris Martin..Cold Play..

Soo Cold Hey Donna O’Sullivan Wink wink…

P.C… Palacio Clarizio…

Brooke Elizabeth Erler..
Queen Bee..
Q.Peace Bee
Honey Bee..
Deborah Omolola Adekunle D.O..A
Debra Knapp Rinaldi…D.K.R

7:12 p.m..19 84 (Big Brother) 1O 3 (Joseph Christ Jesus Christ)..13 13 Mambi Maqueta Lack Gonçalves DD David Machado Miguel Davi Denny Ding Wei
Z H.Zeina Hanna Zorro! Harmony (Antonio Band-Eras..A.B.12 21..A.B.B.A)
I Isaac..Meaning “The One Who Laughs’ Isaac Calvin McCullough..
I See E..
ISE..Meaning the number 5, in OINri Igbo..


And so one sees why I obeyed my Brother Son playing the role of my Father even now..Respect Authority Existence..Known.. R.A.E..K…
Sunshine Rae
Because at the same time I am respecting myself, because in this play of the Unknown being the source of Evil and fear with me playing the role of the Unknown to prove everything is known the moment your require to know, proving that through 6th Sense Harmony that you already know Everything Tzu- which He wished me to prove is a Fact through this Face Book play..
That the code of one of my oldest and dearest Face book friend Lord Orien Laplante name contains the evidence “Oh Nothing “Rein” to concern yourself about, there is a tracking devise and G.P.S signal planted inside all.. And it is the La of sixth sense in recognizing the Expression of E…And am now, even though still at 5OO.. The End..

7;28 p.m.. 7-28 My sisters birthday She went to Queens College and then lived in Queens Park. my Journey in New York almost 15 years ago began in Flushing Ja-mai-ca Queens.. Market Days ..NRI..

I am obeying the Will of my brother Son consciousness..
See the post of Jonn Blackwell I shared yesterday of the Big Brother and Child (Little brother. and my chapter in my Manuscript on Jon Jason Lee referring to him as my Little Brother Jon…code 32… I am 5..E)

As most are aware, the to guard the authencity of this play that there is no Control of Force, of myself influencing the play, of Evidence Harmony, through those who chose to be my face book friends, I do not go out fishing for people to invite them to be my Face Book friends for that would disrupt the weave and the message, as well as the play designed by the Energetic Magnetic Consciousness Pull-Gravitates -Go-de, I call Father.. The One Father..
Pierre David
Edith Azubike Peter
Israel Cotto..I.C whom I know as Peter..

Who were the Fisher men in the current World story we are just Finally completing to now usher in the One Final Story of the E line..
In the Story which is of Abraham Lot..A.L…
Line of King David Solomon.. D.S..
Feminine Hanna Esther Ruth ..H.E.R.

Its was
“The Gospel of Matthew and the Gospel of Mark report the call of the first disciples by the Sea of Galilee: As Jesus was walking beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon called Peter and his brother Andrew. They were casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen’

Net /Ten.. The Elegant Nomad… Never Homeless Bum…

Simon Peter..S.P… Sacred Portal… and Andrew..AN..DR.E.VV/ W.E RD NA-
“Na in Igbo means To go Home it also means, “And” Nana Jaguar Nana.. Mayan Cosmology- the name of an Ex Girlfriend in London…
Drew Reyn…
Andrese Harris Burton
Paulo Andre Simão

5:45 p.m

E.D.E.. Ede means Noble, De light Paradise, rich in War..
54/ 45 is code of myself as E and C linked to myself as my brother Nnamdi the one playing my Father this E.T play…

E.D.E.N…Eden Paradise… E.P.. Elizabeth Palacio Code name Jonn’s Mother..
Donna O’Sullivan mother and herself bear the First name and middle name of Ruth…
Code name represented by Ruth Odom..
R.O..RR= 18 18 36..36O Circle Filled…

And yes, this was me indenting a program sequencing D.NE through words on a P.C connected to the World Humans Space Earth, the seen an the unseen, Visible and Invisible and those listening.. even from the beyond..

7:32 p.m.

Green, Golden Yellow Blue Consciousnes
4th,the 3rd..and the 5th…


sacred portal 43..True Life… 5th Dimension Portal E

9:1O pm Edit.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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