
2/19/2016 18:44 – Facebook Post

From Gay-Marie Bradshaw



Code 1O 6 11

Galaxy I.C.1101 X through Six Sense..
GA..LA! X.Y..Z…C,I. 1O 11.X by 6th Sense..
G-A (7-1 Alex-Gaia)
La! (6th Note Six Sense),
X=Expand.. 24..1O..6..- La X..66

Y=R.OY..3rd Color, third letter, C..Expand Y to C,
Y.C- Yeshuah Christ, Yes, Hues AH..Cee..Y-25=7..
Expand Y of the 3rd Planet of the Sun, Earth Consciousness and “Cee’
From Do Rey (Code Alex Reyenga,- Geoffroy D’Aillaud de Caseneuve) Mi
C.A-/ A Course in Miracles..
Code Miracle Mike Aghimien…
A.C.I.M/ M.I..C.A.. Mi is the third note, to C the A=1.

“Mica” means Who is as the Lord” and “Beloved Friend”.. B.F..26.. A-Z
Prophecy of Prophet Micah.. Mic..MIC..A.H..
Jonns Micro Phone (M.P)..LMX..
M.P..Michael Ponty.. The Bridge..

A-G..G is the 7th note, ROY(G) GBIV..
Those who are following the equation will recall how long I have been solving the equation of Y…Through former Face Book Yonathan Yohannes (YY 25 25 =5O) to J=1O..1 Full Circle Balance of I.O.
This equation was solved along time ago by me, and people will recall my understanding that I had discovered in the Equation of Grace..
*The Foundation Stone..Grace I found in Alpha Bet City…A.B.C
and then from there to Green Point Avenue, Green Street..R.O.Y.G..
Y as the Trinity concept had to be evolved from the 3rd Dimension to the 4th dimension..3 4 7 12 19 84 1O3 (J.C..1OOO) 13..M=1000 in Roman Numerals…and 1+3=4..D..D=5OO..Two 5OO F.B.Friends..Jai Italiaander Meaning Victory.. V.. Violet.. 7th note and color..
ROYGBIV..V=5..E… Note of Ti!./ It..I.T..9-2O…29…
Fey Mirach
11..Jonn Blackwell Donna O’Sullivan
18..Mountain View..
1 9..Basement E.. 147 The Bean, 1st and 9th..

And So Y expanded to G to Bee, to I, to V..I.5.. I.E..
which manifests Z..Zeina Zorror- “The Beautiful Eternal Heroes of the Golden Dawn.. G.D.. 7 4/47.. 11 28.. 39.. C.I.. 1O 11 X Ga la X (66) Y(G 4th Dimension)..Z Beautiful..A-X
Full Circle

All by transforming 63 F.C.. Sixth Sense the 3rd Eye C into Fact,
demonstration of How we Cee (Consciousness) through Fact Cee- to Sixth Sense Consciousness.. Basically moving Forwards Backwards..
meaning we are currently aligned to the True meaning of the Code
“The Kings Speech. King of Camelot.
Presidents Speech…
*Abdication of English Throne Prince Edward VIII the 8th, Duke of York Albert who became King George VI..6th…E-A..G…8th 6th..
Code Area 51 Energy Ahtom @ G..Harmony Sixth Sense..

That we are in currently in 1963, but the correct Version of the Moment of First Contact by having proven it manifest first from within, and those who are arriving our our True Kin.. The Originators of the Hue mann examples..
Humanities I.E.. Examples…
Their new source of Inspiration…

63 Full Circle First Contact..

A.R (Alex Reyenga) E.A..51..Area 51..

In 1963 was the code…
activate and access Star Gate Galaxy C.I 1O-11 X
by transforming 1963 into Letters Meaning
19-S-A.I..S.A-O..(“Sao meaning “Are Whole Expression,Healthy Hearty Laudable..Complete” A.W.E..HH…L.C..)..

As I have just done above,

Thus, my linking this Gay-Marie Bradshaw share,
Grace Manifests Body..
G Mercedes Benz..

Grace as the Corner Stone and Foundation of Existence Creation.
G..Fa (7-6..66 7 26-8, is the expansion from the 3rd to the 4th to 4-4 aligning to 8 (Z=26 8..H), which is Harmony..19 63.. 1 9..1 A
Sacred Portal 1A.. J.O.Y…

44- G.F.C.D…E..and Violet to the Ti..7=G- V=5
V=22 T=2O..42/24 X 1 O….66..
Ponty means Bridge..
Captains Bridge..
Captain Kirk..
We had to bridge the missing gap..

J.K..Middle Earth

Jonn Blackwell just spoke of a book written by Ruth Myers.. R.M called Aliens Amongst Us…Inspired by a person he worked with..
And of 1976 being described as the peak moment in Music and human understanding..

63.. 76…..9..18..27 9 76.. 13 (4) 42..54..9 4
First Contact.. G.Fa…
I. A.H.B.G..I.
M.(1000 Mahler Roman M)…
42 Meaning of Existence

Time as simple a number does not Exist,
Time Exists only meaning,
meaning which is aligned to Symbols..
-Numbers, letters, pictures, signs…
Movement Vibrations
Waves Of Sounds of Music..
and a Voice- “Voi” C.E…
Wat of beautiful Cause Effect,
traveling through the Throat and the 5th Dimension,
Having first linked with its H-eart…
and then leaves 54..ED..Light..
I.E with His Her I.D.

And E.T undercover in this world
who has worked and waited a long long time
to be finally united with his Family,
who left him here the moment he was born..
at 8..code meaning…

5:39 p.m.


E K P.A.I.X..
E Kevin Space EE

But though a few knew I am literally E.T
I did not meet their expectations
and they could not understand me, though they could hear me..
that I was on a mission from the realm present and beyond..

To create a Space for my Original and one and only family
to rise within this now beautiful Song..
Planet Earth
C.I. IO II..I. X.E

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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