
2/20/2016 0:05 – Facebook Post

From Thomas J Brock

A very Simple but profound fact and truth of Eternal Love..

This principle of Eternal Love is consistent in all Species and creation- right to its Source, the Original family who literal would cross the See and Abyss and Void of the most terrible stories and programs to find their Family.

So, yes this is the meaning of Eternal Truth…
And Endless Love..
Also known as infinity Eternity…

And how despite it all I could not give up on that eternal truth..

That the E line exists..

Because they live in my heart, my vivid recollections and I see them , hear them feel them.. undercover every where in Humanity and in Creation..

How far would I go for the ones I remember, even across a parallel universe called Birth and Death..
This my life and the expression of Face Book, is how Far I would Go..
How far would they go for me..?
They have responded to me, in everything single Avatar, in perfect Harmony..

That is the literal love which is beyond time, space, limitations..
Its is the First expression of Light..
The realization in the 3rd Eye…exploding Light above,
and Orgasm below- in the Nether Regions..
A Love so Evanescent.. it literally brought for the E line Beings as Vast Infinite Light beings with Wings..

Which is how I know Humanity evolve to have wings..
Logical to the Symmetry of their bodies…
And yes.. we fly.. Energetically first and later..?
Well you will not believe if I tell you..

So lets just wait a bit longer and See…

Nice Share Dude….

11:O3-4 p.m


Deck of Cards…


11 5.. K.E..
See sacred portal 115.. that is the intel today…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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