
2/27/2016 2:51 – Facebook Post

11:19 p.m

26-2-9…Z (B.F) B-I… 8-2-9…
2-26-9….B-Z (B.F) I…. 2-8-9…

Code Date…
K.S…I.S…K.ISS… Kerem Sanl?man and F.B.F, initials I.S..

A.A.A.I…Code Axel Anderson Alberto…I.E…

Code is in the meaning of the Names…

Axel means ‘Father is Peace” And the Axel used to turn a wheel..
Axel Love…A.L..Albert…”

Anderson is the name Mr Smith in the Matrix calls NEO..

The Matrix: Path of Neo – Neo’s solitary role as the One is contrasted by Smith, who, by replicating himself, becomes “the many.” When Neo asks the Oracle about Smith, the Oracle explains that Smith is Neo’s opposite and his negative. Unlike the other characters in The Matrix, Smith almost always refers to Neo as “Mr. Anderson.”

Anderson means ” Son of Andrew- Manly Brave Warrior”
Albert means “Noble Bright Intelligent…”

Santana… code Albert last name…is what I had to fight the challenge of at 18 Mountain View, a play of Lotus Santana… L.S/ S.O.L..
And the meaning of Santana Dharma.. S.D- Code Dina Singh Donna O’Sullivan…”O-dina-ni” Meaning it is lying within-
I sleep in the Basement- where a circle weave is hanging with 13 E’s around it ad in the center the full Circle…
The Challenge of One E “Ha” to bring the E as the many and proof that Mr Smith is really Mr and Mrs Smith ( Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie.. B.P and A.J.. Beautiful Pride and the Beautiful Angel)
Aphrodite and the Smith Hephaestus- Goddess of Beauty, Fertility and the God of Craftsman ship and the Black Smith..
Really Alexander and Hephaestus A.H.
And then Merge to 1, as 1+8=9=I.

There is also a Chinese Dragon.. J.Bruce Lee…

7 Months I have battled as Santana Dharma…”Continual stream and flower of constant Awareness…”
To proof against the True Black Smiths as the darkness which is the Black Goo of negativity versus the Postive, Red Goo which really is Blood which turns black from Spilt blood- murders and assasination..War..
I had to use Loves C, instead…
I arrived here at 18 M.V on the 19th…
My last Battle was at 147 The Bean 1st and 9th..1 9..19 is S.. 1 9 is A,I…
Sia is the word for “Black” in Turkish…
I am here in the last setting of the play, chez Jonn Blackwell…

I met my former host Albert S with two other person, in 2OO6, (26)
with two others Sage and Isaac Calvin McCullough…
Sage Isaac Albert…S.I.A.. I.A.S…S.A.I…S.I.A…A.S.I.A…
Which this play has been about.. Asia true Source of the West..
Asia Africa the Twins..
Asia Africa America.. A.A.A.. and the battle to align them to one
111=3..C on the Holo Deck right here…
While fighting the lie as as the Negative Evil Mr Smith…
And proving Mr and Mrs Smith…
and I..
The Two really of the I..
By the Jonn and Donna unconsciously/Subconsciously and consciously
affirming my the Truth of the E by each aware and unaware being in Harmony with the E..Through a play of constant War and peace..
While Fighting Pure Evil seeking to turn me once more into rage by the unfair treatment of I.E… To see who will take advantage and while I carry all the load at the end of a 26 year journey of everything seeking to destroy my truth as I faced the cruelest aspect (Beyond beyond belief, Humanity have exaggerated to the point of a lie, their ridiculous notion that they are the center of the world- without giving reason as to why…such a thing could be true, especially when nearly all are infected by this disease of the black goo- negativity..
Spilling the Blood- especially energetically, of those who show then true love…
Ah how I have watched as the are indifferent to how they make others bleed, who care for them…And the fools who bleed for them…Obscene…

Many will recall the reasoning and this play of 19..S..
With Nikoma Rios and Chukwuma Ogbonna- who was 19..
Nikoma saw me in take on three forms, a Gorilla which later literally manifested at S,I.A..Three Men sitting on a stoop number 2 77..
See sacred portal 77.. “Loki’

..A Blue E.T.. Really Mr Manhattan..

And a 19 years old Golden skinned youth.. witnessed by two others who saw me in Recollected dream visions…

Hence the battle here, was to prove my own Transformation back to the One truth of which Nikoma asked me, ‘Which of these three are you”
He thought I was the Blue E.T
I am…
But my truest incarnation is the 19 year old Youth..
Who transforms in this incarnation Add 1O.. to 29 year old Immortal and my self as my Twin age 22…19+1..2O..T.C
attained by reaching Temmuz Çarkdönümü…T.C…
And 29/92… Sophie Mavirides and NEO..Keanu Reaces 9-2-64
(Nnamdi Emeka Obum Brothers all O.N.E/E.N.O…Elegant Nomad O.H..
H.O.N.E Y..G..Bee..Gee’s… Deborah Omolola Adekunle Debra Knapp Rinaldi
Do! A…

Thus, I had to fight the great Evil Old Age…
Aligned to the code of the Cat Rosy verus Rose E
The cat is 22 years Old.. 1O4 sacred portal Death..
Maurice my Bio Father the Cat..
Nnamdi my brother twin the Cool Big cat..
*The first thing he ever drew, really drew was an amazing image of Lions and a boy who was the Lion tamer in the Lions Den-A Cage..
“Thrown in the Lions Pit…Daniel Balthazar.. 😯 Spring Street, Manhattan…

And so I had to prove I could reverse age and reach infinity Immortality Eternal Youth, age 19, then 2O and 29…49..68…which those following this play will recall have all been attained…
12:28 p.m.

Gay-Marie Bradshaw
Kevin G Gordon…
G=7, is V and Note Ti..

I had to do this when all the conditions around are that which cause old age and death and disease- expression, constant expression designed to sap me, and rid me of all my strength, body very much seeming to be rigor mortis..
And Expression of negation, while looking awful, and tired..
While Anxieties Worried Expression constantly around me from face book to family mother.. and the non stop daily horror of “This can not be the play of the Evolution Awakening.. Cruel and Evil beyond that meaning, a torment every day, which I surmount, knowing this play has gone so far of not allowing me to buy my own food or cloths, robbing me of front teeth, and literally not able to stand on my feet..
While everyone watches the Show- The Truth Of Man Show…TTOMS…

They just watch…

“Their eyes were watching Lord…”
The Secret is in their Eyes.. If they be Humane or if they beast..
This was Loki Eleggua watching to see,
Sacred Portal 77.. Human or Beast..
Answer Both Wrong..H.B is the Answer
Hueman Being
Beautiful Harmonious.. and Fair.. Fair play each must carry equal loads to be of Harmony..
And all the Wealth homes Jobs, were designed for this True man show..
If I.E could defeat Evil as Exhaustion Tiredness Demands- Greed and Need
by attaining age19 yet to be seen but manifested first Energetically
.hence this Dna Transformation to D,NE..
Ariadne Theseus..E..

Date 2-26-9… B Z-B.F-I…Beautiful Zorro , Best Friend I..E
2 8 9…B.H..I (11-28)..22 69..V. Namdi 66..I.E.

I have Two Three New Face Book Friends..

Welcome Jack TheVillagemaster… Jack and the Bean Stalk De Vine.. Linking D.N.A.E.. Dna..Dne.. Aria with a Song…J.A..C.K…Angelina Jolie A.J/J.A..C.K Christ Krishnna… C.K..my intials in the long version of my Name..
Jack means ‘The Creator is Gracious’ It is also Slang for a “Man”
Akin to Andrews meaning.. “Man- Manly”

The Village Master.. T.V..M
The Ti Vi is Manifested..
Everyone;s body and being is prepared now for the present..Two Doors..
Ti and V is the 7th Note and 7th Color..

See post Kevin G Gordon..
Loki Fenrir..F.L…Forte Lauderdale Mi-Ami… Yellow God Wealth is my Friend
My wealth is my Energy, which carried me for the last 26 and 27 years..

Jack The Village Master… “It takes a Village.. it takes One to Cee and Care to make a difference which can change the World”
Who knew what a hateful task people would transform it to be, instead of something Beautiful Pleasant.. B.P.. A.J…2 16..2 7..11O…27 11../11 7 2..
Keith Grant at the Shelter, bed 53.. mine was 49..remember..

The Image of Jack The Village Master is of Two men who are One..
See sacred portal 155.. and 56=111…C.I.A-O..1.. CIAO…

Welcome Sreenivasa Rao Boppana..

Code S.R.B…

Stone Ridge Buddha.. (The Enlightened One ..T.E.O..The Ethnic Odyssey – short film which I shot in New York 1999 dec.. with Jon Jason Lee met at age 19.. Me in the World mirror…

1:O8 p.m
*Amitahba Buddha.. Guatama…A.B.G..1 2 7.. We are now in 2-27-9
1O8 names…

Sreenivasa means “House of Abundance, the House and Home where Lakshimi Aphrodite resides…Vishnu aspect Alexander Hephaestus I..
L.A V.I..E..

LAVA H… Beautiful M.Y Rage..
LA VIE..EN ROSE..E.. and M.Y light hearted Expression..

Sri means ‘radiance’ or ‘diffusing light’; nivasa means ‘place of residence’. Srinivas is a common reference to Venkateswara (Vishnu), who is considered to be the source of light (as a metaphor for life) in Hindu scriptures.

Sri has also the meaning of Lakshmi [1] who is rendered to be embodied within Venkateswara.[2] Hence the alternate meaning “One within whom Lakshmi (=prosperity) lives”.

Rao means King in Hindu… “The King and I.. etcetera E.T.C.E-Terra Ah!
Yul Bryner
Deborah Kerr..
B.Y..K.D.. Karen Dawn… Purity Dawn.. K…I.D..

Rao also means :”Forgive” in Chinese… Code Billy Hung…
Which already I have given response… There is no Forgiveness when one creates Evil, Cruelty Torture Torment E.T.C..To Etcetera …infinity

My Silver Yuin box fell down,
Yuin in Chinese means Universal Sound..US
That is who I defeat the Black represented in this play by the Great Wall of China and the Great wall of Sound, and their use of Rudeness ad Sharp sounds.. Celestial Emperor…
Instead response to the ‘Many”

Is the post I shared of Jack TheVillagemaster
Fenrir.. Son of Loki.. the Devouring Rage.

Affirmed by the Norse and Celtic meaning of Rao

It means Famous Wolf.. of Renown…
Fenrir.. Aye..

1:24 a,m.. see sacred Portal 124.. She as the Beautiful Assassin..

It also means Auspicious and
Pharoah…King.. RA.O..181OH…

And Boppana means Warrior..

And as I was posting this…

51O Face Book Friends
Area 51 Full Circle established as an Energetic Consciousness Harmonious O’B-Rien perimeter, where only the people of the E line consciousness may enter as the begin of my departure “Ciao” begins…
See R.U,E…Document.. now proved 19+1 O.. 2O..
Elizabeth Clarizio Henry Mowgli…Jungle Book.. J.B
to T.R.U.E

I noticed I had a new face Book friend bringing us to 511…
E.K.. My name…and to sacred portal 115..
Breaking the Wall of Yuin..
And the Great Wall of the Tru Man Show
but this time with the E
True Man..J.C..E..

Larry Sax who is already a F.B friend but had a problem with his page..
He sent me a warm message and provided me some intelligence..
About the Mark Zuckerberg.. M.Z…Good news he said…

MZ is 13..26…It was the 26th…
and many recall I did the codes of M.Z twice three times on my page..
And who I mentioned was the born the same day as Tom Truman whom I lived in this loft and who was a big part of this play with Marina Burini..
John Shaw and his brother Luke Shaw..
John Lucifer..8…
12 10..22
Jesus Luc Besson Lucy…1O…

The name Rao is 2200 year old name..

22 is V-5=E

I told Larry that he is in perfect Harmony..
having rid himself of a disease…you’ll see.:)
He is code 47…D.G
Aligned to Dragos Gheorghe…

His name means “Crowned with Laurels the Victorious Sword”
Tide Waves T’sunami
You Knew who the I.E are and Is.. and you dared!
Our Beautiful Rage…

See sacred portal 12O

Fritz and the Sword..
and after almost a year of Silence
See the arrival of Fritz Venneiq
with the post 7 images 15 seconds.

I have had 120;00;U.S.D in my wallet for the last six months

1:47 a.m

See sacred portal 147… Emmy..

And 47 months on Face Book…
Sacred Portal “Enter the Abyss”

47.. 11 28…66 67 68 69..7O 71 ecterra…


1:5O a,m

This time We came with the Sword,
for love and generosity of Espirit for most
has no meaning…
Unconditional love…

1:51 a.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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