
3/14/2016 23:11 – Facebook Post

9:06 p,m

96..F.I..OF.I…Infinity Sixth Sense


3-14-9…C.N.I… Consciousness (Creature) Natures Naturalness-Infinity Identified.

/ IN..C…In how ones Sees… Consciousness C…


We are now at 532 Face book friends…
Code E= Truth Love.. T.L- 2O 12…32 (C.B) ..5..E
Consciousness Beautiful…Expression.. Harmony Infinity Eternity…

Which means this is the complete alignment of the Equation which Identified as the true equation I had to solve, about 8-9 years ago…actually 10…
Time now is 9:15 pm…I.O…
and link it until reaching Isis Osiris…I.O
1 Full Circle 1 O..
Jonn Blackwell- J..to Donna O’Sullivan (Haun Donna.. H.D.84.. 1984.. and to H.F…86/68…)
then to Alpha Omega…
Ariane Oates…
And the back to A O.N.E…

I received 5 New Face Book request after the response for my Royal Sisters Line, who moved person to become my Face Book friend with the name identifying “Her/His” Self to me infront of the entire world, affirming once more that we are in a E.T play of the Eternal Truth manifesting right here by a Human Being able to solve the examination “They” gave, to us a species, code Riddle of the Sphinx, to Solve riddle the “Gods of Egypt” left behind in our DNA as well in our environment, to solve..
Including the riddle to Space Time…Respect…

5 32 is perfect arithmetical alignment to 2012…10-10, 6-6…(16..7 6)
55-55; 33 33…4 4…Balance…from 8..Infinity Harmomy…
Which we know can not be broken down and so as Light, it refracts into a break down which I call the “Play-And Game” P.G..P.A.G…
P.A.G.E…My Page which became the setting to “Fill the Gap” of Expression of what is Space?
Which of course was proven to be Cosmos-Logos, Order Harmony within…
Aligning to my stance as dude in 1989 fresh out of University and the Art School that I would go down and prove to that Harmony has always been here, but most people could not see it or read it..
And then created Science and World view which declared there was only Chaos, destruction confusion here..

And instead of a pleasant mission and passage through this idea of Life, as I expected..
I faced non stop for every “Bleeding Fuckin Day” a not stop challenge to the Beautiful even after it was made so self evident… right to my last portal here at 18 Mountain View…
Everywhere was War…

Molly Griffith… M.G…M.E..G… G.E.M…
Molly comes from the name Mary which is actually Egyptian origins..
“Myrrh” Love Cherished Beloved… Jewel “Gem’ of the Sea..C…

Griffith means.. Prince, Lord..of the Red.. Erik the Well Read.. First Color First Note emerged from light of the Blue.. “Red Indigo”
He could relate to the Welsh grippiud – prince;
Other suggest that the Welsh translated Rufus as Gruffydd, which was then Anglicized as Griffin – in which case, Griffin means red.
There’s a third meaning that is even more interesting. A gryphon is a mythical beast found in heraldry. He has the body of a lion plus the wings and beak of an eagle. John Milton referenced one in Paradise Lost; the Persian poet Rumi employed gryphons, too. In Dungeons & Dragons, a griffon is a magical creature. Gryphons guard the entrance to the City of London and serve as symbols of the Philadelphia Museum of Art. You’ll find them on many a building.

They’re widely considered noble beasts, as powerful as the mash-up of a lion and an eagle suggests. Often charged with guarding treasure, they’re trustworthy – a positive attribute, if you can overlook the whole mythical beast angle.

Yes, the Holy Griffon…
Which is what I identified as the E-Spirit of my former hosts and colleague at 268, East 4th Streets…
And yes Griffyndor-Of Harry Potter Fame ..H.P… Harmony Peace-Pan’s-door-ah…

It also means “Strong in Faith”-

Aphrodite- the Gem rising from the Sea, of Love.. of Neptune Pluto May-Y.A.M, G-am-e.. not bitterness…

Betty Rutledge… B.R… O…. Elizabeth R.. E.R.. Ancient name for Earth-Air….

Elizabeth means “Vow Oath of the Creator, and the Creator is satisfied”

Rut-Ledge.. Where I have been in a Rut and the Edge of L-12-3 Cee of completion..means
“The roaring sound from the stream river of the Red pool…”
Mba Afor Ocha!
Red is the First (Last Color), while Water is the Color of While light and the Magic Mirror reflecting the World…
1-8..Red Terra cotta Earth, Lava, to clear Skies… Red Blooded, hot blooded passion Desire Cooled to Warm Blooded mammal by satisfaction- Release..Come…

Danny Barrow.. DB..42.. Meaning of Existence…according to H.H.G.T T Galaxy…but not to the Ga-La! XY..Z ..C.I.1O 11..X

DAN.N.Y.C means
Daniel (Balthazar) “God is my Judge’

Old English beorg; related to Old Norse bjarg, Gothic bairgahei hill, Old High German berg mountain…

And…”a heap of earth placed over one or more prehistoric tombs, often surrounded by ditches. Long barrows are elongated Neolithic mounds usually covering stone burial chambers; round barrows are Bronze Age, covering burials or cremations’

or Grove…”

Thus, this is an expression of the Dead, the Past.. “Judgment of the Quick and the Dead”
Because they were confident and trusted only God. would and could see them, truthful and because of his her love for them would judge them Fairly..
The trust only the Fair O..and considering the evil done to the past by the living one can not fault the reasoning…
And of course, the Quick and the slick who thought that no one could see them because they were so quick..

Old English word of Hill Top, Mountain…
18 Mountain View..

“A male hog castrated before sexual maturity’
(Greedy Pigs will be Spirited Away”)

Kuzilini Sun AmenRa…..K.S.A..R.E… ERA S..K

I broke this down into two words.. Ku and Zilini…

Ku means Circle.. Greek, as we as well as “Speak”in O.I.N.R.I Igbo…and ‘Eating one bitterness- “Endurance Preserving” against all odds…”
And the “Ancient Ones”

Flesh and Bone.. Aunt, Kin Family…”

Zilini means in Greek-The Forest Dwellers.. Realm of the Helpers, the Ancients, the Spirit Realm of the ‘Dead”- Fairies Elves Dryads…Sprites…

Sun Amen (King of Gods, The Beginning and the End.. the Last Word….Amen…)
Ra King- Sun-God.. the Sun the planet 1-1O

The Original Family of 1O.. Ah Ten. the Say, the Wheel Axel Love Circle of the Immortals…

Kwabena Ayeyi Asante…KA!..A

“Child Born on Tuesday.. Meaning God of War and Law..order.. Mars.. the Red Planet.. the third time Red in has come up in the meaning of the Name…

The name Tuesday derives from the Old English “Tiwesdæg” and literally means “Tiw’s Day”.[1] Tiw is the Old English form of the Proto-Germanic god *Tîwaz, or Týr in Norse, a god of war and law.[2][3] *Tîwaz derives from the Proto-Indo-European base *dei-, *dey?-, *d?dy?-, meaning ‘to shine’, whence comes also such words as “deity”.[4]

The Latin name dies Martis (“day of Mars”) is equivalent to the Greek ????? ?????. In most languages with Latin origins (Italian,[5] French,[6] Spanish,[7] Catalan,[8] Romanian,[9] Galician,[10] Sardinian,[11] Corsican,[12] but not Portuguese[13]), the day is named after Mars, the Ancient Greek Ares ???? .

In some Slavic languages the word Tuesday originated from Old Church Slavonic word ?????? meaning “the second” (Serbian: ?????? (utorak)). Bulgarian and Russian “???????” (Vtornik) is derived from the Bulgarian and Russian adjective for ‘Second’ – “?????” (Vtori) or “??????” (Vtoroi)

In Japanese, the word Tuesday is ???(ka youbi), meaning ‘fire day’ and is associated with ?? (kasei): Mars (the planet), literally meaning “fire star”. Similarly, in Korean the word Tuesday is ??? (hwa yo il), also meaning fire day.

In the Indo-Aryan languages Pali and Sanskrit the name of the day is taken from Angaraka (‘one who is red in colour’)[14] a style (manner of address) for Mangal, the god of war, and for Mars, the red planet.

In the Nahuatl language, Tuesday is Hu?tzil?p?cht?nal (Nahuatl pronunciation: [wi?t?silo?po?t???to?na?]) meaning “day of Huitzilopochtli”.”

In Portuguese it simply means the 2nd Day…
Which has nothing to do with Mars…
The 4th planet

But with Venus..the 2nd planet from the sun..
Terça-feira – Tuesday…

Terca Ter.. Terra Earth…
T.F…2O-6…26… A-Z… F.B..

‘Ayeyi” means Praise in Ashante…

same meaning Emeka Jude…
Judas Ischariot… J.I…

Asante… A Sante.. “To your Health”

And it means “Thank-you”


“Child born on the second day, aligned to Venus rather Mars the God of War.. Venus Aphrodite the Real Red planet…
2+2..=4.22 V=5…
War of Love and Beauty the Law…
Praise and I raise my Glass to your Health…
Thank you”

says the code..

Portuguese Friend for example…

Jaime Grace
Ana Leonardo Caixas…
Nuno Ordens Miguel

Anisa Jansson…

J.A.N..U.S… God Of Open Doors… M-ARCH…
April Spring.. to Nnamdi C..I…N.C.I..
Double V…
Osiris means “Open’
as does April…Spring..
March is the beginning,
M.W…23 13 46…1O..6…
Double VV…
Milky Way…
obviously M-Arch and April
AM.. Open See Same me..
they are one and the Same…

Language of Romance..Portuguese…

A Roman-C.E…


Nadee Nakandala.
Donna O’Sullivan



Ariadne Theseus….



11:11 pm


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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