
3/18/2016 22:02 – Facebook Post

3/18/2016 22:02 – Facebook Post
3/18/2016 22:02 – Facebook Post

6-O9 p.m

69.. Nnamdi…

6:O6 p.m.

66.. Emeka…


“Ah C.I…See I”


“Consciousness Ah!!! I..Infinity..”


5-6..2-3..2.. 1..2…3….

In the last three days these are the order of my most recent Face Book Friends…

In the Play of Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow…

And 2-3 more today…

It forms a coded response…

5-6… See sacred portal 56.”Arrival of the Family of E”
5=Energy 5th Dimension…
6=Fact..Six Sense is Energized Expression of 6th Sense..
And Sacred Portal 65…

5+6= 11..1..See sacred portal 11, 1..And 111.
x 3O.. C.O.

2-3..”My Sister Harmony” ..See sacred portal 23 “Unveiling the ID behind back stage’.. 32…”Erose Kali..E.K”

3=2=5…32=6…56… 11..1.. K.A!

And 6 3.. in total in Two Days..

Time now 6:3O p.m.

“Today” which represented yesterday, there were Two who became my face book friends yesterday.. 12..Which Is L.A.B..La! Be.
L=12…1+2=3… C

Represented by the Ebony Queen..E.Q….E=17..Transformer..
and Sabrina Lemieux…S.L..Sol!

And finally today the 4th Day representing the three in one.
each appearing Individually..
1 2 3…A.B.C…

7:28 p.m.

And a today Christine Barclay, C.B…
Ashlie McGrath…A.M.
and Jonn Blackwell…J.B reborn as my 543 Face Book friend…

Sacred Portal 5 and 43…E.D.C…
Washington D.C…? That does not refer to me but to those who will represent the consciousness of Unity and Peace, in the world left behind who will help educate people on the consciousness of Harmony…
Which is the principle which inherits the World..

E is Sacred portal 43..
True Life…

Time now 7:34 p.m….

G: C.D…34/43… 4 3… 7 12..19 84…1O3..13…4…17..Q..H.I.E..

At 54O we had E,Q…

At 541… E.D.A…Meaning E+D =I.A=1.

The name Sabrina links us to the code in the old T.V series “The Good Witch”
Samantha the Teenage Witch…

Many Indians have the name Sabrina, as sab means “everything” in Hindi and Punjabi. It is also known to be an Arabic name; Sabreena/Sabrina and its masculine equivalent, Sabreen/Sabrin, are associated with the Arabic word sabr meaning “patience”

Sabrina (sbina, sbna, bina) is a feminine given name taken from the Roman name for a river in mid-Wales which flows into England, there known as the Severn.[3]

“The legendary explanation for Sabrina is that she was the daughter of King Locrine by his mistress Estrildis. Queen Guendolen’s fury led to her assembling an army to make war on her husband, who was slain. Guendolen then had Sabrina and Estrildis thrown into the river which from that time was called Sabrina”
But scholars belief that the legend got mixed up with the name of a Celtic River Goddess or nymph..

Roman meaning of the name Cecilia…”6…”.. River of Six Sense.

“The Everything”…Indian..(In Diane).

In Arabic ‘Patience”

Harmony Magic Six Sense…

Lemieux.. Means simply “The Best’

Thus the result of 5-6..2-3…11 1..23 5-6..is one Full Circle in Completion of..

Ebony Queen E.Q..the Equation of “The Black Polished Queen”

*But please note, Ebony is also White..
Ebony Ivory.. From the Elephants…
Enyiagu Afam Samuel… From the wilderness or Forest, comes the Elephant of Memory (Dina Singh Zachary her sons name meaning..”God is memory God has Remembered…”) the Name S.A.M..U..E.L..(Light) Gods name, for God has heard”

Sabrina Lemieux…’The Everything” is patience which is the Magic of Six sense of a river running through you all of Energy-Expression..
which is the Best Friend Zeina Harmony Energy … B.F. 26 8 Zeina Hanna Zorro Beauty and the Eternal Heroes of the Golden Dawn” H.E
8-558… 13 13..MM..26..Z..8..H.I…
The White Witch…also the Fair Queen…

Which then brings…

1..Christine Barclay..C.B…32..See sacred portal 32 “Eros Kali..E.K”
5-42..”What is the meaning of Existence?” Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy…
Answer is E…. E.D.C.. 32..Consciousness Beauty…(Symmetrical Perfection..S.P)

Christine is the ancient Egyptian- not Greek world for “Words, Anointed, Vibrating Energy Sensational….. W.A.V.E.S…
Waves of Bliss..
code F.M..Fey Mirach…
Frequency Manifests…

The name Barclay.. (Bar is Clay..man is not made up of red Clay)
Code Rob Barr…but of “The Famous, Bright Shinning light of Eternal Love and Truth..
So man-woman of Clay not energy is the Bar…they are fake and not of the Fa! K.E..the 4th note of Balance…
Link a Balanced Heart… B.H..28..

Meaning of the name Barclay is “Birch Tree”.. B.T.. Beautiful Truth…/Tom Benzian who expressed to Jonn Blackwell and others indeed, the Beautiful Truth..

Birch is a White Tree…
Ebony is Black but can also come as White…

Birch is often called the “Goddess Tree”

“Birch into the fire goes, In sign of what the Lady knows”

The Lady of the Woods

First month of the Celtic Tree calendar, December 24th – January 20th

First consonant of the Ogham alphabet – Beith

Planet: Venus
Element: Air, Water
Symbolism: Renewal, Protection
The Tree of Inception and of New Beginnings.
Stone: Crystal
Flower: Daisy
Birds: Eagle, Pheasant, Egret
Color: White
Deity: Freya, The White Goddess Brigid, Venus, Thor
Sabbat: After the Winter Solstice, as the days begin to lengthen again…
Folk Names: Beithe, Bereza, Berke, Beth, Bouleau

“The Faces of Woman-Spirit”.. web site…

A Celtic Oracle of Avalon

Birch moon teaches of potentials that stretch before you. She reflects the possibilities as the spectrum of color glistens on her white glittery face. Like a mother prepared to give birth, her belly rises and she presents you with a teaching.

“This moon time will be like kneading bread and letting it rise before you cook it.” Birch says to you.
Now, with the essence of Birch, you come into the rhythm of life, the empowerment of dreams, and the ability to vision your possibilities.

Birch’s essence is to create, bring together dreams and prepare for the new patterns of living. Understand Her. Use the lessons of the moon mothers you have already embraced… look at the bigger picture, listen and unfold your plans through creative visualization….”

Ebony Tree.. E.T…

Ebony (Macassar)
Wood Origin:
Celebes Islands, Maluku and Borneo (Asia)

Gender Association:
Masculine and Feminine, equality

Planetary Association:
Venus, Jupiter

Elemental Association:
All 5 (fire, water, earth, air, spirit), emphasis on Water

Other magical properties:
Power to change, positive luck, balance of energy, breaks down social barriers.

Ebony is well-known as the most powerful magical wood. Scott Cunningham, trusted writer of over 30 books about magic and the occult, writes about ebony, “Ebony wood is protective and so is used in making amulets. Ebony wands give the magician pure, unadulterated power.”

The power of ebony is non-discriminating. It is useful for any magical practice and with any element. Macassar ebony differs slightly from the energy of Gaboon ebony, in that it is more centered around emotions and intuition. This wood would be especially useful in the seeking of spiritual knowledge and exploring intuition and emotion. It would not be especially useful for healing.

Historically, this wood was used in the handles of Samurai swords.”

Japan.. Nri Igbo ‘Goddess Ala.. Mami-Wata… Beautiful C of Sixth Sense…
See sacred portal 87 “Returning the World to their Senses and Sensei’s
The Brown O White

Truth Bows to I.E…

Ashlie McGrath..Code; A.M…Dawn Awakening…

A.S.H..LIE… Meaning the Abraham, Sarah Hagar Story is a lie just as is the story of and man made of clay and a woman made from Mans Rib…
-Who writes these stories.. but of course, the Authoritarian Man…Who was never given that power, he just succumbed to Bullying, Manipulation, Deception, Lies.. Twisting and distorting truth…

A.S..H.. means As Harmony.. A Supreme Harmony…Li..
Meaning of the name/word ‘Li”…

“From Chinese ? (l?) meaning “reason, logic”, ? (lì) meaning “stand, establish”, ? (lí) meaning “black, dawn”, ? (lì) meaning “power, capability, influence” (which is usually only masculine) or ? (lì) meaning “beautiful” (usually only feminine). Other Chinese characters are also possible”.

Black Dawn..

Ashlie.. means- “A name which originated as a surname de-rived from the Old English elements æsc (ash trees) and l?ah (wood, clearing, meadow, enclosure): hence,”dweller near the ash tree forest.” Ashley was originally bestowed as a male name in England, but its use in Great Britain and the U.S. is now predominately female.’

Its is the name of the Male character in MM.s book “Gone with the Wind’

Mcgrath… That means “The Son of Grace…”

“A Supreme Harmony, is Li, -one who used Reason, Logic, to stand and establish the Black-Dawn, the power and the Influence of the Beautiful one.. is the Son of Grace…”

Johnny Larkin…J.L…1O12..22.. BB..Victorious line of the Blackwell..

Jonn Blackwell… J.B…1O2..12..L…123..C…

Time now 8:58 p.m.

Jonn Blackwell.. 8-5..
Donna O’Sullivan… 58…

13 13 26..B.F..Z…H…

Its Ends and Begins with beauty.. Full Circle..
That is the Nature of the E…

9:00 p.m


Jonn B is Code 1O O..NN..14 14 28..1O..
Nadee Nakandala..14 14..28…
Donna is born 8-28…
Jonn is really Haun Delguidce… Jonn Evan Blackwell…H.D…J.E.B…Jeb is a nick name for the name James and Joseph.. meaning ‘Usurper and Supplanter, and Add” as well as Jebediah..
“Beloved of Yaweh”…B.O.Y…

From the codes of the play and what Jonn was set up and cast to act out, he had to play the Illusion of the Symbol of that hated Patriachal Authoritarian principle, which I was forced to transform ever day, which I did with Alberto Santana..268 East 4th Street, and with Tom Truman, Ravindra Singh Billy Hung…Represented in Maurice (I.K) Obiekwe-Nnamdi…My Brother Nnamdi transformed full circle into the illusion of the Anger of Man.. the destroyer and the man created from Sin…Evil.. brought back to his Senses by the Sensei.. Big Brother of him.. Me..Back to the Beautiful Graceful, well spoken, elegant gentle-man…

A.S..TT..R.S…B.H….M.O.N..(M.I..O.N)/ N.O.M..H.B.O..S.R. TT .S.A..H
By transforming the equation into a full circle…

A Supreme Portal Pi.. Rise Being of Harmony, My../
*(Mi note is On.. 3rd Note, 3rd Planet from the Sun…Earth..E-Art-Harmony)
/ Name Haun (Grace of the Creator), Beautiful ONE Circle of Symmetrical Perfection, @ 18 Stone Ridge, the portal of the Supreme Alpha Harmony..
1-8.. Red and White..
Rose E-rose as 1st and last of the E..Line Harmonies…Infinity Eternity..

56 23 ..E.Q..S.O.L…5th Dimension….
1-2. 12. A.B.L.E..C…La! Sixth Sense of Beauty…
1 2 3..

C.B..32…5 56…
A.M..1 13..1 4..5.. ADE..Meaning “Royal” in Yoruba…And “The Crown”

“Means “crown” in Yoruba, also a short form of other Yoruba names beginning with this element

It also means Adam
“Frisian and North German: from the personal name Ade, which is a pet form of Adam or various names beginning with Ad(al)-, for example Adolf, Adalbrecht (see Albrecht).English: from the personal name Ade, one of the many pet forms of Adam”

representing the symbolic meaning of The First Man..F.M..
Fey Mirach.. Fair-E Mirror…

Meaning of the name Mirach…

“The ancestors of this Celtic name Mirach, comes from the rugged landscape of Wales.
*Pls recall the Welsh River Severn…
“This old, proud name is derived from the persona name “Meuric” which is the welsh version of the name “Maurice”…
Code Carlos Mauricio Quintero/….Quintero’s Quint means 5, Ero-S.E (Spirit E)
The name Mirach.. ‘Miracle..Mirror Cle to the Miracle..Miracle Mike Aghimien..” originates from Latin (Roman), word “Mauritius” – as in the Island of Mauritius..

The Island of Mauritius described as Eden…

To quote..Mark Twain once wrote, ‘Mauritius was made first and then heaven, heaven being copied after Mauritius’. He was right.”

Read more: http://www.lonelyplanet.com/mauritius/introduction#ixzz43JFag900

Goat O.. William who hosted me with a young friend called Augustus, (Ceaser) did his project in Madagascar… On a project for more fresh water for access of running water for the peoples well being…
We were linked by our Grandfathers…
Mine Chief D.N.Umeano.. E.D.E.N..U.m.e..Breath…
Paradise Heaven..

Mirach also means “Beta Andromedae ..BA!..KA!

(Beta And, ? And, ? Andromedae) is the Bayer designation for a prominent star in the northern constellation of Andromeda. It has the traditional name Mirach, which is also spelled Merach, Mirac, Mirak.[12] ? Andromedae is located northeast of the Great Square of Pegasus and is theoretically visible to all observers north of 54° S. The galaxy NGC 404, also known as Mirach’s Ghost, is visible seven arc-minutes away.[13]

See all the codes…


And Haun Delguidce represents the Renee.. Renaissance..
H.D..84…My Father Mother…
Maurice Ceclia.. Reborn..
Onu Nnamdi.. O.N
and E….


9:59 p.m



10:00 p.m..

1 O O O…

6 3 2..3…


First Contact Before Christ…

They lived before Adam…

Full Circle Beautiful Cee


1001 Nights B..
The 2 is Ashlie McGrath


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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