
5/12/2016 16:44 – Facebook Post



The name Eli is a baby boy name. The name Eli comes from the Hebrew origin. In Hebrew The meaning of the name Eli is: High, ascended, or ‘my God’. Famous bearer: The Old Testament priest Eli cared for the prophet Samuel when Samuel was a child.

“Ascension High…My God”… A.H. M.G.

Eli (/?i?la?/) is a masculine given name of Hebrew origin, from Biblical ????? “ascent”, the name of Eli, the high priest in the Books of Samuel.”

Alternatively, Eli may be an unrelated abbreviation of Hebrew names such as Elijah, Elisha, Eliezer, Elimelech, etc., all containing the element ???, meaning “my God”.


The Word “Lei” Means “Flower Bud” (F.B) in Chinese…
And “Garland of Flowers”..and “Heavenly Flower” (H.F) in Hawaiian.

Time 2:45 p.m.

B.D..E… (24..5..X..E)…24-6..E…

3:15 p.m

Spear of Destiny…/ Donna O’Sullivan
Zeina Hanna…
Beauty Grace Favor..C…

Yesterday evening I took a Walk, it was very late…
I was quiet, it is very disturbing when you know the Truth, a truth which no one else knows, but which is revealed only in the End.

I have been fighting a long, long battle…A terrible battle predicted in the book of revelations by John..
As well as battle or contest with a Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix which was open to 7 Billion people to “compete” in…
The True-man Show…
And finally the One most relevant, the Destruction of the Evil in Humanity, created by Humanity, to make rise Evolution and the Ascension of the One True God…Energy…Harmony…
Called F.M…Father-Mother… Feminine Masculine…FM..6 13…19..
Supreme E.L.I…

I stated earlier on in this Equation Play that God.. The One True God is literally in me…
Eternal Truth… Energy Life…Eternal Harmony…The True Force of Expression.

A few actually acknowledged this on Face Book… before retreating in Doubt and Confusion.
3:40 p,m.

I made a promise to the One True God, and my Mother C and David, as well as her Seers, reminded me of that recently..

I did kept my promise…

Which was to reveal His/Her Truth…before the Entire World.

It is true, I have seen pain and suffering, Torture and Torment which no human being has ever experienced…
And yes, I surmounted each one because I was and am aware of the Eternal Truth, and because of the presence within me.
There is nothing which can take away my ability to rise to Bliss and Extase.. Joy and Laughter…
Nothing not even the Sum total of the Evil in Existence can take that away… No matter how real it was made to seem…

My true suffering was not from the torments of the Nightmare realities created by Humanity past present and future which I walked through in this illusion called the Present…
Rather it was watching, observing peoples response to my truth, the Beautiful Truth… but most of all the blatant disrespect to this Presence within me..
My Father, my Brother my Son…
And now my Mother, Sister, Daughter…

That is what has merited the opening of that which could never be, but which now IS…
Existential Death…
A natural cause and effect, with both aspects of Father..F.M. put me at terrible, terrible unforgivable risk to warn you about…
To explain how the Species had incarnated this.. by the Thought Words and Expression created without getting all the Facts..
Malicious Gossip..

See sacred portal 66.. Representing myself.. It shows a Being coming out of a Black Hole…
Which is myself who entered the Black Hole of Non Existence in August 2006, through the Generation X Gardens, 4th Street…2 68..and now emerging from it 9 years later…
Today is the 23rd day of my Visiting my former hosts whose home I have been allowed to use as my office…
3.55 p.m.
Christain Edwin Edwin..ED.Harris C..E.D.E.D -Win.
My former Hosts first name is Edwin Albert. R.Santana..
its a code representing a portal… E.A.R.S…
Lotus Santana

See play yesterday Seshu Arakaki…
Lotus Santana is a Martial Arts school…

23 Days is W.. Double V.. Since there is no Double U..Universe…
All is one…
But there is a Double V… as the French know…Victor Victoria…And the Third Victorious…He She and the We…

And so I walked back to the Apt I used as my office…
And saw a frame image with the Words Praise written on it..
12 times… Praise.. which is the meaning of Emeka as well as Jude…
Underneath it written in both Hebrew script and English were the words..”The dwelling place of the most Holy One Lord’

I was reminded of my Mother telling me how I had been circumcised by Three Jewish orthodox rabbis because they had not been able to find any one else..
And how they drank the blood of the ‘wound’
12 times was the word praise written..
I carried it a short distance to the portal I have been working from..

It was still there when I came this morning…
now it is gone..

This is the nature of the Universal Simulation Supreme Awareness Matrix…
U.S S.A.M…U..E.L…I…
Any one could have participated.. if you were Aware…
I was never meant to compete in it…
But the entire species were…

The True Man Show.. was a simulation created to make rise your own awareness…To elevate it as it did with the character called Truman Burbank… a revelation of ascension through awareness to reveal that Truth is always Beautiful…
Not Plain Ugly Truth..Is Nature of Man… P.U.T..I .N.O.M
4:15 p.m.
D.F…First Drop…

I know today is the last day… because tomorrow is the 24th Day, since I left 18 Mountain View… Stone Ridge…
And despite my true hatred and loathing for this play of the Combined Human Consciousness which created a literal Artificial Consciousness designed to destroy ALL Existence Beauty and Truth- while witnessing it literally through peoples expression for the last 4 years..
Expressions which only few have been able to…
4:19 p.m April 19th…2016..

Not project their own Ego’s and ‘See me me me’ within..
and others too meek to respond..
And the few who contribute to the play like Ariane Oates…
with no other motive but to help make rise the Truth of the E play…
4:22 p.m.
Ariane Oates…

My Former hosts was moved to quote the date 5-12-9 the very first day I arrived at his door…
In his reality it was for something totally different.. A date which then became null and void… when 5-9-9 as a date replaced it…

That day is today… And it has nothing to do with him…but everything to do with me and this presence… Code name Nuno Ordens Miguel Emmanual…
Babalola Tobi Emmanuel… B.T.E…
Emeka True-man Bur-Bank…
Beautiful Truth E…

And so here we are again at 613 F.B book friends..
Moved to 612 while I slept…
And when I awakened already we were back to 613…
With a Face Book request waiting for me from
Unity Faith…U.F…O.E…

27… Easter Transformation…
27 years since 1989….

Unity is defined as..
oneness of mind, feeling, etc., as among a number of persons; concord, harmony, or agreement.
the number one; a quantity regarded as one.
identity (def 9).
(in literature and art) a relation of all the parts or elements of a work constituting a harmonious whole and producing a single general effect.


“faith (n.) Look up faith at Dictionary.com
mid-13c., faith, feith, fei, fai “faithfulness to a trust or promise; loyalty to a person; honesty, truthfulness,” from Anglo-French and Old French feid, foi “faith, belief, trust, confidence; pledge” (11c.), from Latin fides “trust, faith, confidence, reliance, credence, belief,” from root of fidere “to trust,” from PIE root *bheidh- “to trust” (source also of Greek pistis “faith, confidence, honesty;” see bid). For sense evolution, see belief. Accomodated to other English abstract nouns in -th (truth, health, etc.).

From early 14c. as “assent of the mind to the truth of a statement for which there is incomplete evidence,” especially “belief in religious matters” (matched with hope and charity). Since mid-14c. in reference to the Christian church or religion; from late 14c. in reference to any religious persuasion.
And faith is neither the submission of the reason, nor is it the acceptance, simply and absolutely upon testimony, of what reason cannot reach. Faith is: the being able to cleave to a power of goodness appealing to our higher and real self, not to our lower and apparent self. [Matthew Arnold, “Literature & Dogma,” 1873]
From late 14c. as “confidence in a person or thing with reference to truthfulness or reliability,” also “fidelity of one spouse to another.” Also in Middle English “a sworn oath,” hence its frequent use in Middle English oaths and asseverations (par ma fay, mid-13c.; bi my fay, c. 1300)”

Generation X Gardens…
24 days after 4-19-9…
24 is X…

24…68…1 O.N.E…

X Men
Wu Men
Go Men
Ise…ON-Wu…Death Emeka… I.O.D.E…Fact..

I fed the World with the Word…

If you deny this.. know that you will walk the path I walked through the Black Hole of Human Expression to Investigate and discern for your self True or False..

This is where Faith F.A! IT..H..E….
Father Of Infinity..
Liver.. DE-Liver-ER
Come in Handy…
Cleansing and purification…
Before you speak to the E Lord I…Infinity…

Sacred portal 147..A.B..Cee.

4:40 p.m


I stayed so long in this play because my body and the energy within it was telling me, moving me to realize it was not complete…
And because I made a promise to I.E and A.L.L.. which I K.E..P.T..

4:42 p.m


To my Father Brother Son….Obum Nna..Noni Promise Life

4:43 P.M

See sacred portal 43.

4:44 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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