
5/13/2016 1:29 – Facebook Post


F.A! E..
FAE.. Means as a NAME..”Confidence Trust and Belief..”

C.T.B…Consciousness Truth Beauty…

It also means “Fairy…’

Fey Mirach…F.M.


Unity Faith…Symmetrical Perfection O.E..CHI…

O.FU…One In Nri Igbo…
OF..Universe Supreme…

615 Face Book Friends… F.O…
Faith “Foi”; Confidence Trust Belief…
That is what Unifies the O.H..and the U..
Perfection of the Symmetry of the Universe to access the
Universe Supreme Harmonious Energy… U..S.H.E….

I noticed that the Lotto is at 161 million prize..
A.F.A… Which means not only A FA…
Alpha (Atom..A-Tom/Mot-A..Twin Awareness created the Word-World)
but also it means ‘Name” in Nri Igbo…
The Identity we give each other…

Which makes sense since this entire play is about the Names meaning of people…
Name is the name for Yam..Y.A.M…The sacred crop of the O.INri People…
May…The 5th Month…

And yes, though I am solving the these riddles and Equations publicly, I am not solving them for the public, I am solving them for the Unseen realm of Energy, Spirit-E and Physical Existence’s True Consciousness..

11:22 p.m.

Y.A.M…Does not move me to stay one more day in this Cruel and Evil Play of Negation versus Addition…Positive…
Y..is G…
Z is Beauty.. Harmony…
X is X men and Wu-Men… Beings of 6 Sense manifested into Fact and from the “Wu” 5th Dimension Chi..N.E..S.EE…

X men and wu-men Exist…
This is now a Fact..
I exemplify this, them, the Family of E.X…E.T. E.U..E.Y.E=E.G.E…
11;28 p.m.
And E.Z.E….From E-A-Z…

I began posting 4 years ago while at Green Street Brooklyn,
Chez Akil Davis Tim and his girlfriend Beyond…
Evan ALexander Judson and Rachel Rachael Devon Rios Sessions Rachel McWilliams Young and Savannah Blair…

Line of the Sensei’s… Sense I..Supreme…Because I allow myself to “Feel” deeply…
I have never been afraid to Feel, See Touch, Love Care or Trust that which is within me…

Perhaps not any more so much after this experience…

Because I did not know what I was getting myself into…
Because I did have Confidence Truths..and Knowing rather than belief…
In Santana Dharma.. Eternal Law…

And so I began posting at Green Street, despite the much needed attention to my condition aggravating..
But no one seemed to care about my evolving body but myself..

But I do recall why I began posting.. one was a because of a Dream in which Nnamdi appeared.. And a memory of my sister Nnoyem telling me I should publish my work on the internet..
And because of a conversation I had with a friend of Evan ALexander Judson…51 10..about people, about there being so many people he knew who had these gifts.. special gifts…

-A whole community of them, hiding undercover, trying to asimmulate into society….
Indigo children… I.C…Energy.

I had met a few in the Green House in Soho.. but most were Wild Spirit Children.. Dark Elves of Nature and the Stories of this realm.
The Truly Beautiful ones, would visit the Green House but would not stay..
Could not…
Would not…

I had met them all over the world, these beautiful ones, who would rise up in certain human avatars and whisper in my ears “Finish the mission” That was between 10 and 25 years ago.

I did not know what they were asking of me, or what even the mission was.. Not realizing that I was already doing it naturally…

Raising the Consciousness, raising the vibration by simply being myself…

The greatest interference was from the Spirit realm, the minds of the people- The Shadows…Doubt..
And the Children..A-Lien council… Who no longer had rituals such as Rites of Passage, Guides or role models…
True P.R..Public Relations, social engagement exchange or connection…
Conceit Contempt, Superiority Insecurity Doubt and Fear…

I waded through the Sea of this…Denial…Ingratitude Spoilt Selfish..Tantrums Devious children allowed to go to far because of the Destruction of the Nucleus…The Family..Called Energy Harmony God…

How could it have been allowed to go so far…?
Where was Noni Promise and Nnamdi Energy
Father Mother.. Where were the family of 10..?

Things fall apart, the center cannot hold..

“Things Fall Apart is a post-colonial novel written by Nigerian author Chinua Achebe in 1958. It is seen as the archetypal modern African novel in English, one of the first to receive global critical acclaim. It is a staple book in schools throughout Africa and is widely read and studied in English-speaking countries around the world. It was first published in 1958 by William Heinemann Ltd in the UK; in 1962, it was also the first work published in Heinemann’s African Writers Series. The title of the novel comes from a line in W. B. Yeats’ poem “The Second Coming”.”

The Second Coming… (I represent the 2nd Coming.. A.B…)
12:12 a.m
The First was Awareness….
Being is Awareness..Cee?

C.A…Chinua Achebe…
C.A..Catherine Acholonu..

No…A.B.C…B comes with AC..13..Nnamdi.. Father the Guide..

William Butler Yeats (1865-1939)

Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.

Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: a waste of desert sand;
A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
Wind shadows of the indignant desert birds.

The darkness drops again but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?

The Second Coming was written in 1919 in the aftermath
of the first World War. The above version of the poem is
as it was published in the edition of Michael Robartes and
the Dancer dated 1920 (there are numerous other
versions of the poem). The preface and notes in the book
contain some philosophy attributed to Robertes.

S.I.A…Black in Turkish… “Karada Island”

Sage Isaac Albert S.I.A.. Where the three people I first met that day in 2006, August 26th..When a force, I just could not believe, took over me when I arrived at 4th Street and the Generation X Gardens..
A Gorilla Energy with a Rage so terrible.. I could not control it…

What was happening to me…?

12:26 a.m.

But I watched it carry me, roaring pounding its chest, mu chest in the middle of 4th street…And then it moved me purposefully into the garden and across and inlaid peace symbol to a Teepee where something had been buried beneath I later was told…
I placed a black Obsidian Stone that I had been carrying for some time in my pocket, not knowing why…

My grandfather was said to be born in 1919…Really 1918..S.R..
Stone Ridge….
and Chinua Achebe was the family friend who my mother sought out to ask whether I had any talent as a writer…
Just as Susan Train of Conde Nast Vogue had done…with Edmund White and Allen Ginsberg…



Rhea… Gaia… Mother…
And yet I have only seen contempt insults to the Black Mother otr People often done worse to each other…

No… S.H.E is not even a She, nor is she a Planet or a Rock..
S..H.E is Supreme Infinite Awareness..
Supreme Harmony Energy Light… E.L..Energy Matter..
5-13-9…Date.. 12:36 a,m….

EMI…L.C.F….Lights Conscious Fact…

The Center Does Hold..
So does the Core..A.. and the Kore A..

What rough Beast sl;ouches to Bethlehem…
Are you saying Christ was is the Anti Christ..
Lucifer because of what Christianity wrought on the World…

Will I A.M Butler Yeats…?

1865-1939… 1965…I was 39 when I got to this portal…

*12:43 a,m…

And I recall being told by the Spirit of my former host over and over again that I was the Butler to his role as Batman….

William means Desire.. Helmet..
Butler means

‘The surname “Butler” was originated in the 12th century by Theobald le Botiller FitzWalter (Lord of Preston). Lord FitzWalter accompanied King John to Ireland to help secure Norman areas. When men whom Walter led killed Dermot MacCarthy, prince of Desmond, Walter was granted land holdings of Baggotrath, County Dublin, and the Stein River lands around what is now Trinity College Dublin. He was also given an important fief, on which Walter both founded an abbey and established his Irish seat. Upon returning to England, King John endowed Walter with the hereditary office “Butler to the Lord of Ireland” in 1177; some evidence indicates that he was also dubbed “Butler of Ireland”. As such, he had the right to pour the King’s wine”

Confidence Truth..Belief..

And Yeats means ‘The Gate Keeper.. The Gate and Gate Way…

So how is it I became cornered in a role of the Desire to be the butler, to Yea S.T..One Spirit…?

And yes… wearily and with true quiet fury, I am solving yet another riddle..
12:51 a.m… for this area 51 to complete…

I have existed in a realm of Liars… compulsive addicted liars… because that is what happens when children live fear…
The lie… and then the see what their Fear has created is not real.. then then cover up… and lie…
And when Big Babies and the Big Children do this they become Demonic.. possessed by their lies and the consequences it creates.. Guilt shame blame… By denial…

And they create and construct entire societies and civilizations on these lies, denials, complacency of Deny deny deny and then trily believe that no one sees them, the Unseen does not see them…
But 6th sense tells them that they are seen..
and they know… and so the fear grows and the lie grows and grows and they will even die to defend they lie…
But when tortured.. they will tell you the Truth…

I have to watch this with nearly all the interactions this play gave me… Liars…
And there is no such thing as pretty little liars..
Reference “A Portrait of Doria Grey…D.G…47… 11 28…
Ah! Once more me… the Liar…

No, I have Kept my promise…
115..The Point..
Which was to dismantle the brick wall… its illusion…
The Brick wall here is at the Back… The past… the Front door leads to to a street.. and opposite a Shelter…
The Truman Show?
Yes, but I was free to go anytime, to leave this hideous set up and play..
Yes my body has been bound, but I stayed in the Play to see what was its point…
What could go so far out of it way to stage such a Cover Up, create such a Script so that no one would ever find out how Universal Fear.. U.F..displaced Unity Faith O.H…
To create such a web of deception so entangled so that No one not even Truth could ever find their way of the black hole of how far they went in their fear belief and what they acted out on the innocent,the pure.. the True..
Falsely Accused ..Fa.. And tortured murdered so that the truth they knew would be buried with them.. forever…


What could make you go so far… cause suffering to entire generations of people, allowing a lie you told over and over until you almost believed it, turning yourselves into Heroes…through a lie in which you have infected a Entire world to lie and if you do not cooperate..
Torture you in ways that you know and they know, that you will never believe in God or Justice… because God whom you had so cherished allowed such abominations to be committed to your person…
Because you were faithful to his Truth…

But they did not bargain for the Power of the Beautiful Truth O..H
or the Source of Energy-The Force O.F Expression…

1:11 a.m.

Or Its Cee… of Eternity Infinity…

and the true power of E.H.F…89..90… H.I…I.O…

And that is what I represent…
And why I am still here 24 days later
1:13 A.M..
Observing Lies…O.L..
Expressed Voluntarily…
And then people speaking about E.V.O.L..V..E…I.E
and worst of all Love…

1;15 p.m


Yes.. that is how far it went… and this is as far as I go…
Wondering why Energy Truth and the Eternal Laws, and Spirit had left me to face this after I had proven the E line 12 years ago, completed the codes and the Riddles of Existence at 36-37….


1.19 p.m

Now you know.

For the Two Harmonies… 88…
A piece of Advice.. the next time you encounter Evil and you do not recognize it.. Then look to yourself… Evil negates and perhaps it is because you negated any possibility of it coming from yourselves.. That it flourished so strongly and arrogantly in this “World Play..

And for those who allowed them selves to be victims of it…
Cut it out…
And if you are scared..

Hire a Beautiful Assassin…
They Exist.. for a reason… Predators….

1:23 a,m..

see sacred Portal.. 123 A B C.

48-48 play Equation Complete…

Beautiful Death…
B.E.A D.E.A…

Lion of Judah..

That is what is Behind the Wall of Forgetfulness

Akashic Records… of Everything…

1:26 a,m.

Zeina Hanna
Anthony Spencer
Anthony Pitts…
Santi Pons-Cerdà…


1:27 a,m…Easter Transformation.. or Existential Death

1:28 a,m


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