
6/1/2016 17:42 – Facebook Post

From Ogechukwukama Ifediorama Ngozichukwuamaka…


Ha..and Wow at the same time was my first response to this..

Ha! Because it corroborates with the Nature of the Play-
in which a great battle of Wills, and an awful Contest was manifested and arranged to pit the Consciousness of Humanity- or an Example, against the frequency and force of Nature, in the play of Evolution.

The Idea being, that for Humanity to Evolve, they had to fight a contest with Nature… to prove the Supremacy of the Human Being as the “5th or 1st Element”..

Hence a contest- so awful cruel and mean of which was not of Natures literal doing but rather the “Ideas” which Humanity had formed about what Nature represents..
And now by word expression but action and thought expression linked…

It created a play of extreme cruelty, because so few had paused to take in the study of Nature as had been done in the past- as a font of knowledge…

A Fountain, such as this spectacular image.

The Victory over the Frequency of Nature by the Frequency of its source, does not manifest as the Dominance of Nature, and the new evolved species of man set to rise here, using E.S.P to control Nature..

Rather Nature is conceding to the Supremacy of the E line, by demonstrating anomalies, so extraordinary, such as this..
To signal its Vote, expression and agreement that this is the Evolution Awakening of All…
Just as the line and representative of the E line have been stating.

On a personal note, this is the battle which began exactly 10 years ago..
Nature of course is the Real, “Spirit” World, and world of “Mind”- Calculation, Fibonacci Swirl Golden Ratio, Midas Touch… Pi.. Sequencing and Programming.. Painting by Numbers…

5:14 p.m.

Sacred Portal 5 and 14 represent “Evolution of Consciousness”
and “Rebirth of Body and Being”

What the time has unveiled is that the I am in Harmony with what I am writing and saying.. Basically the frequency of Time and Space… “Energy Nature” in confirming my Expression linked to my Energy Harmonious…

There is of course, a very dramatic meaning to Nature conceding to the Consciousness of Humanity certain Individuals and the Example, that this is the most momentous moment in the History of the Human Existence and Creation…
The implications are staggering…

That Human beings can literally prove ( in a an extremely cruel play.. much more like Revenge than a play of True Universe..)
that their Energetic awareness can conquer the play of Nature.. which includes all physical nature except for Energy Itself..

But the Victory is extraordinarily muted by the Evil beyond Evil of this play of Rage of Nature pitted against the rage of man… and yet none of them were even real..
These were illusion created by men and then by the “Idea” of Nature and Animals response…

Nature is a Song…
Expression is Poetic Verse…

And the most Beautiful story of Evolution awakening was distorted by not allowing the Sources, Human beings, Animals, Trees, speaking for themselves..
Respect, to learn each others language…
Everything vibrates and has a frequency… Everything…

Which is how compassion began…
The understanding of how we respond not only to outside Stimuli…
but why…
and what is the response which all creatures, especially mammals respond to…
And this answer can be seen in all babies and newly born children of Nature and Man…

Warmth…Love Light and Laughter..

That is why we came here to this “Planet- Dimension- Plain of Existence…
We came undercover to inject and plant the Consciousness of Existence in the furthest and most extreme point of Expression Existence.. Solid Manifestation which operates by its own Divine Free Will, to the proven frequencies of Existence, Energy Expression as the One Supreme…

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