
6/3/2016 15:18 – Facebook Post

12:06 p.m.

Melissa Aldana M.A… /A.M…. The Spirit World….

She saw me the other night… I was a little bit surprised by the waves of illusion which fills this realm I am in right now…

I am still incredulous that this is literally still the play…

I already recognized here, I knew here energy from childhood friends Melissa and Brian Sullivan who even as I child, I was aware of the energetic resemblance between Melissa and Brian and my sister and myself…

My Body is such discomfort that I know the only way to get some peace, is to release the Intel which the Energy within me is building up.

Most of my Face Book Friends are aware of my movement through time and space through the a greater frequency than Language, and even vibrations- but through a F.M band I call Energy and Intent….
And how I have been traveling through that Frequency, of the E Band Frequency which I have been calling the true Hue-man Species…Who rose in the one first True Eternal once and forever beginning…
The “First Born of Existence Eternal…”
And how they entered into the Mind Being, of their First to Rise, whom they called Big Brother, who played all 10 Roles ( Sort of Archetypes)… In a Creation story which rose literally physically and energetically through me in 2004.

2004…24…X… Generation X Gardens…. 26 8…4th Street…

I draw your attention to this because most of this writing is for the immediate future… and so, for the sake of Justice and the reasons why there must be true Justice and Consequence which will explain to people, the reason why one reality will have to be destroyed, in order for that which was already in Eternal Existence can rise….”

And so. moving through this reality and my entire life here on a frequency I finally named the E line, I encountered no one who was conscious of the E Line. ( It did not exist in this Memory..except as a enigmatic myth and mystery….)
but I did encounter, All.. even to this Face Book Page who were aware…of the E consciousness.. they did not know how or why…

Just as most people where unaware as to why they really had invited me into their homes. or confided in me their most sacred Truths… I did not know why at first, until I realized it was the Self Activated awareness and memory of the E line…
Eternity… representing Everything which had already evolved to the point in the very beginning when everything first rose.

And this is the Family many heard me speak about, the family I came to find…
Those who came into a Story. the Recollections of the Source, His Mind Being, to understand the story of how they all came to be.

The Origins of the The Eternal Truth…. E.T….The Eternal Line E.L..of the O.E…Symmetrical Perfection…of Eternity…

I wrote about this so many times to explain, that I will only mention it now, because of its relevance for the future readers…

A story was created by the Source C.O.D.E…
Explaining the History of the E line, which not even the Being representing the E, Knew… But through a play he realizes that he Knew and had the memory of the E line…
And that by Being, he could read…The writing on the Wall..
By linking and weaving and seeing the connectivity in all things…

And thus He was moved to bring the Story of the Origin of the E Line to Light…
But instead was challenged by the realm of Possibilities, to reveal the Truth… Prove Truth…

Something which the E Line do not require…ever…
Because Truth and Trust in the E Line is the meaning of Existence Itself…
I Exist..
I a.m.

That is the Truth….

But what the E True Consciousness Faced was only the Lie…
The stories of which the Source of the First of the E line, the “Father-Mother” of the First Born’s, they very one who had created a Story and planted it within a vessel in which the Origins of the E line would unravel, once the “Vessel- really the Example” activated Himself…

1:35 p.m.

12:32 p,m…
F.C.I…. First Contact -Infinity….

*Meaning that first contact is with Energy (Conscious and intelligent energy..the source of Mater and Mother)…

It has taken me three says to write this post….
But so much is happening here, which all aligns to the play..
You might recall that Erik Ebright posted a image of Elegua- the Yoruba Orisha of the “Cross Roads”…
And it aligned with Nenad M. Djurdjevic posts of Victoria and”Winged Transformation” then to his posts of Oduduwa and the Cock…And the Crossing with the Full Circle… And then affirmed here by Erik living on the very border of the the recently declared “Little Haiti” and the historical Crossing Roads story in the Voodoo “Voodun” story…
Use of Vibrations…
Which was then affirmed by a story Said told me about his saying that he could recognize what was happening to me body after observing the seeming “Possession” of my body, because of his experience with a Voodoo story first Hand..

*Said is the owner of that Dog, I was alluding about, and is a friend of Erik’s who lives and rents one of the Apartments in the back at Casa De Bodhi…

There is way too much to write, about what is going on here, which correlates to the 27 years journey, but my knowledge of the play is that we are really moving through the stories and interpretations of the “Out of Africa” story- and Return….
But it the play I am in, it is the opening and closing of the flower of Life….
A Book, a History which I.E have been moved to travel back on and through.. for 27 years..
Which is why the codes of coming through this portal of Erik Ebright home, who literally represents the Line of my Energetic Brothers.. E.B…Called Erik David in the Masculine form and M.M in the feminine form… Izzi Creo is Maggie.. Melissa Aldana…
Recall how I stated that the Feminine principle as M has been the non stop constant in my “Journey”..just as Erik David has been the constant Masculine form of the code names I have been meeting since 1989….

MM…is 13 13… 26….Erik lives at 26.. I meet him in 2006.. The year he states he was really born….

David…Meaning “Beloved”… D.B.. 42… Meaning of Existence.. 4-2…
42= 6..8…

Thus, this equation is once more confirming that which I have stated over and over again. that the story of creation existence in the three forms of Energy..Made Kinetic then moved to physically Manifest Harmony…. began with the story of two Men.. Males…
Which then created by their joint expression the Feminine form…
MM..D…”David Cecelia…D.C…43../34”

Erik Ebright just came in out of the blue, and brought the very same Eleggua candle which he posted, which had caught my attention.
He also brought a beautiful blue bottle with the logo of a tear drop- called Acqua della Madonna…And an orange disc. with orange Centrum Vitamins which he insists I take… The disc is numbered 1-0…but rests on number 1..
This represents Yes, or manifestation…
The same number which Melissa Aldana recently informed me that she has been seeing….

Ele GG..U.A…. Ele Ife Ele Ife that is the Yoruba story, also linked to the OINri Story of West Africa and the True X Factor….. The Realm of Spirit Magic.. or basically the understanding of the propulsion.. Sine…

I am not interested in the stories of the past but as the story of Odin Thor Loki… O.T.L…O..20 12…O..32/23…5 5…E.E…
Fenri Skol… Mani Sol….And then aligning it to its African Origin Story… Nri Igbo Yoruba.. Cuba..N.Y..C…

Then I am moving it through Expression linked by the 3-4 main players here in this Script, at the Casa De Bodhi…

Jim E bright representing the code 69… Which people have erroneously called the line of the By-polar… When the really represents the Axis… Polar Axis and the Meridian..
Link Pamela Stefaniotis….P.S… Please Stop….

Erik Ebright E.E… Consciousness…

Izzi Creo
Melissa Aldana…

Which is the order of how I met them…

E.E…69 (J.E), I.C (M.H.) M.A…..
EE 69 I.C…M.M.H.A…(13+13=26…)
Zeina Hanna…Z.H..26..8.. And equation already completed over a period of 10 years, at Generation X Gardens Alpha Bet City… A.B.C…
10 Years after I met Erik Ebright in New York in 20006…

What does this all mean?

…That I have been traveling- Time traveling back into the past that can not be the same, because I have already been there and affected it…
But then why I am being brought back to the past?
I would suggest based on the evidence, that it is to fix up the mess of the Spirit And Mind… of the rage of Nature as a consciousness created by Humans of the “Mother Story”
Mother as Source and the Denial of this Truth by the Worshipers of the Idea that Woman is Creation….

She is Not…

She is Its symbol manifested by the Story of Two Men. Males 69/96.. Who was and is the One Principle which can not be divided and instead created a Story of Energy for all aspects and possibilities of the self to Explore…
Which created interpretations both True and False…

And so, I find myself moving the Yoruba, Cuban story.. of out of Africa and linking it to the Celtic and Nordic story and them combining them in the present reality where Sound and Sight has been used to turn an entire species (Apart from the every rebellious “Individual” – who investigates for his or her self…the truth.. to arrive at the Eternal Truth).

Which of course, can only by unraveled by the Eternal Consciousness C Truth…E.T.C… The consciousness of Eternity….

So using the E consciousness (Reason Logic, but also Instinct, and Heart Chakra’s and 5th Expression which flows…and opens the Third Eye to see the Vision of what you are expressing at the same time… moving 1-7 chakras to see Light)

Which is what I can Read…”Qu’aran” First Word “Read”.. Read the sign of the Times….

“The Wolves Pursuing Sol and Mani” by J.C. Dollman (1909)
“The Wolves Pursuing Sol and Mani” by J.C. Dollman (1909)
Skoll (pronounced roughly “SKOHL”; Old Norse Sköll, “One Who Mocks”) and Hati (pronounced “HAHT-ee”; Old Norse Hati, “One Who Hates”) are two wolves who are only mentioned in passing references that have to do with their pursuing Sol and Mani, the sun and moon, through the sky in hopes of devouring them. At Ragnarok, the downfall of the cosmos, they catch their prey as the sky and earth darken and collapse.

It’s not entirely clear which one of them pursues the sun and which pursues the moon. The medieval Icelandic historian Snorri Sturluson, whose works are typically taken at face value in low-quality introductory books on Norse mythology, claims that Skoll chases the sun and Hati the moon.[1] However, Snorri’s source in this passage, the Eddic poem Grímnismál, says the following in the relevant stanza:

Skoll is the name of the wolf
Who follows the shining priest
Into the desolate forest,
And the other is Hati,
Hróðvitnir’s son,
Who chases the bright bride of the sky.[2]

The noun used for Skoll’s prey, goði (“priest”), is masculine, and the noun used for Hati’s prey, brúðr (“bride”) is feminine. Since Mani (the moon) is male, and Sol (the sun) is female, the wording of this stanza strongly suggests that Skoll hunts the moon and Hati the sun.

This same stanza names the father of Hati (and surely, by extension, Skoll as well) as Hróðvitnir. Since another poem in the Poetic Edda, the Lokasenna, uses the essentially identical word Hróðrsvitnir (“Famous Wolf”[3]) as a byname for Fenrir,[4], the arch-wolf, it would seem that Fenrir is their father. This interpretation finds additional support in another Eddic poem, the Völuspá, which states that the children of Fenrir swallow the sun during Ragnarok..

Fenrir… F.E.N.R.I..R..

Possibly means “fen-dweller”, derived in part from Old Norse fen “marsh, moor, swamp”. In Norse legend this was the name of a giant, monstrous wolf – Loki’s son by the evil giantess Angrboða – who was destined to kill the god Odin at the final battle of Ragnarök.

Izzi Creo told me her moms name is “Marsha…”
And Izzi “Maggie’ was forewarned just as my former host Albert S was also forewarned that I was coming which is why he recognized me 10 years ago when I found his Generation X gardens…

Melissa Aldana generously presented me with the gift of the portrait of herself as a girl with the Great “Bear” Wolf….Fenrir…
And two Cheetahs who were said to have a top speed of 69 Miles per Hour.. now… 70 clocked at 70 miles per hour….
1-7…7 is speed expression..because it is 5 Expressing through 6, Sixth sense, the Highest Vision of the wave length of Rainbow Spectrum…7…which enables you to see Harmony…
But in this reality it causes people to think perhaps that your manic or even bipolar because of the amount of data which you are seeing by existing and living on that frequency….

Who are the Two Cheetahs in Melissa Aldana painting…
In my story I know that the girl is called Erika- Feminine representation of Erik…
Which was played out in my own empirical experience with Erek Eclass Mateo and Erika Ekayani Chamberlain…

And that the Wolf I know is representing my own Energy of having experienced the full circle of Non Existence, which I proved was Something after all.. through the 4 year play which Lord Orien Laplante represented … O Rien La Plant E… Weed Seed is E…And Orient…To the East.. East 4th Street, La! Sixth Sense… Plan..T.E./E.T
Eternal Truth.. Truth is Eternal…

Now…I am writing this way, currently not because I am being or demonstrating being manic, or being Bi-Polar, but rather because it is a consequence of having written, and explained for 27 years non stop, that which is self evident, while witnessing and experiencing a Vision made real… But only by our, (my) being aware that we, are literaly in a play which gives Human beings for the first time, the right to add their voice to impact the destiny of the species.
Because humanity as a species have completed “Grade School”
Nursery Green House (Kindergarten) and Grade 1-6…

This 1-6 represents humanity as physical matter having completed Elementary School…
Elementary Dear “Watt-Son”..

The Spirit World… really Kinetic Energy ..K.E.. had to complete HI-School by understanding their History… Not just Out of Africa to Present day America (Not U.S.A)
Thus Hi-School, studying the “History” of “Movement of Energy… Opening and closing of the Book… called by some the Flower of Life….

For the University this was for the First Borns.. whom are the E line who sustain the memory of the birth of Existence in their lifes even now…Very rare… to be able to live in this world with the memory of Eternity but not able to articulate nor even remember how they know…But they will rather “die” then give up the truth which they just “Know” deep within the is the one Truth of EL.E…
El..Means Light.. E…
GG…77… 7 chakras on the Physical body…. 7 in the Spirit Body….
77=14…Letter N… Line of the Naturals… not Nature as its physical rep…
And 14…N…
Nadee Nakandala.. born 5;28… code 5:28 Hertz…

Then evolves through sacred portal 14..”Evolution of Consciousness”
To sacred Portal 5..(14=…1+4=5..E)

Thus E.L..E..E….A.U…Alpha Universe….1 21… “One Two One”
See sacred Portal 121…”Nnamdi…Emeka ..Onu…my mother sister… Code N.E.O…Matrix Movie…)

2:06 p.m.
13 13…Maggie Melissa… I met Maggie before I met Melissa…
Maggie (Izzi Creo..I.C) came with the Code “Kolo” the first day…
But Melissa was the First to literal Cee me…

So The Two Chettahs 70 70… Who are they…
Eric James..?
Erik Energy Bright..?
Maggie Melissa= MM= 26 8.. Zeina Hanna.. Beauty Harmony Grace Favor… B.H…G.F…(28 76)?
Eric Emeka Energy Bright…


2:12 p.m.
212 Men is the cologne I have right now on my desk…
Erik Ebright asked me to spray him with it just a moment ago…

Its is by Corolina Herrera… C.H…3 8…38/83..
Remember the Sacred Portal…383..And Nenad M. Djurdjevic code…
Circle with a Cross.. crossing…

Sensie Cloud Hands..C.H…I… “Make it Rain”

Time -Perfect Timing P.T.. has given us the Point.

Caroline means “Song of Praise”
Carol Line…
Herrera means “Blacksmiths Forge”… See story of Aphrodite Hepthaestus in Greek Mythology….

Spanish and Jewish (Sephardic): habitational name from villages so called in the provinces of Seville and Badajoz, from a word meaning ‘iron smithy’, ‘blacksmith’s forge’ (a derivative of hierro ‘iron’, Latin ferrum).French: habitational name from the Gascon form of Ferrière, a place in Pyrénées-Atlantique. The place name is derived from Latina ferraria ‘iron-mine’, ‘iron-forge’.”

Alexander the Great and Heptheastus…
Aphrodite did not appear in Female Form in the Original story…
S.H.E appeared as a H.E…David…”The Beloved” T.B…
Truth Beautiful…
Tom Benzian -Twin B..E.N..Z..ions…
Emeka Nnamdi….
Praise of the Presence of the Father- which is not biological…
Father is the Guide.. Spirit Energy.. Kinetic Energy…
K.E..115…/511.. The Apartment I was living in at Forte Lauderdale…

Erik Ebright worked at Forte Lauderdale…
Izzi Creo just moved from Forte Lauderdale…
Forte Laude R Dale..A Very strong crowning with the Laurels of Victory…in the Valley of Death…

Erik Ebright keeps reading from Psalms 23… he is 32 years old..

Wiki Def,

“Lauderdale is a long narrow geographical district in the Scottish Borders, Scotland, being the valley of the Leader Water, (a tributary of the River Tweed), above which rivulet St. Cuthbert had a vision of St. Aidan’s soul being conducted to heaven.[1] It is traversed from end to end by the A68 trunk road which terminates at Edinburgh.

Many ancient camps, and many tumuli, are found in Lauderdale.[2] The Roman road into Scotland, Dere Street, which means ‘the road into the country of the wild animals’, crossed a ford at Newstead, near Melrose, where there had been a Roman fort and garrison, and entered Lauderdale.

The valley is said to take its name from the principal town of Lauderdale, the Royal Burgh of Lauder,[4] The town is said to derive its name from the ancient family of the same name.[5] The name of the river between 1124 and 1165 was spelt Leder and Ledre, whilst the name of the town has always been spelt Lauueder, Lawedir, Laudre, Lawder, Lawedere, Lauueder, &c.[6][7][8] In a charter of William the Lion (1165 – 1214) both Lauueder and Lauuederdale are mentioned, as is Loweder in another document of the same reign.[9]

Dael is said to be Old English for valley.

Another meaning….
Mediaeval period[edit]
Symeon of Durham (d. c1130) claimed that the “land beyond the Tweed from the place where rises the river Whiteadder on the north as far as to the place where it falls into the Tweed; and all the land which lies between the river Whiteadder and another river which is called the Leader towards the west; and all the land which lies on the eastern side of that river called the Leader, as far as to the place where it falls into the Tweed towards the south; and all the land which pertains to the monastery of St. Baldred called Tyninghame, from Lammermoor even to Eskmouth, pertains to the land of Lindisfarne

Izzi Creo gave me a meaning of the area of Forte Lauderdale as the Seminoles and Maroons…S.A.M.. E…as a base of the resistance of Freedom…
Her meaning aligned perfectly to my investigation and to my experience Energetically to what I was doing in Forte Lauderdale undercover…

The meanings of the name Forte Lauderdale was burdened by its Historical meaning…imported from England
but its literal meaning still aligns to its other meanings….

Leader Water…A Road through the country of the Wild Things..Animals -Arch Angel Samuel Samael….Lilith…
Water Flows through the Valley… It is a Road.. not the Valley of Death.. but the Circulation of Life..
Distribution of blood pumped by the Heart…
The 4 Cardinal directions in One..

Eric is Line of Nnamdi….David…
E.N.D….I know that as sure as I breath…
And Erik and Emeka.. meaning Eternal Ruler Is Praise -Appreciation…
is how the story of Two Men brought forth the Twins..
MM…the Ladies ..Sacred Portal 80…
Mirror images…
Meant to represent E…=EE..EEEB 83…80+3…83.. 11.. 24…
35..Robert Mohamood…R.M…John Kyu Coffee…Muhamood is the person who just moved out of the Casa De Bodhi after Robert who had been here for years…

C.E Room with a View..

Skoli Hati…
Skoll Melissa…S.M…
Hati Maggie…M.H

Shinning Priest and the Bride…

The last text I got from Erik was
“I am the Moon and you are the Sun!”

I wrote about it before I came…
Mani and Sol…Two brothers…Sun AND Moon… Expression

S.A.M.E…. Same things…
Chased by the Wolf Ladies…?
But their Father is Fenriri…F…E.N.R.I..R..18! AH
And His Father Is Loki…Brother of Thor..
And thier Father Is Odin
Mother Freya…Frigg


ODI.N…./ N..I.D..O

See Andrese Harris Burton share.. Please recall the play at 147 The Bean with Andrese The German Scientist…

Erik is Swiss German.. and Welsh Ancestry…on the Fathers side..
Izzi worked in Switzerland…
I worked with Catherine who was Swiss German…

Now tell me, am I demonstrating Manic, or Bi Polar Conditions because I am speaking and seeing so quickly, and my brain is moving too fast…
Or is it because people who have not been paying attention to 4 years of my constantly saying the same thing, over and over again with evidence… Which was ignored by them because people were not paying attention…. because they had already made judgments as to what is and is not worthy of their attention….?

Something which caused us so much torture by you who do not pay attention until it is too late, condemn and judge too quickly.. lie to us and refuse to admit that you did not go back to read or investigate the most amazing offering made to you.. out of Love of conveying sharing the Truth..The Eternal Truth…

No…I come as The Destroyer…Creator… D.C
And my Brother line comes as Creative Destroyers…C.D.

43/34…7 7…14…5…E.

Lords of the Crossing Guards…
See Sacred Portal 7…Code G…
And No, the Liars and Deniars who bring no Praise And Appreciation to the Beloved EEEB…E.E…shall Never Cross Over from the Physical Spiritual P.S…Please Stop!…realm..

Into the Realm of the Lords 1 2..3..And now our Sisters..Lady S.H.E.. Zeina Hanna line…. Beautiful Harmony Grace-Favors…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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