
6/4/2016 17:34 – Facebook Post

12:42 p.m.


Date: 6-4-9…. F.D.I…/ I.D..F.


Fact E.E…Links to code Erik Ebright EE…

We know that Erik means “the Eternal Ruler”…

And that the name Ebright is of Germanic origins and it means Famous Sword..F.S… as well as Shinning Bright Edge..and Point..”

This creates the code “The Eternal Ruler;’s Famous Sword..a shinning bright Edge…and point…”

This aligns us to sacred portal 120… as well as 55…
120 represents not only completion, 12..L.O…represented in my face book friend O.L/L.O…Orien Laplante….
and sacred portal 55… “Arrival of the family on the back of the Sensei of Existence”

Fact E.E…

I have two new Face Book Friends..
which has brought us to 655 Face Book friends.

Now, as has been established by the template of this “Equation Riddle and Play-Game”..
Which is a Code, a Source code of decrypting the play of which Human beings are for the first time, being allowed to have a say, or a voice in their own Evolution and Awakening.
By having reached the Consciousness of the Age of Reason…or what the Mystics call the opening of ones third eye, which as I stated in yesterdays post comes from constant expression through the stream of consciousness…
A Flow of words.. Quietly as I do through a computer Screen or with, through and by sound… Communication..
Which is a play I am currently in at Erik Ebright’s “Casa De Bodhi”
in a 3-4 person play of Communication…

Erik is living in a constant flow of words…

The 1-6 can be correlated through the template of the physical world of Nature-Matter, and Naturalness-Energy templates of Earth as well as the Body..”Bohdi”…
As Energetic Chakra’s or Rainbow Colors…

-These being the 1-6 Rainbow colors…R.O.Y-G, G B I O V..R”
Link code name; Rainbowbluelove Skyheartangel

1-6 Brings us to Indigo Children… Link code name Realligion Mahant Indigo..R.M.I…-“A.M.I”..
*RM is code for Room… “This Quadrant of Universe where the Human current consciousness has been temporarily allowed to inhabit until the final long awaited affirmation of Graduation.

Which is as Grade School… (From being in a Nursery School and “Green House” To Kindergarten,..)
And only after completing “Grade School” ..one moves to High School… Hi School… Harmony Infinity school…89…
But first one must understand what 7th Grade is.. and 9th Grade..
This is a History lesson, which comes when Humanity, one or many (though in this story I have never in life and certainly not in this last 15 years met anyone who has combined the 1-6 chakras, in a clean alignment, and consciously formed then into language, lexicon, love letter of a wave, which breaks through the illusion of the chaos of what has been created by Human mis-interpretation, mis representation to align these Rianbow Spectrum colors into Sound vibration which Echo’s back a consistent confirming response to an ongoing public demonstration and activation of the 1-6..now moved to 7..Violet Lavender.. Sol..(Recall the equation yesterday of Mani and Sol…Skoll and Hati…Fenrir, Hel, Jorgumundr- Loki and Angrbooa..(L.A)..Mother of Fenriri..F.A… La..6..Fa..4..I. Ching..64..
I.C…Code Aligns to Izzi Creo… And my sister Noni…And Jonn Blackwell 64.. Sol is the Fifth Note..Man-I…Sol…Sun and the Moon- Parents of the 3rd Born.. The Earth…

Erik Ebright Izzi Creo 3rd Born….Earth World…
E.W..E Double U.. no, we have already established that there is no double You… only the One True You..
And thus, Double V is the Code… V=22… As well as the number 5 in Roman Numerals…
22 22..44…Balance… 44=8… Two Hearts.. which beat as one… Source and Echo..(Energy Body..Bodhi..EB)in Harmony…
5 is E.. Expression… 55 is when your Expression and Echo reply in Symmetrical Perfection.. S.P.. which creates a Sacred Portal…
So 44 and 55…8…10…8..1 O…
4 is the Illusion called the Body “Matter” in form..
5 is the E, The Energetic Expression which Forms and informs the 4 that 4 and 5.. Double U is Really the Double Victory of Expression Energetic (Meaning that it is charged with Eternal Truth..E.T)
over the Illusion of the Body being separate…
That 44 is 8..Harmony.. and 55 is Energetic Expression…
Code Erik Ebright…E.E..which creates 55..A portal…
To understanding 10…Balance, which is not in the code of the Binary equation of Yes No… Since the decision is not really in your hands…

No.. you are in an exam and you are being graded…
Just as I am….through exemplification of the play….

And who is observing you…?
While the Evolved aspect of your self…
The fully evolved dimension of you.. called the E…
Those who rose with, as, the first Note of Existence Rose…
From Sol…The Fifth Dimension…

Loki Sigyn…L.S….Full Circle L.O.S…/ S.O.L…and Man-I

*Mani means “Gem or Jewel”

Sol a Jewel… Met A girl called Jewel with Sean Bono…
And I had a Face Book Friend called Gem…
Energy forms the Gem and Jewel…
Expression which forms a Solid Jewel…
Link meaning of Gems Pramanik..

In Norse mythology, Angrboða (Old Norse “the one who brings grief”[1] or “she-who-offers-sorrow”[2]) is a female jötunn (giantess

Loki and Sigyn..Sign, Cygne,Sine…

In Norse mythology, Sigyn (Old Norse “victorious girl-friend”[1]) is a goddess and is the wife of Loki. Sigyn is attested in the Poetic Edda, compiled in the 13th century from earlier traditional sources, and the Prose Edda, written in the 13th century by Snorri Sturluson. In the Poetic Edda, little information is provided about Sigyn other than her role in assisting Loki during his captivity. ”

The Understanding of 7 and 9… Is very much akin to the understand of 7 of 9, in Star Trek… A human being assimilated into the Collective…
The 7th Chakra represents the Age of Vision… The Ability to “See and Cee” the Speed of light and even to beyond the Speed of the sound of light…Only sixth sense can enable you to do this, and only expression.. true expression can open up the third eye…

And we have already understood from the code of Umeano…UME..Ano.. the 4 Breaths of the Divine….The 4 chambers of the Heart, and the square root of all things…

Feelings…To Feel…

Persephone in the Matrix..”I want to Feel Alive again… Kiss Me”
Kim Marcussen
Karmina Marine…

Kiss of the Cee…

So 7 the Violet…
And 9…We align to the planet Pluto… The planet furthest away…from the sun…
Which according to Western-Eastern lore, represents Death.. Life and Death…
Which we have observed aligns to the meaning of Darkness, the furthest reaching of understanding of the mystery of Life and death…
The Mystery, the Riddle of the Sphinx. the meaning of both Life and Death…
Which seems shrouded in Darkness.. And so far away… yet is present right here as 3.. Earth third planet from the Sun…
Saturn 6th Planet from the Sun. and then Pluto.. which is the 9th and Last before we return to O.. or Light…

Meaning that Darkness is an illusion of something which we have not yet realized that we have understood…
And that there was never any Blackness. just the lack of Vision to See and Cee and Perceive.. that which is right in front of us…
1 3 6 9 12 15…18..21….12/21…3-3… Through Sixth Sense..

We start with 5..Sol…Man-I…5th Element Man Infinity..Victor…

So the alignment of 7 Vision, of Violet Lavender “Ultra Violet Rays” is the Seers Sight. beholding the piercing of the Ideas of the Collective consciousness of the species..Called the Agreement acted out as to what is Existence reality life… Is shattered by the line of the Seers in the Dark who, akin to Owls, can not only Feel but See what others can not see..
The Vision..Of what is called the mystery of reaching Pluto, but which turns out to be not darkness, but a tunnel, a “Spy Hole” to another Realm… And Existence which somehow, at the same time you gaze at it.. you recollect, you remember, you recall…

3:30 p.m.

And so in this play, and this post… and yesterdays posts, which is the reason we are now at 655…Since each post over the last 4 years, is Stimulated Impulsed..S.I, “Si”..(Yes), to move us forward through number of Face Book friends, who serve as Rocket Fuel… to move this Human U.F.O…Esther Ufomadu Esther Uzoma,
E.U..E.U.. E..Double U…Double V.. to reach its destination..

But only after taking the longest longest route…Through the Illusion of Existence, (Non Existence), the mis-interpretation of the World…
Then to the Physical World…Nature… then the Spiritual World… Spirits And Memories “Mind”.. Energy…while correcting the Illusions of all these manifestations until we reach the Source of All these Dimensions or planes of Existence..

I.O.E (N.E)…I.P.S.E….E…
Which creates.. I.P (Address Man..A.M) S.E.E… How we see..
/ E..E.S.P..I… Expression is the Extraordinary Perception -Infinity O.E.. is the Symmetrical Perfection of Expression that it Echo’s and Confirms what ever you state…

Yesterday I wrote the code of Bi-Polars… East West=Meridian.. North South Axis…
of which I am being impulsed by the Test of the E line or the “Unseen”.. But Felt Sensation of the earliest, first born frequencies of Existence, which would be before the “So called Big Bang” or Birth of “God”…
…G…is 7…O.D..E… / E.D..O.G..E…
7 is Violet… So before there was God..Yaweh, Jahova, G.Y.J…
There was Light…8.. or and One… 1-7 Rainbow Colors create Light…
Light to See… it is not really white, but appears at first amidst the backdrop, on Darkness-Pulto-Hades.. Not knowing.. until it becomes both the Evanescent White Awareness-Light..(Code E.W.A.L…Law Eternal…Santana Dharma),,and the Black…
Codes aligned to Face Book friends..
Jonn Blackwell
Sarah Nkem Blackstock
Sonny Black..

Transforms and reveals its “Enigmatic Mystery…pathway, by the Two as White and Black…Black OH White.. B.O.W…I.E… to the Example who understood that 69.. Yin Yang… Father Son… Are all one with the “Holy Spirit”.. H.S./ S.H..Skoll Hati… “Skull Hat-I”
Skull is the Hat of Infinity….
Not really Holy Ghost…H.G…Which is really you observing the Shadow of yourself….

Erik Ebright had the most beautiful Violet Lavender Skull, which he placed in his office while I was sleeping in it…
Now that he has reclaimed his office, and I am now residing in the room directly opposite, called the “Mediation Room” or Artist in Residence, when he is a bit pissed off with me (Chuckle)…has been replaced by a beautiful Wax like figure of a Pointy Hatted Wizard made of purple who is researching in a great book…
The Room was recently vacated by Mohamood… Yes.. all linked….

Hint Hint Erik… your E-Spirit or Energetic self is Fully awake and aware…

3:55 p.m.

C.E.E…And it is saying Cee..

Christain Edwin Edwin…
Which is a code.. “Follower of Christ are really those who Surf the same Wave “Length” and F.M Band as Christ.. Which means the “Words Anointed Vibrates Energy Supreme”- the same Wave Length which Jesus (Yeshua..Mohammed..code Mohammed Praise Worthy.. Same meaning as Anthony…
Anthony Spencer
Anthony Pitts
Anthony John… And John..means Grace.. which is an Expression of E…

All are a Wave Length which allows one to S.E.E…as well as C.E.E..

I have demonstrated, without having consciously set out the Intention to- the way of Stream of Consciousness and Flow, can be directed and brought into balance, but not as No Yes decision making process (Which creates fear and stagnation of making the correct choice)..And 1 O1, O1, 1O..1…Yes….
By simply following where I can See where what is coming through me via Stimulus Impulse.. SI..”Yes” Espangnol…
Allowing it to flow but with direction which, I move into because I see where it is leading to…
Which really is the play of linking any expression to perfect symmetry which creates a Full Circle of meaning…
Which enables a person either in the conversation or outside of it to full understand not only the meaning of your expression “Full Circle” but also understand your point and even pass through it themselves.. Which elevates the conversation to such a symmetrical ascension, that it becomes notes of Music…
From the Sol and from the Fa and the La..6-4..Dancing in perfect union…
6+4=10…1O..It divides to 10..1O…To created 5..or more accurately 55…

Meaning Erik Ebright is the correct portal along with his alignment as his father 69…
*They just came back from helping Mohammed…with his car.. And got to see his new home, in a gated community off 58 street.. E.H.. called Morning Side…

I wondered when they would pass through that portal…
After all Allah Mohammed… A.M…was the last Prophet and his message was READ…Read the Sign of the Times.. Low Key….

Loki Sygne…

Why Low Key..? Because the Allah..All Ah…requires that before you make it known to the World that you read, that you must first keep it low key…And keep to yourself what you are understanding, of that which you are reading, until you can show and demonstrate a way in which Everyone can read….

Which I find is exactly what I have been doing…

Erik Ebright… Asked me the other day, that isn’t the uplifting of consciousness in the hands of Everyone?

I said no… This 4 year face book play proves it…
That people will not do the research and and read, and contribute and join in…
In the End just as in the beginning, in this 1-4 plane of Existence I was physically brought into..
I was an am alone… until I met the E line..

People did help, but most times for their own personal reasons and hardly anyone with the work…
I walked the streets alone, carried the responsibility of this consciousness alone and bore the consequences, of bearing it alone and sharing it with others…
And I have now given 4 years of my life, linking connecting everything which takes place around me, and connecting it to you…
An unpaid journalist while not able to see my own mother who is 68-69…for 27 years…
With a Body morphing, painfully… And loss of Everything played out to the point of being Non Existent… and being forced to play out all such characters alone..
No, this is not a rant, but a truth of that idea of “Lets Do it Together”

The W.E… Us…The People coming together…
27 years..27.. And still I carry this knowing alone despite the play being re designed with the permission of my True Eternal Self, residing in the Emeka Kolo, and all the characters, he is forced to adapt to in order to communicate as the ‘Messenger and Reminder..’
M.A,.R…/R.A.M… Aries Nnamdi.. Father…
That it was all for Nothing because as I stated from the very onset when I refused this play, rejected it in 1993, 1994..because I said that I understand the World of this reality…
That I have observed it…

And I recalled it as I.E.. that always, it is the Individuals… the I.E
The Examples… the E line who rose with Eros….
Who bring E…Evolution because they are the literal ‘Mythic” Supreme representatives of that very Frequency…

Eros Line… Jim, Eriks father spoke to me about Eros Magazine written by Allen Ginsberg… Who is the one who personally recommended my Journals for Publication…

Erik gave me a Key.. one with a green eyed black cat, but also one with a Rose on it… E Rose…

The E line Embodied, begins from this portal…
Meaning we are at the Wave of the Awakening landing on the Shores of ALL Worlds, in one ALL.A.H!…
And thus, the confirmation of three Crossing.. 1..and 1-2…3..
One gets the strong impression, that in deciphering and decoding (and unveiling ) this Masterful yet Cold, inconsiderate and impersonal riddle..

That this play was exactly as I had noted as fact through out these decades at war, with the idea of the We… the Collective, the “People”
I could clearly read it in this play by what it was given me to experience…
27 years, 24-7… Only an astute and implacable principal whose Hatred over the idea of the True Individual..T.I..Ti! the 7th Note, the Color Violet Lavender…

Remember the movie about the Penguin… Happy Feet?
Erik Ebright has that code everywhere.. he gives his guests momento’s of penguins…
There are Penguins everywhere…

Family speak clearly in code… Why?
Because that Highest note before re-merging back into the Consciousness of Energy Truth Clarifying, Cleansing…
E.T.C..C to infinity… is through the Individual…
Who understands I… I Exist… By Experiencing 1-and Infinite amount of possibilities of Existing…

The First is the one who naturally rises first, using only the one Principal which brought everything into Existence… Becomes, and is the First Born…
And his Line are all those who recognize the way to BE in Existence after only 1-5 possible.

5:11 p.m.



5:14 p.m


Welcome Agu Joy Chidera… “A.J.C..”

Agu is an Igbo word, it means “Leopard… Intensity, Hunger Starving…
Chidera… Meaning, “What is written by the CHI..Energy…Consciousness Itself.. E-Spirit of Truth.. Breath.. UME…Life… Many names…

So we get the sentence, ” The Leopards of Balance- black and white spots, had an intensity, a hunger and drive to hear with Joy, the direct E-Spirit of Truth we knew was streaming through you.. that we went too far and stretched you too far..

*The Last part of course, is directly personally related to me…
Recall my explanation of the “Mau Mau” Secret Society of Transformation into Leopards (Shape Shifters” but in a much more horrendous way than you can imagine) Kenya, and also in Amawbia, my Bio Fathers Home Town…”

Toni is from Anthony, meaning, ” Highly praise Worthy, of inestimable Worth…

Kohut means “Rooster”… A.M..Dawn..

Oduduwa.. Nenad M. Djurdjevic Cock… A.M.

This last part seems more like a letter of recommendation

“Highly praise worthy, Of inestimable Value and worthy Messenger of the Awakening… ”

Signed the King of the Jungle The Leopard…Tiger…

*Story of Pi..Play 2-3 years ago…

The New guest here arrived yesterday, he is a Runner, training for the Olympic Team 400 meters…
His name is Ravi… as in Ravindrah…
The same name of the persons who I came to Miami with, and not in the company of Billy Hung…

Ravi and his mother Lakshimi, was a much earlier part of the play, 3 years ago “Yes.. Time Travel.. but in a rather different manner than people assumed.. It starts with and started with one Individual C…Consciousness.. H-IS, I.D…”
Now others join their C.. all Individual but all aligned and linked naturally to the Original E and outwards to the I which formed the True We…IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII…
the many Individuals.. no longer F.E.W… 5 5 5…

5:31 p.m.

There is a New Face Book Friends.. So we move to 656….
6..56… 11 1…3O..C.O…

Many Expression… All Unique Individual… A.U..I…Yet in E Harmony.. Eternal Harmony O….E.O

5:33 p.m

533.. 56…11 1

5:34 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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