
6/6/2016 23:36 – Facebook Post

3:55 p.m.


659…Face Book friends… F.E.I. Meaning “Flight… to Fly”

…Human winged Evolution.. opening up of the Diaphragm…Solar Plexus…Shoulder Blades..

Teres major…
Rhomboid Major…
Latissimus Dosri…
Thoracolumbar Fascia
External Oblique Muscles…
Erector Spinal Muscle..

To name a the back muscles..
Sacred portal 55…

A biological and cellular composition and weave of the past…
The Weave of 69… Full Circle O.F..I…C…Energy.. 69 15..0..6…9..3..O.E…Eternity…

4:15 p.m.

My older Face book friend may recall my almost “Hollering” atthe top of my voice about what is happening in my body muscles..
I spoke of the conscious energies rising up in me, as if possessed by the Spirits of the Living and the Dead…

I spoke of the Weaving of the Human body into Existence, and the breaking of the law by the Dead entering and occupying human bodies without the Human species being aware..
And I spoke of the interference with the ideas of Mind-Muscle Memory by what Humanity has come to refer to as the “Spirit” World-
When in truth, they are lines, waves of Expression which are moving through the everything…
Some called the Eternal Truth and others.. Non Existence.. The lie..
What is a Lie?
Anything which does not manifest as Truth…in response to action…
Anything which is not aligned to the “Program” the “play” the Intention Indention and direction of the “Source Creator Programmer”

That frequency called Eternal Truth… governed or guided by Eternal Law…

4:22 p.m

Link Ariane Oates… Eternal Love.. E.L..Is light…

Winged Transformation.. O..W.T…/ TWO…

I also spoke about David Roman Nicholas who shared the “Literal” memories of my “Late” Brother Nnamdi who was born on Easter -Transformation…and passed over on Easter -Transformation at age 13…12+1..Resurrection…

Arrival here on the 27th at Erik Ebright’s portal and literal Being…
Came through Sean Bono who directed me to E.E…in 2006…

Anthony John-Zeina Hanna-Anthony Spencer-Anthony Pitts..


David had evolved physically, he showed me something extraordinary by a flip and a twist of his body… The Human Body transformed into what was so obviously the form of Wings, with the diaphragm and solar plexus and the 4-5th Chakra aligned to the 3rd.

This was the evidence revealed to me, physically..
and then through Erik line, the evolution of the Spirit through “Being…” Flight of the Mind… Opening of the Heart….

Body and Being…
B.B..2 2..
What links Victor Victoria…
Double V..VV….
and finally to Nicholas, meaning
“Victory of the people”
All Ah…

Is.. as I am literally going through that process is Expression Reason O.Logical Explanation…E.R.O.L.E….

E.L.O.R.E/ E. R.O.L.E…
By constantly Expression for 15 years..Letter O..
and 4 years, “Heart Chakra” streaming talking weaving…Expressing from the 5 chakra as well as the “Third Eye”…using Sixth sense as well as Expression to guide me….

I am playing a the Role of E, and establishing the truth of their Lore being a fact…

Which I have realized that I am doing it backwards, proving Energetically how the Winged Transformation takes place… First through Expression, then to Spirit Energy…(Kinetic Energy), and to Physical Manifestation on the Bio-Cellular level..

As A Rooster…

As “Ume-Ano”- the 4 “Divine Breaths in One”
The 4 Chambers of the Heart…

Expansion of Expression, Expansion of the Heart, Expansion of the Third Eye, Expansion of the Chest… Able to See, truly Cee.. and Fly…As Sound and Sight….

Expression Flies..

Humanity are the sum total Expression of Nature..
Nature is Expression…
It evolves from N=14…1+4=5…

And so I have found myself battling with a body, which is meant to rise, expand and open up in symbolic representation of the having reached the point… 4+5..9…6…

I also spoke about recollecting this process, that it was not meant to be like this, painful and exhausting.. distracting to the point that my being able to post non stop for years and move through each intense situation, venue and setting for each part of the play is a miracle for me…
I really have no idea how I am able to focus with the literal Dead, as in AGE, holding me, overwhelming my body with its Vibration Wave Lengths Memories expressed in the “Nothingness Somethingness”- which they ask me to realign….
Because their descendants no longer have any respect for the Living and the Dead….

They do not hear…the Silence nor read the Signs anymore..
And there is no true respect for the Father, Mother, the Child…

The Child is the first Human Biological Ancestor…not the Adult…
And the ancestor of the Child is Expression…

Erik Ebright just walked in with Mohammed…
He presented me with a thing he wrote Ten years ago when we first met..
I once asked him if he ever blamed me, for what people called mental state…
He said Never…
That I arrived to simply confirm and affirm truths which he had finally come to realize and it exploded into fruition at our meeting…

Now you recall, that I had the same experience with David Roman Nicholas…
Though David never accused me, just as Erik, says he never accused me..

Today he made Erik Ebright made sang a rap beat…
“The Broke Elegant Nomad who was accused of breaking peoples minds, who was really taking everyone home to a safe place..”
..it was a long time coming..

For I was blamed and judged condemned, crucified and taken into Non Existence since 2003…23…
13 Years….
Easter Transformation…
Esther Ufomadu
Esther Uzoma….

This is what Erik wrote before being condemned to the greatest battle of his Existence as to what is the Truth and what is that which is False…

This is what he just handed me…

“The Master Free from Slavery Plan;
Develop A Products Line Service in Understanding the Role of the Service and Transformation of the Electrical Pulses of Energy in All We Do…”

This statement was written Ten years ago before Erik was forced into treatment for Bi Polar…
Which then, they say, developed into a Mania..

Impulse Electrical Impulse is the Stimuli, which exists in Energy as C Speed of Light as well as C Speed of Sound…

As one can see it is exactly what has been happening to me, non stop Pulses… not Impulses which are erratic.. but I’M Pulse..
Heart Beat… Feel…
We discern that which is True or False, by the amount of Data we receive..
But Data has to be In-Formation… In Formed.. Information called Truth…

Erik’s was well informed and he told the Eternal Truth and for that, just as so many such as he, and David, they were locked up, ostracrized and told that they were stupid, insane, crazy for telling the Truth, and for seeking evolved answers to questions our Fathers Mothers could not fully grasp or understand because they were born in a different age…
They, we are the true Indigo children… and as the lesson given to Mohammed who lived here… It was Patience…

Erik said the Words is Cool…
Actually he is correct…
I call it Chill…

Cool- Chill… but it really means Patience… And Patience means “Grace”

Erik Zeal Bertrand Ebright..

Erik Eternal Ruler..
Zeal… One with a purpose Direction and Mission… Passionate Devotion Devotion..Passionate Expression…

Bertrand…The name Bertrand is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Bertrand is: Intelligent; Glorious raven. French form of the German Bertram, meaning bright-raven. Philosopher and mathematician Bertrand Russell. Some scholars believe the second syllable of Bertrand derived from a word meaning shield.”

Ebright..Famous Sword… Sharp Point the Edge…

I know exactly who the line of Erik Ebright represents in the world..
Line of Eric John… E.J… E=5, 10…1O…5+1= 15… 555… EEE (Eeeb83)… 5+1O..6..

5:58 p.m.

The Ones who I was moved by a Friend of Evan ALexander Judson to start posting on Face Book… to address the Indigo Crystallization Line…I.C.L..Who society did not understand (Or perhaps who Overstand) and parents who went through similar Awakenings which they or others could not sustain in this world and were damned if their children would have to pass through the terrible terrible battle they had to find to live in a Lie while every waking hour was intruded with not only the Truth but the Solution…
Which none would hear…

This is the Classic story of the Collective illusion of Society, creating fear and a nightmare existence for the Individual..

The Pulse which Erik Ebright wrote about 10 years ago, and then the chance that he had kept all these years this expression…
of his perfect Sanity.. Through all the Tortures that he and all the Soo many people such as He went through for expressing not only the Beautiful Truth, but also having the Leonine courage to share it with others…
And the love and forbearance to endure the Tortures inflicted on their Spirits…by those who are insane with Hurt themselves, seeking to protect their children from the torment they endured for opening up their hearts to Share the Beautiful Truth…

What have we done to Eternal Youth..
The Voice of the child and the Song of youth…

I was so glad when I heard that Izzi Creo and Erik Ebright returned to Home Depot H.D…84…700 USD worth of Purchases and had a return of 120;00 u.s.d….

Recall that my Sacred Portal 120 is the Sword… A Sword of True Love which cuts out all that which is of Non Existence…

Because there must be Justice…Consequences..

For those Hypocrites who have moved through the Human Time line Spirit, infecting everything with their jealousy and envy…

Erik Ebright is undercover here in Miami, it is easy to Cee him, he is transparent…
But the play he has created deeply disturbed me…
I knew it was rage.. a Righteous justified rage… of putting him or anyone through such a Nightmare..

Believe me, for 27 years.. the very number of the days and the portal I passed through here…
1972… When we immigrated from England to Canada…I was fully aware that we were passing through a portal, a Human portal, of a Woman called Felicia whom my Mother did not wish to pass through her house on the away to England…

The Pulse is The Electricity which runs through us and through everything…

It is not an “Uncontrollable Force..U.F.O…
Rather, it is a Unified Field O.F… Symmetrical Perfection which manifests in completion as Fact…

The Evidence Erik Ebright presented was a Fact…
I met him at the Nexus in 2006…May June… is a Fact..
For T.E.N years, I was crucified once more, as The Elegant Nomad.. T.E.N…
And so was the Line of Erik Ebright the EE…
I was moved to start posting not really by an impulse but by recognizing that I am the Pulse, you are the Pulse..
We are the Pulse which circulates through the four Chambers of the Heart…
Which brings 8 and 4…
Infinite Love…
Infinite Balance
Infinite Victor…

Of the Crossing of Light and “Matter’

Which creates Transparency, Water, OH..Eau…

I would like to welcome my three new Face Book Friends…

Clara Crossland
Regina Yerima
Aliu Tunde..

C.C…”Christopher Columbus..Follower of the Wave Words of the Anointed Expression of the Dove..
But also the Raven of Beautiful Rage and Destruction…
For the Horror beyond Evil done to the Beautiful Truth of Existence..
Which is when the the Gentle Man and Gentle Ladies voice is suppressed that it transforms from the Dove to the Raven to bring forth the Blackest Knight….
Fenrir.. Loki.. Sigyne.. the Devourers of the Lies and the Big mouths who create suffering age after age of the E.Z.B.E..I. N.G’S of Expression…

C.C..Cool Chill.. Allows you to Cee O…Full Circle.. Harmony Infinity 89…
The Whole picture before opening your mouth to cast spells and judgments without observation…

The Cool Chill line of the Cee which forms the O which allows you to breath… to breathe in Air.. In Out… I.O…and in between the Two breaths is that pause.. That moment of “69” -When the weave and linking of both Cees.. Sees in Black and White become transparent.. Become One… See of Colors which creates the Mouth to Open… Ohhh! and the the breathe to be released Ahhh…



Alpha Eternity Omega..

This is what I know…

And this is why there must be destruction of the Judges unqualified to judge, who condemn the innocent, enslave and imprison those who are of the most beautiful Truth.. the Eternal Truth and the “HI-H.O.P.E.S” for the Species called Human.. the Species we never were..
Because they had already come into Existence True in the One Dimension which Exist…
From out of the Light Blue…
The Victorious Cee and See.. not Sky,

See what their 3… initials form…
CC.. Y.R…A.T…

Erik Ebright just spoke to me about the person who invented the code @

“Whatever the origin of the @ symbol, the history of its usage is more well-known: it has long been used in Spanish and Portuguese as an abbreviation of arroba, a unit of weight equivalent to 25 pounds, and derived from the Arabic expression of “a quarter” (????? pronounced ar-rub?).[8] An Italian academic claims to have traced the @ symbol to the 16th century, in a mercantile document sent by Florentine Francesco Lapi from Seville to Rome on May 4, 1536.[9] The document is about commerce with Pizarro, in particular the price of an @ of wine in Peru. In Italian, the symbol was interpreted to mean amphora (anfora). Currently, the word arroba means both the at-symbol and a unit of weight. In Italian, the symbol represents one amphora, a unit of weight and volume based upon the capacity of the standard amphora jar, and entered modern meaning and use as “at the rate of” or “at price of” in northern Europe.

It also was derived from the letter e..

Held today in the Vatican Apostolic Library,[7] it features the @ symbol in place of the capital letter alpha ‘A’ in the word Amen. Why it was used in this context is still a mystery.

AT the Price of the Weight of An Amphora of Wine… 25 pounds..

C.C..YR…AT- Alpha Theta..E…Blood to Wine of “Christos” which intoxicates the body…Turning the perception of Misery and Sorrow into Bliss…and Extase…B.E…

E.Z.B.E… 83 AT G=7 M.A..I.L…Infinite Love.. Completed..

Clara Crossland…

Please Link Elizabeth Clarizio… Elizabeth is the name of not only Jonn Blackwell’s mother is Elizabeth…
Eriks “Afro-Mother is named Elizabeth…
And his bio mother is Jane M.Evans… J.M.E.

Pls see sacred portal 31 Resurrection… it depicts 2 Mothers Afro and Norse..and two Brothers Brown and Tan.. B.T…

Clara means “Bright Clear… I See Clearly.. Clarity.. Transparent Light, Cross Land..

Regina means “Queen”…

Yerima- Is said to be a Hausa-Asiatic language group which includes Hebrew.
Yerima becomes Jeremiah which means “God, the Creator will Exalt” he is known as the author of the book of lamentations…”

‘Queen, The Jehova God Exalts…”.. not you.

Aliu means “Uplifted..Ascent….My God is HE.”

11:28 p.m.

Tune is a Yoruba name it…and it also means “Fairy” in Hungarian..

“Uplifted, Ascension, My God is H.E…Returns…
..Fair E…”

See sacred portal 87…”Returning the World to their Senses…”

11:35 p.m… K.C.E…


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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