
6:10 p.m.

6:10 p.m.

610… FA..O.


F.V.I…F.6 Sixth Sense.

22-6-9… V.F.I 5-6-9…E.F.I… 5 69…E-Nnamdi…Expression Nature.


We are 693 Face Book Friends.. And the 69 in Being, has been affirmed by the E…

And the C having been affirmed by M..Mohammed…Code 47 I.D.

4 7..11 28…39.. C.I.

Then by I.C…

693 is F.I.C…F.I.C.T.I.O.N…This World is really a Story, now with Energy Evolution Quantum Quintessential consciousness literally manifested in real time by A human Being, which generated E.E..to E.E.E..The Evolved one, already in Existence but as a vibration frequency within which only through activation – then consciousness and reason, through Eternity as Energy, Frequency Infinity (E.F.I)

…But also transform all 691, 69 2, 69 3…Awareness Being Consciousness of Everything..



Too much has happened here which affirms the E.Q…Equation of the true Quantum mechanics can only be understood through Naturalness and True Nature… Your True I.D.

I have a new phone.. which works….

Tribute 5, from Erik Ebright… thanks Dude..

He has been trying to connect me to the ‘Net/Ten- net work..

693 Fact.. Fiction transformed into fact from Quintessential understanding the true Quantum mechanics of Energy…

It Human Source- A Fifth Dimension Consciousness which opens a pathway to the ‘Mythic Idea of Sixth Sense, literally manifesting as an E.Q..Equation of Space A.N.D/Dna..S.A..T. U..R..N… The 6th Planet…

This Road of piercing see, allows you See and live on a different plane of Existence closer to its essential truth…

it leads you through a full circle, twice at least in perfect Symmetry back to a point beyond the Photon Electron Neutral (Swiss) story but to the point beyond the Photon.. the P.E.N….To the Sacred Portal O..Eternity.. P.E.N..I.S… Cock.. Rooster.. See True Men… Beautiful…

To a point beyond the Nothingness- called by many ‘Forgetfulness Death the Abyss…but to the point beyond the Consciousness Subconscious and UN-Conscious..

Where Forgetfulness transforms into Memory..

Where Memory because the descriptive meaning of Light seen and read through Hue-Mane, representing Energy…

Light would be translated as Memory..

How quickly can memory come back..

One Trigger and


It all comes flooding back to you.. and in a moment a stance you may have resolutely taken, over a course of decades, with stoicism only to see it dissolve into nothing at all when the Ping of memory comes back..

And so my new face book friend is welcome.. Potapova Katrin..


16..11…Dopplegangers 11..1…16 16… 32…7 7..14..(49)..5..(36)

Equation is Add…

Potapova, I could find no meaning of this Russian name..

in code P. O-t-a..P..O-v-a… PP..O.O…PP..OO…AA.T..V.

Its a code.. Two Source of the Full Circle at Victory Infinity Harmony…

Katrin comes from the name Katherine which means, Purity

PP..(16-16..32)…OO…AA…(1 1)..T..V…5..E…Dimension Frequency Awareness Being Consciousness Divine Expression…Forever

. Of Energy..

A.B.C.D.E…F…O.E…Lies…Which Fly…Gossip.

11:17 p.m

K.Q… QQ… 17 17.. 34.. C.D… Lady and Genie Weed Rises..

11:18 p.m


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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