
6/28/2016 15:59 – Facebook Post

2:00 p.m.


28-6-9….H.B..F.I… Harmonious Being Fact Infinity…



Face Book Harmony Infinity..

“You are watching the World grow up”
That is what Erik Ebright responded to my question about the “Play” today.
Startling me once more, reminding me once more of this Eternal Truth…
2:06 p.m.

I hardly describe what is happening here at 26 N.E Casa De Bodhi. because I have grown tired of relaying publicly, the story of how Energy is moving through Humanity…
And how I have been placed in the extraordinary ( and unenviable) position of constantly reading, linking weaving and connecting the Fractals of Light-Expression and Energy which is Unseen and Unheard by others.. and then bringing it into existence through Expressing it to those around me, then on Face Book..
Then waiting for the Echo Confirmation outside of me…

I already had understood that Erik Ebright (John Weedseed) Izzi Creo..(MM) represent World…
Just as Jonn Blackwell and Donna O’Sullivan represented the Universe and the World Womb…

Observer Watcher Lover….Light…. O.W.L.

I knew that the Three of Us had been brought together, not just by the codes and connections of this Universal Play, but by something that each of us consciously chose…to stay…
Something to do with Love for E.E…
And yet, my sense of I, Individuality has been in an epic struggle based on the Role, this set up gave me to play…

i had of course, tried to run away,
I have had enough Hurt and Sadness of this play, which I am seeing so many others have experienced.
I am aware that none of these plays really have anything to do with me per sey, because I do not Exist..
I am still the Unseen.. E.Victor… Writing and correcting the Script of the Awareness Memory of the Birth of Existence.

But something holds me here,
not the Awakening Evolution, not the fact that I am representing the Source undercover in a play in which all 7-8 Billion people in the Planet had equal chance to activate the Source Memory and codes by the decisions they made, and by what each chose to do, with their revelations of Light while living undercover in this reality in roles designated…
*(In my case I chose not to challenge or interpret my revelations, instead I sought to Investigate -Curiosity..I.C.. and spent all my time researching what is considered in this current “Agreed-Quietly Collective Insane reality” the Facts.
I wished to find out from the Source itself, the truth of the my revelations which have followed me doggedly, like a little brother or twin brother..Twin reflection All my life..
A Shadow which I could not get rid of (And whom I really did not wish to get Rid of because in my Heart of Hearts I knew who this Shadow was….Eternal Truth.. my beloved…Same Self… But I was apprehensive about how I would live and function in this world)

Not even the astounding Scientific Discovery of what I have understood about what is Really Going on, moves me any longer..
..I have carried this excitement too long, without having anyone to share it with…

Yesterday, I was moved to confront this situation of not being able to speak freely, about the Eternal Truth…
The Stifling of my Voice, and the Truth of my Experience..
but to no avail…

The Play has been set up in such a way that each of us, the 3 out of the 4… Are each playing a role, I and Izzi (M)..each dealing with being thrown into an Unexpected environment and play…
All 3 of us , 4 of us are dealing with it the best we can..
But yesterday, a fury for the unfairness of the role imposed upon me, rose up in me…

But it served no purpose really,
Imagine being Seen and Heard… Finally..
but your expression is Silenced…
Given the Illusion of not being Seen and Heard…
For the Sake of the Evolution, Progression of a Play which uses a scenario that you do not exist…
Which speaks for you, instead of allowing you to speak for yourself…

Which denies your experience, your expression, your Humanity and your Divinity…and even the Evil being done to you is condoned…

No, the Emeka I know would have walked away from this,
Fuck Evolution, Fuck Awakening…
Fuck this play which condones Evil being done to anyone,
for the sake of Peace, for the sake of Harmony..
That is not Harmony…

No, something else keeps me here…
Something which has nothing to do with this play…
Something which denies my sense of Self, my very Existence…
Feelings, Experience.. and yet I stay….

Is it Love…I ask myself.. is it Truth…for is not Truth Love…?
I know this..
Does Love for the Truth hold me here, binds me..
Is it what I perceive in Erik, in this Situation, in what I see in Izzi and Eriks Father… Something Magical…
But after a life time, I ask that question
what about me…?

Something holds me here, perhaps the something similar or different from each of the persons here currently residing in Erik’s House…

Why would anyone condone a reality where it is okay if you do not Exist…?

I am watching the World grow up and transform…

I live inside and outside of the the Universal Script..
Unseen after 48 Code years on this Earth and Awake as testified by Great Yogis.. One told Eric ( Ekayani) Chamberlain E.C..in 1994, that I could remember the time in my mothers womb..
I could, but was amazed at how he knew just by hearing the sound of my voice on the telephone…
I understand Sound Waves much better now..
I understand how he was able to read the truth I had never told anyone before…except the Silence…

What does it feel like to have broken the Source Code.. and be ignored.
To not have your contribution, a documented life, a being the constant outsider, the stranger, the Foreigner constantly “Seeming’ ignored.. yet valued.

To be given the illusion of being ‘Nothing’ Nobody.. when you know your own worth…?

I am aware that everything I am experiencing is not really my experience, it is the experiences of All humanity, which I have visiting and experiencing…
Experiences of being ‘Ground to Nothingness.. to a Zero”

I can not begin to describe the sadness, the beautiful sadness.. and the rage, the Whew, Mighty Mighty Rage I feel each day, as I process the Experience of many people who lived in this Earth World.
The Suffering, the despair…. but I do not disintergrate, I do not become “Nothing” I do not Disappear into the “Shadows.. becoming a shadow of my former self…

I have observed that process here, created by a micro-cosmic representation of the World through the human time-line and finally here in Miami.. Teetering on the Edge of the Beautiful Truth, yet to manifest…
And the awful reality which the world has lived in since.. Ah.. the time of their confusion and questioning began..

‘Why am I here…?”

And what if you get the answer, just as I have received the Answer…

Because I know Exactly why I am here…
At Erik Ebright’s Case De Bodhi..

Is the Answer “Unexpected”…?

Is there any doubt of the outcome..?


Rather, it is the what is being played out in the Space In between.

3:20 p.m.

What is the meaning of Existence… I mean really…?

Is it not how we treat each other in that Space of Time in between…?

Is that the riddle of the Unseen…?

That question of God, or Big Brother..is Watching..
E-Mama C is watching…

What you do when you are faced with the totally unexpected..

Watching the World Grow up…
Watching a Evolution Process of A Brother, from which a line of brothers… then sister will rise from..

Watching Lucifer and Lucy rise from the ashes of the horrors done to the evil done to their names…L.L..1212..24…6..
Watching they who are the true representatives of the World
The One H.E…Representing the World in a play on a Chess and Ouiji board…Being moved, and transformed from the Lie the world became and finally watching its transformation back into its Beautiful Truth..
Restoring it to its senses…

3:27 p.m.

And being that Observant Watcher Lover Light of the World who sees it.. evolving…Alone.

I have a new Face Book friend called Josip Šipek,
I just finished having a text conversation with him..
He confirmed everything I had stated about the Two…
The T.W.O.. The TWINS…E.E..
And how all comes from them…

And Alessa.. whom I met and recounted how I had asked her where her home was on a massive model installation Circuit I had created and she had pointed to what she did not realize where Clouds…
Cloud 9..our home…
And that Alessa is the male form of Alexander…
Code Alexander Hamilton…
Hamilton House or St is where Erik was born…

Alexander the Great, who passed away at age 32…
Alexander as Achilles Heel in Patroclus…
Alexander Hephaeston…
See sacred Portal 97…
Josip is my 6 97 Face Book Friend..
6 has been established already as Sixth Sense E.S.P..
And 6-6-6…Energy “Spirit” (Energy Momentum) Phsyical..
AH-Tom..Omega.. Photon Electron Neutron… Infinity S.I.P (Man)…E.K

Mi Ami… My Best Friend… M..B.F…13…26..8..Harmony..Infinity
I.I…My Reflection-Creation…
Existence Creation
Expression Consciousness
The Only T.W.O who Exist..

And now their Joint Expression..

E+C…=8…H…Expanded to I…5×3=15…
(15 years)…15-Letter O.
Lady – Lord O.


Which brought Cecilia Donna..the C,D..
Universal Harmonics..
The Son.g…
The S.O.N
The S.U.M..

Of the TWO…E
into One…


It is True, Erik and Alton.. Love as a Word is insufficient to describe this reason I stay…
Is it Energy, Eternity, E.M.F..U.F.O.. Infinity… Love..
Ifunnanya…”I.See You”…in O.INRI Igbo
But perhaps, the answer to this riddle, does not lie in the Word its self..
But in the understanding full circle the Sum meaning of this “State of Being’.. And then the word we attach to it becomes not relevant apart from its ability to create a ‘Genie in the Bottle’ Effect…of which the Sound and meaning and then Sight.. Perfume..
Is perfectly symbolized by the Words Wave Length and Vibration..

I See You..I.S…Y…

Like a Bow on a Present..
An infinity sign on the Message on a Bottle..

Perhaps, it is the reason when some one says those words..
One out of the thousand times you may have heard those words…
That one time you know…
It is True..
Because it carries that Vibration and Perfume of the
Eternal Truth..
Eternal Love…


I know why I am here…

3:55 p.m.
Christain Edwin Edwin…

I know also what Holds me Here..

Eternal Law…


Sacred portal 155..6

I am not at a Portal any longer..
I am H.O.M.E.
It is not a place..
It where the H.E..A.R.T…

3:58 p.m


It Ends Here..
It Begins Hear…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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