
Facebook Post..

10;57 p.m.

There is no one above the Eternal Truth and the Eternal Law…

Eternal Light…

Not the Beloveds, not the Source Himself…

The Beloveds are The Beautiful Ones, who no matter the depths and the pits of Forgetting; Pain Hurst Rage Despair that they are thrown into, or placed in undercover..

They Enact Exemplify and are naturally and spontaneously loyal to the Eternal Truth…

Equality Justice Fair Play…

And thus they embody exemplify the Eternal T.L..Consciousness Beauty, without even knowing why…

It is who they are, and in the darkness, they turn even E.V.I.L..

back into Expressions Victorious of V and VI..The Fifth Dimension F.D and 6th Sense Infinite Limitless


Light Infinite Victorious expression of IV the 4th Dimension back into the 5th Dimension Expression of


Loves Infinite Fact..Energy… Beautiful…Expression

L.I.F.E. B.E

Balance 10 T.EN…Of the E.G…

The Example.

Meaning of the name Reba Hess

Reba means…Reba..

The name Reba is a Biblical baby name. In Biblical the meaning of the name Reba is: The fourth, a square, that lies or stoops down

re-bek’-a (rebha`, fourth part; Septuagint:

Codex Vaticanus Rhobe; Codex Alexandrinus Rhebek): One of the five chieftains of Midian who were slain by the Israelites, under Moses (Numbers 31:8; Joshua 13:21). Like his comrades, he is termed a king in Numbers, but a chief or prince in Joshua.

this is a famous Germanic surname. It is arguably both tribal and residential, originating from the pre 10th century a.d. It is believed to have originally described people who came from the region known as Hesse. The translation of this name is the ‘hooded people’, but whether this referred to people who made hoods and other garments such as coats and cloaks, or whether they habitually worse such clothing, or whether ‘Hesse’ is a transposed meaning, perhaps for warriors who wore a particular type of helmet like a hood..

Alexandrinus Alexander the Defender of the People

R.He B E.K..the 4th of the 5 Kings…

Lord or Rep of the 4th Dimension, Space And Time…S.A.T.U.R.N..

Slain..The Last step before reaching the 5th Dimension..

Numbers 31 8..C.A.H!..

Joshua 13 21..M.U..S.I.C..

The True 4th Dimension -Harmonies…

NO, No, No…

Midian means Judgment…Covering Habit..

And son of Abrahan Keturah…

Abrahan means Father of Many.. the Multitude…Infinity..

Keturah means..Fragrance…Sacrifice…F.S…Feelings Sensational..

The name Keturah is a Hebrew baby name. In Hebrew the meaning of the name Keturah is: Fragrance. Sacrifice. Abraham’s second wife in the Old Testament. A name commonly used by Puritans after the Reformation.

Midi…12..and,,,12 O’Clock,,,Balance…

A.K.M…1 11 13… 25…B.E…

Thus Four is the Cube.. Sound.. I posted an image of it in a series of posts of Father Infinity.. Make it Rain..M.IR..AH!

Make it Pour…

And transformation into Form…

Just as the Body is made out of Water…

Green is the color of the 4th Dimension aligned to the Rainbow Spectrum..

Nature Naturalness… From the Nothingness…

E arose…

Orien Laplante…O Rien La! Plant E..


Time can be dissolved back into Infinity by reaching the E…

Elegua the Trickster Crossing Guard of the Ifa Divination Orishas…


Eternal E-Bright..

Revealing the Way Home through the Cross as a Square..

Really a Full Circle…

Reba Hess… The 4th King or Prince of Judgment comes under cover, of a Habit…A Hooded Warrior from the Hood..

of a Spitting Cobra, comes as Death and True Light to complete the Judgment Consequences of those who can pass through from the 4th to the 5th Dimensions..

And those who will be cut down where they stand for betraying the Eternal Truth the Eternal Law over and over again.. Despite the messengers and messages sent over and over again through out Human History…

And despite allowing the consequences of this irresponsibility of Expression and failure to take responsibility for ones expression despite being educated informed and shown the consequences and outcome…

War Misery Suffering… Indifference…Death..

So Death Rises as the Nothingness…

and as the Beautiful Truth..

11:26 p.m..

Green Street, Brooklyn County of Kings,.

Green Point Av.

Forte Green

Green Full Circle.

11:32 p.m.





Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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