
7/13/2016 22:07 – Facebook Post

Phew… I can’t believe I am sitting like E ROSE A Park (EDEN)
on the back of a Grey Hound Bus bound once more to New York..

721 Face Book Friends…G.B..U..

8:20 p.m
82… (1982 Nnamdi code..28 Emeka code.. Bus Ticket 28…)

Its is all about Convergence of all points, rays, Energy to one point through the Circle- the Symbol of Infinity Eternity…

I finally understand the weird strange state I feel myself in..
I just made a Quantum leap back in Time as well as Space…
Perhaps most of the world does not recognize this.. yet…
But I have a witness my Twin Brothers AH-Tom and now,
the my Twin Sister line.. rising…

And I am aware that as I travel through Time and Space, by my mind and being able to overtake the this realms relativity of time and space contained with the 24 hr system,by my using 6th sense and Harmony- instead which is a Consciousness faster than the Speed of Light..
That Erik Ebright who kept speaking of Time Machine linked to the Wheel Chair.. W.C
Link Cecilia Wiebers..C.W…
6th Sense is twice the Speed of the Constant called Physical Light..
it is 33…6..and 9.. 69 … 15..Letter O..

I traveled back through my brothers Fathers Time Machine and had to figure it out so that it is aligned as Expression Energy to the Momentum and Manifestation..
Which is why I am have been compelled to Talk Write Observe
T.W.O…Voicing into Air Waves and Space (Through P.C)
My alignment with what is really going on…
Programing and aligning a ‘U.F.O..A Space Ship..
Oracle Oui-Jah! to All Ah through constant linking…
After everything even the “Illusion of Time’ the cycle on Earth and Heaven.. are but beautiful Expression of the Source of Energy…

Erik Ebright always says that the Mouth and the 3rd eye are One.
Yes, brilliance Brightness-Epiphanies from him as usual of the E line he represents having now moved from N to E to S… to S.S…(19+19..38…See sacred portal 38..then 83 which is E’s address and code year of Birth…)

As I was taken to the Station by E.E..M.M…
I had to find some space in me when they left to full absorb what my Brothers and I had done…

8:38 P.M

See.. this is why I write the time when I am moved to pause and see the time.. numbers.. time is but numbers…
38/83..Has flipped to 838..H.C,H..Harmony C Harmony…

I was aware and so is E of the momentum and monumental significance of 10 years ago…
Right to the alignment of a Japanese Pharamceutical company who had profited off so many people…
And his beginning to take that drug for 10 years and yesterday being the day when he finally could stop taking it…

Sensie Cloud Hands…Goku…

I was fully aware of the play, and so is he…but we are both undercover, as is most of the Family…
But only difference is one is Fully Awake and the other is Fully Aware.. FA FA.. 4 4…but that is for later…

In the station and even on the way to the Station, I remembered Guy Pierce and the movie Time Machine.. T.M/M.T…
11 1 1..A.A…K…
And the impression that I had never been at 26 N.E 6Oth Street…
Miami Little Haiti…It felt as though I had just arrived on May 17th and was turning around to go back..
As if the last almost two months never existed..
A perhaps they did not…
But boy oh boy it was real.. and fast, and intense..and hot..
Cinque de Mayo…55…

E.S.P… Energy Spirit Physical realms..
E.E.M.M…That is the real Equation of O.Photon Electron Neutron..Infinity Supremacy…I.S..

I aware that from the Shelter at bed 53..and 666 B.Ank J.C..to 18 Mountain View…to A.B.City to Miami…and Albert Santana sending me message on May 16th…E.P…about Flash Gordon.. and the story and plot I watched in his house of going back into the past to realign a regret was real..
But it was not realign a regret, or even correct an Error bit to rather show that even in this ‘Tragic Error of Diagnosis” that it fullflled a purpose..
That it was Written..
This Unseen Play in an Unseen Script…. U.P! U.S…Universe Supreme…

The equation and Riddle was to find out why such a Script was written.

To be Honest, I no longer gave a flying fuck… it was Evil, breeding Evil which was spreading and had spread to create a very real threat to peace of mind of all beings in the Planet…

But hey.. all of you saw the play of my struggle not to go to Miami because of I wished to have nothing to with- weighed up against Erik Ebright…and of course, the link I have with him won..
Did I regret it…?
Of course not…
But I witnessed a play which seen from the 5 Dimension Consciousness and third Eye.. which understands and sees the true cause and effect of things.. Which others do not perceive when looking through a 3D Reality tainted with fear….
Whew.. and of course, my expression has to be so careful, because people in fear always mis read the most Clear Intentions transparently Expressed…

But it was a Play and in the beginning it was Erik Ebright who tethered me,anchored me when I was ready to leave…
Then meeting Izzi Creo that first day…
then Melissa Aldana..
I already knew who they each player was…

10 years ago I met only Erik..E.K..EE..
and on the last day his father..
Ten years later, I come upon the same scene.. re-enacted even Erik being forced to leave on the 3rd Day…
And then it was non stop.. interaction with the Ethereal Spirit and Physical Realms.. E.S.A.P…Sapping you… Death Eaters…

1-4 Fake Realities and consciouness..so many people…
And the play I refused to join in.. until coaxed bullied and deftly guided and manipulated by E.E…brilliantly…
I was vexed that his Energy knew how to reel me in…

It is a play I would holler, do not play that role.. such a role..and the role given to me to play was so insulting,so,soso insulting…that despite playing that role in the end..
I can never forgive or forget such demeaning treatment in which
It was Okay” for me to play such a role…

And yet 27 years later.. 40 years later … I played that role.. the worst because it was being asked forced upon me by the line of N.E…and the betrayal and sense of being forgotten not of value or worth after all I had endured with nothing to gain for myself from sharing…
Meant I had found the Source Energy that put me through this play my entire life to ensure the “Victory of the People”

Time Stood Still…
The Earth Stood still..
most of the World is not aware..
But the Q line were and are…
And in 7-8 Weeks I watched worked and had no time as I filled the requirements of aligning a 33 dimensional play to 123456…then 7 8..
With no praise or acknowledgment because no one but one was aware and his acknowledgement had to be done undercover…

And so I learnt something from Erik Ebright and from Nnamdi and Victor all in him as well as his feminine side..
I learn’t something even after I was already Full..
Patience is not waiting, it is also action…
And patience in War, where the lines are intentionally blurred between right and wrong to simply IS..
Is another dimension and level of play…

9:19 p.m.

I watched E and I.C… and I watched and observed myself.
I felt I was too, too tired to enter into such a furious intensely play where the seeds of evil were everywhere spreading forth from “Good’ people with good intention…
Guess what you really require Pure Intention which is what the play revealed in the end with three players left…
Purity Innocence True Transparency.. P.I.TT…

And how laughter and seriousness really create Humor…
The Skull and the Skeleton…Structure of Being Body Bare..
Raw as if with no Skin…

I will not go on about the last two standing ending up being the equation of how the last two remaining in the casa de Bodhi being the correct Two standing..
E.E.M.M…and my brother and I as the Unseen Seen communicating with E.S.P…A.N..Nature…

But it was a play of the roll of the Die Dice..
but the Di was loaded.. by the Energy of the E in the TWO which made everything come up smelling like Roses..Eternal Roses.. richly perfumed…

Slava Komisaroff…

Slava means…Glory.. and Knowledge..”

Glorious Knowledge…GK..Kieth Grant Bed 53..
A 53 year old man is sitting besides me… he just sponatenously told me his age..

Komisaroff means “Lord of Everything”

“Glorious Knowledge from the Lord of Everything…”

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