
7/17/2016 20:06 – Facebook Post

6:00 pm.

I am at 54 The Bean…
And I just realized that this has been my 54 Portal for the last 11 years since I first came here, when it was at 1st and 3rd, and called Kudo’s..”Praise”
And it was from here I went to my 53rd Portal which is represented by Erik Ebright as the EE.. The sacred portal 55…
Portal of the Eternal Past, now present…

729 Face Book Friends…

G.B.I…Grace Beauty Individuals… Reps of Infinity…

Bello Sunday Ega…

Bello means “Beautiful- Handsome”

Sunday.. Means “Suns Day…S.D…19-4

Link 4-19…D.S.. Donna O’Sullivan and Robert Sullivan born this day.. And the day I was “Born” in this play..
I left after 9 months to the day, 18 Mountain View, to The Bean Cafe 27th Day to E.E..55.. the 53rd Portal in 15 years in New York..

“Sunday is a day of rest in most Western countries, as a part of the weekend.

For most Christians, Sunday is observed as a day of worship and rest, holding it as the Lord’s Day and the day of Christ’s resurrection. In some Muslim countries and Israel, Sunday is the first work day of the week. According to the Hebrew calendars and traditional Christian calendars, Sunday is the first day of the week. However, according to the International Organization for Standardization ISO 8601, Sunday is the seventh and last day of the week.[1] No century in the Gregorian calendar starts on a Sunday, whether its first year is considered to be ’00 or ’01.[2] The Jewish New Year never falls on a Sunday. The rules of the Hebrew calendar are designed such that the first day of Rosh Hashanah will never occur on the first, fourth, or sixth day of the Jewish week (Sunday, Wednesday or Friday).

Sunday, being the day of the Sun, as the name of the first day of the week, is derived from Hellenistic astrology, where the seven planets, known in English as Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, the Sun, Venus, Mercury and the Moon, each had an hour of the day assigned to them, and the planet which was regent during the first hour of any day of the week gave its name to that day. During the 1st and 2nd century, the week of seven days was introduced into Rome from Egypt, and the Roman names of the planets were given to each successive day”

It means that there is no Day when the 1st -7th day..A.G/ G.A..
1-7 Colors of Spectrum Rainbow begins the day…
today is the 17th.. And it is Sunday…
17 Is the Letter Q.
Quintessential Quantum Leap…
This years..

Manni and Sol…
MANN..I..Sol… the 5th Note.
*See Zodiak,,,Z=26…13 portal Asclepius-Ochuichus..Apollo..

MANN…I=9…Sol…5th.. and A.O.A.Healing…13th…Letter M,.

MANN..I…9 5 Sol…A,O.A.M..13

MA.NN../ NN A.M..(D.I)..NN=28… Grey Hound…Bus Ticket…

So here is the Code of Manni and Sol..(M.A.S/S.A.M)…

NN.(28) A.M..D.I…9-5 1 13… I.E A.M.

7:06 p.m,
76.. See sacred Portal ‘Awakening”

Which means the portal of the Sun is the Full Circle O as the 1-9 Planets..1-9-O.. All-AH Oui Ja-H…

Meaning “E-Kolo.com” is a Sacred Portal as well as, as
O 1-9…
The Full Circle O.E. 89…O.E.I..H

Ega means “Palm Bird’ in Yoruba Language..

And in OINRI Igbo it means “To Go”

7:11 p.m.

7:17 p.m

* Something Extraordinary just happened between Erik Ebright and I.. Something which he warned me about and I observed first hand..
Something which is meant to be Impossible..
An illusion of Deception which keeps seeking to sabotage the connection and link between he and I..
The Work and even the Site…

So I am aware of what it is, but I call forth a power of Destruction now made manifest through the play we both symbolized and passed…
And I call forth that power of Destruction Almighty Sword..
A.S, To cut this God of the People and this D-Evil in the People..
The people in Illusion summoned it into Existence in this Dimension where it can only exist..
But now, the power of this Witch Craft and War lock and use of Nature and Pharmaceuticals and others tools of Nature used to possess and influence people without their being aware..

Erik recommended I chill out.. then said on second thoughts fire it up..
Erik is my Eternal Brother Line and from and through him G.L..David and Joe, the Balance many more will come..
As well as our Supreme Ladies…

This force of Evil, Beyond… I now command out of Existence and even this Existence and I answer it with the Sword of a Fury of the Dragons Roar and Breath- to the endure that which it can not even begin to imagine as the force and power of Destruction the Brothers E possess but which we did not use..
This force of Con-Fusion and Evil Kung Foo…ey..
And let the true anger rise now from the E line and manifest the true unimaginable response to this one force which knows who we are and who have been possessing Humanity to move to Evil Beyond…
Let the Human Beings who now have the manual be protected if they use it..
But those who do not clean up thier act.. let them share the Fate which they and It has summoned into Existence..

Destruction Beyond Imagination and of a Fury that will never abate until every last speck of it and its lingering stench is gone..
Let it have the experience of knowing that there is nowhere it can Hide from our Fury..
See sacred Portal 47-48-49…Activated.

7:45 p.m.

E.G.A.. E 7-1/1-7..E… E.G.A/A.G.E

Sunday 1-9-O; 9-1-O A.I.O/ I.A.O…

Bello Sunday Ega…

Bes…’The name Bes is an Egyptian baby name. In Egyptian the meaning of the name Bes is: Brings joy.”

Bes: Bes in Turkish means number “5”

Joy is the 5th Dimension line of the E…

“Beautiful Handsome, the Suns Day of the Quintessential Quantum (QQ 1717..34/43) transformation of the Silence to the C.D.E Sound to Sight, Solid Real -Matter in this R.M with a view called the World..
And the portal is through the Twins Sun and Moon, Mann-I Infinity-note of Sol, which is the Palm Bird of the Palm Tree, and the Hand-Palm..H.P…O.C.P.H.I.U.C.H…U.S….the Door of the Manifestation and Resurrection..of the portal of O.E.I…the Full Circle of the Sun and Everything, Every Where and Everyone…E.T.W.O..O..M.E.N of the Source…Who went to the very E.N.D to retrieve the Beautiful Truth of Existence…
Is Being Harmonious O.N.E.. through the Full Circle of the Symmetrical Perfection (Sacred Portal) of Natural Expression until the E.C.H.O. Response confirmed from A-Z, and A.B.C..
(26+3.Zeina C.Hanna…B.F.C…
Beauty Fact Completed…
Best Friend Ceclia…E.E.Nnamdi…
Christain Edwin Edwin



8:02 P.M

And so the Unseen has finally become Un-seen..
The One Seen…

Love you Brother Erik Ebright and so Beautiful Proud of your Beautiful Pride…
The Emblem and symbol of the E line!

8:04 p.m
My A.G.E…
Quantum leap to 31-32..

8:05 p.m

Harmony Emeke Erik… Praise Forever….

8:06 p.m.
86…48 32 6

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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