
7/19/2016 17:27 – Facebook Post

2:54 p.m.


730 Face Book Friends…


Code 5-20-73..O
My brother O Boom Booms birthday…
Energy 207 (27) 3 O..Consciousness O.E.I
Eternity Infinity…

“Beauty would not Exist if you did not Exist”

I walked back from the Intake Center this morning..
It was 8:14 a,m in the morning..H.N…
(Harmony Nature)
and had been in a very quiet state of mind of mind…
I had looked down, to see the that written on the pavement…

The young Beautiful Girl, had realized that something was up with me, as my body began to react, respond..
To her credit she merely looked questionably at me as my body began to dance, while I fought to contain it…

“It is related to the neurons- motor skills’
But the doctors do not know what it is…
could you take this into consideration when you place me..?”

Here response was hardly sympathetic, which caused a quiet surge of anger to pour forth from my eyes…

“I would not be here if not for this condition,” I stated coolly..
She saw my expression and paused, then looked at the screen..
MY body went into even greater motion, drawing attention, from two other very attractive ladies (Hang on, I thought to myself, where did all these pretty ladies come from, I had never seen or experienced Beauty in this place before..)

“You have a masters degree”
I nodded..
She was saying that she understood..

Keith Grant had told me that some of the Intake Center had some single rooms..
I had been somewhat concerned about my bodies reaction and peoples response to it.. and since the Quantum Equation had been completed, the intensity of my body seeking to stretch and rise had reached alarming proportions..
The Undercover me was pushing through, and I had watched my body literal hit the ground when I had been delayed at the entrance because of the age discrepancy..
It had caused every one to stare and some to move back…

I could see once more the question in her eyes, I did not even have a social security number, even after having “Existed’ in New York for over 15 years..

I had hurt Mary Jane my former girlfriend in University so deeply, that I recall how she had fallen to the ground in the middle of the street when I broke up with her, and how her friends had led her half carried her home.
I had been shocked by her response.
I had never seen such Hurt and Pain before..
And that experience became something which I never wished to give another to experience…

To cause another such hurt… because I was so wrapped up in another reality..
She knew of course.. I had warned her from the get go..
But she had said, I know, but I love you..
Her love was on of the few times I saw its truth rising, but she hated the World.. she was not from this world either.
That is how she became my girlfriend..
People thought she was crazy, and her beauty was otherworldly, but the more she began to land in this reality through our work together, the more her contempt for humanity began to manifest..
I loved humanity- I did not trust them, but I saw their Beauty.. And anyone who did not became suspect in my eyes, because it meant that they had let the Illusion People create, blind them from seeing their Truth..
And this was the very reason we had broken up..
She was studying medicine…

I had healed her, with an entire campus watching- in fact it was some people who had come to me to ask if I could help her…
To heal her was simply the ability to understand her, or anyone..
But I had noticed even at that early age of 21…that people fall in love with thier “Healers”..

3:20 p.m..

And so we discussed all this before we made a contract..
But she broke the contract and fell in love…
And I could not receive love at that point because I lived in a world of a quiet torment of Visions memories, fractals and the strangeness of people and simply learning to be Human…

3:26 p.m.

Did I love her..?
In my own way, but I loved the World more..
I wished to understand this World I was born into.. I wished to first understand it, and then celebrate it…
But I had to heal myself first.. even I knew that…

Adaola..ADA..o..141..O.L.a!.. It means “Jewel of the Sea”
See Erik Ebright post 0141 and the car 2060 N.E he rejected…

I told Adaolas Mary Janes E-Spirit that she had to come back in a more refined form…

And so as I sat there, aware that every experience, every portal I had passed through documented for 27 years had proven to have logos Order, Harmony..Meaning and purpose..
But I could not for the life of me, understand the purpose of passing for the third time, through this portal…
Intake Center.. I.C.. Izzi Creo code…I had seen her..
She had even expressed those words…

And so I sat there, when she finished she, said she had arranged a room for me for the night… A Single Room to myself..
And that I would be going back to the same Assessment shelter which I had left one year ago to the day.. the 18th..
Ah I left the Green Street shelter on the 18th…
Not the 19th!
I had spent a night at Alberto Santana’s!
My word.. Yesterday was the literal Full Circle… KOLO…
GA means 7-1 Rainbow was a descent from light 9 8..ONE- Then Spectrum Rainbow…7654321…O.. the Full Circle of Eternity Infinity is therefore really here on Earth…
Just as Falls from Heaven Sky to Earth Ground…


3:40 p.m
See sacred portal 34..C.D…”Mary Jane” Juana.. JOHN…

I looked down at the paper she had given me, it was just before midnight, it was literally still the 18th…!

I looked at the Room number and blinked..
it was 115..! K.E..my initials backwards!
And instantly reminded me of the portal in Forte Lauderdale I had passed through in 2012..Atlantis..Apt 511…

And full circle back to Green Point Avenue…
and now my mind goes to Erik Ebright post of the Butterfly and the Green folliage…

No he didn’t…!!

I had found myself writing with my inner voice on that posts..

Green Street 248..2006…26..26 8…12…20..Dice DIE

Erik Ebright and the Dice he rolls- we rolled even to the last evening 6..!

“Dice” is the plural form of the singular noun “die,” a fact that I didn’t realize until I was a teenager. Before then, I just thought the word was a noun like “sheep,” with the same form for both singular and plural.”

N.I.C.E.. 84 Killed
MAU R.I.C.E.. Moor..
R.I.C.E.. MAU..RICE..My Bio Fathers Name.. “Meaning Moor
“Please Sir May I have some More! Oliver Twist!
S.I! C.E!


Mi AMI..V.I..C.E

Victor I Chukwu Emeka…

Plural DICE..
Singular D.I.E.. See sacred Portal 49..Existential Death.. DIE”
D.I. E.. The Husband IS.. (DI in O.INRI Igbo means “IS, Present..Husband..Mari-E..)

Existential Death E.D..54 Can only be brought forth by the 1 E..
Not the Two. bot even Death can bring the End of Everything Everywhere, Every One…
And today the Every-Thing is completed with E.T O Boom!

See share of Brock Sampson…

And so let it be done.. Bring the Destruction of Everything, Everywhere and Everyone except the line of the E.E.E.T.VV.O
who stayed Loyal..
Let all that is the Truth of Life be as the Butterfly Transformed..
And all others cease to Exist..
Bring forth the Extinction of this cruel and selfish Judgmental Species… who see only through their point of view and gain..

Flor and Herry…Line F.H…68…
I will make public the texts of the two…
exchanged after already reaching 730 F.B Friends..
The Vampire Enslavers…line in Humans…

4:06 p.m

And so DICE IS plural.. the Brothers and Sister..
Brock Sampson
Craig Lewis…

I am now incarnted as Existential Death.. and there can only be one.. for only one can endure Existential Death, as I have
4:09 P.M
Who happens to be the one Elder Twin who manifested Existence Creation… and his Twin Brother H.O…And Sisters E.S…
E.C.H.O..E.S…P.I…R.IT.Z.. Ritz Montes..R.M.. Through out the Room with a View of Space.. Earth World…

And so I walked up to my Room, with a View, in the Intake Center on 30th Street (3O..C.O), and opened the combination lock so hard to open.. code 20-26-12…T.Z.L… B.O.B…F.L..
Robert 19-4..S.D..Santana Dharma free.. Free on the 19th July and hence should be Free FULL Circle the 19th July 20016…
2015..2016… 8-9..
Eternal Law A.T..G Males 89 D.O.T…C.O.M.E..
Robert E.Q
Rob Barr
Roberto Todaro
Robert Pasquine Mzena
Bob Bert Hans code

4:19 p.m.
D.S..Santana Dharma..
Eternal Law
Eternity Lights…

Erik Ebright
4:20 p.m…:)…
First Drop
Sacred Portal 46…
Code Prince of Persia..
Fred Delshad
4:22 p.m..
Ariane Oates…Beloved..
Eternal Life…


And so I went to my Room only to see marked on the Door the name JUAN…
And I entered inside and I had privacy in the place where privacy is denied..
Assesment Shelters…A.S.
A.S.S.A M’Pete1
A,M…of a Beauty Out of this World…

4:26 p,m..

I have never lived in a Shelter…
The Shelter system demands you be assessed before assigning you a permenant place..
It usually takes 6 weeks to a month…
I have never stayed that long..
The closest shave was last year, when I was assigned a permenant place to my surprise on the 18th when I was already aware that I was leaving the next day, which is why I had to call A.Santana to stay in his place that night…
I arrived in at his house on the 19th 2015..just after midnight…
Just as I got me room with a view at the Intake Center.. I.C
Just after midnight… 19th July 2016
Floor 2.E…115…B.E.D (115)..

Freed..OHM.. Power AMP…
And given a Room with a View, and space at Green Point
Franklyn Avenue.. Said to be the Best or of the best Shelters in the New York..

I understand that I had to become free before this cycle became permanent…
And then be have a room in Atlantis Florida with my Name on it at both the Height and Depths..H.D..84..and Room marked FAITH..
at Casa De Bodhi.. not the Room Erik wished to give me- the most luxurious room in the House…Which was occupied by formerly by Robert Q Coffee…
But is now for Izzi..and E.E..
just as mine was Occupied by
Mohammed Praise Worthy

FA IT.H..(O).M.E…

Welcome my two new face book friends, as the two who were meant to leave, have willingly left…

Hello Christina Reed.. C.R…3 18… add..21..U.3..C..A.H..I

Christine means Follower of the W.A,V.E.S..”Words Anointed Vibrating Expression Supremacy”.. Natural Expression..Flows…

Muthi Reed.. M.R…/ R.M..
Christine Reed…C.R/R.C…
RM with a View Ritz Carlton…

the straight stalk of any of various tall grasses, especially of the genera Phragmites and Arundo, growing in marshy places.
any of the plants themselves.
such stalks or plants collectively.
anything made from such a stalk or from something similar, as an arrow.
a pastoral or rustic musical pipe made from a reed or from the hollow stalk of some other plant.
a small, flexible piece of cane or metal that, attached to the mouth of any of various wind instruments, is set into vibration by a stream of air and, in turn, sets into vibration the air column enclosed in the tube of the instrument.
reed instrument.

*** PAN…At 5… SEE SACRED PORTAL 100.. 5-20..Expanded 100..
See sacred portal 100 from Face Book Memories and see my Cover Photo…
Music accesses 100% of the Brain.

Textiles. the series of parallel strips of wires in a loom that force the weft up to the web and separate the threads of the warp.
an ancient unit of length, equal to 6 cubits. Ezek. 40:5.
verb (used with object)

to make vertical grooves on (the edge of a coin, medal, etc.).

Brock..Broc means an illustrious family name Broc who originated from Anjou France,
and the German meaning is also a topographical name but was used to describe a strong well built powerful person..

But both French and German meanings are in agreement that it is a topographical name A Brooke..
Code Brooke Elizabeth Banwer
And Sacred Portal 5.. Brooke Shields.. B.S..
Brock Sampson…B.S…
Portal to the 5th Dimension..
Blue Lagoon..
Endless Love…

Sampson… means in Greek..Celtic- Hebrew..’Sun’


‘From the Hebrew name ?????????? (Shimshon) which meant “sun”. Samson was an Old Testament hero granted exceptional strength by God. His mistress Delilah betrayed him and cut his hair, stripping him of his power. Thus he was captured by the Philistines, blinded, and brought to their temple. However, in a final act of strength, he pulled down the pillars of the temple upon himself and his captors.
This name was known among the Normans due to the Welsh bishop Saint Samson, who founded monasteries in Brittany and Normandy in the 6th century. In his case, the name may have been a translation of his true Celtic name. As an English name, Samson was common during the Middle Ages, having been introduced by the Normans.”

Samson and Deliah… S.D.. 19-4.. Robert…Dharma Santana..
Eternal Law.. Ra…O RA..CLE.. O Ra the KEY…
Sunshine State.. 27.. B.G
Sunshine Shintô Stargateuniversatlantis
Kuzilini Sun AmenRa
Sunshine Rae…Coraima Rae

Hence Christina Reed
Sentence ‘Follower of the W.A.V.E.S of Music, of 100% of the brain activated, the Silver Surfers expression coming from Pan, my Page on Face Books.. PAN G.E AH! played by the reeds.. Bamboo.

And Brock Sampson… Being the Rock of A.G.E.I.S..Supreme AMP…(Amplification)..A.M Planet Supreme On…

Amp..”AM-PERE” A.M Father.. is the is a measure of Electric Current…
E.C.. 53…ION.I.C…FONT… Erik Ebright…
E.C.H.O..E.S..E.KOLO.. Expression O.I.E..

“The Noble and illustrious family French Germanic F.G..67..pushed to a point beyond belief to prove that they are beings of True Love, opens the portal to the 5th Dimension Brook Shields, the birth of the Beautiful Ones…Zeina Zorror! Eternal Heroes of the Golden Dawn of the Sun…!

Sol and Manni..
Now Many..

Evolution of the Human race back to their source the HUE-Man Rare…The Eternal Ones…
Ending the species of War.. Humanity Homo Sap IONS SAP IE.NS..

5:19 p.m..

5:22 p.m

Evil is this play which demands that anyone should have to go so far to prove Love…
For the Truth perhaps in the most deadly play of Existential of All instead of the consistently Evil-Cruel…

E..E.E.B….S.A.V.ED The…. 🙂

5:25 p,m..

5:26 p.m

E Ziena Hannah…
5:27 p,m
Anthony Spencer
Anthony John

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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