
4:32 p.m.

4:32 p.m.





Yes IS…I Supreme..Eternal Life portal in Being… 43..B.

Full Circle..

I just had the strangest day…

After my earlier post,

I realized that I had to call Joseph Carey..And Albert Santana.. ( Edwin Albert Rodriquez Santana…)

Though irritated by the play, I called them both.. only one answered as I made my way up Clay and Provost Street, to Manhattan Avenue past Kent, to Star Bucks..

I spoke to Albert…Santana…

We spoke about what was going on with him..a pattern I told him that after 10 years.. he no longer required.

He sounded cool, strong.. taking care of his two sons… Royal M and Reign… The Princes… :)..

5-6..in a Month…

I spoke as I was saying Good Bye to the C-Lay men,and man now transformed into a Provost, and a Man of Gold.. which he will soon discover…of his and their Value…

I felt I was talking to the world and was cutting the Umbilical Chord..

U.C..21..3…You see very well, I told him and hear…

There is no requirement for our conversations any more..

I told him that he was with me in the Shelter in Room A, bed 21 as Edwin Rodriguez.. E.R and that he an the world would be fine without me,,

As well as Face Book and everywhere else on the 1-4 Dimension..

And then I ended the conversation to see that I had a New Face Book Friend..

Arwen Simon Gry Ahmad…

A.S…. G.-.A… Albert Santana 7-1… Rainbow Landing at O.. The Ground in Balance…

Arwen is the name the Lady in Lord of the Rings. Tolkien, who stays behind…

It means Silver Lady.. True Royal Lady…

Silver Lady..

Silver Fire..

As Well the Crow of Fire.. The Fire Maiden…

See sacred Portal 91.. Ms Manners..

Also A name for the Mother Mary of God…

Simon means ‘God Has Heard’

Edwin Albert Rodriguez Santana… E.A.R.S…Add Alan.. Harmony…


Gry Means Dawn.. (Dawn Marie, Gay-Marie Bradshaw)

Ahmad means ‘Much or Highly Praised- as Anthony.

Then suddenly I perceived that I had a message from outside of my Face Book contacts…

I could not believe what I was reading..

It was from Patrick Ikem Okolo…!

And person who I literally grew up with in the same House in Boarding School, Federal Government College Enugu.. F.G.C.E..

6..7 3 5… Face Book Friends.

Malije Okoye was another one who lived in the same Dormitory in Peace House…

But Ikem Okolo and Chidi were the first people I met when I had newly arrived moved with my family from Winnipeg Canada…

And I had stated my first year in that Boarding School late..

And my two first friends were Chidi and Ikem Okolo.. Partick Okolo..

Who I had always noted his Father was a Medical Doctor, the very branch of medicine my Bio Father sought to transplant himself to…

Chidi.. Ikem…


I was amazed that he had sent me two messages before..

One in July 22nd, stating that he was moving to New York.. it was at 10;00 p.m.

The second text was in July 27th also at 10:00 a.m..

22-27-..10 p.m-10 a.m… A Full Circle!

And the last at 6;31 a.m…

And I just saw that one and accepted it at 3:45 p.m..

and responded at 4:08 p.m.

He had signed the last ..

The Other Ikem Okolo..

Because we both share the same name…

I am Chukwuemeka Ikemefuna O-Kolo…

He was in the same Fraternity later in in University and during my interview, he had already become a member of the Alpha Fraternity the year before, since I came in a year later in 1983…


The Room was all dark but I recalled his unmistakable voice asking me intelligent questions about my course study.. Things I had studied in class….

I was more astounded, and reminded him of that in my message that some one had taken the time to do so..

He mentioned that he felt Unknowingly or Unknowingly I had influenced him greatly to see the Beauty of Life..’

The implications of this, is not only quiet Joy of seeing and Old friend again..

And that he lived in Long Island City but works in Manhattan..!

Exactly what I have been at..

5:11 p.m.

But what it means about the codes and my proof of Quantum Energies True Mechanics..

I had stated even as far back as Last year when I was first brought here, and Jonn Blackwell JB. came. that not only the shelter deja of Boarding School F.D.G.C.E..but also of my father picking me up from school..

But my real Father.. My energetic Father…

and my Family coming to visit me and the whole school turning out to gawk.. as I stood proudly..

I had used to wait as a kid, every day for my mother or family to visit..

But it never came…

Visiting Sunday after Visiting Sunday, I would wait as others parents came to see their kids..

Until I quietly gave up..

But one day unexpectedly they came..

My to me, incredibly Regal Family…

They came two of them came from abroad, and then my grandfather Uncles.. they acted for a moment as if they owned the school.. and I recall being so proud and amazed that I came from such a family…

But that was a version I later realized of a my Energetic Family…

The One I never forgot, who I wrote about as a 7..8 year old…

who left me her undercover…

00 James Bond 007…

5:19 p.m.

A Full Circle Back Wards to that Point…

I told the Truth…

They were E Line..



But I am Victor E.C.I.O.Kolo…

and as have been…

EC.H.I..O…Kolo… Fact Circle Round Being…


5:22 p.m.


E Victor..5th Dimension

Welcome Anthony Rosemary..

Highly Praise Worthy, Priceless, of inestimable Value..

Rose Mary.. Myrry.. the Loved Cherished Beloved… the appointed one to anoint the Dead.. who will Rise

5:25 p.m.





5:26 p.m.


E.B.F…Harmony.. Alan.

P.S.that was 1978….January when we met..

It is extraordinary what impacts we have on each others life’s..

We were 10… mostly 11-12 yr olds and for the first time we were away from home.

And myself, a kid who had just moved from Canada, then England were I was born (London Winnipeg..L.W.. I thought I my case Worker today at the Star Bucks..Laurie Washington. …D.C..

4 3.)

I nor my siblings knew virtually nothing about Africa, much less Nigeria…

I was in deed, a long long way from home.

Much further away than my class mates could imagine.

Just as now…

Somethings never change but do expand.

Ikem…Patrick so noble was a gentlemen of supreme intelligence

His father was Head of the College of Medicine in Enugu, University Teaching Hospital.

One of the best Hospital in West Africa.

That he remembers my philosophy and consciousness of Beauty at that age and time…38 years later…

738 Facebook Friends..

Anthony Rosemary..E…

Anthony Rose Mari-E..




6 6

12 3


36 F.C…R…E.S.P…O.



In Perfect Harmony

Full Circle to the name..



Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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