
9/14/2016 19:41 – Facebook Post


What a strange play…
All the computers seem to be going crazy…

My I Phone now this one..

I sent no Face Book request to anyone…

But two of my latest facebook friends came by way of accepting my Face Book request….

Which is Harmony..

6:10 p.m..

I understand perfectly well why…

And notice how many times we moved to 750 Face Book friend before climbing back to 752 Face Book Friends…

4 times..?

And 752.. 3 times…

4-3 times..?

and 751.. 3 times or is in 2 times…?

*I am sorry, but I can no longer be bothered to even check…

I already knew the Equation…
O then moves to Alpha.. and from Alpha to B.. Being…

I already left Starbucks, vowing not to come back..
Incredulous at the achievement I had done once more,
The Equation I had solved, over and over again until it has manifested in the collective consciousness…
Through this one year play and Face Book Memories…

So clear, that all I feel is disgust and contempt…

I solved all these riddles even to the Source of Cellular regeneration and I am in an Assessment Shelter?
Treated in a manner way beyond scorn.. but to a point of Evil Hatred as if I had committed the worse Crime in Existence for stating that the Worlds is in Harmony..
And that I am being Impulsed outside and in my body to solve the riddles of Existence…

6:19 p.m..


I walked and the overwhelming truth of the Evidence of what I had articulated and solved…
Dna Dna…stands..

I walked to the water…
Pondering the Beauty of it and trying to quell my outrage,, battling with my reluctance to go back to the Assessment Shelter for Dinner, not wishing one more Chinese meal…
Not wishing to sleep in that place…

The insults, not being able to smile without the snooty people turning their once interested and curious glances in my direction.
I was tired of tolerating and accepting the way people behave in the Assessment Shelter and their stares at me…
Testing me..
And accepting me..
Then their observing that which is so obviously causing me to release 24/7….

I should have never been in such a place in the first place, going through such a thing…Physical Evolution where the only one who publicly recognized this truth was thrown into a Mental Ward…
M.W..69…is this what happens to every one who recognizes the Truth of the University..
Which does not fit what the mad Scientist presented to the World as the basis of all their achievements, really being Plagiarized from those they publicly reject and crucify..
Then lock them away and study.. them..

And it should have been private, not lumping me with Sick and crippled people..
“Heal the Sick the lepers in the Tomb Jesus Ore Yeshua…
You are Jesus.. Yeshua, God are you not…

Abel De Yeshua Yeshua…

No, I am Y.E.S..H.U.E.S..A.H..I…

And this testing, challenge in conditions so atrocious, created so that I would fail..
So I would loose my Strength of Will.. S.O.W… To complete that which I never intended to do…
But moved by that which is impossible here.. because it was not yet proven in this Existence..
Had not be explained in this Existence…

But I saw the link of expression of the 7 -10 Year Cycle appear on my computer screen as well as the Screen called by this reality Mind..
And I knew it was correlated sacred portal 97 “Light of the World- Brain Mind…B-Rain Mi-(E) N.D..I.E..

Years ago I was fully aware of what the “Haters” consciousness and people would do to me for simply telling the Truth..
Hyper Intelligent… H.I
Highest Intelligence.. H.I
Bed 20.. Kevin (Van Diesel) High…

Crucify me.. which they tried to do right to leaving twice in a shelter to rot…

6:40 p.m… leap to 5 Index.

When I had nothing to prove… but apparently something which I had to do…

I just wanted to go home and get out of this wretched play…
and the 24/7.. stretching untwisting of my body and the hideousness of what I know feel have been done to my internal organs in the Spirit world..
Which defy the sight of all but the most observant doctors..
Because the Organs and my body looks Healthy..
And there is nothing wrong with my brain or Neurons…
Only the associated meaning that have been tagged to the meaning of why they were really named those names…

How can Electrons.. be the same word as Electricity which ADDS light!..
It does not negate, nor does it negate life…
It improves it and was used to make and provide such processes and discoveries with the comfort and convenience required to be more efficient and effectively bring the Discoveries which would catapult the Species Quantum Leap into their true Destination….

Not do everything to impede it, to the point of killing me every day ritually for 15 years.. 27 years to shut up.. or use my expression to feed corrupt diseased consciousness..
As they do with anyone who touches the Truth…

The Exquisite Beautiful Elegant Simplicity of the Sophisticated Style and Equation of the Riddles of Existence…

Everyday, I am rushed through these equations..
I marvel at the equation and how I could expressed it a Thousands times more beautifully..
I had trained my entire life, absorbed and raised beauty, art, all these tools which I was not allowed to use, to present the all this in the manner it truly deserved..

Which benefits Every One..

Instead the play was designed to make me look Egoistical.. Self centered because the codes keep pointing to me..
When I already KNOW.. who I am and what I am doing..
I was over the Wonder of that so fast…
Because it was, is the “Doing” that fills me each day with wonder..
Emerveille” Enamored each day by the Beauty of the Unraveling equations..
Each day was like opening a present, the wrapping, yet being fully aware what was in it…
But as any Artists who creates.. it is the process and then the End result which surpass our wildest dreams and expectations…

What has been denied me!!

What have you denied yourselves…

…A Beautiful Beautiful presentation I would have made instead of running from place to place, fighting people stories and superstitions made real by a Simulation powered by Belief or indifference ad irresponsibility.. idea thoughts unclean, unfounded.. left to run wild until they became that monstrosity on my page..

And so instead of relaxing and going somewhere.. anywhere apart these worlds of which there is no Beauty, unless i mine it…

I knew the code…

Omega has to Move to Alpha… Which is Room A
And Alpha has to move to B… Being which links the play of today..

Yes, I see I have a New Face Book Friend Request… RE-Quest.ION…?
Repeating that which is already perfectly clear…
And if it is not to you, it is because you did read or understand the Script and the gazillion explanations in every language explained.
Because you were too busy with the noise of your own ideas or that Haters Mentality…
Or sheer overwhelming judgment of what can or can not be, who or who can not be..

So with this new Face Book Friend request it should move us to three..


Tony LilMan Young… T.M.Y…(Tom Twins Young.. E is Youth…Children and Youths…period.)

Anthony means “Of inestimable value and worth, Priceless, Highly Praise Worthy…

(Mohammed Praise Worthy)

little man.. (Paul meaning the Little people.. especially to Enormous Energetic Beings who are landing in the “Lamps All Add in” La…

The Young…

Osondu Amadi Kennis… O.A.K…

75O Face Book Friends to 751…
O.to A… Kolo.. Circle Round Complete…

Osondu means “Running for ones Life for ones Existence…” In OINRI Igbo…
“The Running Man… ‘
Quick Silver.. Light moving through the Neurons…

But in Yoruba, it means ” Born Fated to Die”- Running from Death.. or Running because you are being rushed to bring about Death Transformation… D.T… 4 20..4 2O..

Amadi means “Free Man”

Kennis Could be Kene..Thanks but in Dutch ( Netherlands Nnaemeka Ifennanna..N.I…/ I.N… 9;14…
See Date and see Time..”

It means your Light, Accomplishment, Light, Science, Knowledge…Cognizance, Acquaintance..

O.A.K… Sky Speaker whom I spoke about earlier…

And my face book friends name which is written in Arabic is
Osama Dawood..O.D…E…

Osama means Lion.. Lion of God… Strength of a Lion.. Roar.. Being and Body… ” L-ION in the correct Code..

Collin Room L..reflected to Room A…
L.A.. La! of Sixth Sense…
L-12.. To 1.A.. Joy..

See sacred Portal Humanity allowing themselves to be moved by a Female impersonation of God.. as the Universal Matrix…
Musa bed 8..
Harmony undercover playing a Android.. Machine..
While Humans use that as an excuse…

Dawood means David… which means “Beloved”

And the Full sentence…

“The Precious one of inestimable Value and worth, the one who is highly praise worthy, All Ah Mo.Ham-med…A,M..
The Runner forced to run for his life as he links and wires the collective Un-Consciousness to rise from the Sub Sub Zero “Consciousness” of the Double Dead.. of Body and Spirit.. Existing only by the grace of the E line and link…
L-Ion of G.ODE, who Roars even on a blank screen, in an Assessment shelter as Energy Vampires suck on his Energy and Expression seeking to wane his strength..
L-ion, Lion of Africa and the World Cinema….Who Roars…
The Beloved..”

“Ikemefuna” But my strength did not betray me..
And the other Ikem.. Doctor Patrick Okolo came to. living almost eactly where Emeka Kolo is currently living and working..

Almost because I am living in Brooklyn, Green Point nor Long Island… and I lived and Worked in Manhattan where I said the Awakening Begins for the World..
And I am working on Manhattan Avenue…

7:38 p.m…

7:40 p.m..


Being is Doing…


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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