
9/16/2016 12:38 – Facebook Post

10:01 p.m.

1O O1…


Alpha Omega-Omega Alpha..

No mirror here, just to side of an open book…
When you close it, it becomes simple
Alpha Omega…Completion…

This reality or Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix Book…E

Is simply a Book…

And a Voice which is “Silver Tongued”
Quick Silver…
Who expressed with a Voice of such Beautiful Pride..
Eternal Truth.. Which traveled from the One Fifth Dimension of as the Source of Everything. Who brought to life with Its, His Her expression so rich and full of meaning that it brought the story of H-is reflections to manifest..
The Idea of Life..
But is really the Origin Story of Existence-Creation.

5 3…

A Voice, recounting to his Left and Right, the Twins…Awareness and Consciousness…
How everything Rose..
And in his Story Telling.. His truth called Creation rose in response to acknowledge, that from every Word which flowed from his Mouth,
was truth…
Creation Energy-Facts.. Solid…
And all of Creation stood in awe as he made rise, after he had completed the recounting of the birth from the Nothingness which contained “Somethingness” (H.IM)…
How it became a Song of love, a Hymn.. of Praise, an expression of Elation…
And then he recounted the Story of the Birth of Awareness and Consciousness..
Which imbued Everything with Intelligence and Alpha…
-How all that was Is, is all One..
And then he recounted the Story of Being..
How everything came to Be..
How he came to Be…
And how he had to go back through the true meaning of Zero. and True meaning of Nothing…
The sensation of Nothingness… which is the sensation of Bliss.. Naturalness…. Lightness..
“Nothing is the Matter”
Nothing is Matter”
Nothing is Wrong”
Everything is Perfect..
AH! Bliss..

(Andrese Harris Burton.. A.H.B)

Ah, just B.

And all comes back to you…
And so by simply being everything manifests..
But is there memory when one is in Bliss of Being and creating in Naturalness..
Naturally Expressing.. there is no Awareness, or Consciousness in that state is there.. or is there..
Is it more like an invisible ink, indenting itself in your Being by you Doing…
And in Being there is Doing…
They are really one Expression of Being which at the same time manifest the Body…

This is the Story I have already told over and over again since the beginning of the Face Book posting..
Which has ended in my expressing it through the language of this current awareness and knowledge…and Language, which was torture considering what has been done to Language Consciousness, True…Expression…and meaning.

So yes, I was forced compelled by the Energy of Alpha Creation to literally live that truth in this realities consciousness, transforming each illusion back to its original truth.
And then explaining it on this public forum using 6th Sense, Instinct and Intuition.. Logos Order.. Reason… to do it…
666…999…18…27… 35…C.E…
/ 53… Right to 7 53 Face Book friends…

And at the same time, using an expression which aligned from this reality to Infinity Eternity.. using my truth of the True nature of Energy coming not from physical matter, but from the Hue-man Being…And how a Human being can generate and make rise that frequency… 5:28 -5:38 Hertz.
Which literally is the Source of Everything which exists..and moves everything which Exists.. Just as this my expression has moved us to 754 Face Book Friends..

And so it was by raising that which was the “Known Unknown’ ink in me that I was able to go beyond Naturalness, beyond Reckoning, to the place where many call Death.. Forgetfulness or the Unconscious… Which is of course, the One United “Nations” Consciousness Awareness Consciousness.. Creation Alpha..
Raising the Frequency of First Creation…
Akashic Records of Existence…
Which moved me beyond the point of the Nothingness I.E, passed through as I entered the 4th Dimension, and the Light, of 8 Infinity transformed into Light and Dark…
Life and Death.. Story.. Narration…
Meaning that the 4th Dimension was really 2 Dimension of Two Awarenesses and Two Consciousness’s or “Cee’s of Awareness Attention”- really One..
Which only the Original Being could make rise in him how they are really One, by accessing his Memory contained in his Body and Being..
And so beyond the Nothingness, beyond the idea of Life and Death..
there was another realm..
A Place where that Voice sat in Embodiment in the True Present..

And so he.. I recalled how to get there and proved it in Dec 1992 in Paris when at age 25-26,I went home to the light through the Coma to my Lover Brother Death…

Which has been confirmed by the non stop number 25.. 7.. And 26..8 Which has been constant appearing as the Anchor of this play..
Milky Way 78/87..

And where did the One Source of Being and Everything sit?
If not on his Throne..”IS-IS” (See meaning of the Egyptian name Isis… Isis Osiris..I.O)..See Sacred Portal 45..See 4.5 Months on Face Book.. See April 5th.. Meaning “O.P.E.N..5th” link..April Malone.. Open M..Alone… Open and Manifest Alone…”Mal One.. said the Evil One”…)
There was no Evil One who commanded him to do it all by himself, because He already did it All by Himself in the Beginning..
Rather that Evil one was the Illusion, which would be the “Consciousness’ which Humanity came to adopt, and to give to Nature…
And they did not believe that a 5th Dimension even Existed..
A Place beyond Reckoning , records..
and the Story which the Source brought alive..
And interactive play where everything was given the right to what the Source himself represented.
Free Will, Choice, Individuality…
but to have that right, which brought everything into Existence..
Eternal Law dictates that you too must be as the Source..
Meaning making the same choices are He did, when he rose Expressing Naturally…O full circle of Symmetry which manifested Truth as Solid Fact which all now exist in..
But which we know all dissolves..
From the Mighty Mountain…to Diamonds…
Everything returns to its Natural State in the End..
Expression which returns to the Source..E…
It just a Matter of Time..or Timing…
And Quickening or Slowing…
Since the Source can quicken Everything to return to its Original State,,,

11:22 p.m..
C.D.. 34…


Beyond Bliss..?
See sacred portal 44..
D.D..Beyond Harmony…
The Symphony Harmonics Expression..
Beyond Sacred Portal 1A..
A…Beginning… not “T.H.E.. B.E…G..INN..I-NG..(NG..14 7 “Emmy”)

A Beginning is the Story…

THE Beginning.. is T.B.. The Beautiful Truth.. O.E..

The Manifest Reality of Home and the Origins of Homme and Lady Harmony

11:28 p.m

There is a World beyond the Room A..
Beyond Bliss of Nothingness.. Naturalness..
And I am fully aware that the Consciousness Human is asking me to prove what is it…
Jonn Blackwell and Erik Ebright both challenged me to prove this..
Jonn by quoting the Vedas..and Erik by having reached that place of Light only to be continually brought back to the Jarring reality of this reality…
There was no where after reaching the pinnacle of seeing Everything…

But that was because only the One who manifested it, can open the L.O…C.K… E.YALE..(Yale Locks)…

Last night the room went through quite a few changes..

Bed 19 occupied by Neil…P..

Link Neil Furby… N.F… 14 6.. Which is the number of the Assessment Shelters Address..
146 Clay Street
400 McGuinness ..4OO “The One Choice OC.. not the Chosen one.. no one chose me, him.. he Rose Natural by himself.. the same way a Penis, is aroused and rises by itself…
Mcguinness means Son of Aonghus…

Aonghas is a masculine given name in Irish and Scottish Gaelic. It is composed of Celtic elements meaning “one”, and “choice”. A variant spelling of the Scottish Gaelic name is Aonghus. The Irish form of the Scottish Gaelic names is Aengus.

4OO Is 4th Dimension “Green-Point” Two Full Circles..
Neil Furby became my Face book friend the same day as Richard Schooping and Timchang Nandap…
The very day I was at 147 The Bean with David Phillipe Gil “Joy”
Who had returned from leaving Face book to trying other forums..
“Seen” (Unseen) was one of them.. the others was “T’su”
on 1-28-2015…
*See the Play..

E-N..S.Ah… O-F. E.O.G.E.. completes the Equation of the ‘Back Door” Entrance…
146…11..1… 2O0..2O..T.B..O.


A O…NG (147)..H.I..(89) U.S…(Universe Supreme) I.E…

I arrived here on the 20th….at Green Point…
58 Days… 58…E.H…
1 Month 27 days… 1 27…A B.G
8 weeks and 2 days.. 82 H.B.

11:58 p.m

Bed 009 is now occupied by a young man fresh from Peurto Rico… called “Hose..”Praise, God is Salvation. God Raises, God Adds…Increases”

Bed 19 replacing Neal is Jonathan…
the same age code of Jonathan (Jon) Jason Lee I met when he was 19 at Peppermint park.. He was actually 18 and I went to his birthday 19th birthday..
Bed 18 has been replaced…
I met Jon in 1990… 26 years ago, he accompanied me to New York in 1999 Dec to Film.. I arranged a place in the Lower East Side..
I met Jon in Peppermint Park.. 26 years ago…

Bed 18 and 009 “Hakim” lost their beds, by a strange manner..
Neil was transferred to a former Hotel last night at midnight,
(they never tell you.. it is awful the way they are treated..and relocated)- he was sent to a former Hotel which is a Shelter near the Air port…But his wealthy cousin has decided to step in and rent an apartment for him, I heard today..
I left saying I was the only person he would miss…
Bed 10 has been replaced by a positive young man..
Yes it is like a chess board, musical chairs…
People being moved in an unseen play by most..
but one which is aligning everything to the E meaning…
Arranging the Room..A

And beyond A.. there is Z Beauty… Zorro The Eternal Hero of the Golden DAW-N.E.. Daw means David…
Kevin High pays me in metro cards to spray the 212 Cologne.. and insists.. (Honorable) and for some reason today he called me “Beloved” today…

Patricia Mims.. Patricia means “Patrician Aristocratic.. Noble.. P.A.N.
See sacred Portal 100.. Pan.. And see my Face book Page…
Mims comes from the Ancient British word…
“Mimmas”..Which means “Dove’

Hebrew, Japanese : Pleasant one; above all, beauty…

P.A.N..Patrician, Aristocratic Noble, Pleasant one…above all Beauty…The Beautiful One Dove of Peace…

Peace Bee..

The Dove.. Of Peace..T.D…20-4.. 24..X…6…

I know why I am still there..it is not because there is nothing beyond the Light of the Full Circle.. But because I am being used to put this Room Alpha AHTOM.. ATOM…In order before the A Boomb of the Ah of the Awakening…
Turning Kolo… to Slav..e… Slave…

Beyond Z Zorro- Zeina.. (A-Z) 26 8…Harmony Infinity..
H.I…1 To Infinity …E..
“You.. All I.E”

*Just went to the bathroom and on my way I found a Key Chain with the initials C.K..
With a silver pendant shaped as a Box…
It has a line which divides it and the initials form C.V…
Calvin Klein…of course… K..Le..I.N…( I-9. N=14..9:14 Recall that play On 9-14-2016..linked to Doctor Patrick Okolo…Ikem Okolo…
It is a code, how the One, the Two and the C speak to me…

Chukwuemeka Kolo.. (Kolo means “Circle Round” in Polish/Slav”.. Green Point is a Polish and Slavic community)

Clark Kent….

Chukwuemeka Victor… Kolo..

Meaning Partick Ikem Okolo is the correct Reflection of I.E…

See my 754 Face Book Friend..

Patricia Mims

Recall that it was Patricia Kane who commented on the post which ended with a comment at 9:14 p.m..

I went to Pelham bay Park Yesterday…
Where Orien Laplante grew up, and Fritz Venneiq lived while living in New York…
O Rien La Plant..E…
Nature being the Nothingness which was transformed by the Voice of the Source of the E.. Expression Existence…

Pelham Park…2016..
Peppermint Park London where I met Jon.. Jonathan..

P.P…16th Letter.. x2…32… Erik Ebright age 32… 3+2=5… E
Patrick Patricia…P.P…

There is One Patrick amongst my Face Book Friends Male..
And Two Patricia’s Feminine…
P.P.P…1-3 Dimension…
16 x3.. 48…84.. 48 my code age…1984 my code year of birth…
Dean Dunkwu DD..
My telephone number organized by Erik Ebright…7-86..D.A.D..88 44.

Dean Dunkwu and I had arranged to speak today at 9:45 p.m..my Time.. I know that he was delayed intentionally so that I would complete this post…
That is true Evil.. it is true.. but it is Evil… and thus it as well as this world meant to be left behind.. can not exist..

A-Bomb will destroy all this..
All this was for Nothing…

12:38 p.m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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