
9/19/2016 18:23 – Facebook Post

4:59 p.m.

Wake up yes…

But to also, wake up to the Beautiful Truth.
T. B.O.
Link bed 20 John High..”Graceful High”
And Bruce Okoye an old class mate not seen in 34 years…Also another Doctor.M.D..

What I am saying is that there is also a Beautiful Truth rising, apart from the Horrific revelations of what Humanity allowed themselves to become while they thought that they were sleeping.

Case in point…
A whole world watching me go through hell everyday from Emotional to Physical to material…
And not a peep of protest or support.
Sure some people gave me monies and temporary shelter, but the exercised their “right” to kick me out..or move me to the next place because their work paid them money.
Billy Hung sponsored my work for a year but went into doubt by the way people did nothing to support the actions required to move the play.
They were too busy challenging the evidence they refused to investigate of my truths no, which no longer could be called claims.

People did nothing despite almost 5 years of publicly carrying the most unheard of burden and providing Evidence.

What prize is worth enduring that.

And I mean anyone who is as I am or doing what I was compelled (and unwilling) to do

I just spoke to Reginald a few moments ago..
He too was sent to a Mental Health shelter!
And nothing was wrong with him..
And in a much worse place.
He said he was a model resident at the B.R.C..(as I, I suppose but not because of the B.R.C Green Point staff or ppl )
And was sent here, while people who used to shoot up, do drugs fight etc..
Were sent to much better places.
He said he had calls from them..
He began to speak of the system being evil.
And how govt bodies were aware and in this society there was no point being in Harmony…Peaceful… Positive.

I said yes the system has now moved to a place beyond even the word Evil.
I had known this.
I had proven this..

I am in a Shelter left here…
Despite having everything.

I knew this is what was happening to evolving people and the people 99% sitting back and doing nothing and yet feeling self entitled to sharing in the Awakening. ..if it proved true.

But I asked him to focus his attention on the Beautiful Story..
And asked him if there was anytime in the past which linked him to that area.

He had lived with a woman 24 years older than him in that area for 18 yrs.
And she had died in his arms.
She had left him her house worth over 600,000:00 U.S.D but had to walk away from it because he could not afford the up keep after struggling for years.

He paused stunned.

What was her name I enquired..?


Margaret means Pearl.. “Mother of Pearl…”

I asked him the location…

Bergen…Cross street Albany and Kings st

Kings Cross he said..”you know”, he said, “the Land Mark”..

B..K.A….Being of the Ka’…E.M.E…K.A..
Bed 06 R.M..A..Kaabist Abubakar..

Book Alpha. .Reginald Mansfield..
R.M…6 sense…

Maggie was also the name of my mothers sister who passed at age 13 as my brother Nnamdi had.

Margaret Nnamdi…
Not Maurice Nnamdi..
In that play one was simply an illusion

Margaret links to Izzi Creo .M.H.M.

Margaret Nnonyelum/Nnamdi.

18O Street is the Station I get off at.

24 yrs..1212…1 212…Mr Manhattan.
12 12.. Luke Wilson and Laurie Washington

Washington D.C… 43.
See sacred portal true life 4 3…why is Washington aligned to a Sacred Portal and Equation of Energy
E=C.M.e 4/3
Cecilia Margret.
C speed of Light 6th sense
M Mass..Meaning Mother of Pearl…
(The Earth or the Soul..or Sol.?
Or all three?…all three are one)

And now..I enquired where are you?”

“Bergsten..Cross street Albany and Winthrop.


Being of Awe “A Venue”…
See my post today N.U.E…

A V.E….Nue..

A Venu E…

5:53 p.m.
Recall Kieth Grant and he saying he was going to Albany for the Winter.

Albany is the Capital of New York State.
Recall I went there with with Jonn Blackwell and Donna O’Sullivan after…

“A Venu means “Have Come” in French.

A Venue Alpha Aloha Avenue has come..

I am staying at Beach Street…

Delta Manor…
Divine Manifestation at the Mouth of the River Song…
Onuabuchi..Cecilia…From the Mouth of the River comes a Song of the Chi..Energy Spirit..

Doctor Patrick Okolo just arrived from South America. .Rio.
Rios…. River

Tamika Rivera
Rachael Devon Rios Sessions

I just passed a small Garden called Young…

Rachel McWilliams Young
Saw the sign Julien on my way there..
Julian Brown
Ether Ique…


And so I asked him to focus on the Beautiful Truth and as I linked with him I could hear his Awe

He is the R.M..A…Double…A reflection of the Mirror…Mira..Mira Cle…
And we have cleaned up the Hideous Story and Thoughts Actions of The World Past.

And it has been cleaned up..Maurice Maggie
Nnamdi Noni…
EE… 55…
A man in black appeared when I began conversing with R.M…Aloha…Sixth Sense..E.S.P…
Esprit. ..
Wearing Orange with numbers on a black background 55..
See sacred portal 55…
Reginald was representing the past..
I was aligning the Full Circle..

The Man left…

And returned when Reginald had risen now to the present…
The Beautiful Truth Present…
T.B..T.P K…Kolo.

The RM should be transforming..I say

The Shelter where I am in had changed in the last 3 days he said happily and wonderfully, immodestly. .
To the opposite of what it was..he said.

Mine too..It changed before I even arrived.

And the man with the 55 T shirt returned with three youths A Girl and Two boys…

Reggie Mansfield R.M…
Was reflecting my Beautiful Truth..
He as 6th sense /experience. ..
And I here Experience. .6..Solid Fact

Orange is the 2nd Color..
Reginald Re…Rey…Do Re..
We land at Do..Facts..
D.F…46 Dudley is 46…
That is a Fact.

6:22 p.m


6th sense aligned through R.M A…/A.R.M..

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