
9/24/2016 19:45 – Facebook Post

7:00 p.m

Sacred Portal 2-3 and Sacred Portal 23…

It was 23 years ago that my Journals where first “Discovered” in Paris..
I could not go through with the publication and extensive editing because the story was not finished.
I knew this, but did not wish to be a writer, nor the isolation I knew Talking literally to the Silence would plunge me in,

I was fully aware who the Silence was..
The Light called First Expression identified as Harmony Existence..
Spectrum Rainbow merged into One.. Called The Every Thing.. T.E.T…(T.E.T.E…Tete meaning both Awaken in OINrI Igbo as well as the Head… Yes Awaken the Sleepy Heads…)

It was what some call the Fractals of Everything 7.9 billion people and all who ever Existed, merged back into One but now expanded.
I knew the Silence personified as my Big Brother who came as my younger brother Nnamdi….
Whose name meaning ‘Father is Here” is in itself a Riddle..
Who is Father- The Guide..
The One Bearing the Name, the Ones who named him, the ones who fathered him biologically or the One Who Fathered Him.. Guided Him….

7:06 p.m.

23 years Later.. Letter W… Double V in French….
“Tete” Head.. See sacred Portal 76.. Talking Head E… T.HE..
And the Awakening.. The Sleepy Heads.. E… T. S. H.E..

Code E.N.O..T./S/ H.E.

That is what the post on Sacred Portal 2-3 was about..
It started out as a Synopsis – stimulated by Dean Dunkwu and my present circumstances…and condition and morphed into what it now became after I added and watched it grow, link and become something from within me and outside of me.. Aligned by me, the one present typing at a Star Bucks on 14 Street…

I will Post it again… But that is about the past…
Even this is about the past and the story of who came first…
The Big Brother, or the Tall Brother…?

I suppose it is all of our stories.. which came first, or Divine Expanded Self or our Embodied self existing right here..
Present right here and now.. but in the True Now…
not lost in the Mind or a dying Body…

Anna Saltin is my new Face Book Friend..

761… G.F.A….

Anna means “Grace as well as Favor…” but it also alludes to the “Child” who represents Truth…”

And the Child, is the Pure Human Being.. The Source of all of us because we came to awareness as Children at the age of 7…

Thus through the play of Collin at the Green Point Assessment Shelter…
And the 9-4 years at Albert Santana’s space in an off…
And the arrival of Anna as the 761 Face Book Friends..
And the completion of the arrival of my High school friends who we bonded in form 1.. when between 11-12 years old…
Childhood moving to Youth- through a Rite of Passage….
High School..
Boarding School..
Spirited Away from our homes to a Strange new World in dormitories Peace House- Honest House…
Colors Blue and Pink…-34 years later…
And the two School mates looking for me for years and in perfect Harmony finding me at Green Point Shelter in Brooklyn near Long Island. where the Assessment Shelter sat on the Literal Edge of..
And where both of us worked in Manhattan…
Both Doctor and Professors in our own ways..
Me of the 5th Dimension..
And Patrick Okolo of this world…

Dean Dunkwu a Computer Programmer and Network Supporter..
Just as myself but in a different dimension….
Each remembering my Nature in School after having just arrived from Winnipeg Canada.. W.C/ C.W…
Cecilia Wiebers

C Double Universe…
C Double Vie being the correct equation…

C Double V… I.E.. Exemplified…
We can move the equation to …


The Name Saltin comes from Salton and means “Manor’

Delta Manor…

Which is where I have landed…
A Mental Health Shelter..
Obviously not the True Delta Manor..
On Beach Street..
A Beach where I recall in this first Story.. the True Version it was the Welcome of my Family all Evolved to Eternal Youths Embodiment welcoming me Home…

The Synopsis Summary.. Sum Erie… Sum Airia…Sumer Aria…
(We are in the second day of Fall but it is still Summer outside in New York… who decides that it is no longer Summer.. The Actuality or the Date..)

My going home is not dictated by a Number, but by its Actuality…
So something is terribly late.. to Echo affirm confirm that which obviously proves that for 23 years- when 5 million was the possible wealth I was looking at, for my manuscripts and film rights which I could not submit, nor edit nor accept because it was not complete nor was there a friend or editor who understood what it was really all about….
23 years later here we are….
Chukwu moved me through Creation of NNA.. ANNA.. Land in Igbo… But is true meaning is G..F.A.C.T…E…

This Synopsis which took me a couple of hours to write but 23 Years and A Double Vie and View.. as
Emeka Kolo…
and Chukwuemeka..
E.C… 53… Which points at who is the real Double…
Chukwuemeka.. “Chukwu means ‘Creator”
Emeka means “Praise”.. Well Done….

That Emeka the Embodiment came First and his His Expression is his twin… Called his Creation, just like this Face Book Play and Book, and my life Story is my creation…
And I am its Source.. E…
But together we are E+C.. H.O.I… Harmony O Infinity…
Eternity when merged..
Just as all of you are or can be, or could be..

Eternal Eternity…Immortals..

So here is the Synopsis Shortened…And made brief…

For I am truly tired of this Long Long way of saying something simple…

Arise Awaken… A.A…To Aloha…

Harmony watching her Big Brother in a Story,
In which he is both the Story teller, the Narrator, the Actor and the Scientist in non existent realm of reality.
He tells the Story in this realm of children to whom this realm of “Potential”, they believe is a real world.

It tells the story how he goes through the literal looking Glass- the People (Children) as living mirrors reflections.
And how he goes deep undercover in this non existent realm to prove that not only is it not real, but that they are already in Existence elsewhere,
In another another dimension, learning through a story telling of Mother Matter….
Known as the end result of Expression- which moves to Energy-to Spirit-Physical Nature-Ore, Material Experience…

E.S.P… N.O.M….E

E.S.P Is the other Name of Existence (Expression).

The Sources Expression’s END result.

A story created so that they may grow up- Evolve back to themselves.
But altered, added to the Sources Expression of Existence, is their voices and experiences added too.
Which moves then All back through an illusion of expansion (like a pregnancy), back to their already existing as Natural State as Purity Noble children of Light, and further back to a place call Born From Perfection…B.P of Beautiful Pride;s Expression….
And back through the portal where they have transformed from Children back to the 5th Dimension that place of Eternity and Infinity O…
The Place of the Beautiful Truth..
Where they find themselves transformed back into Eternal Youth…
The Beautiful Ones..
That which they were always intended to Be and Become.


The Story of the Past Ends with the Arrival of two old School Friends from Boarding School- High School…
34 years later…from 1982 Graduation where each went their Separate ways…
How one not seen in 28 years is met in Body Form in this “Idea of the Present” in New York, one full Circle Later… 28/82..from graduation from High School in Nigeria.. Nigeria New York (NN…14 14…28). in Time of Perfect Timing…
NN.. Nature Naturalness.. 2 8..B.Human… A-Z.. 1-26 +2…
Patrick Okolo and Pius Umeano..

And the other across the Atlantic in England, Space Full Circle 34 years later 34/43…in the Country, London England where I, and Dean Dunkwu where born…

And they both found him on Face Book not at all Lost in Cyber Space.

And fin.

After Death… the meaning of Non Existence they
Awaken from sleep from that “Nonexistent” place,and state called this “Reality”, that just as the story and Book of the narrator comes to life.

For the are the Children who arrived and rose from the Beauteous Beam of JA.C.K and the Bean Stalk, would have finally grown up to become Harmony Gods.

Please see Sacred Portal 2-3 to see the added expression of the Synopsis.

7:40 P.M,


7 Delta Manor…

74 O…
Some One went too far to prove me wrong…

Anna Saltin..

And instead of coming to take responsibility..
Left me to the most Terribly Fate.. in their minds…

7:43 p.m.

Just as I am posting today….


9-24-36…. I.X..C.F..

Generation X Garden 268 East 4th Street…

7:45 p.m..

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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