
9/26/2016 18:34 – Facebook Post


Today I would like to give you all, the final evidence that you the people are in a Universal Matrix and a great Battle.. (Almost completed), of Control versus the Quintessential requirement that the Species Evolve to the Consciousness of Harmony.
And out come already manifested as successful in the first beginning.
But this time, it is a matter of the same process taking place, but this time, it is based on getting a “Hue-man Body” which is adaptable to the Natural Evolution cycle of this “Universe” (Being yourselves-Your individual Consciousness, and choices in a Simulation)

I will also briefly demonstrate, the power which the people have, as Individuals each by their own individual fights to not given into baser instincts, no matter how sorely tempted your are being.

A test I am aware of, and have been protesting as Evil.. beyond.

And finally I will give you evidence of Humanity giving responsibility of their Future to the ideas of Saviors…

*Will post this in its entirety and the in Shorter Versions…
6:34 p.m.

2:28 p.m.

See sacred Portal 58 “Spirited Away” S.A.

“Link Stella Antley S.A…Stella means “Star”.. Antley means “The
farmstead of the Eagles.. Eagle Eyed…Farmstead always has houses, barns, ect…

B.B.H… By the “Body Being to bring Harmony”

Anna Saltin is the same initials as S.A..backwards…

Time now is 3:34 p.m.
*I was sending the Face Book Document to Dean Dunkwu, I sent it yesterday by G-mail, but somehow he did not get it…
And so, I sent it again at 2:44 p.m.. i saw after..

The meaning of the name Anne is Grace and Favor… G.F.. 76…
“Saltin” comes from the word “Manor”.. Farmstead….

76 is the sacred portal of the Awakening- Drawing which came out of my subconscious 6 years ago in the home of Marina Burini and Tom True-Man- while in Williamsburg, down the road from Green Point..

Salton means “Manor House”- usually on a Farmstead…
Which links and ties Stella Antley and Anna Saltin…
And Albert Santana of Generation X gardens 4th Street who was expecting me, when I arrived in 2006, August 26 th…
4 Years I lived there straight.. until 2010…
Then he connected me to John Shaw who connected me to Marina Burini (And her M.A.C…Computer..
P.S.. The person who did my intake into the Delta Manor “Mental Health” Shelter” was a Person called Marina.. then Ashley. then Cassandra.. M.A.C… Recall the play of Her Silver MAC Laptop which she gave to me, and its relevance when on July 1st, I announced on Face Book, that I had cracked, and proven that this reality is a Simulation Awareness Matrix.. by proving it can be read (Life is not meant to be able to be read) and quantified and computed by Numbers… Existence and Universe can not be computed.. nor can infinity or Eternity.. It can only be experienced and described…)
Recall that I gave the Silver M.A.C to Donna O’Sullivan.. D.O.S..
D.O.S..is a Computer Operating System.. used in the beginning as well as “Link” operating system used by Erik Ebrights Father, as well as Grandfather…

After Marina Burini I was led to Tom Truman who shared a home with John at Forte Green (F.G…6 7) Adelphi- where he filmed me and then filmed me in the basement- where I was surprised to Find the “Festac 77 Mask -Also the year we returned to Nigeria from Canada”- Of the Benin Queen Idia..

Let us pause here once more.. since all this I have already stated before on Face Book.. and solved the codes before you all…

Adelphi is linked to the famous Oracle of Apollo in Delphi in Ancient Greece..
Please link the 13th Astro-Logical Sign.. (A.S).. Son of Apollo…
Ophiuchus -Asclepius…Link my Uncle Pius Umeano calling Me the exact same time I was speaking with Doctor Patrick Okolo M.D.. after not being in communication with him for 3-4 years…
And the only one fully concerned with my condition and his counsel about speaking to the water and then drinking it.. the same counsel given 3-4 years ago…And to do this over a period of 7 days.. 1-7 days.. A.G… *Which makes you wonder who is the real Medical Doctor.. The western one, head of a department and professor at John Hopkins Ivory league university, and my uncle in Nigeria…
Link my calling my mother a 16th Century queen as far back as University… Why did I say 16th…/

“The Benin Pendant Mask is a small ivory mask worn around the waist or neck by the Oba at Benin that is often associated with Queen Idia, who was a powerful monarch during the early sixteenth century at the Benin court in what is now Nigeria. Two almost identical masks are extant: one at the British Museum in London and the other at the Metropolitan Museum in New York.[1][2]

The two masks were probably made in the early sixteenth century, when Queen Idia, mother of Oba Esigie, ruled the Benin court. The British Museum and Met Museum’s examples are virtually the same,[2] with only minor decorative differences. Both pendants denote a powerful image of monarchal elegance, having a crown composed of a series of minute heads that represent bearded Portuguese men,[2] who were significant traders with the Benin Empire at the time. The foreheads of both masks were inlaid with a pair of metal strips to denote scarification marks. The band below the chin is slightly different in the two surviving examples. The collar band on the example in the Metropolitan Museum is damaged.[2]

The masks were not worn on the head, but carried as a pendant from the belt. Today similar masks are carried during ceremonies to remove evil spirits, but in the sixteenth century these masks may have been used during memorial ceremonies for the ruler’s mother.[3] The white of the ivory is believed to represent the god Olokun. In this way the portrait masks are not only expensive because they are made from the valuable and tradable ivory, but their colour also represents a god associated with the wealth of the Obo of Benin”

Please Recall the “Truman Show..”
Jim Carey… Link Joseph Carey…J.C…Jesus Christ.. J.C… 10..3..1O3…13…M…4=D.. M.D…/D.M…

Recall the Movie Mask… again with Jim Carey…with Cameron Diaz..
(C.D.. 34…Diaz means..
“The surname DIAZ comes from the Latin dies which means “days.”
See sacred Portal 53..”One Dai..Day has come”

It is made of Ivory…
Symbol of Ebony and Ivory..

Symbolism of Ivory..

-“As a neutral, ivory is a calming color. It carries some of the same pureness, softness, and cleanliness of white but is slightly richer, a touch warmer. The ivory tusks of elephants have long been prized and used in jewelry and the decoration of housewares and furniture”
Black and White People.. Keys of a Piano..
*See quote of Marcus Garvey about the Two races being One..
See my late “Uncle Sam..Librarian at one point for all of Africa…
nick name for my mother, “Aku Oyigbo” Seed of the White Race…
Please see the only photograph of me, in my albums. apart from the one of me in Pelham Park arms raised in Victory…Both taken by John Shaw- brother of Tom Truman and Luke Shaw…

Elephants are the Universal Symbol of Memory..

(Enyiagu Afam Samuel.. reflected in this code play by the meaning of this name)

Continued in 2010…
From A.Santans home identified as the Egyptian Pyramids in through this Face Book play…

From Adelphi I lived with Marina IN Williamsburg where a friend of Toms, called Drew, (See reflection in this Facebook play.. Drew Reyn..D.R)..Who on my Birthday drew a portrait of a beautiful blue eyed Black skinned boy from a Book from the Omo Valley Ethiopia based on African Beauty and Skills of Decoration…Fashion Style using Nature…by Daniel Sullivan “Tribes”-of the Omo Valley…Surma and Mersi… S.M.
Which prompted something in me which Marina witnessed of which I began to Draw and could not stop until 155 Sacred Drawings poured out of me without my control just my direction, which brought the drawing to 156…A.E.F….Or 15 6…O.F..or 1 56…See sacred Portal 1 and 56.. “Joy to the World’ and Arrival of the family at the door of the 5th Dimension”

And from her home I was linked to to Toms second home- A Beautiful Japanese loft in contention and legal action…
Where I stayed and the Literal Truman show was enacted with Marina Burini Tom Truman, Luke and then John of and on..
All recorded on my Hotmail account…

From Williamsburg, Marina linked me to Lisa Levine in Green Point.. and then She and her friend Esmeralda.. (Reflected in Face Book Friend Grinina Esmeralda..G.E…/E.G…E.S…MER..(Sea) Alda

Signifying Will (Light)..and the 4th Color (Rain-Bow…Spectrum)

-R.O.Y (Golden) G.B.I.V…L.

*( L=12th Letter… Links to Life..and Light in the Universal accepted vernacular called English.. Where both I and Dean were born…
And 12 would mean Light as when colors merge they go back to Transparency White Original Light… (T.W.O..L…2 Lights LL=12 12..24..X..6..Sixth Sense is Light, which passes through a Prism- “See Pink Floyd T-Shirts “Dark Side of the Moon”- and Face Book Memories today.. Meaning Light is 6 sense but it is also the meaning of the word Solid Fact… Light enables to see…Darkness is the journey of experiencing “Feel” and Feelings which is of course all about Color)

And so the Prism is a 4 Dimensional and 3 Dimensional object…
Energy (Expression) = C.Me 4/3…4+3=7…

And so Light passes through a Prism is symbolic of the Pyramids…
And the Refraction of Light in a containment field of A.B.C Points..
But A.B.C.D.. Points at the Base… and 1-2 as Base to Apex…

B.A.. (Room B Green Point Shelter 2015…and Room A..2016…in the B.R..C Assessment Shelter…B.R..C..A.S…E…E…
Thus we can read, from the Universal Simulation Awareness “U.S.A” and its 5O States, where the play is represented in America…that this has been the Assessment of the Case of Emeka as the O.B.R.O… Orb and Bro..T.H.E.R…”letter numerical 20 8 5 18…28 R is the 18th letter, as indicated by the Field and Face Book play over the last 15 years.
Robert as E..Emeka.. Emeka meaning “Praise..Well Done”
And Robert meaning Famed Bright Shinning ..Light 18..Release..
1-8…1=A..8 =H…by taking away the 10..And replacing 18, with 1O8.. rather than 1-8+10..18…
1O8 would mean moving, 1..Say that is Light as well as seen backwards in the Pyramid- really a Transparent Prism.. T.P.

I am at 1385 Metropolitan Avenue….
13 85.. M.E..H… Manifestly Expressed Harmony….
1 38 5…138 5../ 58…31…

Sacred Portal 58…”Spirited Away” ( also 228.. See the Time of this post)
See sacred Portal 31…”Resurrection Restoration Regenration Renewal…”

Meaning that not only have I aligned all these Numbers.. But that this post was created for me to solve this riddle- which could only be done with pure Harmony E.S.P..6th Sense.. Not Knowing- yet recognizing where it was leading to….

5:46 p.m.

Anamla Qayin and her message given to her by a stranger, who received it in his dreams, gave it to her which she gave to me..all publicly and transparently done…


Delta Manor..
(4+5=9.I)…C…(Infinite Consciousness..I.C..I.SEE..IS..
Ikemefuna Chukwuemeka)
Timing Perfection…
K=11.. “Kolo”.. meaning “Circle..” Slav”.. but we are not in Green Point any longer. We are at the 50th State.. 5O…
Signified by Hawaii…
Kolo-he in Hawaian means “Taro Leaves” (T.L..2012..32…5) used in Hawaian Feasts.
It also means ” Naughty Rascal, Mischievious,” and
Kolo means “Crawl’

Kolo H.E is the code because it includes the H.E.. Harmony E code..
earned through the play, exemplified by the Jonn Blackwell (Haun Delguidce..H.D play)…Born 8-5-64…
And by my current place where I am sitting…A Star Bucks in Parkchester near the Delta Manor Shelter, which Dewight Smith told me about yesterday which he stated was and is 7 mins. away…

Which made me explore it… and sure enough another Starbucks…
These are cafes I would never visit- because I prefer cafe which are unique and intimate as I grew accustomed to in Europe and where I began talking to the Silence in 1989 was a cafe in Nottinghill/Bayswater..

5:19 P.M…
E.S…P….E.A.(O) G… E.A.G….L.E…

D.M.I.C…T.P/K…11 5… K.E…Kolo Emeka…E.A.G…L.E…
(El/ Le of Bed 15..Letter O..at Green Point…and now here at Delta Manor…)
E.A.G…L.E.. L=12..12 ..E=5…O


5 1-7… 12 5…17

5 17… 17…


I have a New Face Book Friend..

Welcome Bango Quinan..B.Q…

Bango means

Last name origin & meaning: Asturian-Leonese : habitational name from Bango in the district of Conceyu de Corvera, Asturies. Hungarian : from bangó ‘awkward’, hence a nickname for a mentally or physically, or socially handicapped person.”

Now is that amusing… And I am in a Mental Health Shelter in America…
Austrian Hungarian is that not Hiltler.. “White Supremacists”.. are they meant to be the the ones programing this reality..
Because after all this World and West adopted the same policies as Nazism…
Using Propaganda… Public Relations as the Nazi’s to bring out the basest nature of Humans to create the World War and the horror done to Jewish People, Black People, Gypsies (Nomads) and Homosexual or any behavior which did not fit the norm.

Including dropping the Atom Bomb…
A.B… Ha See the Movie, The Boys From Brazil…
Patrick Okolo flew in from Rio De Janerio and I still have not heard from him…
Fraternities, Secret Societies secretly brainwashing to a Nazi Agenda and way of perceiving through Superiority…

Well My New Face Book Friend is not in Harmony with that play, he is in Harmony with this play…
Third Time that I something has sought to knock me off 76O Face Book Friends…
It took Four times to reach there recall?
And now third time someone has left only to be immediately replaces..
And since we have already reached 761…
76 O …is O.A…
Bango Banga…


“Sword” in Shona Language of Zimbabwe.
And in Hawaiian it means “Creeping Flowering Vine”.. De Vine…

Thus its meaning in Austrian Hungarian as A.H…”Akward” but not handicapped or Mental Hill… because believe be this is an Akward Play and position to be in..
And is aligned to The 5Oth States Consciousness and meaning,
Flowering Creeping Vine…”
Not Crawl as a slave.. or Creep” as in a way to insult someone..”Creepy’ A sinister intent.

I received a message a message from Kasper Lomholdt Serup..
at 1:20 p.m.
See sacred Portal 120…
The Sword to Cut Out…Sword of RE-RA…Called Fritz.. Which means the Peace Ruler.. P.R…
Public Relations of Peace…
See Larry Sax… Sword Victorious…
Some one from Green Point called for Dewight Smith with Carlos from East New York Shelter where he was transferred…
E.N/…N.E…Forwards is N.E… And E.N… Elegant Nomad… to the pass..
Shelters and public Health is being governed and moved by the same systems and pribciples used by the Nazi’s..

See the Book “Armada” by Ernest C-Line…

See meaning of Kasper. and the Three Kings play..
He is From Denmark… Link Vikings..
See our play 3 years ago of linking transparently…

Ogechukwukama Ifediorama Ngozichukwuamaka and Kasper Lomholdt Serup…


Its a coded message… O.K…( O..Kolo)..Infinite Limitlessness..
Naturalness Supreme..

Naturalness proves its Supremacy over Nature..

Through the True Prism… A.B.C.D….76O Face Book Friends 4 times..
And Stable 760..76O…3 times…



43.. is 7..

Bed 007… Green Point.
4×3=12… The Past….L.. 12=102..J.B..James Bond 007..
Ether Ique..E.I..
Juliane Brown… J.B…
I am past 4…
Bed 5019… But the bed assigned to me, was taken over by a young man called Marquise..
And they gave me his former bed and gave him mine which was in a a 4 man room.. By a window private..
And replaced me in a 15 Man Room bed 3002..32..
A demotion from the 5th Dimension I had already proven before leaving Green Point Assessment Shelter…
Locker P..
Linked to Patrick Okolo not Pius.. Since my Uncle had already called me to warn me of a betrayal….
I stated it already happened..
Because it had already happened before over and over and because I already wrote about on Face Book how Patrick Okolo betrayed me with the Alpha Fraternity by being of the witness to falsely accuse me of being Homosexual…
Which I never was..
I always loved and have been sexually comfortable with women.
But because I was a pretty boy, I had an exaggerated amount of male attention even to my astonishment, till now and the Green Point Shelter..
Which made me investigate that need of men for beauty in boys, young men, and in me…
I have never been penetrated by a man…
But I have explored that part of myself because of the attention of men and in University, what happened with that other older person.. just a few years was private..
But I understood it was a yearning for Beauty Grace and Tenderness which had nothing to do with Sex..
Ask men in Prison, or who are Ancient Warriors and true Quiet Fraternity of Men…
Who love Women truly.. but there are things they cannot share with them because only men can can relate to that hurt and desire..
Just as it applies with Womens bodies..
It has nothing to do with being Gay Bi or Hetro Sexual..
Desire for Beauty is beyond gender or definition because it is the reaching for Light… Beauty… The Pure.

The Awakening of the Planet and the Peoples has been established and Balanced…

See Nnaemeka Ifennanna post of of the Inverted Pyramids touching each other to form a sort of Hour Glass..

It is because Matter Fought Being…
Darkness exists only within the Illusion of the Prism while moving through the Illusion of Color-Time- Wave Lengths.. the 4th Dimension…

And thus, the Prism is not a physical representation..
It Energetic…

B.R.C..Assessment Shelter… A,B…C…
Delta… Room 3A.. 4-3…C-A…G.E….GEA…E.A.G…
E.A.G… E 7-1… Would be the correct Equation…

Energy is E..Expression Light… And gives the illusion of refraction through the understanding of passing through a “Bermuda Triangle”..B.T..Until the B.T.. E.B.T… Expression Beautiful Truth.. Double VV…O full Circle has been Reached.. EE..EE.. DD..DD…



The time recommended to come back to Delta Manor Shelter is 9:54 p.m….

Quinan means “Slender”

The Creeping Crawling Flower Slender Vine of the Divine-De-Vine Quintessential, Quantum Equation has finally reached its completion..”

6:30 p.m


Anamla Qayin
Bango Quinan

Room A.B…Q.Q…

Actually that is seeing through the past first..
Actuality would be…


2 1…17 17..

3…34 p.m.

Please see the time I sent the codes and documents to Dean Dunkwu

6:32 p.m.

I will post this in its entirety.. and then Break it Down into shorter lengths…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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