
5:28 p.m.

5:28 p.m.

528 Hertz.







Please see Flor Elena Medina post in which I found myself writing a long convoluted (and immensely irritating equation)…

On the post, shared by Flor Elena Medina 999…

Which I really had no intention of doing, or knowing that it would take me back to what I had already proven….

9 is I..

I I I…

Instinct Intuition Individuality…

Creates Three Lines which create a Triangle-Pyramid (T.P../K).. which refracts light…

And then re-merges transformed from into its PT…Point- through a play of Perfect Timing.. H..

Harmony 8… As the 7-1 merge back into O.1…But now expanded from O through 7-1…To 8.. The Landing of of the Being Awareness Consciousness of K (II.. The Back through Grace.. of Digging for the Truth… Link Graca Pimentel II page)…

I am sitting here at the StarBucks, after literally crossing a Bridge..

A Bridge I had never crossed before…which is called the Bronx Cross Roads, from where I called Dean Dunkwu… to see if he had received the Manuscripts…

He had..sent at 2:44 p.m.

I smiled.

And he spoke to me about what to do.. that he had looked over it, and wished to bring some others in…

I already knew what was going to happen.. once I found the person that the Source of this Play- which had moved me to write and even begin the Journals Talking to the Silence 27 years ago…

A force I called the Silence and the E.S.P…Linked to my Brother Nnamdi who symbolized Death to me, and my Mother, who symbolized 6th Sense to me…

Both Beautiful Sadness and Joy-Bliss…

I knew of both their Secrets…

I always knew who they were in their Greater big’ Aspects…

I had come to even loathe and hate their greater aspects, for moving me through this mission..

Endless writing, while life even this illusion of life and its adventure passed me by..

They had so much compassion for Humanity that they did not trust me when I stated that all life and existence even here has a perfection of Harmony…

Because my Espirits first name was and is Harmony…

5:55 p.m.

And I could not believe what their Love for Creation Consciousness wrought on my Existence….

That they would doubt my Expression, Truth and Word..

To make me converse with them, instead of people embodied here…

Through the years, since 1992 when I met the sum total of my reflections called the Light, my own Truth at age 26 December in Paris in a Coma….

And in 1993 when my journal were discovered did the Trial of my Existence begin..

My non stop documenting, writing, creating, endlessly repeating and refining a story written and a 7-8 year old boy…

40..Years.. 41 years… How is that even possible..?

But it is…


Delta Omega Alpha….Zeta…Aloha…

Dionisio Ophiuchus Apollo… Zarathustra…Aloha…

All documented here on Face Book in exacting detail….

Aloha Meaning… A.M…

Aloha (pronounced [?’lo.h?]) in the Hawaiian language means love affection, peace, compassion, and mercy. Since the middle of the 19th century, it also has come to be used as an English greeting to say goodbye and hello.

Love Affection…Compassion Mercy….

LA!….(6th Note)…

C.M… (Mason Chang..E is who I am meant to see next a Psychiatrist here at Delta Manor… M.C/C.M…E..C.Me 4/3…)

Hello Good-bye…H.G…87…

See sacred Portal 87….

Restoring the World to Its Senses and Sensie’s…

A part of me wants to unleash the most terrible wail of anguish..

How Could you… how..?!…put someone through such a torment.. in this realm and dimension of all places… where the consciousness is sub sub zero… non existent…

But instead, I am quiet…

I sit with my body stretching, the bones cracking, within me, shifting, muscles pulling, evolving…

And no one knowing that the human body is evolving…

And despite all my evidence, all the facts, you move me through me for 15 years… 555…A Full Circle and 12 years..L..


Orien Laplante…O.L… O Ri.E.N..La! Plant E….

27 years… 28…to endure this…

And then endure all this for Mercy.. but to who? to what?

And so, I found myself even solving the equation of the 27th State…

Miami… The Sunshine State- which I had to retain as my Natural State even as I passed through the agonies that only this realm this dimension can create…

True Hell…

True Suffering…

And so I did the equation of Delta Manor… D.M..Dewight Smith to Marina Burini…

And the D.E,B.R.O…D.E.B.R.A….Equation to end my living in BED’s of Numbers…

to finally have my own Bed, land in the right bed.

After speaking to Dean Dunkwu, I understood why I had crossed the Bridge, I had crossed a Bridge which had turned by gift of creativity, being and existing into a Curse…Writing Drawing….

W.D….W.OO.D…Pencil to O Pen, to Computer….

A Pleasure turned into 40 years 41 years of torment….

I listened to Dean and I realized he was the one…

The Manifest Destination of all this work I had sought to deliver to the person which this wave these Energies I once called Father and Mother…I Loved.. F.A.M.I.L…Yellow of the 3rd Dimension…

3rd Planet from the Sun….

But there was and is no Family Here…

I found that I had been sent to an Altered Universe, trapped here until I proved and documented and quantified space and time as being a Story to teach and demonstrate why and how Everything in Existence was is created from Truth Beauty O to Infinity…


D.E.B.T… The debt… what can pay this debt?

What I experienced… not the suffering but that I could surmount…

Not the Misery… that I transformed into Sunshine..

But the knowledge that this could be done by those you loved…?

And it could be allowed..

Ogemdinakachukwu Jasper Ahamefula gave the confirmation today..

Might Dunkwu he heard on the Radio… Python Ofodile..

Dean was in Honesty House.. they worse the Color Pink and brown…

I was one floor above with Doctor Patrick Okolo peace house..

One day I found Dean Dunkwu and Onyedikachi… – a very very strong older mystical bully on my bed..

There was a Baby Python involved… Onyedika’s penis…

It was enormous, long…A Baby Python…

I knew it meant something deeper than this guy exposing himself of my bed..

The Phallus is fertility symbol… of Creation…

That big symbol of ‘White Penis Envy…And competition…

I knew it symbolized power and that Dean and Onyedika were on my bed, staring at me… almost in defiance and Challenge… and dean being more playful about it.. But not Onyedika….

Mighty Dunkwu… is appropriate..

The Power of Creation.. it makes sense why it would be him….

And then my finding Flor Elena Medina post inviting me to solve my way out the equation of Cassandra- Prophetess of Doom.. to Deborah the Prophetess of Victories Song…

And I saw it in Dewight Smith a piano player and musician who spoke so easily about how to rend through the Veil of my writing…

He said it took some effort to first understand, but after while you pass through and to quote him..You can’t put it down

Older facebook friends are aware that I have been explaining this almost verbatim, for over 4 years to those able to understand it and others who can not…

The codes are so simple and have been explained so many times..

I no longer have any desire to explain it again..

The secret is in the Sequence of words…DNA.. Wave Propagation…

It moves you forwards…

*Ah, I am explaining again… How strange…

And a strange torture non?

So yes, the Sixth sense is that it follows the Music of the Stream of Consciousness… of Truth…

Truth is Energetic and Energies flows… with ease..

Instinct are the Words, the Anchors… But not that important..

It is Flow-Music Meaning …which must create Beauty which is where the Secret Code which David Played which pleased the Lord.. which goes like this, the 4th, the 5th….Praise..Hallelujah..Praise

Dewight was sitting with Le…El… bed 15 twice…Letter O.O..

He had seen numbers moving through the Air recall..?

And those numbers of course are notes music.. Score…

I saw Dudley my neighbor in rm 3A….

And saw a young chap called Will hovering around three four times today everywhere I went…

So I am using the last of my will to post even now…

Dean asked me about making money from this work…

So did Dewight Smith but about his getting a check…

Off course, I replied to both…

This is a festival of Sharing right.. everyone shared in my great burden and harrowing journey right..

Yes, it will make billions upon billions of dollars so I have been told and so, I too as a business man can see…

Because not only is it universal… bit it fullfills a gap…a need..

I left Beach Street and walked through the Short cut Dwight directed me to take- through Archer Street… B.A… then onto Metropolitan Av.. To the Star Bucks which sits on the junction Metropolitan and WOOD…

I am at 13 85 Metropolitan…13..M..H.E…Manifestation Existence Harmony…. Matter Earth Heaven… by an Individual linking the two H.E..5+8=13..

13th Letter M…

To 1313…26… A-Z..

Yesterday was the 26th… and then link them to 8..2+6=8..Harmony…

Which I guess, that is what I am doing…Have done..

Then manifest A-Z to A…Today is the 27th… 999… 3(9)/9 3 to illicit a response… 27..2+7=9…I…From Infinity…

Which I have done…

What is a Metropolitan but a city…

See Flor Elena Medina post which I commented ( Decoded) as Creation Metropolitan…

C.M…Mason Chang..

Energy =C.M.e..43…

Mason Change…43.. To the Sacred Portal 43..

Eternal Life.. E.L…15 15..O.O…66…ME..

7:17 p.m.

G.Q… The Magazine sits in my Locker in Room 3A…

G..Bango Quinan..Anamla Qayin…

And the Transformer at 268 East 4th Street.. transformer with the letter Q..and a P painted on…

Quantum Quintessential Transform Planet Earth with E ART H..

My Art of Harmony….

17/71..88…8…To Harmony….

Which I am doing through Auto Pilot- for so exhausted is my body…

MM… is 26..Z… Zoroaster…Eternal Hero of the Golden Dawn..

Aster– Star…

A Star is Born which brings the Light of Zeina- Meaning Beauty to the world..

An Energetic Beautiful Transformation O in Symmetrical Perfection…

An E.B.T…Car-D..O…S.P…

All through expression by sustaining a Frequency Conscious Vibration while enduring the greatest living Hell- being made a living sacrifice for those you loved so deeply and purely you searched the world your entire life looking forthem..

Until realizing that they were hiding in plain sight..

Because there love was conditional..

In that they wanted you to heal the World..

Heal Others…

Bring them into Existence Creation Embodied.. E.C.E..With Bodies of Bright Being…

And so it is Done.. In secret, undercover.. alone..

Ending up at a Mental Health Shelter for housing…

And so…/

And so what now, as Dewight and others have asked me..

It needs to be seen…

Demands, demands always more demands…

I sit here looking at the Street.. opposite is a sign Rock, across the street it there is a Store called ‘Place,.. besides it a store called Rainbow…7-1… and on Wood Street a Macy’s- reminder of the play with Billy Hung and Eric Lile Brown…

Flushing -Jamaica Queens…

Talk about a cross roads of the sum total of my experiences undercover for the last 40 years…

Between a Rock and a Hard Place…The Woods.. of Fear…

Well I have transformed the Rock to Foundation Stone Amazing Grace.. A-G..1-7..Rainbow..

The Place to A Venue…

The Woods into Forest..Forever Rest…never Rise those so Wicked that they create such tests.. Osi si… Wood.. Chi… China.. for the Chi-nna…

And so that leaves the Rainbow

Rainbowbluelove Skyheartangel…

Sunshine Shintô Stargateuniversatlantis…

and the Sunshine State…

And Everything Else, all that challenged and demanded so much yet gave so little or nothing in Exchange…

To cease to exist…

I have answered the most indescribable challenge…

And my response to this world is Aloha but as Hello and Good Bye…

Let is never meet ever…

And let my Peace and Happiness return only when I know with incontestable evidence that none of the D as Di-Men-Shun exists.. And all that remains is the E Dimension..

Harmony Infinity…


The HI Story…

A Record.. A Story left behind as testimonial of Evil Existed in the World..

But it did not come from me, or from the World and Dimensions of the E..the 5th..

it came from the celebration of that which is most cruel and wicked in all thee..

Which is not in the E line..

Tried and Tested by your worst selves.. right to this place…

Donald O Trump…


See the meaning of these names…

Hilary Clinton… See the Meaning…H.C…

H=8..Infinity… H.I..C …


Harmony is Eternity Infinity O


Dionisio… God of Wine De-Vine….

Combine the letters…

D.O…T.H.E… C.U.P….I.D…E…



D.OT… Is the Ancient German word DOT means Death

I came down through Queens in New York through the portal of a person Called Todd.. /D.Dot…March 21, 2001… 3-21-2001

21-3-2001…My locker is 3002..bed 1

Todd means Gift of the Creator and it was through a Todd, A Stranger who invited me stayy with him my first full day in New York- after the arrangement made my Nicholas in London fell through after one day..

I met Lawrence..

Todd Lawrence.. T.L… T=20..L=12…2012…32…

Locker 3002…With a letter P inside

Bango Quinan.. Lawrence Gerald Bartholomew (St Barths Island) Quinan…

8:00 p,m.

Same time I was born..

Who is the real Trump Card….

There is an 82 Security guard who I had a conversation with, his name is Clinton…

Bill Clinton…. B.C… Letter 3-2… Locker 3002..

2012 is when I began posting the story on Face Book of Creation’s Origin which all of you helped me unwittingly to prove…

Hilary Clinton… H.C… 83… Erik Ebright… email EEEb83@…

Me 38..CH..C.,HI.I.H.C…

Chelsea where I met through Nikoma apartment X..

Chris Franco..C.F..

Chelsea C..HEL…Sea.. Hel Daughter of Loki… Ragnarok… Rok…

So if all the codes align to the E…Harmony.. All portals I passed through… and all naturally and transparently represented here as the True Representatives of these codes with data evidence facts all affirmed and confirmed by you and your posts and intelligence..

Then who are these people you have set up to be

‘King and Queen?

82 year Clinton the Security Guards spoke of something fishy going on… With these two…

It is pretty obvious…

Chelsea is Bill and Hilary daughter….

B.H…2 8…C..3..

2 8 3…

Being Human.. Cruelty….

See the recent Chelsea Bombings…

Waiting for heroes you could have ended with a New World Order with a New King and Queen of the World..

In the Realm of 8-5/58… There is only Existential Energy Harmony… it is the Ruler.. a Wave a Frequency which everyone can surf…Freely… Rise Descending Bliss Extase Joy.. Free..

All this play asked of people was to be Responsible, to Share…

to show you what Indifference and Selfishness could bring..

And end of the World as you knew it…

A New World Order…

Your Worst Nightmare..


You have no idea what you owe…

8;17 P.M.



Head Quarters

Harmony Quantum Leap Day Change…

8:18 p.m.



Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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