
10/2/2016 20:13 – Facebook Post

5:14 p.m.


E.N. (J).D..S.A..O….

Not yet 24 hours later…yet.

I was dragged here from my bed, where I had decided after last night, that I required a day in bed…
Of course, I understood that I could not really rest in a Designated Mental Health Shelter.. but I damned well was going to at least try.

There are moments when even I can not conceive of how far these play has gone- to convince and prove to Two Universal Beings and One in particular that none of this us real..
The Universal Beings are really not Beings Embodied yet because they are you…at you full selves…Beings and Bodies who I am linking and merging to C.A…3 1… Consciousness Awareness to then Arise to Awakened Memory Epiphany…
Which has reached a point, that if it had not been for this indescribable evil done to me, my Being and Existence…
I would have walked away saying to Hell with this..

*If they went this far, then they were never worth the effort of coming into Existence in the first place.

I had a “Lucid Dream” in the early hours of the morning…
It was not really a dream, but a truth within a Dream, within a Dream.
I hardly dream or see at night since I began this play… a Sort of Blind Fold was placed over my eyes.. and third eye…to prove this truth.. in this ‘Play”

I was with a small group of people,and we were had escaped from “Setting” and were crossing a great River…
It seemed like still water, covered with bits of green and yellow plants…But it was a a river a great one..
As I crossed waving to the others to hurry..
I observed it was inhabited by creatures…
Who prevented some of the others…
And there were Gigantic Yellow Crocodiles…
Enormous.. Who floated in the water, as still as statues..
But I sensed that they were aware…

I was not really scared but rather Hyper alert and aware of them as I crossed..
But I was more determined to cross over that be deterred even by such a sight…
They did not move, nor did anything hinder my crossing it..

I woke up, with a feeling of Elation…
I knew it was the Nile… And 268 Where I recorded here my observations of Crocodiles in the Wood Panels of what was my former Host A.Santana Sound Studio which he had converted into a Wardrope (Ward-Rope) Closet..S.S…W.C…

I was crossing Death…-In the Nile.

10 years after finding on the Internet, just a few months after reaching 268- a Site which I testified on face book over and over again, which spoke of a Secret Society looking for the one- and where they tested a person by taking them out of this Existence even though their bodies were still here…
And that no but the One could pass this test…
And that Madness-Death (M.D) was the consequence of all who were recruited..
So intent was this secret societies intent to find the one.
Michael Frazer was one of the people I showed the site before I could not find it anymore…
But I knew I had been in a simulation of Ancient Egypt and All the Ley lines where the Pyramids had been built all over the World in Ancient Times..

6:00 p.m.

Adaobi Onwuasoeze…

Adaobi means “First Daughter.. of Royalty
…F.D…(6 4) of the Royal Palace…
First Daughter of a New Lineage…
Obi… Means

“Eze (pronounced [ézè]) is an Igbo word which means King. Such words as Igwe and Obi plus others are used by Igbo people as titles of respect and homage to the Eze. … This status is usually hereditary and among the male lineage since Igbo culture is patrilineal.”

It also means “Chest, Courage, Heart, Center”

First Daughter of Royalty who resides in the Chest, the Heart Center.. Courage”

Onwuasoeze… Means Death does not Respect or recognize Kings”

I love this response….

By Death…

*See sacred Portal 48..”Beautiful Death (D.B..42../24..Hours).
The code aligned to me as 1967…My registered age in the System and in System- As Green Point Assessment Shelter, Room A, and Delta Manor…Room 3.A.
And 1966 As my Age registered in Green Point last year bed 49…

24 Hours was my Challenge last night…

Death responds..”Ada Obi, First Daughter of Royalty of the Line of Kings- “Sarah” I do not respect or recognize Kings”


As I stated, there are no Kings or Queens in the 5th Dimension…
Just as there is no such thing as Allah God Existence..A,G.E..
G.O.D is Grace Of Death… G.O.D…
Mercy is Death.. D.M..
For Death releases you from the bondage of Flesh Matters…
The Misery and Suffering of a Dying Body.. And a Dying World View…
The Decomposition of the Word, the World and the Body here..

6:31 p.m.
Patrick Okolo.

I am fully aware, that this play of the 1-4, felt that they could and had trapped me in this realm, and that if they were fated to go into non existence, then I would go too…
And thus,they believed I would never be able to leave, and continue to be the Slave of the African-Caucasian Races (A.C…Altered Current)..
Not so…
I saw it in the expression of Dudley my cubicle mate, whose Spirit rises to the Egyptian Story, and that my stay in Delta Manor Mental Health Shelter is permanent and the result of the consequence of my life…
When in fact, the fact that it was a voluntary action on my part to come here, while refusing to accept any help from numerous options which had always been available to me, but which always carried the caveat that I deny the Eternal True Consciousness, which I naturally express by my simply being…

No, I stated in 1992 in my Poem to Death, and onwards, that Death Is my Lover…
My Twin…

007..7..G… Grace..
O the Filled Circle with Grace…
Death.. Divine…
Jaime Grace
Grace..Orien Dewight… Eric Erie Emeka Energy

Graca Pimentel II
Orien Laplante
Dewight Smith
Emeka Ezeigwe
Emeka Odimna..

Now my Face Book Friends and the Public will have noticed how I, and this play keeps on moving backwards back to the Passed and the Past…
And to Igbo names…
And that the very name Igbo”- means “Forest..Woods”..

And that Nadee Nakandala came to me through texts searching for Heath Woods…
You will also notice the Pauliczek Sonja…P.S..
Please Stop, was ignored, and did not become my Face Book Friend because a adamant refusal by the Igbo who Ogemdinakachukwu Jasper Ahamefula celebrates but who did not and were not loyal to the mission of Eri NRI..Which is about Inclusiveness of All…
Not Exclusive as this Face Book play has witnessed in so many – especially with their cry for Biafra…
A Country of their own…
So similar to the Jewish ideology and practice..
And you do recall that Israel was founded in 1948..48..
And Death has been the offspring of this nation for 68 years…
Death War which has spread like a Cancer since 1948..
Since 1945..The A Bomb..
And since the Inception of the Roman Catholic Church…
Since the Crucifixion (Cru-“Believed” C.I..F-I.X.I..ON) Crucifiction (Cru- C.I.Fiction) of Christ, Dionisio (Bacchus) by the Furies,
tearing of Osiris by Seth, limb to limb..
Isis Osiris…
And his sisters Self Finding everything but his Penis…
Which I found- because I never lost it…
Which was a True Story but still Fiction…
Because though it was a story, much as my life…
With Dean Dunkwu correctly seeing the parallels…
And yes, I was crucified, Torn apart limb by Limb, dismembered…and my limbs broken which is why my body simulates that but at same time continuously puts itself back together again…
Because it was a Story….
A Dream within a dream.. not real.. but what was done to Him, me was real…
After all, I am in a Mental Health Shelter in the Bronx…
And I did sleep in the streets was left to die there..
Have stated how my body is in 24/7 agony…and had some person publicly tell me that I am not in agony.. (Which I will kindly give him this to experience), where a old school mate I had not seen in 28 years, a Doctor and Professor did not even bother to examine me..
After stating that he had been looking for me for years..

The records on Face Book for 4.6 years testify to this…
And where I am, now testifies to this..
Christ Yeshua Christ is Death..
And he and his lineage came again and again through 7 and finally 8-9 incarnations of that mission in which each time not only was His truth restructured and translated into an obscene story of his dying for you and your sins…
And sustained so that any incarnation he would have to suffer through that story again and again and again..
When all He sought to state was show the way to cross over from a Story which became a Matrix- Prison-Cage.. Where I am in now..
Cell.. in which he could never escape….

7:08 p.m.
M.W 78…
M.W 87.. with no door 78 designated.
I will not bother to go into the play of 78/87 at A Santana;s house with the Emerson Micro Wave with the codes M.W78/87 which I noted stated and explained over and over again…

7:11 p.m.

My sacred Portals 78 is called Pearls Coming (P.C) out of their Shells..Supreme Hells- Entrapped entombed in this Story by “Mother of Pearl..M.O.P…/ P.O.M..M.E… Apple Pomegranate?
All by changing and distorting the original meaning, grammar (Gematria G.E Matr.i.a..Gematrix) of Words and assigning them meaning of distorted value..

Apple…? Big Apple.. B.A…Room B.A..?
B.I.G..A.PP. E.L…(Big Call B.C..2 3)…

Has anyone really taken stock of the true level of suffering and misery in this world…

Please read todays cover of The New York Times (T.N.T…)

Torment in Venezuela…(T.I.V…Vene Z,,U.E..La!… Come Zorro U.E..La!)

Lacking Drugs, Mentally Ill Drift in Despair and Psychosis…

The see the image..
“A Schizophrenia Patient (A..S.P…A Sacred Portal) at El Pamper-o
Hospital in Batquisimeto, Venezuela weighed 75 pound ( 75/57…G.E/E.G) After loosing half his Weight…
Dewight Smith..
Today is October 2nd…
Jonn Blackwell is from Venezuela (Father)…
was I not invited to stay there from Green Point Assessment Shelter last Year and was sent back exactly 9 months later, then to 26 N.E 60th Street to Erik Ebrights and after “Curing” Healing him. was sent back to Green Point Assessment Shelter from room B to A…
Bed 007…James Bond…
Venezuela is in South America…
Did not Doctor Patrick Okolo meet me here and then flew to South America before meeting me again.. And after promising to call in 2 days, when I decided to “test” him, to take me out of a play which I already knew was in the hands of my twin…

Maracay Venezuela…(M.V)
is where this Mr Accel Simeone

(A.S..Albert Santana…268…S.I…M.E…ONE… Staten Island..
Manifest Expression…(Micheal Prunty “Betrayal”) ONE..)

18 Mountain View…
18=Letter R.. Robert Q..(me)
18 Mountain View is where I stayed for 9 Months..
Not leaving that place for almost 8 months because of the physical discomfort and the demands and my will to solve and defeat this Evil which I had stated brought me there to die..
Recall my Uncle Sir Pius Vision of my Death..
And his church of Seers urgent message of someone will betray me and then Doctor Patrick Okolo arriving on the scene… the very person used by others to “Betray” me… And get me kicked out of the Alpha Fraternity…

So who do you think Accel (A C..C E.L..Axel…) Is…
SI..Me… O..Natural (Nnamdi) E..Emeka..

This poor man is the physical representation and mirror of what They You did to me…
And how I would appear if I had not the Eternal Truth.. power of regeneration and the will to fight back…

The Story is by Nicholas Casey… N.C… Nature Civilization..?

7:47 p.m.

The News Paper is vol C.L.X V.I…Meaning 166…1 66…
See sacred Portal 1..66… 24/42…66..
No…57 373… E.G…373…See sacred Portals.. 37/73…

This is the Propaganda and the World Mirror, reflecting what was done me and my state…

So yes, I was tortured and
Lacking Drugs Mentally Ill.. L.D.M.I
Drift Into Despair…D.I.D
And Psychosis..(P.S..Y…Chosis “Choose” ) A.P.

Apollo Perez…

Just saw a texts from Adjara Maneken..A.M…Very Polite…

Another from Adaobi Onwuasoeze A.O..Asking me to teach her the codes… *See my quote about people coming at the end of the story and asking me to start again.. or judging and condemning…

And one from Obi Ckc Nwakonobi..Obi C.N…Heart of Civilization Nature…
I have not heard from him in years…nor have I ever met him… But he addresses me as “Kolo my Man…and asks me to download for him the story he read sometime on my post about the Egyptian God Rah killed by his brother…(Osiris…O..Sir Is)..

The first thing that came to my mind was the response..”Drop Dead and Die”…
But then I saw the “Bikozienu” Pleading Begging..

The Igbo must cease to exist as a people and all their Avatars and Descendants…Caucasian…and all those in Between…
They are Heartless Cruelty Indifference personified…

Only the O.I.Nri are Real.. and their Descendants True..
The are of the Full Circle…
Inclusive of all points of View…

8:07 p.m.


I do believe that my expression is complete…
M.W 78/87..

As well as the 24 hours up…

And so with the Purest Heart.. P.H…
O.P.HI U C.H.U.S..

Will the 2/3 of 7.9 population of this planet,
designated by the Equation to Drop Dead And D.I.E…

Like Flues

.8:11 p.m.


I rest my case….

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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