
10/12/2016 20:16 – Facebook Post

What “They” (The Keepers of Knowledge) did not wish you to know..
And the Price, the extraordinary price.. And how far they would go to keep the power and knowledge to themselves.

On the Cover of the New York Times… No. 57 383…

*(Please see the Code 57…E.G…And Sacred portal 383.. and the year I met Dean Dunkwu 38 years ago)

It reads “An Ex-Detainee, but Still a Captive of the Darkness…”.

Suleiman Abdullah Salim (S.A.S) was tortured in a Secret Prison (S.P) in Afganistan run by the C.I.A.”…
C.I.A.. Chukwuemeka Ikemefuna Alpha (Alberto)…
Ga-la-xy C.I…1O11…

The Special Air Service (SAS) is a special forces unit of the British Army. The SAS was founded in 1941 as a regiment, and later reconstituted as a corps in 1950. The unit undertakes a number of roles including covert reconnaissance, counter-terrorism, direct action and hostage rescue.

Su-le-I-man means “Man of Peace” Solomon… Son Of King David.
Han(d)s Solo Man… Star Wars…
A.B..DU-LL.AH means Servant of God… God means Grace Truth…

Salim means
Salim (also spelled Saleem or Selim or Slim, Arabic: ??????, properly transliterated as Sal?m ) is a given name of Arabic origin meaning “safe” or “undamaged”.

Of course, I knew it was me…
A Beautiful Child, a boy who resembled my brother as a Child, kept staring at me and then turned around to point out his back pack- he slapped it three times to get my attention.. It showed a picture of Stars wars divided into three images by a Y sign… Darth Vader- the Drones.. Hans Solo…

I was not going to say anything, or even why the getting this Face Book document to Dean Dunkwu means so much to the future of Humanity… or the 007 J.B code… Or the Super Natural power controlling even the Army Military (Who are really in the Peoples Side)have been using Sound and an Ancient “Alien” technology to literally Spirit away people to the most terrible dimension while they appear to be present here..
Or how I have continuously pointed out the story of the 4th Kind and what took place in NOM Alaska..
People being “Spirited Away” to dimension so terrible that they would return from that state, and kill their entire families rather than let their families endure such a Horror….
And How I have been in that place- Which began to manifest when I was at Albert Santana’s home, who was so terrified by what he could see was really happening to me…
But who began to have enough faith in how I fought back and endured that he began to find the courage to tell me…
And how he was told not to tell me anything or else…
Or how he recalled people experimenting with his body..
And what he saw that they were doing to me…

I had been stating this non stop for 4.6 years, and not only did no one believe me (and those who did, or who had second sight as Albert did…refused to do or say anything)..

I have delivered the Manuscript- the full manual which gives All Humanity access at this power which Albert had told me, “At any cost or price, that I had to be stopped”
I spoke of this when I was at Marina Burini home, and the Loft I stayed belonging to Tom Truman…

I was not going to say anything after 27 years, 15 years of witnessing the depth of Human Apathy, Indifference and refusal to listen to the Truth…

I have completed the mission…
I have delivered the Document to the one person who I was designated to deliver it too, after 27 years and the last month in which everything was being done to rattle Dean Dunkwu and the link…
Last night I delivered the final Synopsis and Introduction of the E-Manual which is a Story and Book.. containing the codes which expands the Mind to 100% capacity just by reading it.
And thus, the codes are ‘Absorbed Magically” by the Brain and suddenly people begin to Awaken Memory…accessing 100% of the Brain and thus, remembering…
And remembering me and taking me home.
7:27 p.m.

What started out as a Play in a Simulation of U.S..A.M.. Became transformed into…. The Word Abomination is too much of an understatement.
I also spoke about the indestructibility of the E consciousness and why the 4th Dimension line, allowed this play to go on, to once and for all prove the Supremacy of E Consciousness but also the Truth of who I am.. as it its representative and what one person who embodies this Consciousness Harmony Infinity can do…

I was going to say nothing until Amy Sadving texted me…
Albert Santana Line…
Recall that she had already proven her Harmony which I check because of this play in which people are used to destroy me…
And that she posted the Worm Hole in perfect Harmony which leads to ME… E GA LA XY C.I…1O 11…( C.I..A..O.K..)

It was not the C.I.A who did this to me, nor the F.B.I…Face Book I Infinity….
Which has allowed me to post all this right here (Brave),
But A Secret Supernatural force from what people thought was the 4th Dimension..
But was is actually A CAGE…(A.C..AG.E… Anamla Qayin)
and a Cell (Mtochondria Dna…M.D…D.M..Delta Manor…
And the Bottom of the Sea- where the cause and effect of Human Expression not cleaned up- had been symbolically represented as the non bio degradable filth and Shit which I showed evidence of Ocean and Climate experts saying has now grown into a Mountain under the Sea and even heading to New York…

With Amy Sadving testimony… Which I hope she does not mind I will Share here…

Here it is…

7;40 p.m… ( 74 is the Date Albert Santana was born.. A.S)

Amy Sadving..”Yes i think is me Amy
Is anything important?’

(She asked about her share and posting of the Wormhole)

Emeka Kolo-
“Yes, it shows exactly where we are in my perception of the Awakening.. passing through Space as Death through the worm hole to E GA LA XY C.I..1O11… Which NASA calls Galaxy I.C..1101

“Thank you my friend has been very clear to me your explanation. Thanks a lot. I am sorry that i did not answer b4, but i was helping someone in need.
And it is amazing the way you explain things is very accurate.
Thank you it has been a terrible play of extreme cruelty of those in the “Super Natural” world who did not wish this knowledge to be made public- shared and explained to all.

And i really value what you doing because not all understand or do not want to understand, but i do and i am greatful to have a teacher and a friend like you.
Why they do not want to make it public?”

“Because it gives Everyone access to the knowledge and power to do Super Natural things..
And with its dissemination they no longer have power or control over others”

“Oh i understand.
But for how long?
they are coming out one way or another”

“The knowledge posted here and over a period of 4.6 years is its sum total explained. The last hurdle was getting the information to the person designated and clean enough to get it into the world and to the public. .Which finally happened today. Dean Dunkwu…who represents a line of Being in the world.
I am writing a post right now. Which includes you.”

“Ok and i will find i amterial to show you what my friend told me about this stuff b4 he disappeared
it is weird he did not finished what he was going to say to me.
He was wiped off from fb
and i never learned what was his fate
he told me that he was in danger by telling me many secrets that “they” do not want to be revealed
he was an ex military chief of staf and he was going to tell me very important things and he show me pics that left me stumped
You never been threatened?”

“I have been stating that I my body and being is being tortured day and night by the use of advanced technologies which people are unaware existed.
I have stated how these secret powers have been trying to kill me for 15 yrs..
I have stated that its is not the Military that they are on the people’s side but are afraid of the power Super Natural that is controlling not just the Military but all this reality.
No one listened or believed me so I fought them with the consciousness and truth of the E.Truth.
The Source”

I am sorry that you were the one to have all this ordeal’
Chat Conversation End.

7:45 p.m.

The reason I was not made to disappear is because 1. I am that guy in the Movie and Book “Enders Game” E.G…
I had a solution…which they who were fighting this horror wished to know and were seeing was actually working…

And 2, As I explained over and over the first 2 years in Face Book that not only does my Consciousness of the 5th Dimension protect me because I am outside of this Realm (Eric Eposito code name meaning bed 49, Room A) but also because I represent the Eternal Truth that Evil could not touch me..
Until it went after Humanity and because The Children in humanity became hypnotized by the Abominable Horror- they believed this real….
And thus, a person was sent down into their “Subconscious’ state of Terror, to rescue them by entering into those horrors and proving it not real..
Despite my stupefaction at how real it was made to appear to be…
But that power did not come from the “Evil” it came from “Brothers” who seized that moment to use a a test to see why I was the One the Source Consciousness C.O.D.E…W..Double VV..(Dewight Smith) chose to rise in me and not in them….
D.E..LIGHT.. Came to me and I went to it in 1992 age 25-26…(78…
M.W 78.. M.W 87…
Milky Way…And how it sent me back to get others.. when in truth there was no one to get…
In me is the Every One… E.O.. Who ever existed…
The Light was blinded by the “Innocent Vanity” of its own Light…

The laws of physics in this reality and time line states that
Pauli two objects can exist in the same space at the same time…

“Charles Slade writes..

“The laws of physics actually say no such thing. The laws of intuition do. And we all know how misleading and inaccurate the laws of intuition are.

To be sure, there are some laws of physics that roughly say certain things can’t occupy the same space at the same time. Perhaps the cleanest example of this is Pauli’s exclusion principle, that says two electrons can’t occupy the same state in a molecular orbital. But on close inspection, this principle applies only to certain types of particles (called “fermions,” if you like vocabulary.)

It turns out that fermions have opposites… they’re called bosons. Bosons can occupy the same quantum states as other bosons. For example, a strange state of matter called a Bose-Einstein condensate is a large-scale example of this”

*”A Bose–Einstein condensate (BEC) is a state of matter of a dilute gas of bosons cooled to temperatures very close to absolute zero (that is, very near 0 K or ?273.15 °C). Under such conditions, a large fraction of bosons occupy the lowest quantum state, at which point macroscopic quantum phenomena become apparent. It is formed by cooling a gas of extremely low density, about one-hundred-thousandth the density of normal air, to ultra-low temperatures.”

Code B.E.C… Being E.C…5 3…
Chukwuemeka Emeka B ..C.E.B….
Code… (that is, very near 0 K or ?273.15 °C).
2=B…73… (7 73 Face Book Friends)… 0.K..Kolo… 15 C..15=Letter O…
And actually, he is not fully correct
Laws of Intuition are much more reliable than the Laws of Physical
because one is the source of the other “E.S.P”
and in Human Beings is the Possibility of Everything..
But the Fact of Everything is that it does not Exists all at the same time, but through a Progression which some call time… A Linear Progression.. Evolution…
But which is really is a Circle with a Point….
The First Cell First Dot.. Speck to manifest from ‘The Other side of the “Mesh” which forms this “Manifest Atomic Molecular Reality…
The same way a Child is Born but we know that the Child exists before it is seen for 9 months… And even further back as Sperm and Egg… not separate but merged… S.E…
19..5… 24..X… 6…
222.. the Amount Dean Dunkwu has sent me naturally..

This state was first predicted, generally, in 1924–25 by Satyendra Nath Bose and Albert Einstein.

Actually I have embodied the Truth of the B.O.S.E Einstein Equation…
While the rest of the World was denying my Art and Science..
I was and have been applying my Eternal Truth and my Human Consciousness right to Delta Manor to clean up this mess.

6:23 p.m.

(Yes I wrote this before)

F.W…( F Double V)

12-10-9… L.A.O.I… La O.I…
L Alpha Omega I…Infinity..


1O -12-9

A.O..L.I…G.H.T…(7820)… “Robert” see meaning…

Alpha Omega LIGHT…


By now, most of you my Face Book Friends, are aware that I have been communicating from a different Dimension of Being and Perceiving- in which each of you have been brought here, to this page by your own will.. Only to find that not only are you literally part of a playing going on in the “Other” Dimensions of Being..
Perceived less and less by Humanity as people settle into this Physical and Material World View.

But the Animal World, and the sixth sense humanity has always had of other worlds – a Supernatural World, or at least a realm of which has been disappearing from Human into the realm of Myth…
Because of the fear and lack on understanding.

It is from this world- and what has been going on there, which I have been posting from, and seeking to educate you on not only its reality, but land the knowledge- of Energy Existence Harmony Infinity…Here…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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