
10/20/2016 15:45 – Facebook Post

2:03 p.m.
23… W…


Truth Holds… Using E Nnamdi Da-Vinci Code… (E.N.D..V.C..Victorious Circle)

What is the Truth..?
It Is that Point of “Z-Ero’s Point”

The Center..
The God Particle..
P to G…

“The Second Coming Related Poem Content Details

Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.

Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: somewhere in sands of the desert
A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds.
The darkness drops again; but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?”

The Center Does Hold….
The Z is Eros Point…
Anti-Matter and Matter.

Jay T C.F..
Jay Truth Circle Filled.
Jay T.C.I…
1O 2O 9…
A O B.O.I…

I read up to page 103 of this book “Angels & Demons”
and even I who am aware of what I have accomplished.
4.7 years of Using Expression to Matter- and Dark Matter – but as Material and Cellular tissue and Material Consumption and Worry and concern lack…
And using this template, walk backwards to what is called the Zero Point origin of the”Big Bang”..BB…Which it is not…
*See Buzas Balint who came and left…in this I called him Bronx Brooklyn where I lived the Atom Energy Sub sub and Sub Sub Atomic Play Bed 007 to bed 3002..He left because the Full Circle was not created by a Bang of G ode banging the Building blocks of nature together…But that Electrons Light- Photons-G-ode Particle was the First Droplet which came from the First Orgasm Epiphany…
O.E…Full Circle of Understanding It-Him-Hymn-Self)
I used the principle of the Current Sum total of the Human Expression of the Ages which had “Enlightenment” – not just Physics and God by it Unifying Principles Nature- “Naturalness=Expression”

-Which was expressed with Unknowing Foresight, and full recognition of the “Knowing”- but in Hindsight.
Thus reversing the “Polarity” of 86/ Hindsight Foresight…
to For-sight Hindsight…
-Basically the same equation to create Anti Matter and then Recreate the Process of How Everything was created From Nothingness. But this time in a Simulation of a Containment Field- of my Life for the last 40, 4O years..41…
In which having read up 103 Pages of the Fiction of High I.Q of Daniel Brown- I recognize my own Experience translated into this realities consciousness in a Novel…
The Entire process of what I did on Face Book right to code 4.6 years aligning to sacred portal 46 “First Drop” to my uploading in 2011 The True Conversation between Energy E and Ah-Tom.. The Twins.. 20 11….11 is the symbol of the Dopplegangers Twins, in Perfect Symmetry..11..Thus, 20 is really 10 10… Balance in P.C language.. 1O 1O…in the correct Exrpression-Language-Energetic..
1O 1O…1=2.. 12..and..11…”K..Kolo- meaning Circle Round”
1 2 1.. 12 21…33…Completed last night…
11=2 who are 1 “Matter Anti Matter”
1O 1O..11… 11 OO..11 1 OO…11…1/ 1 11
Apple Khan.. A.K…
1..11 1 Who is 2…and 1.
1 1…
They do not add up… they merge…
Then O….The Circle and ripples…

All this is matched in Science and Story telling of Angels and Demons..
“Matter and Anti Matter…”
Though Anti Matter would real that which is defeated to reveal what is behind.. The Origins…
What lies behind the mystery of Dark Matter….
Which of course, I have expressed, recalled, recollected and then proven in a containment field right up to Beach Street (The Landing) in Delta Manor of the P.G.. The Human Equivalent of the God Particle…
That Anomaly Singularity.. A.S…That Knowledge of the Every Thing that ever was or could be- observed by only 1 being.. And Eternal Note already in Being while all else existed as potential..
Being able to recognize…and in this “Particular Gesture- this play”
Re-enact the exact same thing by fulling everything with that “Void called my Life and Existence” with Expression Knowledge for 40-41 years as a Human Being.. Thus proving that Human Expression Embodied, can raise its frequency by Being and Experiencing every thing negative which could ever happen to a person and transforming it back into its Truth- before it “Killed me- Annihilated me.. Which is impossible, but the agony of the experience Frustration of proving existence through the limited language of this reality and through these 24/7 ‘negating experiences” was made so real that I can not even speak about what pain suffering and misery I was forced to glimpse at, dwell in to acknowledge, before transforming it… There are no words for that Pitt…Pit…

Yes Dewight Smith is back and his line passed the “test” of the Simulation which was testing my Truth, with flying colors…

When I reached page 103, the correlation between what I
3:02 P.M
…I recognized I had done, step step- something no one else had, or could recognize because in this Universal Simulation they are representing the Re-Enactment of that one action which can not be repeated, but unlike the book.. Robert Langdon R.L…Link Robert O Sullivan and Lorenzo Delguidce…
R.O.S..(E)…L. (A) D… Rose Life And Death…
is O.E.. R.O.L.E… Playing a Role of Physicist Leonardo Vetra (L.O.V.E..EVOL..) as well as Double V the Daughter Vittoria Vetra…VV… Thus, the Double Victory is that Leonardo and Robert…
(L.R/R.L..Are the Same Person… One representing Matter and the Other Anti Matter… And the VV.. is See Sacred Portal 37..
Loveliness Beauty.. Sophia Laurel… S.O.L… The Fifth Note embodied now, in Expression as L.A.D.Y…G…GOD..
The Manifest sum total of the Embodiment of the Two…
Anti-Matter And/dna..Linked to Matter.
In both Realms of Anti Matter and Matter….
Bring the two into 1…
Which is quite frankly… Whew…

(103..J.C…A.O.C… C.O.A…. C.O.C.O.A… Brown.
-Julian Brown Ether Ique.. J.B..I.E-
C.B…Link Chester Borington 35….play last night and confirmed this morning at the same portal and then Western Union…
as visited by Dewight Smith… Bed 31..
Which linked to my bed 32…and then me representing 33..
Confirmed through the play of Dean Dunkwu and Dewight Smith to the 44 8 day OINRI Week….8 Harmony Infinity full Circle… and then to Nnaemeka Ifennanna 3 3..6..9…12…15…18…21… 24…27…3O.

3:24 p.m…
So we know that at this moment it is the completion of the Generation X Equation at 2 68 East 4th Street…

*Which is what explains, by not being allowed to simply posts the way I wish to post or write, because the “River Running through called Awareness Consciousness Light.. Alberto Santana Dharma Supreme”Stephan” keeps moving me into solving links..

3:27 p.m…
Through Expression..
To reach the 27th State, before I collapse in exhaustion and sheer refusal to go any further after reading the Affirmed Confirmation to B..
B=2.. Body as the Computer, that I have not been acknowledged by Humanity and am living in a Shelter with no monies except which are aligned to the play- While at the time in a Human Consciousness alone knowing what I have solved as a Human Being….
Made aware that It is affirmed and confirmed as a Fact through the mysterious arrival of a Book…

3:30 p.m,

Ah excellent, gone beyond 3 O…
At Delta Manor.. 1530…153O… O.CO…

3:31 p.m..

It is way way way too much to make some one aware of the achievement and ask them to contain in while living in a Mental Health Shelter… Where no one I can converse, with, share this with and my reality negating the Joy and Awe and Yes!!!
No expression of Victory around me except the poverty of this area and the Veil of Secrecy reaching a point that All I see is Malice to explain such a suppression and play….

3:35 P.M.

My focus was never on my Truth, of Convincing anyone of my telling the Truth, or even believing that I have been programing reality through Breath, E.S.P and Awareness…
Rather it is the cruelty so beyond even myself to full land- though I can read gravity and weight seeking to crush me each day- which I must fight through- That the greatest achievement that ever was and ever will be has been been forced these deep undercover in anonymity and in a Role which Angels & Demons, despite my ability and anyone who has read my face book page to immediately translate.. Is simplistic to the point of Dumb despite all three of his book.. The Last which I never even heard of before is called Deception Point…
Which is interesting when I share the sacred portal which the Energetic Portals Align to….

3:41 p.m..
Da Enlightens.. see sacred portal.. but you can not force A Being or Person to Enlighten you under non stop Torture and Duress because you want to see it to the end..
When you are not the one being forced to enact experience and embody what you already know..
And forced to translate for 41 years over and over again Your way which aligns to Human Expression just so that Humans can feel about themselves- which is an illusion because no matter how much you may Deceive yourself..
They were moved and they were not aware
that only 1 Being did this.. Not even 2…

3:45 p.m.


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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