
11/2/2016 21:37 – Facebook Post

11/2/2016 21:37 – Facebook Post


A lot of words today…

And yes, I am aware that even as I wrote them,
that I was being manipulated, used… my expression to fuel manifestation.

But in between those lines- my Voice.. my true Voice is Heard..
Expressing as myself and not some Slave to a Truth which is a Lie.

For Truth can only be Beautiful…

For what is Beauty but Symmetry, Synchronized to reveal Meaning, intent purpose which creates Awe.

My time in Delta Manor has come to an end.

Because this journey of Spirits Truth is naught but a lie…
Yes, it did come to me, living in a Mental Health Shelter…

But in this place, I saw Humanity, Laughter, Intelligence Endurance.. and people seeking to do the best they can to uplift themselves and others…

This is the Beautiful Truth, which I have harvested – from the Fruits of The Truth.. of my experience of my Life…

The Beautiful Truth is proven right here on Face Book by the perfection of Symmetry right to my 787 Face Book friend..

Sawyer Walsh…

Sawyer means “The Wood Cutter’..
Yes Aligns to the Cutter Ship on Michael Keenan’s page…
And to EL Hoodie..
And to the Beautiful Truth if the Sword which cuts out..
Which is why I was compelled to text Fritz Venneiq today and ask him to fulfill a Sacred Covenant which he broke.. for whatever reason…

See the image of Bilal Khan where he is standing at the base of a Tree..
I having been sitting for the last three days at 1385 Star Bucks facing Metropolitan Avenue..The City (Metropolis).
Instead of Wood Ave… Macy’s.

And I found myself having to go into Macys today, for the first time since 2013-4 when Nnamdi moved Billy Hung to get me a wardrobe befitting of my going home…
Which was betrayed by the Truth of Nature expressing for the Source and challenging the Source to a Contest to prove that it is a Human Being.. A Hue Man Being who is Its Source…
Manu Stephan,
Mani Sol..

I had to use the Bathroom and the bathroom here was out of order…
So even as I passed through it, I knew I was being manipulated but my own awareness, at least made it my choice..
I recalled that years.. 2013… T.M…
M.T..Michaël Trahé… T..13..4… T.M.D…/ D.M.T…
The Tool or Drug which enabled Donna O’Sullivan to see the Energies of the E Family, Blue Beings..
Delta Manor Truth… Yes but not the Beautiful Truth…

Because my Family are of a Beauty of Body, Being, E-Spirit,Generous, Stylish Cool.. Chic… Beauty personified…
Embodied Exemplified to the point so Exquisite that my legs buckle and the seat of my pants become moist wet.. and my O penis rises..
And Desire over whelms the Awe which causes me to pause..
At the realization that such beauty not only exists but that they are my family and I am their Head.

The Beauty here in Delta Manor is deep within, it has to be mined, evacuated and fought for…
I do not fight for the Family of E…
They fight their own battles and as Warriors..
Desire Sex Intimacy… Eternal was inspired…

This Road- proving Harmony through Posts and Human portals is the Truth… But it was all a lie because there was only pain suffering ugliness as the Truth the Human Esprit..
It was manipulated, forced controlled.. It is was the Truth.. but it had no meaning apart from the Meaning which I discerned and then transformed. Posting its evidence until reaching here…

Walsh means “Foreigner” F.O..(60) Reign E.R…”
and was used to designate a Welshman…
I recounted the Story of my meeting myself as a Welsh Man in 1990 with Jon Jason Lee in Richmond London England…
The Poet and Bards with lilting voices…

It comes from the name Philip.. who happens to be the name of the person who took over Nathaniels Bed and who is the real line of 34.. C.D.. P.N… Not Paul… ‘The Little Person..children”
But the Gift of the Creator is this Friend of Horses, who son is Alexander the Great.. The Defender of Man…

*Yes, it means that the Truth became so Evil,so Cruel and so ugly that it revealed itself even in the Codes as a Liar….
Because the codes should have manifested their meaning years ago when the Symmetry and Synchronicity proved it meaning as True……
And the C.D is music linked to the Saw.. Ones who Saw the People of the Woods… Igbo and all Humanity line of Illusion take over this play… Imposing their Truth which has no symmetry apart to accuse and point blame..
No the CD..Chuwkuemeka David.. Creator Praise! The Beloved..
T.B..E.B.T.C. Expression Beautiful True Consciousness… is a Foreigner in America, fighting for the People of this Country and this World…
But I am not American…
And after this experience, I never wish to be…

The Wood are meant to represent in Igbo and other ancient cultures where each human being Guardian Angel.. G.A… E.G.A…
The Wood Cutter has come to Cut Down (CD) the Woods, the Trees the Spirits and the Humans who rely on that Truth which is lore and a Lie..
For the truth is that they are the E.G..A the Examples of the Awareness of you…
And thus, your truth which each must now merge with.

Now we turn now to the Bard, the Poet with a Guitar and Instrument a Voice raised in Song…
A Warrior Spirit W,S… S.W.. who Saw…
And Cut Down so that the way was, is clear to see me E on Bed 3001..
Even Numbers and Odd Numbers..
E.N..O.N… E

There is None who real here.. not in this world…
None but each of their Beautiful Truth Exists somewhere else.
I have proven this Everywhere I go by making rise that one within them. that Beautiful Truth and putting in my Medicine bag and my treasure chest…
My Lungs and my Heart…
And with their Voices I have sung a sweet, sweet Freedom Song of those already Free…
The ones already anointed by the Spring Waters..
Sawyer Walsh
Tom Sawyer.. Twin Wood Cutters… Death..in Earth and Heaven in contained as one in the Tree Trunk.. The Wood… That Tree that allowed you the Experience of Life… And help transform Spirits through the Beautiful Truth, to Evolve to the E..
But the E already exist..
This was a story…not a dream..a Story of that which could never be, dreaming that they are… When they were nothing but pawns, moved by the E line whose Origin story I came into this world to tell..
Of how they came to be the E…
From Spirits to Energy to now Embodiments…
But the Spirits were never real…
Tom Sawyer and Yes, Oliver Twist…
T.S.O.T now in Being represented in this play by Tom B x2…
B.T. S.O. B.T….

I explained all this as well as the meaning of each sacred portal..
And 787…Perfect Symmetry…
And why I was walking through the Galaxy M.W.87…And found no portal out of the story because there was no 78…or 7…Clarity…
of Grace to explain that which Passed…

My passport and other I.D have been denied me, because there is another force, which had been governing this Human Existence and story…
You see, if I had gotten my passports it would mean that the Beautiful Truth I have been proving is a lie..
Because it would mean that my entire expression, mission journey was just my imagination… A Lie..
That it had no point…
And that The Beautiful Truth of this being a play (so perverted by Evil Spirits…of thought mind) did not exist, nor all the symmetry and meaning confirmed by Existence….

Which is why it would not allow me to get my ID…because the play had been changed to my getting my I.D back, my true I.D recognized by the World and Everything being linked to you get your Identities back as beings of the 5th Dimension..
Who exist at the end of this play and this M.W787…

And I indulged it for way too long because, I was being fought by Nnamdi who gave into the Beautiful Illusions suffering.. The Children..
But Everyone knows the children never stop growing until 18-21…

And so it is they who are the Beautiful Illusions..
The Beautiful Deception and Mask of the E..
The Evolved He-manity whom the story of Childhood and Babies and Birth through Woman was created to give them an understanding of thier past equated to a Bean Seed and Jack and the Bean Stalk….

You see these posts were never intended for people in this present (Apart from a chosen few sent into the play as Monitors… Such as Dewight Smith.. D.S..419…Robert… Line…)

It was and Is for the Future Present..

E Harmony is a Consciousness of Ease, my portal going home should be effortless and not based on the rules of this World.
I knew this and recounted this over and over again why I did not take actions as is the nature of this current consciousness..
Of doing things to make them happen yourself…

But my truth was that you really have no power because this is a story of which explains Harmony… E Harmony to the E line..
And which effortlessly leads one home.

But Delta Manor is such an absurd place for some one like me to be and shows little respect for the people there who do not understand what they devil is going on… with Emeka Kolo..

So I have assumed my dress code and tomorrow I am ready to take action myself and end this Nightmare of Hell which is all real and fake because it is the Hell of Mind…
Waking up with Anger each day that I am still walking and existing in a Lie and being proclaimed a Lie and a Fraud.

To the Immigration office I shall go…

It is enough….

Nothing should have allowed to go this far.. not even in a story…

9:36 p.m,,,,

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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