
11/10/2016 15:57 – Facebook Post

From Donatus Nwafor..D.N…

The Biafra Story was very pivotal to the Evolution of the Human Species,
but not for the Political Reason of this modern day interpretation..
Which is Crude Oil and Mineral Wealth.. Ego…Monet

But because it held the hidden Dna link to the Consciousness of the Full Circle and First Contact… Oge… Dawn of Time.

D.N…Umeano.. Breath.. My grandfathers intials….Umeano means the 4 Divine Breaths….Or Winds… Delta…

Delta Natural Expression Ume… Breath… Represented by Babies and Children Respire…First Breath.. when born is the link to the Eternal Stream or River of Consciousness outside as well as Inside.. O.I./I.O

And only then does it become the Land of the Rising Sun…

*The national flag of Japan is a white rectangular flag with a large red disc representing the sun in the center. This flag is officially called Nissh?ki (??? ?, “sun-mark flag”) in the Japanese language, but is more commonly known as Hinomaru (??? ?, “circle of the sun”).

The Rising Sun Flag (??? Kyokujitsu-ki?) design was originally used by feudal warlords in Japan during the Edo period.[1] On May 15, 1870, as a policy of the Meiji government, it was adopted as the war flag of the Imperial Japanese Army, and on October 7, 1889, it was adopted as the naval ensign of the Imperial Japanese Navy.[2].

Miracle Mike Aghimien
Victoy Vicky … and quite of a few of my Face book friends are from Edo land in South Western Nigeria… Edo link to the Ancient Kingdom of Benin..
And yes the Festac Mask of the Queen Mother…
I have already given the Equation literally played out with in Tom Truman’s home of the Japanese Edo West African Connection…
The Name Okolo has meaning in both Edo and Igbo…
In Edo it means Prince…

Link the Play Prince Panther and Prince of Infinite Existence.. P.O.I..E.

2:40 p.m.

B.I.A…F.R. A…N.C.E..Z.E…NNA…
Come France… and France came to the aid of Biafra…
But the actual code is Franca Franco…(Chris Franco)
Come Freedom… For All…

That was the mission of the Eri Gave to his son NRI.. E.N…
To bring everyone in the World home to the Light..
Not just a certain peoples of a cultural Heritage…
Bring the World back to Anya-W.U..
Eyes of the W.U… Wu means 5 in Chinese…
Japan China Igbo and the Nri people are all linked…
Ezeufonna Ifennanna Nnaemeka…/
Correction Emeka Nnamdi Ikemefuna… E.N.I…Chukwuemeka E.R.I..S.E.E.. ..E.R.O.S..E.E…John Jay Joy Joan….de Arc….

Anya… W.u…
Anya is the beautiful Singer I met through John Shaw and Tom Truman…

Anya means Eyes…
Isla Grant… Eye of La!
Wu means to Glow…
Glowing Orb seen in the Skies of Japan…

W.U..Western Union…
Which is why it was the correct portal and why I asked Patrick Okolo to send his gift code that way.. which he has never done before and hence the difficulties…
Dean Dunkwu had none…
Many people who were asked to send Money codes from Alfie Nze to Nenad M.D…had difficulties as I did in receiving them.. it was because they were passing or sending messages to me in the 5th Dimension where I live and have always lived despite my Body and Being seeming to be linked to right here….

D.N has 387 Face Book Friends… See sacred Portal 87
Michael Crane has 31 24….See 24 code X= 6…The X Factor or the Unseen is now seen as Sixth Manifested Everything into the Physical realm of Manifest Fact…

2;56 P.M.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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