
11/11/2016 11:53 – Facebook Post

From Herry S Lang

I am in the mood for Beauty,
Energetic Expression of Home…
After so much ugliness and fighting to transform its ugly hide.
To reveal the beauty safely nestled inside.

Won’t you rise beloved.
Family who so many forgot is real.
Meet with Prince Panther yesterday
And got the confirmation once more
That my memories and truth.
Were not a dream.
That there is a family
Evolved beyond and story of suffering and misery, fear and disappointment.
She too like my sister brother and I,
Has the me memory real of a family
From the out of the Blue.

Trump and Clinton…
That is just a story.
Which of the Family of E.
Distorted by this reality
To make it seem to be about
You and they
But it is really a mirror
Reflecting a face of not only a Nation
But the Face of Freedom
And is this what it means in the end to all of the E?

But right below that illusion
The is the Truth of who we truly Be.
Evolved at the onset
Beauty Fearless and Eternal.
The family I call the line of E.

T.C is but an equation..
See my sacred portal 20…
“Lady Echo is called T.C”
It is S.H.E…
Who offers this Mirror reflection..
An E.C.H.O who asks you to pause
With the Question,
“Is this who you choose to be?”

T.C is that Trump and Clinton.
In my codes of unravelling the hideous hide of the flesh consciousness totally in forgetfulness of the Evolved Beings inside.
C became Cecilia meaning “Blindness”
Instead of 6th Sense.
-St Cecilia of Music the code which I saw everywhere, as I went through a strange obstacle course to meet Courtney.. Love..
Aka Prince Panther.
Theresa meaning “Reaper” became the “Grim Reaper” as Death instead of Reaper of the Beautiful Joyous Harvest…
Orgasm Ecstatic St Theresa of A-villa.

E.T.C.. That is what is in the opposite side of the Mirrored Wall.
M.W… Milky Way…69 96…66…
I met her at 66th Street.

They told me for years,
That the Family of E- the already evolved
Hue Man Species did not really Exist.
They Told the Lady Laddie Prince Panther
that her memory of Nothing Wrong and a memory of a realm with no Suffering and Misery in its story, also did not exist.

And yet we met, on 66th street.
And we reminisced of home after such a long journey of the testing and proof.

I am beyond Lady Echo
Sacred Portal 20 which is the letter T.
Trump as In Donald…
Meaning “Universal Ruler”
Harmony not Real Estate magnates.
R.E..M…or The Billionaire Boys Club.
But Emek a Robert… Meaning Praise Well Done to the Creator of the Bright Famous Shinning Light….Truths Beautiful Being Created.
Expressing True Consciousness of Infinity..
The real 9 Zero’s which represent the letter I…
Not Ego Money- A Billionaire.

How long have I been transforming as I just did now?
4.7 years on Face Book 47% is that not the number by which Trump got of the Popular Vote.
47…11 28… 39 see that sacred portal A Male and a Female joined linked for they are one.
11 28 is my Birthday C.I are my Initials.
I met Courtney Prince Panther, a perfect reflection of the Two in one.
And she kept mentioning the numbers 93…33…(3..69)… 8 16 16… (40…5-8)

48 to Clinton… In this play I am age 48….
4+8 = 12…3…C…. 4x 8 = 32..
That is the Bed in this Delta Manor shelter they gave me to sleep in, my reward for sustaining the Beautiful Truth.

93 is a code…I.C…
See the sacred portal…
I shared it yesterday…
When I got 6 new face book friends

9:58 a.m.

I am beyond sacred portal 20.
And even beyond my beloved brother line reflected in Herry S Lang.. U A G E.S
From Atlanta Georgia….A.G….1 7…E.
Anamla Qayin…D.M.I.C. K./P.T.
Which is why you tattooed 21 on your Face.
And I have the Perfume Cologne 212.(Full Circle) Which I do not even use
-and why I did chide for not even visiting me here in the Hell Hole of I was given as the Human Societies projected

10:11 a.m.

The response to The Beautiful Truth.

For the truth within you is the one so beloved would have been here with me, or taken me from such a outrage…
That is the Truth of my Family…
Loyalty Beauty Love
Not envy deception hypocrisy jealousy cruelty venomous to the tools put to use in this place.

212 is 5 marked on Pink Panther’s wrists.
21 is 3… 5 3….E.C…H…
Harmony I….Full Stop.

And so, I came to this page of Herry s
Just for some Beauty, a respite from this Hideous end play of Revealing Unveiling
the truth of an Echo of Truth reflecting the reality of an illusion of flesh and a material fear based consciousness..
Human Cruelty and Deception.
But this is only 180 % of the Truth.

But only the Full Circle O of Facts
Revealed in Action can reveal the
One Absolute Beautiful Truth.

10:28-9 A.m

It is time for me to leave this Delta Manor place.
I have gone far enough.
10:31 p.m.
And have experienced the Truth of both beds 3100 and 3001.
31 31. Two Zeros Outside and two inside.
4 Zeros…
And it is from these Zero’s that Z-Eros you made pass through?
Four Black Holes…
To rescue the Resurrection Renaissance Rebuilding Erection Reconstruction Rejuvenation and Regeneration of Existence…?
In a play of Rudeness Arrogance Conceit Envy against a backdrop of a Presidential Election.
Ungrateful and Wretches.
4 Zero’s
Shame On You.

Seeking to push me over the edge?
When I was the one Holding you from falling into the abyss…

40 is Do..
Doing the work.
And I observed you do nothing but play.
Doing is Being.
12..3….36.. 9

No mirror no wall
No Echo.
Just Emeka’s Creation Harmony Existence

Now I let go..
Fall in..
10:47 p.m.

You are no Brother or Sister of mine.
For I feel only Indifference now.

And to turn my attention away from the Illusionist and the Great Warlocks & Witch.

And see only Beauty
The Beautiful Eternally True.
The Beautiful Ones Rise.

And the Liars and its Lie

10:53 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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