
11/19/2016 21:38 – Facebook Post

6:19 p.m

F.S…A.O. F..SAO…. Fact Hale hearty, Whole, Complete.. Laudable

19-11-2016…. S.K.- T.P….” D.M.I.C. T.P/K 115 A.G.E.”

D.M.I.C..T.P./K. 115 AGE…

11-19-2016 36 9 I.

K=11 19=S T.P…I.

Insert Date next to the year Code…
To the Message from Anamla Qayin…

D.M.I.C…K.S.I.T.P/K 115 AGE

D.M…I.C..K…SIT..P…/ K….K.E…A.G.E

I.D. M.I..C.K…SIT…Please!/ K.K.E. A.G.E

“Devine -Divine Manifestor @
Delta Manor,
I.C Kolo,
ID Mi… The Third Note and the 3rd Planet from the Sun…
Chukwuemeka Kolo…
of the Full Circle Round of the Creations Praise…
Supreme Infinite Truth…
Supreme @ Istanbul Truth..
Kolo… meaning “The Prince, the Manly Warrior who Crossed the Milky Way of the Sources Reflections as the Full Circle represented by the Pale Moon…
( Ikemefuna Chukwuemeka Kolo)
manifest the Twins, the Mirror Reflection of the One the little dark one born on Saturday through the presence of the Twin-Doppelgamgers Kerwyn Vincent and Kwame-“K.K.” a,k,a
-Vincent Nnamdi Okonkwo Ezeufonna Ifennanna Nnaemeka

Si T
Yes! Truth
Sit Please, Planet P (Magnet planted in my locker)
E is Age…
Awareness as Graceful Expression
Golden Note of Expression which brings the Golden Dawn…
The Eternal Hero of the Golden Dawn- Zorro!

Having transformed the Note of Mi (AMI..Friend Amit Dhawan the
limitlessness, the boundless and Vast friend, the Sea and its twin-Doppleganger, the Sky, from the Yellow as fear- cowardice, by going where no being has ever gone before to evolve the “Yellow” Y of the Trinity 33 Father Son and Holy E-spirit, Mother Daughter and Beautiful pride.. 33 into the 6 and the 9..I…
And back into the Full Circle of I, and even going further back, by going forward into the Darkness for 27, years to retrieve the Sunshine State and the portal of 69..15…O…54. E.D…
O.E… Sacred Portal and True Existence of Eternity..
O.E.D Existence Divine…
Right up to My, Our..U.S…
Universe Supremes I.D…
By breaking down the Great Wall of “China” Forgeting..
That Thick thick wall of the Material Realm which become the Blackness of illusion of Memory forever lost…
But was Blindness “Cecilia”
Really the exploration of Ceacilia as number 6..
Sixth Sense as the Human Spirit, traveling through the illusion of
Time and Space.. But was really the Note of Fa and the Color Green.. To complete the process of transforming from a Species being an Idea- Pencil Drawn…
To become 6=F..A Fact Solid…
Through Feeling Sensational…

That is the completion of that equation of Anamla Qayin
as it literally played out in the Present- aligning in actual Time

8:00 p.m.

8:28 p.m..Edit

*This equation was only completed at 4:20 p.m today
With Lord Orien Laplante and I…
Where I saw the post at the moment I picked up my phone coincided with the exact moment and time he posted..
But I played the role of Expression-Naturalness while he posted Nature..
And proved my awareness and consciousness by “filling the Space” with Meaning -Words-which has a 4.7/8 publicly recorded back story going back 16 years ago, to my last Show in Istanbul Turkey…
By completing the post Naturally and without any Intention or Awareness at 5:11 p.m.

And thus, only this Date Today, Fits the Equation.

Hence completing the Equation of the Mirror reflection
E.G.A…511 K./P.T..C.I..M.D…

But only by first living and correcting a translation as an Igbo Code..
with Patrick Okolo M.D…

*E.G.A…5 11 K/P.T…C.I..M.D…

Represents the Past which was present….

And latter is the True Present but not necessarily the whole Truth…
It translates as, I Delta Manor I C (See) Kolo, the Prince, Manly Warrior’s Point, which is to Break Down the Great Wall of Age.
Future Passed… (Avoid Old Age Decay.. the Future every one has to look forward to)

-Sacred Portal 115- Shows the Breaking down the Wall of Age- to link to Immortality… Energy Sun…

And then after proving it, I had to transform it to
E.G.A..L.A..X.Y… Emeka Kolo..E.K…”Kolo” has the Point- Perfect Timing…. C.I..1O 11 ..Z..Beauty…
Going Home… not be Lost in Space

*It translates as, I.D…Infinity has been defined, Identified as well as the I.D of its embodiment, M.I…(AMI…) My Friend. The 3rd Note,
The color Yellow- transformed back into Gold. Falsely accused of cowardice for a non violent stance, he has moved the 3rd Planet from the Sun- The Earth to Evolve to its original intended Truth, by the Eternal Hero of the Golden Dawn..
Which was to Bring forth the Golden Dawn.

*(See Lord Orien Laplante’s post today which I shared)

Chukwuemeka Kolo,
(Not Clark Kent, didn’t you hear? Super Man is Dead… a new dude and his line in town).

T.P, True Point/Perfect Timing, Truths Perfection, K.E is K, the 1 1 (Emeka and Nna-Emeka/Nnamdi) are 1 and the same person from the 5th Dimension of Awareness Graces Expression… 175..17 5…Q.E…1 75 Awareness is Hindsight Foresight… See Sacred Portal 75…1-7-5.

7:00 p.m.

“… Red to Violet- Violet to Blue…. Do to Ti! to Sol…D.T.S
D.T.S.. is code D=4, T=20…4;20.. See the timing of both myself and Lord Orien Laplante, same time but I was Aware of the Meaning.
A.M…Because I posted the meaning, and gave the History of the First Coming HI-Story from Beginning to conclusion..
And completed it naturally and without intent or awareness apart from in Hindsight.. at 5:11 p.m.

I.E. G.A…511 P.T/K I.C ..M.D.. was what we just completed.
And since this is the “Past Present”- and is the opposite reflection of how the message was presented to me…
Thus, it is the Story of the Past, Light of the Universe from the past finally caught up with the Present.. and the True Beautiful Present…
Because the code was completed at 511..
And in the actual play at Delta Manor, it went backwards…
(@ B.R.C Room B..bed 49..49/94… .in 2015, Room A, bed 007 2016
Room 5 A..but never slept there before being moved to 3.A …K…B.A.C.(A) K…BACK BA C.K.. B.A.53 “A” K…
Apple Khan… Apple King.. The Big Apple)

Paul in bed 3005.. 35.. to his Twin brother Gerald.. P.-G…then to Kwame…Bed 33..P-G.K… G.K 7 11..Grant Kieth bed 53…
Kwame and Kerwyn Vincent… K.K… K.V..is 11 22.. the date of birth of both my Mother and David… M.D…Mother and Daughter… M.A.D….Cecilia David… Onu Nnamdi… C.D…O.N…Not Mad…
N.O.M.A.D..1999 my Email address on Hotmail…

Then Since this years is T.P…20 16…2016…36..36/63…9..I.
We know that D.M.I.C..K./T.P 115 AGE is the correct alignment of the Equation.. Because it manifested that was… Forwards by going Backwards…

And so that is the Completion of the Message Code
Mess A,G.E…S
The Mess of the Ages….

And the Money Code…

E=C Me 4/3….

8:38 p.m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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