
11/20/2016 22:09 – Facebook Post

Definition – What does Proof of Concept (POC) mean?

A proof of concept (POC) is a demonstration, the purpose of which is to verify that certain concepts or theories have the potential for real-world application. POC is therefore a prototype that is designed to determine feasibility, but does not represent deliverables.

Proof of concept is also known as proof of principle.

6:02 p.m.

62… 31/31…. *See Sacred Portal 31.
F.B…Fact Being…. Manifested the Body…
And “Being” is 6th Sense.


11-20-36…. K.T.C.F….

2-2O-9….22 9…V.I….31…C.A…

1-2O-9… 12O is I… See sacred Portal 120…
A.B.O.I…. A BOY…
/I.O.B.A…. I KING….
Room B bed 49…to Room A…007.

6:08 p.m. That was the time went Ezeufonna Ifennanna Nnaemeka sent me the code of the One Dollar Bill…

68… That is the year David Nicholas (Winged) Nnamdi was born,
It was also the Address I spent TEN years proving that it was the portal of the End of the Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix…
2 68 East 4th Street and its Generation X University.

David was born the same day as my Mother…Cecilia…
D.C.. 4 3..
7 Dollars.. 3 were given to me.. 4;3…
I already have the 4…Delta, Green and Fa…
“Dean Dunkwu, Dean Rodd Dewight Smith”

Which links to Kerwyn Vincent K.V… K=11th Letter, V=22nd…
V also 5 in Roman numerals…

David is David Roman Nicholas…
Kerwyn is Kerwyn Rawles Vincent…

Hence, K=11…22…5…11…22…
Emeka Kolo Victor..

Room 5.C..Bed 22… E.C.V… E Proof of Concept…
E’s Curriculum Vitae…

E’s Proof of Concept
“A term a pretty lady sharing my tables, just asked me if I knew about what they ask for in America when they wish to invest in you….
I had no idea…
But a well dressed man sitting on a table provided the term..

Prove of Concept…


Yes, this is what this Face Book play has all been about…
Especially the last few years.

As most are aware, I have been speaking Telepathically with my family since I was in my mothers womb.
The Tele (Tele Vision) Path way is through E.S.P..
Which I obviously, had to prove to this reality who claim such people as being Mad Insane…
Made In Sane… Soa..
Which is why I had such reluctance, then outrage at this Face Book Play…
And the ones in the Shadows, sensed but vastly “Unseen” Ancestors who many had transformed into Evil Spirits- tormented me through out this “Mission-Journey” with Insanity…
Seeking to Prove and Drive me insane because of my refusal to give up on the Beautiful Truth of the Evolved beings.

6:31 p.m.
Linked to Patrick Okolo P.O…who contacted me..Chukwuemeka today…
6:31 a.m… Was the third and only message I saw from Ikem (Doctor Professor Okolo)…

Shari….Ah that is the name of the lovely lady sitting right in front of me, “Proof of Concept”
She asked me yet another question, and I knew…
Then she saw my body move.. and without flinching said,
“Need to stretch…?” But she said

And then she began to speak… and I knew it was Noni Promise “Teacher of Light and Clara Star Child… Devi and Nnamdi” line…

See Sacred Portal 76 is the

She spoke and we conversed, just as I had spoken and conversed yesterday to my astonishment with Kerwyn Vincent…
because, I have refused to do the “Work” that work I had been doing for the last 15 years, with every person whom I met…
Speaking fighting through the Mask and Beings of Stone, to reach the E line of the Individual…

And it drained me, was my greatest torment… Explaining, just as I have done on Face Book non stop.

Yesterday when I had come back to see Kerwyn V standing there, apart of me groaned. Nothing against him but this work.. I have been seeking to walk away from has pulled me back into it…

And when he began playing music, I wanted to stop him, but he was so full of the Joy of the Being… that I listened and knew that my body would be activated, stimulated, Impulsed… Made aware…
And I was tired, for I have never lived any other place but the 5th Dimension and have been in Telepathic Contact- always…
And had to move it to fact..
Even to this most insulting Last Portal.. 27 years.. 41 years,
48 years…. To reach Kerwyn Vincent age code 49…
To get not only my 94..I.D… but to reach the portal of Existential Death…

And he played Father come Down… and I wanted to cry out no, not fair, Not here, Not here…!

I had watched him as I worked… It was not that difficult with him, but I was tired and indifferent to this play and it was only the Being of Kerwyn before me, and what he represents and had endured in his life, which mad me do it..
And he was beautiful, quick as I we danced and I moved him from the language of Jah back to his E line character,called Gravity.. Literally Gravity, Current, Electricity, and he rose, quickly.

8:00 p.m.

As I spoke, non stop, multi-dimensionally but so quickly, that even he recognized the speed beyond light, thought….
And so we rose…

And when it was finished, I saw the indention…
FACT and he had already written that on my page just moments before..

And so, to Shari… Who looks like Shari Belafonte, ( Bella Fonte Beautiful Fountain.. M.ED..USA… Chrysaor Pegasus Bellerphone!) -began to do the work, the same work to my amazement that I did the night before..
Which had brought forth such an exhaustion that I could not, did not, get from the bed…
My head was pounding, and the pressure of the last 27 years of non stop moving Racing through Existence..
Dance Madison Canaan…!

And so, I found myself after the intensity of the play yesterday..
And my having 25 cents, in my pocket…
Led me to the fatigue which I said to myself, I have had it with this play….

Ezeufonna Ifennanna Nnaemeka..E.I.N…Contacted me to tell me that he could not send me anything in what I had supposed was the last of the Money Code play…
But it wasn’t.
Too tired to even care, the exhaustion had taken over and it was so much that I briefly wondered if I would be able to be revived and what it would mean if they end up taking me to the hospital.
I had received impeccable codes from Dawn Piercy of credentials code all aligned to the family of Ten, evolving to the E line…

And extrait from her text…

Dawn Piercy-

“I was born in Phoenix, AZ
7:02 am 16th St #6 zip 85016
To mother of sacred holy royal bloodline of david. Mother born 8-8-35
Fairies in accidental photo I took”

(The Image was not a fairy to me, it was a blue Ship of motion from the 5th Dimension…)

Dawn Piercy… D.P… 4 16….
My company name is thunders reign…my past/passed away ex husband mw Matthew whiteface born 425 I also looked at the time at 420″

There was more, but I replied that yes that she was Portal, and Key but she is reflecting me.. As well as her line…
I am the K.E.Y… (25 cents)….G…E…K….
And so, I do not know why but at 1:05 p.m…
I contacted Dawn without really thinking, more like “Being Automatic”
I did something I normally never do, I requested a contribution gift from Dawn….
Then suddenly, I saw a message from Sarah Nkem Blackstock saying I had called her by mistake… for 34 secs…
And then at 7:54 she had texted me “Can I ask”
At 12:55 L.EE..
I texted her also asking for a donation.

It took my state of exhaustion to do this….
But as I texted her, a clarity came to me..
I had posted about my Beautiful Pride on Nikolay Krusser posts of the VI O LIN..E..
And sang my song from a place, which surprised me as it poured out…
And now, I was asking these two Sister Ladies for a Gift code…
And suddenly, I understood that it was the completion of the play of Money Code.. M.C…
And then I realized with a groan even as I lay in bed, that it was a code…
Dawn and Sarah D.S…
4;19…Robert O Sullivan Emeka… 9 months to the day at Donna O’Sullivan and Jonn Blackwell home… I left on her Fathers Birthday…
And had gone through the code of Jonn’s mother Elizabeth- the portal of 6th sense the day, I had arrived.

Sarah offered to send a Money Gram, and Dawn wished to send a special gift…

M.G was the serial number on the Ten Dollar bill, U.S.D…

QQ Two Q’s (17 17…34…C.D..43…!)
F 69 98 8 77 4…. 63 98..8..77 3..A
Code F.A…

Then at 1:44 p.m (144 Ascended Masters A,M.. 12×12..)
immediately after I had confirmed with Sarah…
Patrick Okolo texted me with the message that he had sent me 150;00 u.s.d…
15…Sacred Portal 15… “Jolly Green Light Giant”
15=letter O…

At 2:06 p.m…
26 Z… Z-ion.

he sent his the tracking number..
69 18 93 38 99…!

69..R…(Robert) I.C…C.H…(Consciousness Harmony) 99..Sacred Portal 99.. “Victorious out of the Virus in the Human Consciousness)

I simply got up and went to Dewight Smith…
And went to get the code…

I understood, that it was my Beautiful Pride within me had moved me to ask for the first time, a Face Book Friend, instead as I had waited for them to offer through out the years..
But that it was the completion of the Money Code!

And so, I knew it, and had someone to share it with… the victory, who understood the meaning of the Money Code..
Which is the 15.7-8…8 years of obeying the play of Harmony of not interfering with the play of Harmony by my doing things that are the natural way to get money..
Instead I had to let it come, and let everything play out…
for 15.8 years… O.H….
E, Patrick O.H… E.P.O.H… Hope…
A new Epoch…

Proof of Concept…

And so, I conversed with Shari and found myself giving her proof of Concept and watched as her eyes and Espirit spoke for her, through her, answering he questions even as she asked them..
And I told her about how the Evolution Awakening would manifest…
And she spoke of how she investigates facts and is a public speaker….
There was so much to both conversation…
Kerwyn and Shari…

S.K… Which was yesterdays date… 19-11… Which was yesterdays date… S.K.I… Which links to sacred portal “Royal Epiphany…”
And to K.S.. S.I.T…!

and then the numbr 97 appeared.
9:07 p,m
See sacred portal 97.. I indicated to her the number had arrived and told her its meaning…

Both represent Music. Harmony which is 100% of the Brain…


9:08 p.m.
Diamond Hearing…
9:09 p.m.
99.. Victory… See sacred portals…

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